The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, December 23, 1920, Image 1

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NO. 3
i .
act to nis enacted nv SPEC
I, 10131.
liiHtorn' lloprcscntutlvcs Impressed
Willi IUmiKh Ho I'm Attained In
WcNt Hn)H 1. J. Gallagher
JtiNt I link l'Voiu Wnsli-
liiKton 1), 0.
That tho Bndlh-Flotchor hill,
which will In effect bo a now declar
ation of tliu policy of tho Unltod
Btntos Government toward rcclntna
tlon work has a very favorablo
chanco of panning tho special sostlnn
of Congress which will convono on
March 4, 1021, Is tho botlof of 1. J.
Gnllaghor of this city who roUtmed
Monday ovontng from Washington,
1). 0. where lie wont In tho Intorest
of tho reclamation projects of this
"It Is not bo to dented," said Mr.
Gallagher "Hint thoro Is a very docld
od nttltudo In favor of reclamation
of arid western lands on tho part of
Icadors, especially In tho llousa of
"With Senator C. M. McNary, Ilo
prexentatlvo N. J. 8lnnott, and other
Oregon men I attended conferences
with Thomas llarton l'ayno, socro
tary of tho Intorlor, Iloprosontotlvo
Jamos Oood, of tho Ilnuso appropri
ations eommUteo and othors and
found that Cougross Is roady to act
on tho Smith-Fictchur bill nnd othor
monsures contemplated In tho West
ern Btntos program.
"Tho dlvorslon of ilG.000,000
from tho o"l loaslng bill to tho re
clamation fund mnkos It possible for
work not otherwise contemplated by
tho department,
"Aside from this, however, tho
gonornl plan of tho Wostorn States
Reclamation Congress which was
callod nt tho Instance of (lov. Davis
of Idaho In In vory good shape. A
groat deal of nccoBsary preliminary
Twrk bus been dono so- tluiMho ljid
ors 'n Congress aro fully advised as
to tho scopo of tho plans for tho Ir
rigation of wostorn lands, and menus
whereby tho plans aro to bo fin
anced. This Is tho Important th ng
so for as tho Interests of reclamation
projocts In tho west aro concornod.
Oregon i-rouiiui-ui
Mr. uanagnor n so n y '"":
tunlty or seeing inu cuniviamu .
MtJto&SLS"'? B1S
lereuco in
oners and
action In
Washington and bring back the good
n0n,Ml5f PnSLnr Horto'rt NuiS
dlo, Chlof Kng'noor Herbert Nunn,
nnd Louis J. Hean. tho next speaker
of tho Oregon House of reprosonta-
uves wuru iu i" " -
"The Oregotf 'lie K"" ""
promlnont part." snld Mr. Oaliagiior.
-Thoy Practically organ zed ( " con-,lno
fnrnnrn nnil IhrOURII tllOIr ACtlVlty SO-
cured action which Insures tho do-1
font of tho Towusond hill, which
" "'LC J!i,B ,u' """I
ont program of foaorni nia. ...found on tho roof of tho hotol kltch-
"In lien of tro Townseml .toll 1 the Jun Jt haa png)lod throUBh tho Jam,,
rnnrruiif7j bdlu uu ntv mmv....o
Congrosstonnl loodors for tho Cham-
Imrlnln hill, which Was burlod In tllO
Sonnte cmmltteo of which Senator
Townsond Is tho chnlrmnn. A du
plicate of the Chamborlaln bill was
securod. nnd Introduced In tho Houso
by Representative MeArthur of Ore
gon, roforred to the HousoCommlt
tee of Post Offlco nnd Post Itoads
nnd favorably reported out of that
coir.mltteo last Wednesday. It Is
prfictlcnlly assured of passage In
tl(o House at this session and In tho
ionato as woll.
, m' "This bill provldos for the appro
priation of one hundred million per
year for four yoars nnd means thojrowaa th6 BU ,,0 U80d on the day
corojiivnun " ""n""' Th i, v
gram, ns outunea oy mu ihkuwu
Illueblnl Orllli Ontario Prcsnry nnd
McDowell's Furniture Storo Injur-
ih! lly lUuzo Started In
Grill Kitchen
Fire destroyed tho Bluebird Grill,
practically ruined tho Ontario Mod
ern Pressarv, and seriously damaged
the stock of the McDowell Furniture
store nt 1:30 this morning The to
tal lois to the three concerns will
run Into several thousand dollars.
