The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, December 16, 1920, Image 1

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    ittoi0 t$m
NO. 2
(ji:ni:houh hkhpenhi:
Ml'HT(llti:i3T APPKAL
Ontni'lo Asked lo Hnic 85 LI leu
Vale til ild Hnmo for 10 N)hm
Will Hmn 2T Other Quoins
Aligned I))' (mimlttoo
Unlvorslty of Oregon, As boxing
Instructor to a 7-yenr-old boy, Is how
otio studont Is earning his way thru
tho University of Oregon. Tho llt
tla lad, who has JiiBt started to pub
Ho school, has learned tho need of
a copablo fist. So his mother, an
ndntlror of Itoosovolt, hired tho stud
ent to como uvur to her homo thrco
times n wook and teach tho youth
how to spar,
Tho records show that University
men nro performing u multltudo of
tasks In ordor to gut an education
Thoy wash dishes, spado gurdons,
wash windows, help clean houses,
wait on tables, wax floors, pick ap
ples, shovel coal, sweep floors, mow
lawns, shlnglo houses, mix coment,
dtlu busses, ropalr shoes, drlvo pea
nut wagonB nml net as salosmon.
Malheur County's grcntest Christ
man gift, tho lives of .100 children
That Is tho messago that tho com
mtttco In chnrgu of tho appeal for
funds to nave tho starving chlldron
of 13uropo wants to send to tho Stato
UcndaunrtorH on Chrlstums ovo.
Arrnngomonts for carrying tho np
peal It Is not a drlvo for funds no
not that but It Is nn atiswor to tho
crying children, tho linK-iinl-ed
undor nourished victims of tho great
war; whoso mlsorlos no Amorlcm
can comprohond, and whoso anguish
must ho rollovod, lest thoy dlo.
At a meetlnr: th's nnon nt tho Illuo
bird, A J Ilohlnson, directors of tho
nppoal for 13nstorn Orogon outlined
tho needs to n hastily cnllod mooting
at which (loo K Allton. county chair
man, J. M. McDonald, local chairman
and tho following woro present: If.
II Cockrum, county treasurer of tho
fund, J. It. Illackahy. Mrs Irwin
Troxoll, Itov. I). D. aillnndors, Itov.
W. J. I.uscombo, FJnnk 1'. Itynn woro
A Underwit Christian Aiienl
Tho nppoal at this Christmas tlmo
Irt universal It Is mado hy tho unltod
efforts of all tho organisations of tho
nations who hnvo contributed to war
w'ork; tho Y. M. C A.. Tho'Otod
Orois. Tho Jowlnh Wolforo, Tho
Knights of, Columbus, and ovory oth
or orgnnlzntlon touchod by tho cry of
tho chlldron
Tho following chairmen linvo boon
nppolntod, ami tho numltor of chlld
ron each community Is.nBk"". t "ayo
nf tho Riven of ipor "Jlillrt
Is given:
Ontario, 8G, Jns McDonald; nle.
in. A. I!. Arer: Nvssn. 25, Frank
I (Ml. Itov. W. P. Shields; IlroRnn,
13. A. A. Iloed; Jam'eson. 8. J. I
Page; WostMll 10, J. D Fnlrinim;
Mulhour, r., (loo II. Hodflsh; Ilonltn,
3, J. F. Pholun; Ironside. 10, I3rnest
I.ocoy; Ilarpor. 10, J. D Falrmnn;
HlvorsUlo, 3, Duncan Mcltno; Jun
tura. 13. Dan 1'. aalloghor; Oregon
Slopo, 10. Mrs 13. W Tonilln, Wo
men's club; Cairo, fi. John Koogan,
Ontario; Whlto Settlement, 6. Lin
coln. 0. Ilox Manxes, Jordan Vnlloy.
30, T. T. Kohoutj Vnlloy Vlow. 0. .
8. ltoos; Illvordalo (Wclsor) 5,Mri
Olbbon; Crowley, r.. Tom Turnbull;
Iloulah, 5. Ilnrnoy Tllloston; Adrian.
