The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, December 23, 1920, Image 3

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ItloniiiK Up of Dam Across Mountain
('nti)oii n Itcmnrknblo l'Vt of
In "Tho Sagobrusher," tho photo
play of tho famous Emerson Hough
"host-sollor," Uonjamln D. Hampton,
tho now koiiIub of motion ptcturo
production, has nddod nnotlior to
IiIh long list of technical triumphs
Ono lncldont In tho poworful W. W.
Hodklimon roloasa shows a mighty
nam across a mountain canyon
blown up, flooding tho canon and
washing away a wholo sottlaniont bo
low It This was n straight teat of
ongjnecrlng and motion plcturo gon
crlilshlp. A forest flro, Is nnotlior thrilling
oloment of tho Btory Whllo tho flro
that raged In tho Slorrn Madres dur
ing tho month of Soptembor, ono of
tho most dcstructlvo conflagntlons
ovor recorded In tho rango, was us
ed ill most of tho forest flro scenes
of tho play, nn artificial forost had
to bo built for ono sceno that In tho
plcturo lasts but a fow soconds a
mcro flash.
In tho huRo scopo of this technical
work, nnd down to tho smallest do
tails of perfection In costume, sot
ting, lighting and photography, "Tho
8agobrushcr" Is n stop ahead of Its
day. It wan filmed In California and
Montana, with a cast of star players,
including Hoy Stewart, Noah Ilcory,
Murguorlto Do La Motto, Hetty Urico
nnd Arthur Morrison, in tho principal
rolos, ,
Edward Blomon. n cclobrntod dra
matic artist and dlroctor of both tho
spooking nnd tho shadow stage, di
me tod "Tho SaKobrushor." Crodlt for
tho beautiful photography bolongs
to John Bolts and his sub-camera
nrtlet, Clark llond. And Emerson
Hough, tho famous author, person
ally co-oporotod In tho production of
his novol "Tho Sngobrushor", DonJ
I' Hampton's second Qront Author s
tir. iliicllon. comos to tho Majestic
Theatro, Sunday nnd Monday,
c mlior 20 and 27.
IM AJ ESTIC Presents
Torn Mix in
Continuously from 2:00 P. M. to 11:00 P. M.
mix now woxnr.iti'ri.
m:ai' in new I'irruHE
Tom Mix, In nil his daring curoor
on and off tho scroon, has ilono fow
mora dangeVous thlngH than tho
jump ho mado from u brtdgo to a
window In filming ono of tho epi
sodes of "Desert I.ovo," tho Pox plc
turo, schndiilod for tho Majostlc
Thoatro Xnias dny.
Tho story roqulrcd Tom Mix to
follow tho villain to nn old stamp
mill, long nbandonod by tho miners
and now tho rendezvous rf tho gang
of cattlo rustiors to which tho vil
lain boiongod Tho horolno, played
with it rout rharm liv MUn rraiicolln
H'llliiRton, Is in tho hands of tho
Tho I'X stur hoars tho cries of
tho girl Issuing from tho topVoni
of tho mill. Tho only way ho enn
ontor is to Jump from n broken rail
road track that ouco had lod Into,
tho window but now was cut off
about tlftoon foot away. Ilolow was
n drop of fifty 'foot, tho track bo
Ing olovnted on a. wooden bridge.
Mix ran nlong tho ties and mado tho
long loap to tho window.
Tom Mix woro his regular cow
boy outfit, which mado tho difficult
stunt moro difficult Ho had to
Jump with unusual forco In ordor
to break through tho window framu
us woll as tho gluss Had ho mini
mi tho window or failed to crash
through, ho would Imvo fallon to
tho rocks bolow.
H OrmZ if if
iim mOT1
-s 1 - WFvf- Ji--
- , ?w-
Thursday, Dec. 2U
Host Man Korrlgan
Two rool comedy ,
Friday, Decombor 24
1. 11 I.n I.ucllo Moran and loons
Two reel comedy
Saturday. Decombor 25
Dosert Kovo Tom Mix
Two Itool Comody
Vanishing Daggor
Sunday nnd Monday, Doc 20 nnd 27
Tho Sagohrushor. . .Hoy Stowart nnd
nn all Star cast
Two Heel Comedy
Tuesday, Doc 28,
Dangorous Wutorn
William Desmond
Lightening llryco Last Kplsodo
Wednesday, Dee 29
Hold In Trust May Allison
Mghtonlng llryco Last Episode
MAX' AM.IHON aonaix)UHf,Y
Many a shop girl might woll envy
tho ono played by May Allison In
hor forth-coming Metrn production,
"Held In Trust," an adaptation 0t
aoorgo Klbbo Turn 's story -which
ran sorlally In Tho Hed Hook Mai
nline. It shows JVodnosday, Docom
bor 29, at tho Majostlo Theatro.
