TILE 0NTA1U0 AKOOS, ONTAIUO, OltEOON. THUKSDU mi - -i 11 ' DECEMBER 2, 1920. ONTARIO MEAT & GROCERY ' CO. n ... 4' ' -Mh Wc Want The World To Know That Wc Have Certainly CUT THE PRICE OF MEAT We have cut our prices so low that others can no longer put on Special Sales and make you believe they are'GIVING YOU SOMETHING. We take pleasure in quoting you the following prices, which are OUR REG ULAR PRICES EVERY DAY, until conditions make possible further reductions. Read these prices : BEEE B:ef, b the quarter, per lb. - lie Pot Roast, per lb - - - 15c Shoulder Steak, per lb. - - 18c Rib Boil, per lb. - - - 10c Prime Rib Roast, per lb. - 20c Round Steak, per lb. - - 22c Sirloin Steak, per lb. - - - 27c Bamberger Steak, per lb. - 15c PORK Half Hog, per lb. - - - 15c Shoulder of Pork, per lb. - 16c Pork Roast, per lb. - 25c to 30c LARD Pure Kettle Rendered Lard, 10 lb. $2.40 Pure Kettle Rendered Lard, 5 lb. $1.25 LOIN AND RIB Pork Chops, per lb. - - - 30c Pork Sausage, per lb. - - 20c Pure Pork Sausage, in links, lb. 30c Spare Ribs, per lb. - - 20c LAMB AND MUTTON Leg of Lamb, per lb. - - 30c Lamb Chops, shoulder, per lb. - 20c Lamb Chops, loin, per lb. - 30c Lamb Stew, per lb. - - - 10c VEAL Half a Veal, large, per lb. 12 1-2c Half a Yeal, small, per lb. - 17c Veal Chops, shoulder, per lb. - 20c Veal Roast, shoulder, per lb. - 15c Veal Stew, per lb. - - - 10c $ U Remember Every Day is Sale Day at Our Store ONTARIO MEAT & GROCERY CO. H. H. TUNNY P. P. RYAN GEO. P REIHSEN -i M---V-4-4U"-i-. --- MOTH nil OK I'llL'ITIiAM) WOMAN 1'Assr.s Ai-ri:it uiuijk HiLxehh (Continued From Page 1) MIrh Knthor Johnson Is tho special nurso of Mrs. Prod Englo, operated on at the Holy Hosnry Hospital, at Ontario. Mrs. Englo will ho hrot homo Monday. Miss Loin Davis arrived Wednen day from Hood Illvcr, Oregon, called homo hy tho death ot lior mother, Mrs. Davis. Kenneth Plshor Is homo after a fow days spent at Nompa and Cald well. Mrs Ed nurkord, of Dernlcu, Ida., camo Friday to visit until Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Puchert. Mr. H. It. Flckcn Is enjoying a visit from his brother, John Flckcn of KansaB. Mr. and Mrs. A, Pcrroll, of Sarlna, Illinois, are visiting Mrs. PerrollV bother, Mr. J. F McCleur on tholr wny to California for tho winter. They will leavo Monday. Grant Williams Is homo from Washington University, Scattlo, until aftor tho Christmas holidays. Miss Hupp Is homo from a trip to Dolso. Mr nml Mrs. Frank Thompson hud as their Tlinnknglvlng guests Mr. and Mrs. I-. II Illch, Mr. and Mrs. Chorion I,, Hlcli, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Dalzell, Mr. Frank Hlch and son, Vornlo nich. Mr. and Mrs. William Hollonhock and sen, Charles Hohert and Mrs. James worn cntcrtlned to a turkoy dinner a' the homo of Mr. nnd Mrs, Thoo Meyer hoyond Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ollmoro woro nlro guosts. Hunday was tho twentieth wedding anniversary ot Mr. and Mm. U. II Itl"l and tho occasion wns celebrat ed by a big dinner having as tholr guests tholr sons nnd daughters nnd their families. Mr. and Mrs. I I). Ilosscn had as their guests Thanksgiving Day Mr. nnd Mrs, O. K. Ilosscn, of