The flro started In tho Dlueblrd
I. nil..., .nil snrnnd to tllO adjoining
stores running ln tho rafters of the
roof, The firemen fortunntely con
trolled the blare nnd savod the en
tire, block which was threatened with
destruction. Tho loss to each of tho
owners was partially covered by In
surance. Mrs. W S. Allen fs seriously III nt
tho homo of her son, Hugh Allen.
C. n. Sequjne la quite 111 with an
attack of neuralgia.
oiiu.s fhiendly club vohmed '
Last Tuesday night at Uio homo ,
of Mrs. W. L. Turhor a number of
Ontario business pfrls mot ami an!
orgnnlxntlon was formed cnllcd Tho
Mlt.1.1 t.lnil.11. ttnklA... n.1.1 ...III !
ii t. it-- T' if.:.m;.. ..I u!
cluba which thoyhnvo In other townn
ror tno purnoso bt getting ncaualnt-
uu nil 10 proviua somciiung 01 siuuy
-.1 . ." ...... 1 ."...."- -. - ... '
and pleasure and somo Boclnl onjoy-
mont ovory woo
Somo study or work Interesting
ana instructive Iwill bo tnkon up.
Tho first clniin frag organized for tlio
study of photography.
A number of tho women of On
tario havo opinod tholr homes for
Itheso mootings; nnd will help them In
tho classes, nijd tho work that thoy
The noxt meeting will bo at tho
homo of Mrs. II. II. Whitney, Jan
uary 4th.
IU'nldciit Hero For Venn Ends Life
Follimlnir Domestic Troubles nnd
Difficulties With I'ollro Had
Just Kctiirncd
II. M Moss, bettor known horo as,
"Dick" Moss ended his llfo about
4:30 last Friday afternoon, In tho
hall nt tho Carter House. Ilroodlng
over difficulties with tho pollco nnd
tho fact that his wlfo had left him
bocauso of oxcosslvo drinking was be
hocausoof oxcosslvo drinking was m; -
loved to bo the cause of tho rash I
Moss had roturnod but tho
wook previous! from a visit with his
parents at EufAlo, Oklahoma, wlionco
ho had fled somo tlmo provlous fol
lowing nn eplsodo ho hnd with Night
Marshal J. H. Oordon. At thnt tlmo,
while under tho tnflunnce of liquor, i
Moss nttncKou tno niorsnni on mo
street with n shot gun and threaten
ed his life. Tho Marshal succeoded
In talking him out of his Intention,
and got him to go homo. Tho noxt
day ho was arrested and placed un-
dor bond for nppoaranco ni n inior
dato. Ho then Jumpod his ball and
forfeited It. In tho meantime hi,
mnttor was .prosented to tho grand
Jiry nnd an Indictment roiurnou
ry nna an inoictinoni - Ontario Commercial club for Its us
On h' return to Ontario lait wcok ,",";" ' , .1.,.,r.,i n,n fimt livo-
ho was tried by Judge C. M. 8len.rns.
who did not know of tho Indictment,
and fined 2G0, of which $100 was
remitted nnd Moss paid $B0 nnd was
to havo secured tho balance.
Tho afternoon of Ills ncatii no was
'tll,fcln - , Mnr,hni aordon. his form
- - . w fl Cooioy ani two
'ShKlSS 2' the aC VcT'of 'the
""""".", .!.. -.i ..
hot A. f hotof to
nv0 l,,om olMwhere. While tho
talking Moss said:
Br0P 7o ,.ack a mlnuto", nnd
WBn ", Zo, going to the
socona floor. A luomont later tno
he hotel heard a shot and rushed
i . UUi,jnK
o nuiiai rf
, ' . ., mi.- ...! r.nm llm
"oorway , r"V,;i hid
j0d ,7i, rght onr nnd enrao out
about tho loft oar. . Tho bullet was
nf tlin linll door.
Had Moss not succooiiou in nis at
tempt at self destruction with tho
first bullet, ho would havo failed
with that rovolvor for the 'gun Jam
mod with the first shot.
