Hfc i 4 TIIEONTAIUU Alto us U.VTAJ.'lU, (MEMOS'. TIITUM ,V. DECEMBER 9, 1020 NOTION OK CON'I'IHMATION I'llOCl-JKDINOH In llio Clicult Oouit of tho Htiito of Orc'Kon, lit mid for Miillicui' County . IS..t.h0 .M,!llcr. (,t tl'O Orennlzntlon of Blldo Irrlcntlou District, nml tho conflriiintlon of thn tifi.r,,,.,n.. thoroln; tho election nml qunllflcn- iiuii ui uiu iiri iiuaru or Directors or said district, nml tho conflriiintlon of tho proceurtliiKs therein; tho llond fcloctlon hold within thu said dis trict, on tho 11th day of Octohor, 1020, nml tho confirmation of tho jirocecdliiBB thoroln; tho election hold .within said district on tho 11th dny of October, 1020, In tho matter ui uniuriiiB into nn iiRreumont with tho Stnto of OroKon for tho payment by tho Htato of OroRon of Interest on tho $110,000. iicgotlublo bond Issun voted by tho elector of snld district for n period of two years next nf tor tho dnto of Issue, nml tho con firmation Of tho tirori'Pillnrn ll,nr. In; and tho proccodltiRs of snld dis trict nmi oi sain Hoard of Dlroctors In tho matter of tho genornl levy and nssossmont for tho current year and tho confirmation of nil proceeding" thoroln. To Slldo Irrigation District, and to nil freeholders, legal voter, and nssossmont payers, within snld I)ls trlct, ailKKTlNOS1- You and ench of you, nro horohy notified and nollco In horohy kIvcii, thnt horotoforo W. DM'ntch, Lloyd u. vuiiiuriHou nun i vant, did fllo In XOTICH OF LIK.V SAIiK Notice Is horoby clvon that by vlr tuo of n possessory lion hold by me under nuthorlty of law In such cases, I Will on SatUrdnv. Mm lit). ,ln Uccomhor, 1920," nt tho hour of ono o clock 1. M. of Bald day, at tho sub- Biuuun ui mo luano I'owor Company In tho City of Ontario, Oregon, sell nt public nuctlon tho following describ ed porsonnl property, to-wlt: One WcstlnjsllOUBO 2fi ltiirnn Prnv. r, niroo i'iiobo Motor, Number 8C3493 Comploto, with nutomotlc Btnrtor; or n part thereof sufflclont to pay my Just and renBonablo ch'nrcos for work nnd labor bostowod upon said pro perty In tho rormlr thnrnof. Tlmf tho ownod nnd lawful possessor of Bum property nt the tlmo said work was porformod was 1). A. Diesel, nnd I performed said work and labor on said proporty nt his request, nnd fur nlshod tho mntorlal for snld repairs at his request. That I porformod snld work nnd labor, nml fitriilalin.t sain materials ror tho same, between tho first day of Jnnunry, 1918, nnd tho first day of February, 1918, nnd moro than three months hnvo clnpsod slnco I censed to ticrforni snld work Thnt tho nmount Justly and reason ably duo mo for snld work and mater ial furnished Is S1C0.00. with Inlnr. est thereon at tho rato of six per cent por annum from Feb. 1, 1918, U-jOlhcr with alt costs, oxdchsos and attorneys fees Incident to keoplng tho aliova entitled curt ihnir rnr" '", Be""K Bal Property, nils salo tnln verified nntiiim, i.. wriii... i" IMM .?nro:ce mr mm Hon and Petition 111 wrlllntr. whero In they do nllcco In sulmtmirn thnt nil nets and things by Inw re quired to ho dono, havo boon dono, In tho, mnttor of tho orgntilzatlon of Blldo Irrigation Dlslilct; tho elec tion nnd qualification of tho first Hoard of Dlroctors thorcof consist ing of said petitioners; tho lovy nnd correction nnd cqunllzntlon of tho iinnunl nsBcssmonl for tho current year within snld