THE 0NTAJR10 ARGUS ONTARIO, OREGON, TMjtfitSLAV, DECEMBER 16, 1920 v brisbnas Trees From 25c to $1.00 each We sent our man into the Blue Mountains to get us 200 or 300 Christmas Trees and in this way are getting them at a very low price. We want every, family. in Ontario and vicinity to have one at these unusually low prices. We will have our usual sale on meats and groceries this Satur day and Monday. Extending, to all the Season's Greetings, we. are the mmm market i HI PRESENTS TUALLY PLEASE n THOSE WHO RECEIVE THEM Substantial gifts of Silverware, Cutlery, .Alum inum and other metal' products make ideal Christmas Gifts, Jjecause they arc truly Gifts that Last And what is more they are both useful and ornamental inmost cases. Let us make a few TIMELY SUGGESTIONS. Any one of the following would be An Ideal Christmas- Gift For the Women of the Home Hand Painted China In sots or individual pieco Pyivx Ware Mother will liko it Casseroles Chaffing Dishes . Percolators Electric Irons Electric Toasters Cut Glass China Ware Goblets Tumblers Silverware Individual pieces or sets Cutlery,Carving Sets Spoons, Ladles, etc. Boys and Girls . Sleds, Coasters, Doll Sets, Doll Furniture. Sdmething for everyone at McNulty & Co. Ontario, Oregon THF ARGUS PRINTS BUTTERWRAPS LOCAL PERSONALS Chlof Qunrtcr Master J. T. Oliver, rocrultlng officer for tlio U. 8. Navy i with headquarters at Ilolso, wns In Ontario tlio first of tho week and on- ( listed two men for tho navy, Ed ward Thorp mid Marvin drnul, who 1 oiillstotl n b tiromen of tho third class 1 for two years. Tlioy loft with Mr. OHvor 'or Ilolso Tuesday but will return to Ontario to remain until after tho holidays nftor which thoy will ho transforod to San Francisco. Men enlisting during tho month of Docombor mny Bocuro loavo of ab sonco until January 3, nftor which thoy will report to tho navy rocrult lng station at Salt Luko City for further nsslgnmont. Mr. Oliver will visit Ontario onca a month and will bo pleased to moot nny young man 111 this vlclllltv who miiv hn Intnrent- 1 od or desires to Join tho nuvy. En- l(Rtmoits nro now for two, thrco or four years Judgo Will 11. King, who now has a law offlco In Washington, I). C, arrived hero from tho national capi tal Monday and loft Tuesday for Hums where ho will appear ns ono of tho counsel for Wm Hanloy In litigation botweeu Mr. Hanloy nnd tho Pacific Mvo Stock company nnd llin II V nllinr. Pil I. Trnmlwnll .if ' Ortn 1mhmIh. m.1 V..1... t tt ., uiui i- jimvinuu iiiiij juiiii ii. iinuu oi linker, nttomoys for tho 1'nclflc Llvo Stock company, nrrlvod horo tho snmo day and left for Hums on tho somo train with Judgo King. Mr, King will return to Ontario and stop horo a fow days on his return to Washington, D. C. Tho olght months old son of Mr. nnd Mrs Wm. Klmo died Monday of pnouinoiila nftor n hrlof nines or only 28 hours. Tho funornl took placo Wednesday nt 11 a m from tho llnptlst church. Entermont was inado In tho Ontario comotory. Illckmnn Jones Is horo from Mon tana visiting with his mother, Mrs, J. S. Jones and other rolatlvcs. Horn. Saturday, Dorombor 11, to Mr. and Mrs 0. 0. Luchrs, n son. Frank J. cllar returned Monday from Hot I.nko whom hn hud been nt tho bndsldo of his wlfo who ro contly underwent n nttrcinl opera tion nt tho Hot I.nko sanitarium. Ho reports Mrs. dollar as recovering nnd getting along nicely. Mrs, Blolln Uurlbort nnd hor two daughters, Iluhy nnd Arttso, left Tuesday for I.os Angolcs, California, whoro thoy will spond tho wlntor with tholr grnndmothor Mrs. K. uurlbort. C, It. Peterson, of tho Clrclo Hor, caino down from Ilnrnov County on Tuesday nnd returns to thn,rnnch to morrow. "Illght now", Mr. Potor son says, "tho most plontlful thing wo hnvo In Harney county Is liny " David Ornham, tho Junturn hanker was an Ontario business visitor Tuesday. VOLUNTARY ASSIGNMENT MADE