15, Mrs B. L. Tato
H. P. Grnlmm 'f Vnle, P. M. lleiiu-
iiinnt of Adrian and 13. lost of
Oicgoii Klopo In Initial Party
Commercial Club Aft
1 .10 Handier Meet nt Cnlro Grange
Hull nml I'lnn (ii oners Asiorln-
tlim to Ik) Perfected nt once
Tho mooting of Malheur County
limy growers called . by tho Farm
lllIl'OUi: COUNTY .IUIK1K 13. II.
I'lllMUNTM A C C U H 13 1)
Officers In Qunndry Out Failure To
Mud 1Um1 Hominl's Helntlve
Illd With CorpM' HlmdowM
llniint Vouthfiil Murderer
mi:hci: commission nm
m:i)uci:i TAitiiT.
or cocxciii ox 'ii.mi: ai.wei:
Ooorgo V. Howard, solt confessed
murdoror of Qoorgo K. Bwoonoy tho
Vnlo tailor, was arralnged boforo
Itnto of $ID to MNiourl Hher nml
l'roM)itlouato Hate 13nt of Tlmt
Terminal will Menu Heavy
liny Moieinent Mum
This Section.
Tho brightest ray of hopo (o plorco
tho gloom which has over shodoucd
tho prospects of the hay growers of
County Judco K. II. Test nt Vale Malheur County nud of all Southum
this morning. Hownrd waived a pre- Idaho, enmo today when It became
llmlnnry hearing nml wob bound over Known that tho union I'ncinc rn'l
to tho arand Jury which meets In road officials and thou of tho Short
Jnnuary. No nttornoy reprosontod .Lino hnvo asked permission to fllo
him today. n tnrlff of $10 por ton from this
Marshal II C. Farmer of Ontario, iBOMion 10 mo Missouri river term-
Deputy 8horlffs. C V. and Frank. Inals
8. P Graham, county chairman of
tho Farm Ilureau Livestock commit
tee and C. M Ileaumont. purchasing
ngont for tho Kingman Kolony dairy
cow pool, dopnrieu ior niiiiu
Vnlloy Monday ovonlng to socuro n
car load of grudo Jersoys. h. Frost
of Orogon Slopo. purchasing agent
wfor that community followed on M od
nosday, to socuro a car load of grniio
Jcrsoys for that locality.
ArrangomentB havo been mado
thru tho Inltlntlvo of tho Ontario
Commercial Club, to keep Mr. dra
ham In tho Willamette Valley and
western Washington for somo time,
scouting for good buys In the dairy
stock lino Ills services will bo
nvallablo to everyone who wishes to
brtng In dairy cattle, but particular
ly for those who net as purchasing
agents for carload pools from tno
.iniA,.ni ininiitin in tho county
Graham will work with tho county
agent and tho Dairy Specialist of the
Collogo in lining up stock bo that
purchasers from this county will bo
nblo to mnko tholr selections advan
taeoouslv ... . , ...
Tho first purchases will probably
bo made In Washington County
whero County Agent McWhorter has
boon busy for somo time nK
available stock. Washington County
has a number of Jersey breeders
n"d some of tho best stock In the
World. At present, Jersey cattle or-
. I.a l.n nnnnrtlinltV for thO PUP
chase of cattle of High production
from the standpoint of capital In
vested. Higher producing Jerseys
are available for the prlco than of
other breeds, because of being more
numerous with consequent opportun
ity for selection The Jersey breed
era havo not been as active In boom
ing their breed, also
Tho cattle that will bo secured will
be auctioned off soon after TUai
The auctions will take place right In
tho community where the pools are
formed Tersons who an not mem-
Ilureau Marketing Commlttco on
Wodncsday at tho Cairo draugo Hall
was attonded by ono hundred fifty or
moro farmers who assembled from
all parts of tho Snako Hlver nml Mal
hour Vnlloys. Tho mooting wns cnllod
to ordor by chairman Tonson and
Gilbert Dean nppolntod socrotary,
aftor which n full consideration of
tho proiont hay situation and of tho
futuro prospocts for liny markets
took placo.