district; tho elec tion hold within snld district on October 11th, 1020, In tho matter rf Issuing, ncgotlntlng nnd selling tho nogotlnblo coupon bonds of snld dis trict In tho sum nf $110,000 00, nnd tho cnnvnss of thn returns of snld oloctlon; tho elect Ion held within mid district on October 11th, 1020, lu tho mnttor of entering Into nn ngrcotneut with tho Btnte of Orogon for tho pnymetit by tho Stnto of Oro non of Interest for u period of two jonro next after tho dato of I as no on llio nbovo referred to bond Issue, nnd tho canvass of tho roturns of snld olcctlon, and by which snld po tltlou tho snld petitioners do pray In nubstanca that nil such bo CON KHIMKI) by n decree of this Court, and Notlco Is furthor given thnt by an ordor of tho nbovo entitled Court tho snld petition Is sot for final hear ing nt tho hour of ll'A. M. on thn 41h dny of Jnnuary, 1921, nt the Court room of snld Court, at Vnlo, In Mnlhour County, Btato of Orogon, nnd that nt said Muni hearing nil lutorostod persons who hnvo mndn proper nml local nppcnrauco may ho hrnrd In tho premises nnd SUMMONS I N THK CIItCUlT COUItT OF THE I STATU OF nill'cnv win ' MAMIKUU COUNTV MALCOLM COItltlOALL, Plaintiff, vs. JOHN ZIMMEItMAN, Individ unlly nnd as Executor of the Inst will, testament nnd cstnto of Nnucy Klmo, doceuBcd, KATIE KIME, EMMA or EHMA KIME, OllVILLB KIME, MAHTIIA L. imODHICK, individually nnd as Guardian ad Litem of tho said Katlo Klmo, Erma Klmo and Orrllle Klme, FItANK KIME, also all other persons or parties unknown claiming nny right, tltlo estate Hen or Interest In tho real estate described In the com plaint herein. Defendants To JOHN ZIMMERMAN. Individ- uallr and as Executor of Hit last will. tettauiont and estate of Nancy Klme, deceased, KATIE KIME, EMMA or EltMA KIME, OHV1LLE KIME. MAHTIIA L. nilODHICK, Individ ually and as Guardian Ad Litem of the said Katie Klme, Erma Klme and Orvllle Klme. FllANK KIME. also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, tllo, estate Hon or Interest In the rent estnte described In the complaint heroin, Dorendants You are hereby reaulred to nDDear and answer the complaint herein scnlnst you within six weeks from ramvAf anl.l nM.m.M. mi. .i.,- -tfltho Mate nf the fimt titiiillrnMnn nf tho first publication of this notlco lln'8 "umraons, that Is to say, nlthln Is Nov. 18, 1020, and tho last puh-.,,x w,oks rrom tho 28ll 'ttr ' Oct- llcntlon Is on Doc. 0, 1920 WYMAN L. HALL, of Ontario, Oregon. Lion Claimant V. W. WOOD, Attorney for Lien Claimant, Attorney for Lien Claimant. SUMMONS In The Circuit Oonrt of thn flute or Oregon. For Malheur Countr I'uyette-Oreaon Slone IrrlcMlon Ills- inct, a corporation, Plaintiff, vs. C. C, Harerove and Alma Hargrove, husband and wife, and Alva C. Head, as trustee for Ella J. Head, W, lierltt Head, also kuonu as Warren M. Head, Eva I'utney. Edith Hodge, Mabel Sackott, Vera M. Valller, Elsie Carl, Dessle It. Putney, being all of the residuary legatees and devisees of Julia A. Newman, deceased, Defendants, TO O. C. Hargrove, Alma C. Har grove, Klla J. Head, Eva Putney, Kdlth Hodge. Mabel Snckett, Vera M. Valller, Elsie Carl and Uessle It, Putney of the above named defend ants. IN THK NAME OF THE 8TATE OF OREOON: You are hereby required to appear against you In the above entitled suit on or before the expiration of and answer