TIIE ONTARIO AKOOS. ONTARIO, OREOON, THURSDAY. DECEMBER16, 1920. t notick ov coni'iiimation piioukkdings lit tliu Circuit Court of (ho Httito or Omion, In nnd fur Malheur County In tlio Matter of tho Organization or slldo Irrlgatlutt District, and tlio confirmation of tlio procoodlnns tlioroln; tlio oloitlon and nunllflca - Hon of tlio frit Uoaril of Directors of said district, and tho confirmation ot tho proceedings therein; tho Uond Eloctlon hold wltuln tho said dls trlct, on tho 11th day of Octohcr, 1020, and tho confirmation of tho proceedings tlioroln; tho election hold within said district on tho 11th day of October, 1020, In tho mnttor ot ontorlng Into an agreement with tho Statu of Orugon for tho payment hy the Stnto of Oregon of lutorost on tho (110,000 ncgotlablo hond Issuo voted hy tho electors of said district for n period ot two years noxt (if tor tho dm" of Isstio, and tho con- tlrmatlon of thu proceedings tlioro ln; and tho proceedings of said dis trict nnd of said Hoard of Directors In tho matter ot tho gonornl lovy and nBsossment for tho current year and tho contlrii utlou of all proceedings tlioroln. To Slldo Iirlgutlon District, and to all freeholders, legal voters, and assessment payers, within snld Dis trict, UIIKISTINCIS-- You and onch of you, aro hcrehy notlflod nnd notice Is hereby given, Hint heretofore W. D. I'atch, Lloyd Ii. Culhortson and I Vntit, did flto In tho nbovo entitled court their cur tain erlfled petition In writing, whoro In thoy do itllrgo In substance mat ni nets ami tilings ny inw ru iltilroil to bo done, have boon done, In tho mnttor of the orgnulratlon of Slldo Irrlgntlon District; tho elec tion and (nullification ot tlio first Hoard of Directors thereof consist ing of snld petitioners; tho lovy and corroctlon and criunllzntlon of tho nnniinl nssessment for tho curront year within said district: thu elec tion hold within raid district on October 11th, 1020, In tho matter of limning, negotiating and selling tho negotlablo coupon bonds of said dis trict In tho sum of 1110,000.00, and tho canvass of tho returns of said oloctlon; tho election hold within snld district on October 11th, 1020, In tho mnttor of entering Into an agreement with tho Stnto of Oregon for tho payment hy the Statu of Oro con of Intercut for n period of two yuars itoxt after tho data of Issuo on tho nbovo roforred to bond Issuo, nnd tho cnnvnss of tho returns of snld tiled Ion. and by which said pe tition tho snld petitioners do prny In fitihstnnco thnt nil such hu CON FIRM HI) by u docrao ot this Court, uud Notlco Is further given thnt by an order of tho nbovo outlilod Court tho snld petition Is sot for final honr Ing at tho hour ot 11 A. M, on tho 4th dny of January, 1021, at tho Court room of snld Court, at Vnlo, In Mainour County, Stnto of Orogon, mid thnt nt snld flnnl honrlng nil lutorostad parsons who hnvo inndo proper mid lognl nppoarnnca may bo hoard In tho promises nnd Not I co Is further given thnt nit Interested persons must nppcnr nnd nuswor tho snld petition within Inn (10) days after tlio last publication of thls'notlco, to wit, on or before tho 20th dny of December, 1020, nnd thnt In tho event of the failure of tiny such Intorostod porsnn so to do, this court will doom nil objections waived, nnd docroo of this court will bo entered according to the prnyor of tho putltlon of snld petitioners. IN WITNKSS WIIKllKOr, I have hereunto sot my hand nnd sonl ot said Circuit court at valo, Oregon this Novombor 17th. 1020. A. M. MOODY (COUUT BEAD) Clerk Ily II. S. Socket. Deputy Ilnrrlion Mo Adnms, WeUer, Idaho and It, W. Bwnglor, Ontario. Oregon Atlornoys for Petitioners NOTK'K 1'Olt PUIIMOATION ISOIjATKI) TltAOT Serial No. OIKIHO, Puhllu IjukI H.iIo Di'purtiiiint of tlio Interior U. S. IjukI Offlco ut VhIu, Oregon, Novombor 24th, 1020 NOTICK IS hereby given that, as directed