Tho relationship botwoon tho rnngo
stock domand and tho available sup
pilot was dUcussod, at wall as tho
export demands. Tho advisability
of Increasing farm livestock nnd tho
production of other crops wnt Klvon
much favorablo consideration as n
moans of provonttng tho rocurrnnre
of a situation slmlllnr In t,uturoTa7
To got n systematic marKoung sys
tem going, socuro Information of con
ditions affecting markets and mnko
It uvnllnblo to tho producers, mo
chairman was Instructed to appoint
a commlttoo of sufficient number to
niloquatoly roprosont tho hay growers
for tho purposo of bringing n growois
ussoclutlon Into oxlstouco.
A nlan for forming a pool to no-
gotlato with certain buyora who woro
roported as. In tho markot for hay In
largo quantities on n dlvldod pay
mont plan, was prosontod and a cen
sus takon of tnoso wno wero wining
to go Into such a pool Sovornl
thousand tons woro listed and n com
mlttoo, with T. W. Claggott as chair
man, appolntod to oompioio nogonn
tlons. This matter was takon up
asldo from tho general purposo of
forming an association.
Tho mooting proved vory proflt
ablo to all who nttouded as It aorvod
for tho excuango of much valuable
Information tho Influonco of which
will -work to tho boneflt of all In
terested In tho dovolopment of tho
country. Among tho good talks
given was that of F. N. Northrup of
Orogon Slope who presented statistics
to show tho vaiuo or rarm iivosiock
keoplng and the probable value of
whoat next year. Ho recommended
a policy of.tho grower holding tho
surplus rather than dumping all on
tho markot at any prlco to get rid of
It, together with n general movomont
to consume hay on the' ranch where
Glnnn and Ilcrt High hnvo searched
In vnln for tho body of Hwconoy
They havo drnggod the Owyhco
whoro ho claims to hnvo sunk tho
body. Tho hnvo found tho trunk
with Its bloody smenrs nnd hnlr Iden
tified as that of Sweonoy. Thoy havo
In brief confirmed avory statomont
of tho confession, snvo that of find
lilt; tho body whoro ho claims to
havo thrown It
PnrentH llldo Willi Corpse
Tho senrchlng pnrty lenrnod from
Howard's parents that tho young
mnn arrived nt tho ranch with tho
trunk In tho ronr of tho enr nnd
thnt ho took onch membor of tho
family riding, ono nt n tlmo, over
tho lonoly roads nonr Wntson, whtlo
In tho roar roilo tho victim of his
crime. Of tourso tho fnmlly wns
unawnro of tho gruosomo trngedy un
til tho officers told thorn.
Howard told Sheriff Noo In n sec
ond stntomont thnt ho vlsltod the
Bcone whoro ho throw tho body ovory
day, for nil tho tlmo his guilty con
bcIoium? plcturod tho body rising
VbV$ tho waters to nccuso him.
Kaeh tlmo ho visitou tno scons
ho found tho shadow which harassed
him wan that cast by a bunch of
willows, Tho officers who hnvo ox
nmlnod Hownrd nro nt a loss to pro
perly doscrlho his action. Ho doos
not look tho'part of a dosporato
criminal; nor yot thnt of n maniac.
Ho shows somo Blgn of rnmorso, but
moro thnt of ono roslgnod to his fnto
Denr Slr;-
lt wns with tt groat dual of pleas
ure nud satisfaction that 1 read t it i
editorial In tho Argus of this week
rognrdlug tho c hnnglpg of tlmo. I
think tiH you Hay that tho stund tak
on by tho City Council of Ontario Is
a wlso one, that wo should nbldu
by tho standard tlmo ns ordered hy
tho Interstate Commerce Commis
sion and thnt Individual InturcslH
can adjust their starting nnd clos
ing times of tholr business ns seems
best to them but let nil tho clocks
ludlcato thu snmo tlmo and thus
nvold endless confusion.
Vory truly )ours,
1 M. I10AI.8
An lden of what tho gonorul
Introduction of dairy cowh Into
this community wilt nccompllsh,
statistics prove thnt thrco times
.&. ...a An..l n . I n Jn .. I.n J.
T II1U JIUIIUIHUUU bUII IU D..'t'W. ,v.. - .
by tho snmo hay ncroago, If tho
Tho Ilolso Statesman also carried
tho statomont that tho U. I'. officials
hnvo asked tho Intermediate lines, ns
tho railroads between Omnha and
Chicago nro cnllod, nud other unsturn
roads to mnko a proportlonnto re
duction on tholr tariffs for tho sal
vation of tho hay crop of Idaho,
Appllei t Oregon rolnlN.