the complaint fllod six weeks from the dato of the first publication of this summons, and If vmt fall tn aiiwp ft want ihrnf Notice Is furthor nlvcn thnt nil ni.intirr ot... n..,i .m nnni. .' Interested porsons must appear and tll9 Court for ,ll9 rollof prny0(l for nnswor tho snld pott Ion within en ln ,ti complaint on fllo horoln tewlt: (10) dnys nftor tho ast publication por gn 0rder and Docxeo of the of this notlco, to wit, on or boforo ,n,ov, entltlod Court that you nnd tho 20th dny of December. 1920, nud in.rh nr nn Ii.va n ri-h int. in. thnt In tho ovotit ot tho fnlluro of lerMt, Hen, claim or estate In nmf nny such iiiiurwii-ii ihhj p hi uu, m0 lrie East half of Bouthwest qunr this court will doom nil objections tftr ot southwest quarter (KHBWU wnivuu, nun iiuciri m mm junii rv) of Boctlon Fourteon (14) Town bo ontorod ncco-dlng to tho prnyor of tho petition of said petitioner. IN WITNESS WIIKRKOF, I hnvo horounto sot my hand nnd seal of said Circuit Couit nt Vnle. Orogon this Novomber 17th. 1020. A. M. MOODY (COUIIT 8KAD) Clerk. 11 II. 8. u.k Deputy. Hnrrlson Mc Adnms. Wolier, Idnho. nnd It. W. Swnglor, Ontnrlo, Oregon Attorneys for Potltloners. NOTICH I'OH PUIU.U'ATIO.V isoii.Ti:ii TitAtrr Serial No. O(KIHI). Public IjumI Hiile Depurlinent of tin) Interior U. S. iJtnd Offlco nt Vnlo, Oregon, November 2itli, 1920. NOTICE IS horoby given thnt, us directed by tho Commissioner of the Qonornl Land offlco, undor provis ions of Sec 2455, It. S., pursuant to tho application or Hans A. Arnoson, Serial No. 0CCS0, wo will oHer at public sale, to tho hlghost bidder, but at not less than $2.75 por acre, nt 2; 30 o'clock P. M., on tho 7th day of January 1921, next, at this office, tho following tract of land: 84 SEU, Boctlon 4 nnd WNWli. Section 10, Township 18 South, Itnngo 46 East. Wlllamatto Meridian Tho salo will not bo kept opeu, but will bo declared closed when No "thoso nrosent at tho hour named K, havo ceased bidding Tho person N ' 24 ship 1C South, Ilango 47 K. W. M. In Malheur County, Oregon, together with all tonoments, herodltmonts and nppurtnnnnces thereunto bolonglng, or In anywise appertaining, and for an Order and Decree quieting plain tiff's tltlo against oach and nil of you In and to said premises and for such other nud further relief as to thn Court may scorn Just and equit able. This summons Is publlshod pursu ant to an order of the Hon. Dalton Illggs, Circuit Judge ot Malheur County, Oregon, duly made and en tered on November 3rd, 1020. It. W. SWAOLEIt. Attorney for Plaintiff, Residing at Ontario, Orogon First Publication November 11th, 1020. Last Publication, December 23rd, 1920. ' TRAIN SCHEDULE West Round No. 17 Passenger 3:47 A. M. Dally No, 5 Mall (;2C P. M. Dally No. 19 Passenger 4:30 P.M. Dully No. 23 Passenger 2;01 P. M. Dally No, 15 Passeugor (Pony 9:33 A. M. Dally East Round No. IS Passenger 1:10 A. M. Dally No. 36 Passenger - ober, 1020, and falling so to do the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In said com plaint, ns follows, to-wlt: thnt you and each ot you, be required to set forth tho nature of your, and each of your, claim; that all adverse claims of the defendants be deter mined by the decree ot this court; that by snld decree It be declnred and adjudged thnt the defendants have no estate or Intorcst whatever In or to the