hy tho Commissioner ot tho (lonanil Land offlco, under prols tons of Sec 2455, It. S., pursuant to tho application of Hans A Arnosim, Serial No. 00080, wo will offer ut publlo wile, to tho hlghost bidder, but nt not less than $2.75 per acre, ut 2:30 o'clock 1. M , on tho 7th day ot January 1921, next, at this officii tho following tract of land SH SKU, Soctlon 4 and W4NWVi, Section 10, Township 18 South, Itnugo 40 Knst. Wlllamotto Meridian Tho sale will not bo kept open, hut will bo declared closed when thoso prooont ut tho hour named huvo ctwmoil bidding. Tho person making thu highest did will bo re quired to Immediately pay to tho Itecolvor tho amount thereof Any portions claiming adversely tho nbovo-doscrlbod land uro ndvlsod to tlio tholr claims, or objections, on or beforo tho tlmo designated for sale, T1I03. JONES. ItegUior First Publication, Dec. 2. 1920 Last publication, Dec .10 1920 t&SISgP Two ot the most homelike ho tels in Portland, located In tho heart ot tho shopping and thea ter district All Oregon Electric trains stop at the Seward llota1, tho House of Clioer. Excellent dining room In connection Tho ltotol Cornelius, the House of Welcome is two short blocks from the Seward Our brown busses meet all trains. Hatoa 1. JO nnd up. W. C. Culbert soii, Proprietor. JS jU ISmfSzWuoJU iNOKJ&- I SUMMONS In Tlio Circuit Court of tho Htnlo of Orceon, For Malheur County Payette-Oregon Slopo Irrigation DIb- 'trlct, n corporation, Plalntlff, vs. ;C. C. Hnrgrovo and Alma Ilargrovo, .hUBband nnd wlfo, nnd Alva C. Hond, as trustco for Ella J. Head, W. Morltt Head, also known as Warren M. Head, Eva I'utnoy, Edllli lioclgo, Mabel Sackott, Vorn M. Valllor, EIbIo Carl, Ilcssto H. Putney, being all of tho residuary legatees and dovlsces of Julia A. Nowman, deceased, Dofondants. TO C. C. Hargrove, Alma C. Hnr grovo, Ella J. Head, Eva I'utnoy, Edith Hodgo, Mnbol Spckott, Vein M. Valllor, Elslo Carl nnd IIcbbIo it. I'utnoy of tho abovo named defend ants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OltEOON: You aro hereby required to appear against you In tho nbovo entitled suit on or beforo tho expiration of and answer tho complaint filed six weeks fro"m tho dato ot tho first publication of this summons, nnd if you fall to ntiBwer, for want thereof, plaintiff nbovo nnmed will apply to tho Court for tho relief prayed for In Its complaint on file heroin tewlt: For an Order nnd Dccrco of tho nbovo entitled Court thnt you and ench of you hnvo no right, tltlo, In torost, Hen, claim or estate In nnd to tho Enst hnlf ot Southwest uiinr tcr of Southwest qunrtcr (KI&SWU BV) of Section Fourteen (14) Town shin 10 South. Kongo 47 E. V. M In Malheur County, Oregon, logotner with nl tenements, hcrodttmonts nnd nppurteiinucos thereunto belonging, or In nnywlso appertaining, nnd1 for nn Order and Dccrco (liilotlng plnln tiff's t'tlo against each nnd nil of you In nnd to snld promises nnd for such other nnd further rellot ns to tho Court may seem Just and oqull nblo. This summons Is published pursu ant to an order of tho Hon. Dalton lllggs, Circuit Judgo of Malheur County. Oregon, duly mndo and on- tared on Novombor 3rd, 1020. II. W. SWAOLKH, Attorney for I'lnlntlff. Itcsldlng nt Ontario, Oregon First Publication Novombor lltli, 1920. Last Publication, December 23rd. 1920. TIIAI.V HCIIEHULE . West Hound 17 Pnssonger 3:47 A. M. Dally No. No. No. No. No. 5 Mall 0:20 P.M. Dally 10 Paiwonger 4:30 P.M. Dally 23 Passongor 2:01 P. M. Dally 85 PasBOtigor (Pony 0:33 A. M. uuiiy East Hound No. 18 Passenger 1:10 A. M. Dally No. 80 Passenger (Pony) 750 A.M. Dally No. 4 PaBSongor 0:33 A. M. Dally No. (I Mall 2:20 P.M. Dally No. 24 Pastiongor 4.30 P. M. Dally Oregon Ifcinti'm Iliiimli West Hound No. 371 Mixed Vnlo-Crnno Departs 10:00 A. M Dally Ex. Sunday No. 373 Mlxod Valo-Hrogan Doparts 12:30 P. M. Dally Ex. Sunday No, 193 