County Agent L. H. Hrolthnupt,
acting for tho Fnrm, Ilureau Market
ing commlttco nnd Mnyor H. W.
Jones, president of tho Commercial
club noting for thnt body Immediate
ly got Into communication with 8hort
Lino officials to determine whether
or not tho rnto would npply to Oro
gon points on tho Short Linn, since
tho Ilolso stories gnvo tho rnto ni
from Idaho points.
Doth Mr. Jones and Mr. Hrolthnupt
wero nssurod that tho tariff would
apply to Oregon points on tho Short
Lino and Joel Priest, aonoral Agent
of tho Short Lino said ho would wlro
hoadquarlon to hnvo that point
specifically stated.
II. O, Drauo local agent has boen
Infonnod'by wlro that tho now tnrlff
would bo Issued, but It may bo sev
eral days, porhaps a wook, boforo
complete authorization for tho ruto
from tho Inter Statu Commorco com
mission can bo socurbd.
That this rato moaiiB n groat deal
to this section van bo understood
whon It Is known thnt In Ontario
todny thoro nro Inquiries from east
ern points for sovornl hundred car
loads of balled hay for points cast
of Chicago, at prlcos which will bo
satisfactory to tho hoy rnnchors un
der tho new frloght rnto.
Hlillo Han PiirnMiiMl llecliiiiintlon
I'lind With 1 1 Millions Ami Mm?
Hut Half Tlmt Hum He
mmed To It Ask Two
New Project h
OF 1. 0. 0. F. PASSES
W. 13. Ilulery, Ploneor of Mirh"ii'
County; Hiinlnesn iiiiin o r l.iuly
1))M Dies After Short III-
liens of Pneumonia.
product Is fed to dairy cows,
that can bo supported whon tho
liav M fed to beef cnttio
This statement nppllui only to
tho rural population, who In
turn will bo nblo to Incronso tho
buslnoos of tho towns nnd cities
and thus maka posslblo matorlal
Increase to thorn, as will.
Not only this, the Introduction
of this typo of farming will nat-
urally bo followed by tlto In-
traduction of roluted Industries,
creameries, canuorlos and other
moans of funlshlng employment
N. C. Ixing PiiMes Awny After l.lii
eilng IlluesN Wns .Miinoii nt
'vif Hi-rwil TlirnuKhiiut
IJntlro Clll Wnr.
Piesldent Geo A. MMtitlleM or Stain
I 'arm Ilureau Del hers i:ioiiienl
AddresH Comiiillleei He
port PniKTPss Of fie
ri He-Klerteil.
With moro than 250 rnnchors nnd
tholr wives present tho second nnnunl
meeting of th Mnlhour County Farm
Ilureau wns hold nt tho Grnngo Hall
nt Cnlro last Saturday It wan tho
largest mooting of ranchers hold In
tho county In years, nud desplto tho
bnd ronds In many sections thoro
woro ranchers from nil tho lower
vnlloy present.
Hcsldo nttendlng to tho nnnunl
business of tho Durenu thru tho dny
session, tho rnnchors, many of thorn
remained for n dnnco In tho ovonlng,
which wns ono of tho Stollnr fenturos
of tho gathering, vlolng with tho big
bnrbocuo nt noon, In which J. F.
Pholnn of llonlta played tho rclo of
chef. Tho Imlanco of tho sumptuous
dinner wns propnrod by tho women
of tho Grnngo nnd left nothing to bo
" During tho mooting vnrloty nnd
plensuru woro nddod thru thu muslcnl
numbers glvon by Mrs A, M. Dunlnp
of Vnlo, nccompnnlod by Mrs A M.
Moody; tho violin iiumiiors or Mrs,
Pholnn of ilonltn, accompanied oy
Mrs. L. It. llrolthaupt, and Mlsa
Dllnor Ilundall, nccompnnled by Miss
Luolln Callln, whllo James Smith of
Ontario ns song lender cnrrled tho
crowd nlong thru tho afternoon's pro-
gram by Intorspcrclng cqmmunitv
singing with vocal solos. Mrs, Smith
accompanied his offorts on tho piano.
