The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, December 23, 1920, Image 2

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. 6-'
CUljr utarin Argun
An Independent cwpnper
1'ubllBhcil Thunulnyn nt Ontario,
Oregon, nnd ontored nt tlio Ontario
post offlco (or distribution at 2nd
class matter.
O. K, Alkon, Mannglng Editor
SUUSCUII'TION Ono Ysar, J 2.00
!! 'ttiv m 'jf'"Ttr
a niaii out
Ono of tlio finest gifts of which
wo hnvo hrnrd being given at this
Christmas season was Hint of a
child's life This gift was mado by
an Ontario man, nnd this Is how ho
did it: I!p gavo his wlfo $10 to
subscribe to fund for tbn rellof of
tho starving Europoan Children.
That' child's llfo Is hor Christmas
Q I ft.
Think of It. Tho gift of n llfo.
Could thora bo any gift, savo that
which Tho Master described when
ho said:
"Orratcr lovo hath no man than
this, that a mnn lay down his llfo for
his friend." ,
Next to that supremo gift, It
soomn to UK, Is tho gift of continued
llfo to those starving chlldron.
If thoso chlldron wcro near nt
hand, say In Idaho or Washington,
wo, mon and women, and chlldron
too, of Oregon would bo striving
ovory day to glvo thorn more than
Just ono bowl of soup. Wo would
bo sending clothes and anything also
thoy might need to rollove tholr
Tlio they nro far away, the ttareo
and n half million starving child
ren of Europo aro Just as real as
though thoy woro In our own land
Thoy neod our help Just as urgently
Tho call roaches us now, nnd with
othor Americans, Oregonlani will
answor It. i
end of n gtvon time Mainour county
wilt havo a comprehcnslxa system,
Wo bcllovo that such n, program Is
posstblo, and it is worthy of tho
study of tho County court, nnd wa
know will rccolvo sorlous consldor
ntlon from that body.
ai . L.i
Sam Kosor, socrotnry of tho stato
for Oregon, linn Inaugurated n move
ment that should result In groat good
for tho western states. Mr. Koser
proposes that Oregon, Washington,
Idaho and California enact uniform
nutomobllo laws.
It so happens that tho nutos of
nil of tho Htntcs, bordering on Oro
gun usa tho ronds of this stato n
groat deal. In this section many
Idaho cars oporato continuously,
whllo Oregon cars oporato Just ns ox
tonslvoly In Idnho, Along tho Col
umbia rlvor, Washington cars cross
to Oregon every day, "whllo on tho
southern border tho California li
cense) plato Is by no moans n stran
gor. Tho uso of nutos, tho dlstnnco tra
versed by touring cars nnd trucks
Increaso tho need for uniform laws.
This Is particularly truo In tho enso
of trucks, which havo becomo tho
greatest enemies of good roads.
Tho othor dny ovor on Dead Ox
Flat tho writer saw n truck, appar
ently overloaded, plowing thru tho
mud. It was throwing dirt nnd dig
ging ruts In tho road nt n rate al
most beyond Immaglnntlon. Mnl
hour county Is going to pay n grca't
deal for that ono trip that truck
mado; nnd that truck carried nn Idn
ho llconso.
No doubt Oregon trucks nro dnJng
tho samo thing ovory day ovor In
Idnho. Wo nro cortnln that lit tho
case for wo hoard an Oregon truck
driver, whoso truck Is ratod at two
and a half tons, dcclaro ho could
with his trailer enrry six tons. Wo
havo hoard slnco that ho boasted of
bringing eight tons from IJoIbo to
What docs this moan? It means
that ronds built with tho llconso
funds of thounnds nt n'lcnsuro cars
aro being torn up by a comparative
ly fow truck drlvorB who pay but a
small fraction of tho costs of tho
highway. It Is absolutely unfair.
Tho truck men nro nsklng tho nvor
ngo nuto owner to mnlntnln a rlght-of-wny
for thorn, for which thoy pay
practically nothing.
Whllo tho secretaries of states aro
about It, thoy should ask tho leglsla
turo to compoll tho Installation of
scales at convenient points in ovory
county, in ovcry town, If nocd bo,
and boforo n truck drlvor loaves to
travel over n stato highway ho socuro
a weight from an official weight
mas tor. Unless somo such schoma
Is adoptod tho stato of Oregon, and
Its ulster statos will soon tlnd that
tho vast sums expended on high
ways hns been wnstod.
Among many publications which
this yoar prcsontod tholr rcador with
special editions espoctnl mention
should bo given tho Mldvnlo Itoport
or, from Mldvnlo, In Wnshlngton
county, Idnho. Tho Mldvnlo Is not
n Inrgo town, Its publisher, Ocorgo
Hochestor last weok ftont forth 30
beautifully Illustrated pages of the
possibilities of that community and
tho surrounding country,
Not to bo out dono by Mldvnlo,
tho Wotscr Signal contributed n
hnndsomo 24 pngo edition tolling of
tho opportunities of tho metropolis
of Washington county. Many con
tributors ntded In limiting tbo Issue
ono of which tho Signal forco mav
well bo proud.
Doth tho Blgnal and tho Iloportor
woro gonorously supported by tho
business men of tholr communities
and pleasing ndvnrtlsomonts were
conspicuous In both editions.
Whllo wo nro answering- tho np
ponl for tho noody of Europo of
co ii tbo wo should not forget, nor will
wo forpo, tbo" who need our .holp
this ChrlBtmns tlmo horo nt home.
Fortunately wo havo comparative
ly fow of tliOHO who aro In dlro need
That wo havo somo thoro Is no doubt
but wo must remember them.
