TiLE ONTARIO AliU US, ONTARIO, OttEOON. T11UKSUAV. DE0EMBER16, 1920. ;i i DREAMLAND THEATRE Friday and Saturday, Dec. 17 and 18 , lhianl story ir n Oieat l.on nuitliied by llio Dcscjt HtiiM ("allies you ft-oui tho eltlllcd luxuries of london to the Hnrbarlc Sili'tiiliuN of old Kgypt. Samuel floltlwyn, Presents Geraldine Farrar In "flame of The Desert" IJy Charles Logtio Willi Ixilt Tellegcn ' A UIXil.VAId) UAHKKH PHODUCTION A story touched by tho spell (if iityslctloit I'gypt. A inn in mot 1 1 spci tnclo A vtomlcifiil romance A IHtAMA OF TUN HAIIAKA AND Till: WOMAN WHO DKFIItl) Till: IHMKItT Tltllll Gaff Tib Meal For Hihnra Will In' found (inly In a Mnn's 8I010. Women, you nn malting n uiNtnke, If vthen )(u want n lft for n iitmi or boy, you do not Ho to the storo where ho buys when ho goes kIiuiIiik. GLOVES Galore Wo hnto nil kliulH of glow. Anions them you'll find tlm slo anil stylo that will nppenl to lilni. )nm (Hows, Auto (HotCH (Jlou's of i'rry description HOUSE COATS Tho vuy I'omfoit to lio had lu ii house coat Is'ouly appreciated liy tho man who owiiN one. A Ikium rout N something that iiiaiiy men like, they an nn Ideal tilt I. Wo hao many styles aud pattern to select fioin. lip 111 Blanket Bath Robes Warm Math Holies or hlanki't cloth, In colorful patterns tilth graceful roll collars, single, pockets, tastol finished cord girdles Many coIoi-h aud designs Any one of thi'Mt will make u hit with him Christmas Neck Wear No matter how many ties ho has ho neer him tH many. Do you know- that many a fellow waits for Christmas Just to roeeUo a new stoik of necktie. Our stock of ties thN year Is unsually complete, the de. klgus ami fabilcs especially liiiniLsiiine. Theio l no more fitting gift than a beautiful tie. Wo hno them ready for )ou. Anil then wo Iiimc a lu-t of other handsome gifts Suit Cases, Maud ltag, Cuff ami (llur Sets; Neck Tie l'ins, and all tho latest In Men's Haberdashery. TOGGERY BILL otnKa I'' raw (nnuimi m vivmtiiarEj ia II n& k yVl CmMm An !IIlwv1H fllllY II BjHilxXl I ft ""Tliili 1 IiMIBpisW IliufiiiillMlilnwBll "Till: ItOI'ir (JIVKH MANV Tiiiiiiif.s in I'icri'itK vihwion .Spectacular Melodiama with ll-tiH Cast Hilts Audleueo ul tho Majestic Tliealic Heal liurthipinlie Hoon An onrthquulto lu which tho homes oro scon tumbling Into tho rift 'u nu llnllnn Btroat nnd nn Kng IIbIi Derby with Hwnrmlng crowtU pf faHlilunulily drcHBcd pooplo ntid n thrtllliiKly ruallHtlo liorso rnco murk tho high spotH lu tho Hpcctnculnr production of thu Bpcctnculnr nictlo drnnui, "Tho Hope," which will bo Hccn nt tho MhJohIIc Titosdny and Wcducadny, Docombcr 21 and 22 "Tho llopo" Is ono of tho most olnborato proiluctloiiM thnt luivo heou uUomplocI on tho sllvor sheet tiud It oxorclsvil a urlpplng effoct on tho nudlonco. All tlm tricks of tho IiuhIiicsh of wrltltiK molodrninn luivo been em ployed by tho uuthors, Cecil HiiIoIrIi and Honry Hnmllton, to wrlni; tho last drop of ilrniiiutla nppeal out of a Bltuntlon. Aud tho dranmtlc Hit untlonti pllo ono upon tho other with utmulng rnpldlty. Tho plcturo moves with a pa co thnt h weeps tho ppocta torsiilotiK In broathlosH