IKhhI Premeditated
W. S. Cooioy, formorly Mr. Mos
partner tostlfled to tho finding of a
note In Mr. Moss" room on the dav
following tho sulcldo. This note
which left Instructions to wlro his
sisters In Oklahoma and gave tholr
,i,ir ni.apu which Indicated to tho
Jury that tho act was premeditated.
rurtner oviuencu ui w "
adduced from tho fact mm no our
of the shooting, ine gun, uio inu
;P';r..ffinr taken proved
conclusively that Mo.', was alone In
the Ontar o PI armacy was borrowed tjroKen .aai niBin. "" " 7' jinftkng limit two male birds only In With the election of officer- for w granted ball. When t e i nciir
i?J Tm? iialVton by Everett Staples, I down to tho ft "Inner session ui , ,(, cpmllg yoar ttIlrt ,llolr stnlln-'B wns over nnd Mr. 8wnglor was
ntThe reque t of KiiwboW Ron,h"r.11 SnS,?nled by M?s Her Advance sago hen season 1G days. Hon nt various canwonlo within wnnll the custody of Drlggars. he
ukod BtaDlN for a tun-on the pre-ihU violin, accoi 'f'J '' "ra8v''t0 Lr from July 1 to 15. two WQoks, the lodge ineu nnd worn wns nowhere to bo found.
f ??hi? ho wa iKolns nto the couB-.whol Browne ou i the i piano gao the conform with, on havo a busy schedule uhoud of,
text that no was gomb "" ' mon nJuch enjoyed musical pro- ; u,,,,,,. Tim Mmmim nmi Haute Htor ... ..... ... n.,, ii
A.w linrrv lfniHinn. a ciuriv nv r- . . . ....i. ...i.-.. ai , auiuniuyn uu ouuuujb w wwmiv.. s . ...
the hall at tho time oi n "Zr ai'cusslon was the report of P. J. Gal
nnd mai iio -rr .'" iVT
Gordon nnd Mr. Cooley to take tho
trunk and suit case belonging to h s
wife to the car stationed In the al
ley back of the hotel.
All this was brot out In the testi
mony at the coroner's Inquest which
was held Saturday afternoon.
Funeral services, attended by
many friends of tho deceased were
held Sunday afternoon from the par
lors of th Ontario Furniture com
pany Rev. W. J. Luscomoe preach
ed the sermon Interment was made
in the Ontario cemetry.
nui,i his wlfo. the diseased .Is
urvlved by his parents, and two sis
ters ln Oklahoma. He Wea ior boy
oral years here ln Ontario and was
at various times associated ln theigpoke on tno gamo su'iject ondors
.nnni'nment of the I'altn cigar uuu
monagement of the Carter House. .
Mrs Helen Clement Is confined to
her, home with an attack of rheuma
Mrs. a. W. Wayt Ig qo
list tbls week.
the- sick
co-opkuatiox between citieh
Dimy Progrnm of Work Outlined For
coming Year JliirkPlMK no-
Idem To the Fnroj Dhcrxlfled
1'urnilng nnd New lIuit'miM
The nowly oloctod dlioctors of tho
Malheur Farm lluroau met nt tho
Farm Uuronu offlco Tuosdny after
noon to comploto organization for
tho coming year. President V. V. m many, many months, ai uio gam
Hlckox who was ro-olectod presided, orlng off Icors wore elected and the
Tho dlroctors present Doing lie Mnr- 'organization competed of n gnmo
mil. a. a. nntinriiicn. O. W. Donn protoctlvo nssoclntlon which will be
.i tn i.-!'rinin. a i niriimn
was oloctod secretary of tho board
for tho coming year.
ino nnnuai mueuui, i inn i urimu
having roforred tho matter or coin
nilttoo chairman for tho vnrlous pro
jocts back to tho board of directors
tho following woro named to tho
positiens: Peto Touscn, Nyssa, buy
ing and marketing; C. M. lltnumont,
Adrian, community bottennotiU; Hex
Mnrquln, Ontario, post nnd dlscnso
control; F. C. Fry, Nyssa, crop Im
prevement: Ivan B. Onkes, Ontario
orop rocor,ig. A. A. neod, Il.cpan
cuUur0.' Mr Eff0 M. Crn,
Vato. boys and girls clubs; Mrs.