- t--4-tt-tt-iit
' '" .-: A
"Pernianent as the Pyramids'
Deputy Stnto Oamo Warden I n
Hnioltlno has, It Is ovldont tnkon
tbo right courso In his offorts to
proiorvo tho gnmo of Mainour coun
ty, tho It will tako tlmo to fully
demonstrate this to bo tho caso.
' Wo havo faith, howovor, In tbo
mon of Malheur county, knowing
thorn nt wo do, nnd wo slncoroly bc
llovo that tholr honor having been
appealed to In a manly way thoy will
respond In Just nn manly nnd sports
manlike mnnnor.
Out of tho mooting hold nt tbn
City Hall last Friday evening thoro
has bcon n greater ovtdonco of pur
pose to Accomplish results than has
boon shown by nny meeting in rncont
months. Not slnco tho days of wnr
drives, whon tho pntrlotlsm of tho
gathering was appealed to, has tholr
been such a purposo manifested ns
that ovldonced by tho mon who gath
ered to organtio a gamo association
In fnct tho mooting wns a regulnr
rnvlvnt In sportsmanship. It resem
bled tho old fashioned religious ro
vlvnls by opening with n tostlmonlnl
mooting that apparently wns good
for tho souls of tho pnrtlclpnnts, and
enlightening to tho visiting officials
Tho numbor of mon who admlttod
tholr sins of unsportsmanlike com
mission woro many nnd tholr
pledges of a change of heart equally
With this purposo ovldont nt tho
mooting, nnd slnco ropoatod many
times by tbu mon who woro presont,
Malheur county la going to havo a
band of sportsmen who aro going to
co-opornto with tho officials to neo
that tho gamo nnd fish ot this re
gion nro perpetuated; that the gume
bog shull becomo extinct, nnd that
hu who plays tho gamo fairly nnd
honorably will not bo ponnlUed for
hU sportsmanship.
Hoot of all thoy are going to In
corporate In tholr plans means of
aiding tho ranchors or tho predatory
unlmals. In other words thoy nro
going to co-oporuto with tho mon In
whoso fields tho gamo birds Ilvo for
tbo mutual ndvuntage of both. No
object could bo moro worthy and to
tho success of tho movomont, nil
good sportsmon nnd others who havo
only tho Interests ot the ontlre com
munity at heart will gladly sub
B aWL Mm
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Christmas ! !
the gift selected?
Let that all important gift be a
Cheney or Cremona
two of the most wonderful talking
machines. One of these would be
' the most fitting present for anyone's
Give one of these and you are sure
of giving purest delight and happiness
Where will you find another such
token of all that is meant, by
Christmas and Chrisimas gifts?
A small payment down and balance .
on terms. Twelve records free with
each instrument.
Concroto is tho Foundation of all Formanont
If You Aro Building For Pormananco Uso Concroto
Concroto Irrigation Pipe
Concroto Drainage Pipe
Concroto Foundations
Our plant is equipped with modern-machinery, our
methods of Manufacture are thoso gained thru years
of experience, our lahor is skilled, our product is the C
best obtainable. You get tho benefit of every pound
of cement used.
Ask Satisfied Customers
The test of any product is its sorvire. Our concrete
pipe hns been used in many of the biggest and best
drainage and irrigation systems in this secton. Ask
for information, let us refer you to those who have
used our product.
Wo will gladly furnish you estimates on your con
templated improvements.
Ontario Concrete Pipe Co.
C. E. BINGHAM, I resident
Ontario, - Oregon .
KMiw!nMiMxsi3r.xca3uuraiu3r'utwjf r ra-tr.
At Christmas time wo lay by tho tools of
labor and relax in the pleasant spirit of good
will, giving full rein to our fnipst feelings, re
newing the bonds of friendship in tho .excllange
of gifts and greetings.
May this Merry Christmas time repay you
in cheer for the long efforts of the year, and
may your good friends be many. . v
, X
i .4
AL CHANCE, Sales Mgr. Ontario Yard
mni.n ran rKnaiANRXCH
Next yoar Malheur county will
have tho largest road fund In many
yoars. This Is the result, not ot tho
plan of tbo county court but of a
wlso law which the legislature pass
ed a fow yoars ago compelling tho
levying of a tlvo mill tax for high
ways. Whllo tbo sum which the county
Is to ratsp Is not sufficient to meet
tho noeds of tho county for good
roads to ovory section, It Is of such
proportions that If oxponded on a
doflnlto program, will in say five
yoars secure the construction of good
roads to all sections.
With tbo stnto highways as a
skoloton, nnd thoy aro but n skolo
ton of tbo" highways needed In this
vast county, a definite program
should bo laid out covering expen
ditures for u number of years, Juit
as tho Btato highway commission
works on Its program, so that at the
..iMr.T.7i5zzz: n
Yvl kAA--- " '
Condensed Report of
As Mado to the Comptroller of the Currency at the close of
Business November 15th, 1920
Cipltsl i 10,000.10
Surplus and Front 66,455.25
Circulation 13,500.00
Federal Ileierve DanV on
U." 8. Troasury Cer
tificates 20,000.00
l.n and Discounts ?ST,Ml.tS
Overdrafts 778. !
Donds and Warrants 141,
Banking Houm and
rixtures J,0IM
OAS 14,1S7.S4
t3t,7tt,St ll!,7:t.20
"Known For Its Strength and Stability"
A'-I' -Of
tf ii ' .
v C It requires Specialists
'? tocan the SUN-KIST kind
For sale at all good grocers