lands, premises and water rights In said complaint and here describ ed as the Southwest Qunrter (8WY ) the East Half of the Northwest Quarter (EV4NWV4). and thr South west Quarter of the Southeast Quart er (SWUSKU) ot Section Twenty- six (2C); and tho East Half ot the Bouthoast Quarter (EUSKK) ot Bectlon Twenty-seven (27). all In Township Eighteen (IS) South ot Range Forty-one (41) East of the Willamette Meridian, ln Malheur County, Oregon, together with all water rights appurtenant to said lands for the Irrigation thereof; and that the title of the plaintiff thereto Is good and valid; that the defend ants, and all ot them, be forever en joined and debarred from asserting any claim whatever In and to said lands, premises and water rights ad verse to the plaintiff, and for such other .relief as shall seem meet and agreeable to equity. This summons Is served br uubll- cation under and by virtue ot an or der signed by Hon. K. II. Test. Coun ty Judge of said County, btarlng date Oct. 27, 1020, and directing the publication hereof once a week fori six consecutive weeks In the Ontario Argus. H. C. EASTIUM, Residing at Vale, Oregon, Attorney for Plaintiff. First publication Oct. 23, 1921. Last publication Dec. 9, 1920. NOTICE FOR 1IIDH NOTICE IS HERERY OIVEN, that scaled bids will bn recolvod at tho offlco of tho COUNTY Cleik of Mul hour County, Oregon, until 10 o'clock n m. December 13th, 1020, for tho construction of about 7V& miles of road In tho Willow Crook Canyon, on what Is known as tho Rrogan-Malhour road, according to plans and specifications on fllo 'In tho offlco ot J. F. Joyco, Roadmastor of Mnlhour County, at Ontario, Ore gon. With all bldi thore must he do posltod a cortlflod chock, payable to tho ordor of tho County Court of Mnlhour County, Oregon, for flvo per cent of tho amount of the bid, which shall bo forfeited to tho County In caso tho award Is mado to tho hlddor and ho shall fall, nogloct or rofusa for a porlod of flvo days aftor such award Is mado to enter Into con tract and fllo his bond us horoln provided. Ry ordor of tho County Court ot Mnlhour County, Oregon, datod nt Vnlo, Orogon, Novombor 6th, 1920. A M. MOODY, (SEAL) County Clerk. Ry II. d. 8ACKETT, Deputy. First l'uuiicntion Nov. 26, luzo. making tho highest did will bo rt- qulrod to immediately pay to in Rocolvor tho amount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely the abovo-descrlbod land are advUod to fllo tholr claims, or objections, on or boforo thp time designated fcr salo. THOS. JONES, Reglstor. First Publication, Dec 2. 1920. Last publication, Dec 30 1920 (Pony)7;50 A.M. Dally (Last Publication, Dec. 9. 4 Passenger 9:33 A. M. Dally '' ..,', 6 Mall 2:20 P. U. Dally i.NOTICh Ol- m'n-SVHMUt, '4 Panaoneer 430 P M Dallr "' PAIIT.M'.IWIIH1 ol!m ii.eriir-nrh ' . Notice Is hereby given that tho Oregon Eastern Ilrancli West Reund: No. 371 Mixed Vale-Crane Departs 10:00 A. M. Dally Ex. Sunday No. 373 Mixed Vale-Drogan Departs 12:30 P. M. Dally Ex. Sunday No. 193 Passengor Vale Departs 10:30 A.M. Sunday Only East Round No, 372 Mixed from Crane Arrive 2:60 P. M. Dally Ex. Sunday A rSRvL'sy Jjjj)Doj&tfi Z No. 374 Mixed from Rrogan Arrlvo 4:50 P.M. Dally ex. Bunuay No. 194 Passenger from Vnle 3:06 P.M. Sunday Only SoTTI IfiiCLSK i wo ot the most homelike ho tels In Portland, located ln the