Thus tnken nil around nn excellent
program was presented.
Goo, A Mansfield of Medford, Oro
gon President of tho Stuto Farm Iu
oott delivered tho big address of tho
day, making nn eloquont appeal for
rooporntlon on tho part of tho farm
ers, nnd F L. Ilallarr, county ngont
lender for I-3astorn Oregon mado u
brief talk.
Tho meeting wns called to odor nt
11 n. in. by President V. V. Illckox.
who mado a brief address.
Tho minutes of tho first annual
p - - . . .. . .
tlmotos submitted te congross, tho , meeting or tho Mainour loimiy inrm
Incronses nro smull compared with .Huroau wero rend by Secretary L It
nmounts glvon to othor states, he Hrolthnupt, and npprnvod
no,l Itoporls nnd recommendations
Senator Mc.S'ary nnd Hoprotoula-, from heniH of departments woro
tlvo Blnnott npponrod boforo Dr tor mado by tho following!
Davis of tho roclamniion somen in-1 rem i onsen, riiiiiriniui m ".'
That a detormlued offort Is being
mndo by tho Oregon delegation In
Congress to secure Justice for tho
Stato In tho distribution of Irriga
tion funds Is oi blent from tho press
dispatches from Washington. It Is
further evident that progress Is be
ing mndo.
In Tuesday's Oregonlau nppunrod
tho following story sent out by Its
special enrrcspontent:
"Hepresoutntlvo Slnuott laid boforo
tho house commlttuo on appropria
tions todny u dotnlled stutumout
showing that estimates fur reclama
tion projocts for tho next fiscal year
so nt to congress recently by tho see
rotary of tho Interior do not glvo
Orogon u fair share of tho money
nvallablo for Irrigation.
In tho statomont ho pointed out
thnt Oregon litis paid Into tho reclam
ation fund'IU, 105,112 and has ro
reived In allotments only half that
nmount. Sovornl slates, lie showed,
hnvo rocoUod several times what
thoy hnvo paid In Iteprosentutlve
Hlunott's protest wns duo particular!)'
to tho division mndo of tho munot
paid Into reclamation fund from fed
eral roynlty provided by tho o'l lous
ing bill.
Although Oregon would recolvo In
creased appropriation under tno os
ilnv anil urued that iiddllloliil eill
mntes bo sent to congross for two
now projocts In Orooii "
i On Wednesday thoro nppoarnl n
story that Socrotary of tho Interior
iThomiis llarton Payne had rucuui-
monded lo Congross tho Construe
,tlon of tho Dos Chutts project In
iHmenn. It turlhor stntod thnt
slnco this Is n now project It must
N. C Long. ed H ehrs. died nil co.yoProHblent.a. upprovnl.
u ItnitiA ItnrA -lilAailnv m'.,lllllf flflnp. ' ..... ...,....
Ontnr o ro l.s nro nimum ihk
his homo bore Tuosdnv ovonlng nftor
a llngorlng lllncrs Conipl'enMons
attondnnt upon old nr?o wns tho causo
of denth. Masonic runorui servicos
wore hold this morning nt tho Method
...... . . -- -- . . --. , .
for urban dwellors. "t llp'tcopai enurcu, mo service no-
Is a tng couiiuvieu ii" acuciu i.uuhh- m
T,i ntlin. u-nrtlia flnlpvllicr
j. t,.in wiinun nrosDorltv ! this city. Tho funoral sermon wus
tl . - m -. H t. n.l .- II A.I 11F T f llaAAIllllA
wider dirruslou or i- pnmoimii vy ur. v. o """
moans a
wealth than tlm nttondnnto up
on nny other form, of agricul
ture, Is not this a worth whllo In
dustry for nnv community situ
ated us Ib Ontario to promoteT
Is Heal Muslcnl Tient
r llnlnrif n unll I'tinivn fnrm
er and one of the ploneors residents' A mirlcnn LeRlon HeruroH .Most Pop.
nn.rln .lld nt hla home four I ulue of Trnvellng OrchestrnK
ilo. was Af Dntnrlo Monday from Jlaiico to l-)IInV Coilrt
an attack of pneumonia after a brlot
illness. Mr liuiory wns engagou u
buslnoss In Ontario about thlrty-Avai
years ago. For several eara p-jst . Haowu concert company.