Suddenly lifted by strango circum
stances out of her sordid surround
ings, away from her cheap Borgo
suits, Ilat-Uoelod shoes and twenty
cent lunches Into an ologantly fur
nished homo, with servants, limou
sines, .attractive gowns and every
luxury that money can buy, consti
tutfttf the Interesting role portrayed
"by tho Metro star,
Tho screen vorslon of "Ea La Lu
cllo," tho nroadway musical comedy stnrrine tho nonular team of Ed
die Lyons and Lee Moron, will be
heartily onjoyod by tho audience at
the Majestic Theatre Friday night
whore It -will bo shown for tho first
tlmo. Tho favorite comedians do
not ovorlook a chanco for creating
laughter, and tho Btory provides
them with ondless bpportunltles. The
story Is about a young man who
fiia in inv with nn d marries a
young girl who is appearing In her
fathers juggling nci 111 mumi h
His wealthy maldon nuut Is shocked
i Hi 0 match and decides to forget
him In her will unless ho gives up
Ms brldo Sho then has her lawyer
nnnri imr dead, leaving a will be
queathing hor fortune to her nephew
If ho will divorce his wife The
situations encountered whllo the
young couple seek to create evidence
sufficient for a divorce so that they
may collect the" legacy and re-marry,
koep tho audience In constant laugh
When the latest production of J
Warren Kerrigan, "The- Best Man
come to the Majestic Theatre on
Thursday. December 23, "Movie
Fan" will bo given the opportunity of
seeing Mr Kerrigan in the kind of
play that best suits this well-known
actor The plot, unique In Its many
Complicated situations, moves with
oulck changes from one scene to an
other that the attention of the audl
enco will be held between mingled
suspense and admiration for the
dashing secret service agent, played
by Mr. Kerrigan, as he extricates
himself from one tight place to find
be has fallen Into another moro menacing.
It Is rathor bard to understand why Loo Moran and Tnn Cornwall
aro so porturbod.
It doesn't soom that Eddlo Lyons, his pal, and Gladys Walton aro do
ing anything very torrlblo. Perhaps wo aro not In on tho know.
Hut thon, oh, torrlblo thought, moybo Eddlo and Loo have tholrwlvos
mlXOd. .,, . .maybo Qladys bolOUBS to Loo anil dnlntv Ann (n Rilitln. nr
maybo oh, what' tho uso. Lot's boo "La La Lucllo" at tho Ma
jostlc Theatro and find out. Friday Docomber 24.
to have those
We can save you money on
Established here in 1910
MIshos Kettlo Ilarsho and Mary
Ilaby of tho Oregon Slopo vis ted
Saturday nnd Sundny with their sis
ters, Misses Lena Ilarsho and I'urdy
Ilaby who aro students In tho On
tario High school.
Tho young lady clnssinutos of
Miss Mildred Frost, a studout In tho
Sonlor class" of Ontario High school,!
Kivo hor a surprlso party last Frl-
John Dumpliy was hero from Nam
pa tlio first of tho weok.
day ovonlng In honor of hor soven
toenth birthday.
Miss Volla Cronln arrived today
from hor school at Crowley to spend
tho Holiday season In Ontario with
her paronts.
Frank Dormau, Altretta Sago, and
Dill niackaby students at tho Ore
gon Stnto Unlvorslty aro homo for
tho Christmas Holidays,
O. A, C. studonts home for Holi
day vacation aro Dry an Neob, Eldou
Madden, Viola Husted, Arthur Cochl
rum and Amy Canflold.
' J
FOR SALE Two used pianos lu
splendid condition, l'rlco and terms
vory reasonable. Seo Mr. Smith at
McDowell Furnlturo Co. 8G0-3 I'd
FOIID TRUCK Almost new
trado for lots. Ed Helghtsman
8493-1 Pd
Splendid Music Coming
Alexander Trio on Third N.jrat
of Chautauqua Festival
uLH S ,'liaiaHBP' iitk.,. vT isViiiiiiB
Mr :tKKkh -ISP -" iulH
Woon Young Chun Speaks on Second
Night of Chautauqua Festival
The coming of Woon Young Chun, a
brilliant young Chinese lecturer, on
the second night of tho Chautauqua
Festival Is a lecture event of cardluul
Importance. Mr Chun has spent the
last summer In China at the head of a
Tuesday, Dec. 28
A musical company that will delight you from the beginning to the end
of their concert Is slated for the third night of tho Chautauqua Festival
It Is the Alexander Trio throe real artists who play all sorts of musical
Instruments and play them all with real artistry. They are well known In
the Middle West as an organization that makes good in every appearance
They present piano, guitar, violin, saxophone, mellophono and vocal solos with
duet and trio combination of every conceivable kind. '
, VH 2
sclentlflo expedition for Harvard Uni
versity and he returns with a lecturo
Of gripping Interest on the Chlneso
Japanese situation. He will have tho
first hand facts about Shantung, and
a story of real Informational talue on
the internal conditions In his own
Sunday and Monday
December 26 & 27