Dick Tonnon, Nyssa, rural homo Im
provement. In tho plans for tho yenr's work
with tho attondaut organization nnd
election of otflcors In tho various
community bureau, tho dlroctors ur
god that tho buslnoss men of tho
towns, tliu tholr commercial organ-
Izntlons bo asked to co-oporato with
tho buroau. To that ond a resolu
tion, was ndoptod und forwarded to
the Ontario Commercial rlirt, tho
Vnlo Chambor of Commorco, tho
Nyssa Commercial club nnd tho Jor
rf yMoy commonlal club for nc
Itlon. The dlroctors nlso thanked tho
- ",!- " .". '. ." ' "
An ncttva rumnalgn is to bo con
ducted In tho arIoii8 communities
for lncroaclns tho membership which
Is now about COO but which should
bo twlco that number. Mootings will
bo bold In tho various communities
for that purpose Tho board also
urgod tho formation of a bureau
about Ontario nnd ono on tho Owy
hoo whoro no burcnus now oxlst.
To carry on tno mrgo program ui
. ..,-.. ..-- ------ -. '-,,,,.
work ndoptod It was "Oto"" "J"
inni uio uuua m "'"""""",
to bo Incronsed nnd n Proposal to,
lliat OIIOCI was nuorrou iu w....
t of oct was '""" ""i.u of
of the bureau which consists of
tho chairmen of the local bureaus
Miss Wilson iieNigns
l'J, nmi1 n.nt Mis
.",.?.r'n.,t.,mL lli
Tho board was
in-lMnt'e Wilson, county iea er
)! rea,?"oai011p.oa ,u,.. I
?."? , 'n, 1 the iTnlVwrtlV
schools and to attend tho n'v
of Washington Ponding t ho so oc-
lion Ol liur IIKVUinui, ui u..... . -""
ary sho will puutlnue the work which
was endorsed- by the board.
Mayor It. W. Joim-h Picwnit. Mnslrnl
'Vroal Irrlgiillon. I'nnn llui-enm
HoudK nud Membi'l hti
ah recent rerorda for nttendanco
A"i"!..r.el,T... "L.inV:. wrl
gran. luring the dinner
' lCfeauTe"of tho"1 business d.s
lacher on lis recent trip 10 wubii
Ingten: tho dlrcuss'on of new freight
rates by Becrotary 8. H. Clay, tho en
dorsement of tbo Farm Bureau move
ment and the manifestation of will
ingness to Join In nn Ontario Bureau
signified by practically ovory busl
noss m?n prcront. the report on road
work by Roadmaster J. F. Joyca and
tho dlscuss'on of Farm Bureau work
by County Agent U U. Brlethaupt
8. D. Dv.rman cha'nv.n of n coin
iitttee from the r-irn Bureau pre
sented the pr-n. to the busi
ness nen of ".-operafng with tho
burenu and ti-' 1 of f.e exocutlvo
committee's dtlre for that co-opwi-
.i.. Cm'arnl member of tllO. C.UII.
now' niembem of tho Imrtuu ns well
,ng u,0 uureau worn-
lzatlon but no action was tnKen con
cerning It. W. F. Homm spoko on
general business prospo-ts. .. c
Van Petten presided nt Hie meeting
and tho 'dinner was sened by Mrs.
C. O. Plnney of the Bluebird.
So successful was the program nnd
gathering that the men present want
U to become a regular feature.
.. ".i,.i r-ini. inKnllnirs were I mssihs ih oum i..i i.....
) 'UL IUIUIIIUI ifta atH .. ---m rt. .-.!.. .l tliiatiln,. nW VntFOIll IU1F I
(1A.M13 WAItDENS A T T 1 N D
I) 13 1j 1 V K II 8 keynote
speech ok gAthkiung
Moinhcl Tiiko Pledge (o Olmcno
Iiws Thcnisolu'n nnd to lteiiut
Infraction Tlinl Come Under
Observntlon To Hutu
Club Room
At tho City Hall Inst Friday even
ing 7G Mnlhour county sportsmen
gathorod nt what was undoubtedly
pno of tho Dcst mooting, hold hero
notant factor In Malheur county.
Thoro woro ropresontntlves present
from nil communities In tho lowor.T
... I
thoro woro nt tho meeting I. I) Hnz-
oltluo, deputy state game warden of '
Oregon, nt whoso instanco tno meet
ing was callod; Ooorgo Tonkin, fod
ornl game warden with hoadqunrtors
nt Holso, nnd Doputy Qamo Wnrdon
Salisbury of Ada county, Idaho.