ho has Deen engagea in larmiiiB. ic-1 . .. b , . ,h traveling
sides his wife he leaves a argo circle ,. f tho yerbett of tbetra g
of friends to mourn his wath Mr t(on w,' bQ Ul0 attraction at the
Hulory was a prominent Odd-Felowl" . " TI.eatre Frlday 6VOnlng.
tho last of the aer memue rs . . T n , , ,. g,von un(lor
Ontario Lodge I. O. O. t. No, 90, and . ..., ot the onta lo American
was a past nob e granu ine lunorui ,Lo ,0 p0at an(, , .M ie n roa musl
e?.k ? l0" elTa uTZZ" lcal8t At. Ak do from, the excellent
ensemble which the or' I estra secures
from Its artists It has a I exceptional
numbor of solo'st, M.- Wenzle, the
baritone, alone Is a tro. t.
After the concert the eompany will
play for a dance whleli the legion
will give ai me uiu i-po.a iiuubu
Tho body was then taken to Vale
whoro Maronlc sorvlco was conducted
at tho gravo by the Vnlo Lodge, In
terment being mndo this nftomoon
V C Long waa n pioneer of Mnl
hour County. He camo horo from
California in 1875, to which stato ho
had moved from Kansas In 18GC
From 1876 until n yoar nnd n half
ago ho lived near Vale. Ho Is sur
vived by bis wlfo nnd tiireo nt inn
soveu chlldron born to thern: tho
children living are; Mrs A L Park
er of LaOrando, Oregon; llurvoy r.
of Ontario and Crltlv C of Twin
Falls. Idaho.
Mr. Long was born at Clinton.
Illinois in 1832 Ho moved to Kan
sas as a young man and enlisted In
Pnmnanv F. 4th Kansas Infnntry In
August 1861; was discharged Fobru-I
ary 29, 1884 and ro-onllstod tho I
next day and was honorably ills
charged a second time August 30, 1
1865. Tho noxt day ut Council
Hluffs, Iowa ho was married to
Kluabeth Fay, who survives mm.
whether this Is ono of tho two pro
Jocts which Sonntor MoNary nnd Con
grossmaii Blnnott. rocoinmouded If
thoy rocommondod any specific pro-
joct nnu ii so wnui iii Pimm.
tho Owyhco Project Is nt tho pres
ent tlmo .... , ,
P J (inllngher or uns euy whu m
In Washington Just nrw in mo in-
torests of this latter projeci i -pocted
to start from tho national rnp
Ital tomorrow for Ontario
Despite AdveiM UViiIIht (Hmilltl.iU"
Irfiigo Cumil AlteniN llrst An-
Dame for HnUl
Mini) Iiiteichllng
frnm the Odd Follows IIQ11 uncoi
the nusplces ot the lowii lodge which
conducted tho ritualistic services nt
the grave. The funeral sermon wns
preached by Hev. Wm. Lusco.nbo of
the Metnoaisi enurcu. iuo tuumni
was largely attended by aid time
friends of the deceased. Interment
was made In the Ontario cometery
bers of the pool will be allowed to
purchase cattle by bidding on a cash
basis. Aa fast as there Is need for
more stock, other poola will be form
ed. Anyone Interested In securing
dairy stock can get assistance from
the Farm Bureau by seeing any of
the livestock committees of the Coun
ty Agricultural Agent
County Comml'slomr F M Vine
was here from Vale Weinesday to
attend the funeral of V E Hurley
Mr VlneB and Mr Hu'e were as
sociated In business together In On
tario many y ears ago
J. A Lackness Is Portland and
Salem on business connected with the
tolephone company
Tho first annual ball for tho ben
efit of ttioso who might bo In noed In
Ontario was a successful vonturo,
...... ..I. ., ,.! ..a i.rniit ii u lla liroiUt'tOrH
Ha was a mombor of tho Methodist .. ,... n, iimv wero uronlh
church all his mature llfo and for 54 lian,ncapped by tho advorso weuthor.
yours wuu mi iiumuh... i..u.....v. w. ... j()r ralneil thai nigiii uh u hwiiii
Masonic fraternity r..lna i tlilB section.