BY A. L MCDOWELL t4i Crctlllors Taking Slock to IM-teiiiilno Sltiintioii Collodion Now Would Hno IttislnosH Umloi Ink ing HUSlllCNK Changes Hands. Owing to his Inability to securo collections of accounts on his books, A. L. McDowell mndo a voluntary as signment of his business to his cred itors this wook, nnd 0. W. Ingram of Portland is horo taking stock of bin assots. Mr. Ingram declared today that if collections could bo hastened no ns slgnmont would ho necessary and Hint tho business would continue as it may In any ovont. Hut tlio cub tomors of tho firm must pay n sub stantial portion of their accouilts. WHEATON THEATRE s WEISER NPKCIAI, HOI.IDAV ATTRACTION' ONI! NIC I IT TUESDAY, DECEMBER 28 !'. liny CiiniiHick nnd Motrin (''fit I'lctrtit THE .MOST WOXDEIM t'l, PI,AY IX AMERICA EXPERIENCE" a Titkcs Owr L'liilciiiikliig J. O. Phlllobnum nnd Hugh Allen hnvo taken ovor tho undertaking business which Is sopnrnto from tho furnlturo storo nnd nro continuing It undor tho firm name of McDowell Inc. Mr. Ingram expects to bo hero for n fow days and nftor completing tlio inventory will uotormlno exactly wnnt courso to pcrsuo witn tlio uusl Ity (1KOIUJK V. I0IIAHT 11 .Months In .eu tuik 7 Monilm In (ItlriiKii ft Montlm In lltittim i T E X 111 (! H C E X E H A X I) A ( O M I' A X V O F I 0 EnilniKi'il by tlio Cloigj of Tltivi- Omit CM Ion X;v Yoth, IIohIiiii mill Chicago A HTOItV OK YOUTH, IIIH TIMAI.S, II 1.4 TEMPTATIONS, AXI HIS riXAl, TltlUMPII MUSIC, COMEDY, DRAMA, SOXd.'l, DAXCES, PKKTTV (HIM.H To Ho (lit t'ti Hi'iv by (In hume Rig Compmi) That PIimn All tin ltio CI lies SEAT SA1,E CitltliiK l)ui Co FRIDAY, DKOKMHKH 21 PltlCIX Sl.ftO, l?2.0l nnd 10 WAH TAX OHDEIt YOUR SEATS XOW IIV MAIIj OH HY PHOXE I Si.i" -f V L, ....'.. ."; : w4wwww4m4w .v,.. u. ..u o. ....... ..... ut.n.oLnn ..... , no saved ny tlio co-operation of tlio firms' customors nnd nn effort bo mndo to accomplish this. will OREGON SLOPE SAMUEL APPLECATE PIONEER OF OREGON SLOPE PASSES Won HcHldcnt of Hoglnn for Moio Thnn no Ycnni Committor Views ProM)HC(l Change of Hlghtwty Itouto Other HloH) Iinuu Ing districts for 30 yenrs. Mr. nnd Mrs. 0. 1'. Wilkin of Pny- a'bo Juuornl was hold Tuesday otto spent Bnturda evening nnd morning nt tlio rcslucnco in i'notto 'minuny at tho Kurst homo. nnd tho body hurried nt Falks Store Comotory Itov. C. II. Ulom official od. Samuel Wm. Applegate, well known throughout this soctlon as Undo Sammy Applegate pnssed away Sunday morning nt Pnyetto. Ho wtm born In Indiana. Sontombor in. is:t nnd nt tho tlmo of his donth ho was ".'".' w.t,. .-.. ww viiioi fcnu .nullum, IIIIU twenty-seven days old. Ho crossod tho plains In 18S2, settling In Wll lamotto Vnlloy until 1804 when ho caino to this soctlon and has lived r In In Pnyetto and Doad Ox Flat sluco. Ho ongagod In stock raising until falling health somo six yours ago. Ho was boat known an a lay preach or, dovotlug hlmsolf to tho outly- Miss Trtullu who has been teach ing at Hill City, Idaho, Is nt homo for a much needed vacation. Tho children of the Pioneer sJiool hnvo boon enjoying hot lunchothls pnst week. Mrs. Hoy Hurrell Invited In sovcrul of tho young pooplo Friday to spend tho ovonlng with her hrothor who leaves soon for Portland. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Inttlg and Mr. and Mrs, C A. Kurst worn din nor guosts at tho Orn Wilkin homo In Pnyotto Thursday ovonlng, tho oc casion bolng Mr, Wilkin's birthday. Tho State Highway Engineer was horo tho past wook adjusting tho Highway right-of-way across tho I.nuor-8lmpson-I.attlg lands. Mrs. John HartHlin has been con fined to hor homo tho pnst two Mrs. Quttorridgo and Mrs. Skip pon woro cnllcrs nt thn Mrs. Oshtjru homo Wodnesdny splto of tho storm and very bud ronds eighteen uluh-moiuborti mot nt tho P. M. Hoals homo Inst Thursilny for tholr rogulnr moet Ing, Mrs. Tomllii read