Tho following officers woro oloct
od; Jack I.andlH, prosldont; Frod
lllco, socrotnry-trensnrorj 0. F. Cox,
W. li. Thompson. C. T. Lnckoy, II. II
Wood nnd V. W. Clmmbors, direc
tors. Tho mooting did not doclda upon
tho name of tho association, tho
duos, nor tho constitution nnd by
lawn. Thoso will bo determined fol
lowing tho consideration of n com
mlttca nppolntod to socuro drafts of
,, , .. urn0,0 of tho association
. . normnnont club nunrtors,
provided with billiard tablos, rond-
Ing tablos, magattnos nnd other ac
coutrements of n regulation club. A
commlttco Is now busy In nn effort
to find .suitable quarters.
Tha. outstanding featuro of the
mooting Frldny evontng was tho do
tonulnntlon of tho moil present to
co-oporato with Its officials In secur
ing protection far tho birds nnd othor
ganio of tho county. Thoy plcdgod
thnmsohos, ns will all mombers of
tho association not only to oiioy tno
laws thomsolvos, hut to report to tho
officials nil Infractions that como un
der tholr observation.
Olio of tho features of tho moat
ing was tha addross of Dr. 0. A.
Poguo who brought tho first pair of
Chlneso phonnnntn to tho county.
Tho doctor nnsworod tho dofeiun
WHICH BUU1U Ul HIU llll inni.iii nun
m(uo for shooting pheasants out of
which somo of tho sportsmen bad
soason. by remnr.klnn: .
j (1,,,'ot rpalM tlmt tho fllrm
had so many friends In town
. . ', . .,
lint nil din nhoasnntii nn niv ranch
' heforo tho sonson oponod. Hut thov
never fired a shot nt the G0.000
; " . d
thoro all season."
! Tho mon present took tho Doctor's
jKd to tholr' program of work
itanf0 , , ranchor8 ln fBi,
W'!! S.."1?.."?!"! ' ' ,"""
nrodutory birds nud animals
(lanio Wnri'nn Hproltlno outllnod
tho polloy of tho game department
In Its offort nnd yeeurod tho plodgo
of the men to co-opsrnto fo tho
go (! of all concerned
lift ween now nnd tho first meot
Ing the cbnrtor rol of tho organlsa
tloa VII l-o o-en It Is tho pufposo
to onroll inoii'l Bra on bothshjes of
Snake rlvor, In tho country nnd In
tho towns. It Is anticipated that 200
or moro mombers will bo onrollod.
Among tho chungos advocated lu
the prejont game nw are tho following-
Advancing deer soason 16 uuya.
without lengthening upon soason.
Muklng open soason for pheasant
At the mooting tno sportsmen
held a regular confessional admit-
tine tholr failure to observe tho
laws but their determination to ro
At the mooting of tho Amorlcan
Legion Monday ovonlirg Its officers
for the coming year were oloctod r,s
follows. Herschel Browne, command
er; Bay Boyer. vice-commander; W
F. Escue. adjutant; J. H- Oordon.
chairman oxecutlvo rommlttoe, 8. M
Boucher, and Pierce, members
executive commltteo
Last Friday evening the Legion
presented the Hallow eil Concert to
Ontario In n concert nnd dance. Tbo
financially the venture was noi u
success, from nn entertainment view
point It was unqualifiedly so. me
danco which followed wns far moro
generously patronlrod than the con
cort. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Bllllngsley of
this city and Mr. and Mrs. 0. B.
Kenyon of Welser will leave soon for
an extended visit In the south and
In Cuba. Thoy expect to toavo hero
soon after the holidays.
I'oto Duford, proprietor of tho On
tario Oarago has hnd tho good for
tune to bo granted n United States
piltont on n Vibration nnd Shock Ali
sorbor fur motor cars which may he
usjd on nny car from tlm mnnlimit
pkusuro cars to tho inruoct trurk
Mr Duford has been norking far
two yenrs to perfect this shock nb
sorber nnd Is using It nt the p-rsont
time on his own cars. He claim? for
his Invontlon thnt It Is practical, su
perior and dlfforcnt from alt others
now an tho mnrkot.
Mr. Duford nt tho present tlmo
Is making theso shock nbsnrhors In
u limited wny for his own line, but
plans on enlarging his buslnoss nnd
manfacturlng tho nbsorbnrs horo In
Ontario by spring. Ho Intends tc
mnnufneturo and put thin Invention
on tho mnrkot nt n prlco thnt will bo
within tho reach of nil car owners.