oxpcctnncy. It's inoloilramn, frank nnd un nshnmod. Hut not united. Ah ii mat ter of fnct It s clothed with luxuri ous OlHrcKiiril of oxponao Tho cyo Is filled with vivid pictures of llfo In KiiKlnutl. India nnd Italy oxtrn ordlnnrtly beautiful Iniulscapcs and magnificent interiors. "KIjA.mk op tiu: ihwi:ht" (i:itAM.i: I'AItltAH IN "ijim:hikncij" is cominm Tho long-oxpectod engngeiuont of llin itinilnrn ,iimnlllv ilrntnn "ti?v. U illW.llil MUlt.Ilt ..IOI1I.., W- porlouco," which lins been ono of tho biggest thontrlcnl sonsntlotiB of re cent yenrn, Is now announced for Tiicddny, Dec. 28, nt tho Wlicntou Theiitro In Wolsor. Tho piny wn8 wrltton by (loorgo V. Hobnrt, nnd It Is pnttorncd ntter tho old-tlmo tnornllty drum as of four centuries ngo. Yet whllo It rotnltiR tho form nnd nmiitipr of tho old days. It Is strictly up to (Into, and Is ndnptoil to titoilcrn conditions Tho great novelty lies In tho fnct thnt It treats tnndorn nnd up-tn-dnto s't tintlons Just hh tho prlost-plnywrlght of four centuries ngo treated tho moral nnd Spiritual problems of thnt day aud ngo. lu "ICxporlonro" ono seen In ton vivid nnd dramatic scenes, tho prin cipal events In tho llfo of nn nvorngn ynungmnn 'who goes forth Into tho world In senrth of fnmo nnd fortune. Tho lending Pjctor-callol Yotitli 1 ,1(m, ranch mi n uiiuMuii n 1,,,,-j in iiiu iiiiiu i country cottngo, nnd with Amhlt'onl Uttlo Doris Kllngback Is on tho an hU guhlo. sots forth Into tho hlgTsIck list this weok. world. At tho gates of tho cltv.l !.. i,. nollord tnutorcd to tha II. H. Y.Mth meets with Kxporlcnco for tho' ac08 )lnco nt JlOHVI0 Tuesday, first tlmo. Lxporlcnco Id shown ns , , )Urchni,01i n wintor'a sup n wlso old gontlonmn who knows ,,... nf fiMO nnnlcs ovorythlng thero Is to know, nnd ho -"- of n,, amCB , , nniiouncP8 thnt ho will nccompnny- Mrs. Win. McHwon hns been suf Youth upon his Journey. IIo Intro- forlng with n sovero nttnek of rhou duces Youth to l'lonsuro, nytiihollxpd I mutism tho pnst weok or two. fOINlR OWHEE WM PASSES AnERUNGILLNESS Ited Cionh rictuit's Arlo Hoinewhnt l.ato llut Will IIo Hhown Anyway Cattle l.iandliiK and I'ei-dlnn Occupy Ilaucliei's' Tlmo Mr. nnd Mrs. Chns ltrndloy, ro colvod word Inst wook from Frank Iloblnsou who resided In Owyhca last year, of tho death of his wlfo, No vember 20, 1020. Mrs. ItobliiBou who was n goutlo, kluilty woman, had been n sufferer rrom croeplng paralysis lu tho thront for n long tlmo. Huh Wnlters, who rocontly pur chased tho L.oyo and Schwlotior cat tlo Van branding thorn nt tha Itay I'nntrol ranch laBt weok Tart of thorn woro taken to tho Ilcnd to bo fod nnd tho romalndor to tho Uo ns n beautiful womnn, nnd llonsuro tnkes Youth to tho frlmroso rath, wlmro ho Is fnsclnntod by tho gnlotv nnd ontortnlnlng Ufa which unfolds boforo him. Tho glittering and gor geous outlook dooi not last long, however, for when Ambition mils by Mr. and Mrs. Win. West and daughter, Mrs. Clnrcnco McConuol! nnd baby attended tho funornl of tho Infant son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Oscar Jacobs In Outnrlo last Sunday. Wm Glenn who has been plow- Across