Passongor Vale Doparts 10:30 A.M. Sunday Only East Hound No. 372 Mlxod from Crane Arrive :50 P. M. Dally Ex. Sunday No. 374 Mlxod from Urognn Arrlvo 4:60 P. M. Dally Ex. Sunday No. 194 Passongor from Vale 3.05 P.M. Sunday Only $iqns The Things You Go By We Make Them Turner Bros. Barney Pete Ontario 008? CUM ' ; i 5!i3D Cfoi votTn Aar3"ioMArd3 in3tantlvrullovoallertburn,nioal dCauy Feeling. StopHfoodsourinc, reneatlnfr, and nil stomach miseries. Aid. dilution ud ppllt. Kwp itomaeli intetanil.trooa. IiuicawtVIUlityanJi'cp. CATONIO li the Utt remoJjr. T.n. of thoo. MnJ. voadrf ullr UniflKd. OaljrctuUaccot crlwa dy tauMll. l'o4itllyvroUl tapkauor wrlll nfuod aaatj, titUt taxtodtr, YouwuIma. Ontario Pharmacy JERSEYS Several High Grade 'Heifers and Young Cows Pox Sale. ' Coming fresh this month. Prices right. James A. Lackey gi? : PIANO TUNING Those wishing their pianos tuned will please Itar ordsrs with Mrs. CharlU Cox. L. N, HOOKBTT, Professional Cards DRS. WEESE & FORTNElt OFFICE HOUItS: 9 to 12 nnd 2 to C. Offlco over First National Dank Tfllephono No '33 J Onturlo. Ore JJK. A. It. JLtOJJJiiltTa Dentist Ilotwocn Outnrio I'lmrin Depot. Phono 52 Hours, 10-12! 1:30-0 Houso cnllL ECvonlngs by nppolntmont Made Phono 158 DR. R. A. MOON rnutoPHAcrio physician NUUVE HPIX'IALIST Acuto or Chronic Dlsunscs Hoouis ovor Post Offlco ONTAHIO OltKGON nit. o. w. TYucn DENTIST Offlco In Wilson nidg. Offlro Hours 9 a, m. to 4 p. m. Phono 117 tor Appointments. HAVE YOOIt CAIt MADE JU8T LIKE NEW Tlinnowcr of your nuto on- glno comes from tho cylinders nnd this Is tho Only Shop In Mnlhour county thnt tins a CYLINDER IIOIUNH .MACHINE This pormltB uo to do this ac curate machine worlt to n hair, nnd do It quickly. Now Is tho tlmu to have our engine overhauled. MAHHIUI.VH MACHINE SHOP Ontnilo, ()iogon WELL DRILLING, Special Equipment Speedy Hmlco See 0. B. Sanford Phone, in-W Ontario, Oregon ONTARIO TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. Long DMnnco mill IakuI Ilnullng DELICIOUS APPLES- Extra Fancy $3.00 per box, Fancy $2.50 per box, "O" Grade $2.00 por box. Order now and apples will be delivered wiien you wish.thcm. rt Phono, 206-W A. B. -CAIN, Ontario. FRANK BRIT.TINGHAM Phono 110-J Ontario, Oregon Long Hauling a Specialty Wo Always Dellwr tlio Goods 20 HEW MID for return of 1 rod bteor branded E S left hip under- slopo In right swallow fork in loft. a e 1 black heifer brandod op right hip undor slopo In right swallow fork la left. In addition will pay $80 for Informa tion that will lead to conviction of purty who took samo put of iny pasturo i n Malheur river about Septembor 10, 1920. Hoi 11, Ontario. C. II, Trousdalo. 810 tf. W. H. MAXON Transfer Anything, An) where, Autimo Stomgo Ieavo orders Wnjt Implement Store Phone 22 Itesldenro Phono 1LW Ontario, Oregou NOTIOK OV CIIANOK OF PAUTNKIISIUP Notlco Is hereby given that the Interest ot M. a. Clark In tho North- westorn Electric company ot Ontario has been purchased by tho under slgnod and tho nanio ot tho firm changed to that of tho Ontario Klec trlo Company, All accounts due and payable to tho Northwostern Electric Company aro to be paid to us, and wo will pay all accounts of the Northwestorn Electric Company J. J. DILLAKD W. II. HAMANN PAID LOCAL ADS PropnrntlonB aro bolng mndo for tho Evnngollstlc uicctlngB to begin January l, undor tho leadership of Stnto Evangelist, Itov. Mllo a. Iient loy. WANTED HIouso t0 rent, fur nished or unfurnished. Willing to lenso tor o im-nths or yoar, Address 832 Tho Argus. It. WANTED Woman cook wnnls work cooking In camp. Phono 70-M. 8331 pd Catholic Ladles will hold n cookod food salo at Itador Ilros. stnro, Sat urday, Decombor 18th. 820 1 Tho Osborn Mllllndry will hnvo a supply of cut flowers for salo nt nil times. STHAYEI) Anyono finding cat tlo brandod (YD connected) on left Rldo, II on loft Jnw, crop off loft