n very In torestlng paper on "Hiirnl I.lfo " I.lttto Mildred Ioulso Miller colo- brated her third birthday Snturdny Ouests for dinner woro Mr. and Mrs. Chnpmnii of Pnyetto, Mr and Mrs. Arthur Miller, Mr. nnd Mrs. Win. Vincent and tho Mossrs, Cul borlson. besides tho Mlllor family Tho second annual mooting of tho I'nrm Hurenu of Mnlbour County wns held nt tho Cairo (Irango Hall uonr Ontario Inst Saturday, An all day meeting was held with dlnnor norvod nt noon. Thuso nttondlng from horo report tho meeting ns bo lng very onjoyablo ns woll ns In structive. Gortrudo Hoals colobratod hor thirteenth birthday uu Snturdny, by tnvltlnir In sovornl of hor girl frlonds, Tho afternoon wns spent In playing gam os. Ilofroslimonts of fruit sal nil nnd birthday cako woro sorvod SPOHTSMEX CAI.Ij MEITliXd TO DISCUSS OAME PltOOItAM Hunters nnd fishermen of Ontario nnd vicinity will moot nt tho City Hall Friday ovonlng nt 7:30 for thn purpose of discussing tho formation of n gamo preservation association I. E. Ilaioltlno, deputy Stnto (lumii Wndrun nnd tho Kodornl Oiiiiio War den from Holso will bo prosont to nd dress tho mooting. i S12i!Km!fcfltftM Xfra Tnn f.lnrvnl icna nnninlni1 i I .v jJTr???fjfT??rr?T T7?T.7!rTT"TT "'rv'T tTT??7 77T77 rTz'frFr . . - T3 -j... .. a. for appondlcltls Woduosdnv cf 'n"tt2f t. nuuK. anu m KUiiiiiK iiiuiik uicviy Sho and will loavo tho hospltnl today, I Goo. Hholson, of tho Ontario Mcnt nnd Orocory Co., is confined to his homo with nn attack of tho grlppo ! Alox Eohond Is building a four room cottngo on Ids property on Torrnco Holghts for rental purposos D II. Korfoot has sold his rosldonco proporty In tho northwest part of town to Wm. Hoswoll. 8, H Clny, socrotnry of tho Com morclal Club returned last Friday from Hnkorfleld California where ho wont on business. V I). Staplos got back to work on Tuosday aftor a fow days Illness, J. II nincUaby rnturnod this wook from Salt I.nko whoro ho wont on buslnoss. 1 According to advises rocolvod from Mrs. II. C. Iloyor who Is nowln San Diego with Mr and Mrs. A. F. Iloyor that sho U recuporntlng from hor re cent Illness Mayor It. W. Jonos Is driving n hiulsomo now Tomplnr, tho first car of, tho inako to appear In Malheur county Mrs. D. W. Powers wns bostoss this week' to tho Monday Hrldgo club, Tho Tuosday Hrldgo club mot this wook at tho home of Mrs. I.. Adam. Tho Imporlal club meets tonight at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. J, M. McDonald Tho Fortnightly Club was onter tutned Saturday evening at tho homo of Dr. and Mrs. II. II. Whitney, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rador enter tained tho Carnation Club at their homo Tuosday ovonlng. Tlio woman'j Club m.t this ufto noon at tho homo of Mrs. I Adam, HAPTlbT CHUItCII (Chas. II. Dlom, Pus tor) nible School, 10:00 P. M. Morning Worship, 11 -0ft A. M. Topic; Tho Parables of Mathow 13 Young Peoples' P ,1.0, 0:30 P. M CJespe: Sorrico, 7 30, P. M. Tejlc: "Who Is Jesus Christ'". Prayer Meeting, Wednesday 7:30 P. M. A Christmas Cantata will bo given by the Sunday School on Christmas night entitled "Tho Christmas Mes sage." At the service an offering will bo taken for tho famine sufforers Evangollstlc Services be;ln Janu ary 2 under the direction of Rev. Mllo O, Dentley. FOR RENT Furn'shed houeo with garage, barn, chicken-houses vtc, to responsible parties only. Box 186. T' '! T ' 'i T' i V ( 9 a, 4 w 4 r' '4 4" '4 T' '4 t 'i 4 j i, l a d 7" 4 4 ' The Hallowell Concert Company Biggest Concert of the Season Majestic Theatre Friday, Dec. 17, 1920 You know them by their excellent reputation of former years. i , .I ' OI . OI ' ' ' 'X. , i ' ' " 'X. i h .T i i " X i i iT oof 4" ' Ai i..f i"7 At ' - DANCE by Hallowell Concert Company AFTER THE SHOW Auspices of Ontario American Legion Concert $1.10 Dance 75c 444&4&t$4t4&&4Q4 4ZZ&44it44i4-i t4444444M'44444tW4