n background of flaming pnsBlon tho "I'lnmn nf tho Donort," Uornhlino lnrrars intosi uomwyn photoplay, tolls n vibrant story of a grcnt lovo uuturod under desert Btnrs and of n woman's courngo thnt triumphed over tho lust nnd passions of a treacherous trlbo of desert rid ors, A dynnmlc drama thnt will .thrill you; nu enchanting lovo story that will enthrall youj n woman's .courageous fight for lovo nnd hap- I ,lti.a Hint will trrlri vnll. Plrlnrltll mngnlflconca surpassing all stand ards. It s coming to tno uronmiauu next Friday nnd Saturday, Dec. 17 and 18. tho wnyildo. Youth starts upon tlioJj-W P," V,1? ,Lol,,r""cI' Jl"l8',0, h' downwnrd pnlh nt n lorrinc rnio. iio.'"" -" --" " "- "-"- A inrgu uaiia oi wnuers biiuup woro brought In to feodlng grounds Sunday, l'nck strings and herds of cnttlo nnd slieep coming in for tho winter aro nulto n common sight, succumbs to various temptations aud Is on tlm high rnnd to l'crdltlon wlion his salvation Is brought about thru it song ho hears outsldo n church Tlm bo v. dlscouragod hut not beaten, determines to go bnck to lntoly. I.ovo nnd tho llttlo country cottngo, nnd with his now friend Kxporlonco, ho roturnn to iovo, having loat tho first fight, hut having won tho greater victory by conquorlng tho ovlls In his own henrt. J1A.JF.STIO Deii'mlK'r 18 .All Star "WOMAN IN KOOM III" From tho luxurious npnrtment of Dick Turner n muffled shot was hen nil Tho men on the dlctaphnno In tho apartment below hoard tho murderous report! A rush wnH mado to tho rooms nhnvo whoio l'nul lu hand. Thero lay tho bodv of llnmsoy was found, smoking gun Dick Tumor! Hut tho WOMAN wns gonot What woman? Tho husband I thought UK know nnd had tniion uis rovongo Tho former husband thot III-: know and uttered his suspicion. All woro wrong! Who whs tho wo mnn In lloom 13 when Dick Tumor was shot? "Tho Woman In ltoom 13" Is tho most baffling, Insolvable inurdor mystery over projected on tho Hereof." It offors l'aulluo Fred rick scopo for tho wldost stretchos of her groat emotional Intents. Kntiirdny I.ovo, Honor nnd Obey Two rool Comedy Vanishing Daggor Humhiy nnd Monday Woman In lloom 13 , Paulino Frodorlok Two llool Comedy Topics ' Tiictdiiy ami Wi'ilnesday Tho Hope, ...All Star Super Special Lightening llryco Of Doctor Doctor. .Two rool ccmody Thursday Tho licst Man Kerrigan Two llool Comody DHKA.MiaND IVIday nnd Hat unlay Flamo of the Desert Oornldltio Farrar Discordant Noto Comedy John Cnutroll of Montour, Idaho vIsllcM with his son liny Cnntroll nnd family, hnvlug como to bring a toam down Mr, Cnntroll took him to Frultlnnd Tuonduy from whoro ho J continued homo on tho train. Frod Kllngback rocolvod word ro contly thnt his brother Charles, of Kmmctt was obliged to undorgo an oporntlon nt Hot l.nko last Monday. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Wall nnd. child ren, Konnoth nnd John Jr. spnn. Sunday at tho I.owo homo, Kenneth whoso nth birthday occurred Satur day brought his blrthdny calca aud "flxons" along for u ro.il "coloura tion " Mrs. Anna I). 