heart ot the shopping and thea ter dlvtrlct. All Oregon Electric trains stop at the Seward Hote', tho House of Cheer. Excellent dining room In connection. The Hold Cornelius, the House of Welcome Is two short blocks from the Seward. Our brown busses meet all trains, Rates $1.60 amfup. W C Culbert son, P oprlotor Signs The Things You Go By We Make Them Turner Bros. - Barney Ontario Pele Interest of M. Q. Clark in tho North western Electric company of Ontario has been purchased by tho under signed and the name of the firm changed to that ot tho Ontnrlo Elec tric Company. All accounts due and payable to tho Northwestern Kle 'trie Company are to bo paid to us, and we will pay nil accounts of the Northwestern Electric Company. J. J. DILLARD W. II. HAMANN ID $20 REWARD for return of 1 red steer branded E S left hip under slope In right swallow fork In left a e 1 black heifer branded on right hip under slopo ln right swallow fork in left. In addition will pay $80 for Informa tion that will lead to conviction ot purty who look samo out of my pasture t u Malheur river about September 13, 1920. I) ox 11, Ontario. C. H. Trousdalo. 819 tf. W. H. MAXOX Transfer Au)thlujf, Anj where, All) time Storage Leave orders M'n)t Implement Stoio Phono ii!i Residence Phono 41-W Ontario, Oregon tfr WILL YOU GET CAUGHT WITH YOUlt PLUMBING EXPOSED? 10 Mr. Ontarian. Havo you looked over your plumbing? Hava you seen to it that tho plumbing repairs have been made for cold weather? Havo you had thoso leaks fixed and the gaskets all roplaced? These aro tho things that causo'trouble and oxponso in winter. Let us look over your plumbing now boforo tho ground freezes and makes repairs twice as costly. PIPLE8S FURNACES MAKE SOOTLESS HOMES AND REAL COMFORT BESIDES SAVING COAL AND MONEY Ontario already has in a number of its home the Pipoless furnaco, the latest monoy savor and comfort producer. .These aro ideal for the homes of Ontario; but they must be properly installed by ono who knows hqw. That is our business. Let us demonstrate how it works. Wo can solve your heating pro-blom. H. R. UDICK PLUMBING and HEATING ONTARIO OREGON Mr7riTinTiTrV w fid Rl I AJi&jfc ( l & EinihnSacam TtUICK has built cars uoon the orac- D tical basis of dependability for two decades and it is only natural that each year more and more business men and professional men should choose Uuick. In addition to their reliability for busi ness use, the Buick Nineteen Twenty One Models possess power, beauty, roominess and comfort that make them especially pratifyiiiK in leisure hours to the entire family. The new Buick three Passenger Roadster is admirably fitted to the needs of business. A nation-wide Buick Service rc-inforces the Buick dependability. Prices of the New Nineteen Twenty Quick Scries 1 7 7 ii "-- v MW TMx Ow.ltnr Pf, tkrtf ,M"t" ' VT "-, Mo4t 1 1 mtuy OM.frrtf Hit, it 9ltf r Mr l v Mv4ITtfttr Om yrljr til, Uttf ,Mf iir eiH II Sv v AloJclTwrmr Out runy (tifa, l p4Mocr r ih MtalflTwraii Om lenjr KJU, lvr fiMfiftr rH w mil tVsl frS X IM.I TCBIif OM lufl, Mat, mta timt t lf Wli nTTVTTTl i Lr"',,,ss?rvi k MidtllwriMy Out lifir mf p.Mtnttr ui WA rtr 1 111 hffl3e...rrvi'N- - t. o. i. rnit c r.... iv S1VI iwt 1110 nit nn till Carter Garage C. C. CARTER, Proprietor ONTARIO, OREGON WHEN BETTER AUTOMOIJILES ARE BUILT. UUICK WILL-BUILD THEM