Ho ban nlroady rocolvcd numerous
Inquires from pronpectlvo buyurs
who have no far only heard of tho
merits of his Invontlon nnd nro al
ready Intorcstod.
PI'S UK A in: UK, (M)lt-
r:Mpoxi)i:NTS a x i
A MIMtltV. MKItltV
Flto Hundred
undred of Oiilnrlit'n Q"otn;nl, Howard In his coufcli
(IU.I.KO ArningeN For cat0(l u wnili
vnrd guntn Vnlo AiwurcM Following finding of tho
LiMlirrs iinrt Hlgll wrdtn a talk with Shorlfl
Its l,Od)'N
Mnlhour county Is giving lhlsimi"J ror.?no; , ,,. i,..
wook to snvo tho lives of 300 starv , Tho nut horltles wta hm been
Ing Kuropeun chtldron. Itcports so ntudylng ",w" '' "S !"' "h?m
fnrrocoUxdnt the offlco of tho !, l0 vnwrU cli neteHn him.
County Chnlrmnn for tho relief Hi-1 yJ WW"
Unto that tho quoin will bo mImiI. 'criminal. ",J W!""5"Jcml:
A tolepl.ono messng) from Vale '1 normal, roa zes the tarrtble erlmo
this morning nssurol tho mlslnr. of h comrnlttod. yot broods hut
Vnlo's quUa of 4C0. while ihmo ll' ovor ... .,. , Rwn(v.
In no doubt ronroriimir Orornn I Tho posso which found tho Bwne-
Jntnlexoi. Nyssa. Jordna '.alley and
ntlinr niillvlnir .KPllnim from which
reports aro yet to bo rocolvcd
At tho Grnneu Hall Inst night tho
Iloulovanl GrMiign rnlted $19 W thru
receipts nnd IndMdunl donsllon and
tho Grange committee hoiUed by John
Kccganls out today to compleU, IU
quotn. ,
Hero In Ontario JWK) of the $SM hns the point Indicated In the drawing
been raised by limine mtin's commit-1 prisoner Taken To Hcriie
toe by theLmen , ehsrge of mJ,.' $? $, ""iff "t
booth In the I'ojtnfllee nnd by tho con- ,)m ,,, )miI ,mon ,,)owiid since he
tributlon of the High ilehool stutle its mrriod his victim nnd hogs had root
wlilcli Mine tntub-il $f0 AomppIi I nlgo nd the irround. which also wss frox-ofMH.o.-
last Tim 'lay i lht ... ". "K ",0 ,,0"ltil,n,!Jun either
tnlmud c .o .-I, U tbo M r.Vnotr or wm.d,,lT,oc,ael,the
drlveK, IJur-oii nwl Nsr Bit BrnVo. nnd airalii the posso returned
Othor lodge will Im nskw) to aid In, without results,
th muveinwit ' However the sheriff was not to
No, .liar 0.1. . ...- toMJ&vA.
Ii. Uf -n iu.! but wdl U before
night "
.Masons nud Knutcrn Hlam To llnvt
Joint lUNtallntloii Olhi'i' IhIkck
Pluu liihtallatloii (Vri'iuoiilfK
In January
oiricors uiooiou in mo pusi iwo
weeks will w tno first installed in
thu Joint Installation on Monday," Do
comber 27.
.Mason le OMIicih
Italph Dunbar, W. M.; Emory1
Hill, S. W.j J H. Hasmusson, J W.;
E. A. Frasor. Treasurur; Irwin Trox
oll, Socretury.
O. i:. H.
Mrs. II. h. Peterson. W.-M.; A. S.
Brown, W. P.; Mrs. A. 8. Brown.
A. M.; Mrs. Harry 11. Cockrum, Con
ductress; Mrs. J. It. Basmussen, As
sociate Conductress; W. I. Turner,
Troasurer; Mrs J. S. Springer, sec
retary; Mrs. Howe, cnapiin; MiHb
Etta McCrelght, Adah; Mrs. Pete Du
Ford. Esther; Mrs. I). C. Anderborg,
Huth; Itoslna Clomont, Martin; Mrs.
Iiugu Alien, tiocira.
Hoial Aieli .ilnKons
W F. Hoinnn, II P.; J. V. Mc
Crelght, K.; I. E. Oakes, 8; W. L.