oar. swallow fork In right, please notify Wnyno Iljdo, Wotfall. Oro gon 82C 1-2 I'd. KOll KENT Two Kooni Apart- convenhnroi tf. pd m-nt, with modern ' Phono flO-W KOIt I Phono I HUNT Furnished houso !9-W. 827-1 I roil SALE Chovrolot Touring ear I In good condition Chpnp for cash I Sett J. II. Gordon j FOIt KENT Ono keeping room. Phone Do) d. Llght-houso- SO-M Mrs 918-52 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In tho County Court of tlio Htnto of Oicgon for tin County of Malheur In tho Mnttor of tho Estato of SARAH FIIANCIJS KYAN, Doconscd Notlco Is horohy Klvon thnt thn uiii!orslgnod, oxccutrlx ot tho nbovo nnmod "Ustnto, has filed In tho nbovo entitled court hor Final Account and Koport ot hor administration upon snld pstnto, and that Tuesday tho 10th day of January, 1921, nt tho hour of 2 o'clock P M ot said day at tho Court Houso In Vale, Orgon, has boon duly fixed by tho said court oh tho tlmo nnd plnca for honrlng snld Flnnl Account nnd Bottling snld ostnto. Any nnd all persons Intor ostod In said ostato nro horoby notl flod to bo prosout nt snld tlmo and plnco and f Uo tholr objections, It any thorohy, to said Final Account uud contest tho nnmo. I)ono and dntod nt Vnlo, Orogon, this 7th dny nt Docombor, 1920. JESSIE CLAKA SCOTT Exocutrlx of tho ostnto of Snrnh Francos Ilynn, ' Doconosd. First Publication, Decombor 9, 1920 Last Publication January 0, 1920, FORD.OWM meets every need' of your Starting & lighting Battery meets it na it should be met, thoroughly, promptly, depend ably. Your battery is probably an "ExtOC." Dut if it is not, bring it to us anyhow. We meet e,very need of every make of starting nnH lighting battery, ELECTRIC SERVICE & BATTERY CO. Opposite Moore Hotel Ontario, Oregon !. The New Cafe White Mniingcmcnt'WIilto llel. Hack of rirht Nutlonul Itunk A K I mfo of Your Pntronngo Is Solicited HEALTHY NEW YEAR F "Periiiasicnt as CONCRETE lii&i Concrete is tho Foundation of all Permanent r Structures If You; Aro Building For Pormananco Use Concrete Concrete Irrigation Pipe Concrete Drainage Pipe Concrete Foundations Our plant is equipped with modern machinery, our methods of Manufacture are those gained thru years of experience, our. labor is skilled, our product is the best obtainable. You get the benefit of every pound of cement used. Ask Satisfied Customers The test of any product is its service. Our concrete pipe has been used in many of the biggest and best drainage and irrigation systems in this sceton. Ask for information, let us refer you to those who have used our product. We will gladly furnish you estimates on your con templated improvements. Ontario Concrete Pipe Co. C. E. BINGHAM, Tiesident Ontario, - Oregon aw.TigTMOirsjm.niKT.viwunin listen That's what many people do when thoy should n't.. You wouldn't join a business or social conversation betwoen two persons unless you were welcome to do so. Why then do you listen in on a telophono conversation when you arc not wanted? Do you know what to do so MAKES IT HARD TO HEAR for tho parties who aro entitled to have their conservation secret and uninterrupted. DON'T DO, IT ANY MORE Malheur Home Telephone Co. J. A. Lakness, Vico-pros. Gon. Mgr. W. REED w. JOHNSON HORSESHOEING, BLACKSMITHING ' BLACKSMITH FIT SHOES Sent Parcel Post No. 1-2, per set No. 3-4, per set . No. 5-G, per set Postage extra ORDER: SHARP, BLUNT, PLAIN W. JOHNSON Box 547, Ontario, Oregon Licensed t Prattle la Oregou aad Idaho . O. A. KUATB Municipal Itaglnr Moabsr ot America AsaosiaUca of Enslsesrs Sewer systsiu, water works, ave- msnit, cootrtte 4falgB, assa- menu, office system t03 Tilford Bide, Portland, Oreion City Hall, Ontario, Oreion THf ARGUS PRINTS BUTTERWRAPS the Pyramids' PRODUCTS iflaatMP'ruotvmjwui In HUBS $1.25 1.50 1.75 EXPRESS AND TRANSFER Phone 162 . Itesldence Phone 11GJ2 H. It Caldwell 1 Prep. . Suick Service Ontario. Oregon