Payette, Mr. and Mrs J. It. Wells, nnd daugh tor, l.oona, Mr. and Mrs, H. Darnall and daughtor, I.oonn, Mr. and Mrs. Charles fitowart and dailghter, nnd Mr, and Mrs. Danall, of Parma. Itov. nnd Mrs. Vnu Duson, Mr, Ollvor nnd sister woro guests Thanks giving Day of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. K. Ho Ulold. Mr. and Mrs, II. C. Gnrdner onter ta'nod on Thanksgiving day Mr, and Mis. II. H. Iloomor nnd son, II It Jr , and daughters Iols and Jean. Mr. nnd Mrs, M Purchort, Mr, nnd Mrs. Clnronco Flcken. Mr. nnd Mrs W. A. Colwoll and Ilothol. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed Jonos. Mr. and Mrs, Wm Hondrlx nnd Mrs. Drokolhurst woro ontortnlnod In Payette Thnnksglvlng day at a prottlly uppolntod dinner nt tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. N. Todd. Mr. nnd Mrs. (Joo, McKcown en tertained to n Inrgo dinner party Thanksgiving. Tholr guests -woro Mrs. Spalnhowar nnd daughter, Vol mn, MlBs"Wohhor, Miss West, Miss Ilarrott, and Mr. Harold Mills, of Wlldor. Mr. and Mrs. A H, Kldrodgo on tortalned ThanksglvlnB day two mom A Merchant's Lunch For Just 50 Cents THIS is one of the changes that will be found at THE NEW CAFE. Now under new ownership and new management. ALL WHITE HELP WHITE MEN OWNERS Ranchers, when you come to town, come to THE NEW CAFE Back of First National Bank liors ot tholr rolatlvos, Including FOR KENT Small furnished Mrs. Mary Ilurnott nnd two sons who liouno with gnrdon, berries, nhado camo down from Wolsor, nml fruit. It. 11. Itlchurdson. Phono Mr. nnd Mrs. Jool Ilayer had a'. CG-M. G2. tholr guests Thnuksgtvlng. day Aim and Mrs. tors, r gucsis llinuKBRiYiiiK. uay mm Mrs. It. C. Wilson and daugh-1 ,, .,,., n,mi, ....i..., .,,,. Mnrltin nml Fvo of Pavotto ' h'1 HAIjk UOOlI cnllllg UpplOH. , Martha and uvn. oi l ayoiio. 0 ooIoyi PrumnnU( ,ilono 40.2. 82352-1-2 pd. FOIt HAt.B Scrjpps Iloolh car, 101H Model $600. Sco It. W. Swag Icr. 822 02-1. FOIt 8AI.K High grado Jersey rows nnd hnlfers. Prices right. J. A. lI.nckoy, quurtur mile S. K. Ontario, Htockynrds. 62-1 FOIt BAMJ Ilojio, 10x24, ut n 'bargain. ptirchasar must movo building from lot. For particulars I sou I. E. Onkes, Offlco Wilson bund ling. Phono 72; or rosldonco phono Il79-M. 82052-3 ram;v FOIt BAI.K 8mnll vlctrola nnd .records. Phono 42-W. Mrs. Illaucho HPSLTHV MPW YFAP 'Andorson. C2-1-2 pd. ""-"" - iinma' nyf'rr n I S A L E Sweaters. Shoes. Wool Goods. Silks, Blankets, Furnishings Watch For The Daily Specials-Come,- Bring Your Friends and Neighbors For Wc Want You to Share in The Fiesta of Lower Prices The Great Unloading Sale Think What It Means to You Mr. and Mrs. Buyer of Ontario We have brought to your door the downward trend of prices in merchandise and now when you have wanted those many things that you could not afford, some few weeks ago, you can now. Come to this store, the store that has been for the people and made it possible for you to be better dressed, to have many things in necessities, and at a tremendous saving to you. i Charmeuse, Satin, Taffetta $1 8 Rader Bros. Co The Store That Treats You Ridit Messatine Taffettas Crepe de Chine, Georgettes 5p I l!!$ .j H