Turner, 8.; H. U. Peterson, T.j
Cornelius Ilyan, C. or H.
Odd iviiows
Mr. Whltback, N. O.; Henry Mill
er. V. G.; C. W. Piatt, T. 8.; Sny
der It. 8.; A. N. HIckoy, T.; J. F.
Doty, T.
Knights of Pi thins
Tho Knights of Pythias will iu
stall the following officers the first
Wednesday In January. C. V. Cox,
m v u t i: u ciiiuuni) wiiicx
Kx-.Vnvnl Mnu llrcnbs Silence An
To PIiiiim Ti-lls Sheriff Dolrrs
Attorney llpfore Kute-luK Plen
I tody Ilmlly D.'C'iiupnsiied
Aftor ten dnyn of strenuous work
on tho part of Shorltf I.uu Noo nnd
posses working under his direction,
tho body of deorgo 11. Sweonoy, tho
Vnlo tailor murdered by (leorgo W
Howard, ox-navnl man, was recover
ed Sunday nftornoon, nnd brot to
Vnlo Sunday night.
Tho body was found hurlod In tho
irnrilntt nntnli nt Him Frnnlr Pnlmnr
'ranch, 00 miles south wost of Vnlo
,on tho Owyhee, whoro It was burled
lnftcr Howard took It from Its first
resting place, In tho waters of tho
'Owyhee above tho wator wheel noar
i Tho It was no bndly decomposed
an to bo boyoud recognition, Jewelry,
clothing nnd othor personal effects
found woro positively Identified as
thoso of Bweonoy, nnd no doubt now
romnlns that tho last myntorlous foa-
turn of tho gruesomo tragedy has
been solved.
I At thu coroner's Inquest hold at
I Vnlo Mondny It was found that tho
I skull of tho murdorod man was
' t t -I. ... .1.. .I.M l.nmtn llla
CrllSlimi niJIIVU IIIU IlKUt IUU1HU, iiinw
fcision nun-
body Ho
ward-In n talk with Sheriff Noo sold
that ho deslrod an nttornov for con
sultation boforo ho ontorod n plen,
It financial arrangements could bo
noy l.ouy was "J, "
Of Vole. It WOS found ttllOUt Wlioro
If Atira vil
Tlnurnril In n minllmOIl tBTV COTUCS-
slon to Sheriff Noo, said It would bo
,,. irnwiri ndmlttod that ho
(q,, tlio body from tho waters ,of
tho Owyhee nnd burled It In the
I'Mmor gardon track. KY" "
' "r , In $&
I worked hard fnllod to locnte It at
d by rncilorB n t,hat section Illxh
found tho bodv.
Tho (irnud Jury wnicu rannnw
on January 3 will listen to the testi
mony presented by District Attornev
Itoht. D. I.ytlo nnd Hownrd will be
tried during the Jnnuory term of
District Attornoy It. W. SwnRlor
returned from Kunsas City Tuosday
without W F. DrlBKurs for whom ho
mado tho trip to tho Missouri C Ity
iirtcgars fought oxtradltlon and se-
I cured n hearing ponding which no
mi.. Minn Allnn
this week for on extended visit with
Mr. nnd Mrs juok i.nnum.
t. ,,i,. run iinvlu and daughter
I.tlllan of Vale were In Ontario Wed
nesday. Miss Lillian lias jusi re
turned from u. a i. iur inu iiu.i-
Mr. nnd Mrs Charles Anderson,
formorly of Ontario when tho Ander
son Bothers were tho owners of the
Malheur Livestock Company, arriv
ed hero Monday for a short visit
Thoy have recontly completed an au
to trip thru the East nnd Bouth go
ing to tho Now England states,
along tho Atlantla coast to Georgia
and across to Los Angolos.
C. C; F. J. Mllllkon, V. O.J W. F.
Esciio, K of H. & B.: J. B. Athorton.
P.; C. A. Powell, M. of W.j Floyd
Powell, M. of F.; n. O. Payne, M.
of E.; Earl Bull, M at A.; Dr. C.
W. Tyler, I. G.i Ben Thomas, O. G.
Mrs. Edna Dranor. N. Q.; Mrs
Wlnnln llnvln.
V. U.; liaisy iiumcr-
ford, II 8 ; Inn DeFoe, F. B J LI
zlo Purcell, T.