1-rltcholt, prluclplo of tho Klngmnn Kolony School was taken to Vnlo by Cecil Smith, whoro ultQ spent tho weok ond with her husband. liruro W'nltors and Cocll Smith got n con'' which belonged to Hruco, from tho Dollord ranch Saturday nnd took liar to tho butcher. Adam Murray, of Juutura, is feod lng sheep on tho Honry Sllppoy ranch A sot of Hod Cross pictures which woro ordered by Mrs, I.owo, from Hod Cross headquarters In antici pation of tho lied Cross drive In November, but which arrived too Into for that purpose, woro shown nt tho Owyhee school houso Friday af ternoon. Thoy will bo shown at tho Warren nnd Kolonv school houses during tho next wook. Mr. nnd Mrs. Warren Schlupp and family moved to Hnrpor last woek. A truck load of tholr housohotd ef fects was taken up by Mr. llaby of Homcdalo. Suspected Traced from thnt fnl il room 13 In hor homo by tho lav I Confronted Hi tho qu-Bt'oh Woro You In Hto'ii 1.1" .when tho fatal shot wnH fired 7" -. Flayed by her c-iiHclanci-, grilled by thu district .attorney, hated by tho husband sho'lnvcdl Wns bIio tho women lu lloom 13? HAMUHIj OOI,D.YN Presents Pauline Frederick In "The Woman ' in Room 13" hy I 'ore I wi I Wilde, Max Mai-clu nnd Kamuel Nhlpiiiau Dlivcted hy Frank l.loyil IMAJESTIC Sunday and Monday Dec. 19 and 20 How About This? Tho Annual Holidays aro at hand, Thero aro niiy number of llttlo tilings wo would like to got frr members of tho family yet It Is difficult to .chooso something pmctlcnl, nnd np proprtato for tlio--occasioii. 1 How about putting usldo small n'fts this 'pnr nnd pool the Christ ians mouoy for nu Investment In suiuothlng that tho whnlo rnmlly I can enjoy together during tno com 'lug months as woll ns rigui now, I Tho Hhoar ploasuro and comfort of nu nutnmolitle lor tho household can only ho appreciated after ono be comes a promt ownor, A fow words with your local Ford i Car Denier will show you what tho ordinary holiday oxpondlturos of n sluglo family would do toward pur- 'chnslng thorn any of tho following nttrnctlvo typos of enrs Hunaboiit regular modol and with' stnrtor. Touring rogular model nnd with stnrtor. Coupo with stnrtor nnd domount ablo rims. Sodau with starter nnd domount ablo rims. li:t ,uskhow you tiiii: lit I ho- ford Garage V. 11. Staples, Prop. A. II. MnrDimnld, KahMinaii -1 BARGAINS IN CHRISTMAS GIFTS On all our large line of Christmas Gifts, the largest ever assembled in this valley. We are offering special prices 1 Off Of Leather Goods We purchased a complete sample line of Leather Gocds for the Christ mas trade last February. We secured an exceptionally low price and arebff ering them accordingly. You can save real money in buying any one of the handsome Hand Bags, Toilet Sets and Holders Before Completing Yoar tetmas Shopping See Our Big fine of Books, Bibles, Ivory Goods, Stationery, Perfumes, Toys, Dolls, Dolls, Dolls Dolls large and small, Dolls daintily dress5d, Dolls in greater variety than ever, and all priced to save you money. We have the most varied line of baby requisites ever gathered here, rattles brushes and dainty manicure sets. ' 0. G. fUEilRS DRUG STORE, Prescription Specialists Ontario, . Oregon "Good Clothes for Moif Ontario, Oregon