Dosnlto the rnln. hovsovor, a lurgo
COSMOPOLITAN CLUH IH crowd was In attondnio and many
lug nnd Mnrkotlng Commlttoo; 13 M
Dean of tho Community Ilottormonts
Commltteo; (1. W. Donn of tho Pest
Control Commltteo; B. P Grnbain, of
of tho Ltveslock Commltteo; V T,
llnrrntt, Tronsuror, presented his an
nual report; Mrs W. L Dnvls. of tho
Home Hettermeuts; L J Hudlnv nt
tho Soil Improvomonts nnd IrrUnMcn
Thu Cnlro Sewing Club girls gavo
a domoustrutlon showing tho dif
ferent steps tnkon In making a bag
from a flour sack Thli demonstra
tion was very surrossfully glvon,
from tho rutting of tho pattern to tho
flnlshod article, nnd groat Intorest In
tho Hoys' nnd GlrlH' Club work was
mnnlfostod by thoso present
A roport on iioys- nnu mris t inn
work wns mado by Miss Mazlo Wil
son, Club Lender Mrs Hurlov, the
chairman or tho rommiueo noing un
able, to. bo present.
A A Itooil, or tno iiorucuiiurn
Commltteo, bolng uiiablo to nttona
tho mooting, IiIb report wns rend by
Socrotary L It Hruithaupt
Ivun 13 Onkos reported ino worK oi
tho Fnrm Itocords commlttoo
F L Hallnrd. Asslstunt County
Agent Lendor for Kastoru Orogon
spoko of tho work of tho Farm Hur
oau, Bhowlng Its rolnllon to tho Col
logo Agricultural work, nnd umpbas
Ulng tho nocosslty of organized of
rort, nnd n doflulto prngrum of in
eoiniillslinioiitH Mr Ilallard stated
that no neiiovos tno rarm nuruuu m
bo tho greatest fnrmors movomeni
In tho United Statos, and that Its
nowor Is duo to tho lad that It Is
organized from tho bottom up, nnd
not from tho top down no em
phasized tho Importnnco of com
mlttoo meotings in tno uiiiorum eu
munltlos, stating that tho succoss or
tho County Fnrm Ilureau depends
upon tho work of tho community
committees, and that tho work thnt
Is being done under tho noun or ino
National Farm Ilureau Organization
simmers down to tho community
Fnrm Hurcau Mr Hallard expressed
tho hopo that tho Malheur County
(Continued on Page Sovon)
i.-mtMi.-n at IIMVHItHlTY .,...i,n.A,i iipkniu who did not at
tend. Then thoro woro booths and
Untveslty of Orogon, Kugeno gameB In the carnival attractions, but
Students of the University, ropre- host of all thoro was u gonorous
sentlng twelve rorolgu countries, spirit of good tlmo over all
fe". "L. "i AAAAii.nn Mni. I ti.a rmnmliteo from tho Orogon
,,!. T ,..!. a noHvnnf Hrfinco. ' Mill, nnd the Knights of ColumllUB
""' u.o., m ..-...- -. ----. ---- -"--". ....:- ,,. . ..,
who Is chairman, says tnai mo ciuo.wno uniiou m ms ',."", '7,, "
has a threo-fold purpose, To help gratified at tho result considering tho
promote a better understanding n- handicap and overyono prosout do
mong the foreign born students onlclarod tho function ono of tho host
the campus, to establish a moro 'over stagod hero The commltteo
friendly relationship among nations had not completed an audit of tno
by means of Inttmato contact hero, receipts and expenses of tho gathor-
'. ... . ... .. -i.... i,,,t no .iaafIv nu rnnlil 1)0 CStl-
eSch other till l American' students mated 'the nit proceeds will reach j article's Local merchants Identified
.,.,1 ihn niiiiiAniH or toroicn iiiriu ioa.uu. i"" t."-
A number of Mexicans whoso fing
ers clung to goods thoy did not pur
chase In local storos woro rounded
up by tho pollco todny Murshnl II
C Fnrmor nnd Night Marshal J H
Gordon arreBted tho Mex this after
noon and secured most of tho stolen
nrnnnriv which Included Bilk shirts,
cnlnro. gloves, ono suit nnd other