The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, December 02, 1920, Image 11

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UKtbun dLUfc mimu . akuauia
Nyssa, Dec. 3rd
turning from the coast and British Columbia.
Singing, Novelties and Melodies.
Dancing at 9 P. M. One night only
Mirniom.sT muitcit
Siiudny Servlcon
10 A. M. 8unduy School.
It A. M. ProHohlng,
"Our Supreme Task".
15 MB I. M. Kpworlh Longuo.
Tim I'. M. Illustrated Addresses
Trt two it in Pllgrnm Father
FOU IlKNT One MKlit-liuuso-UcopljiK
loom. Phono 80-M Mrs.
Hoyd. 018-52. i
School Lunch t'tolitcni Dlsciixsi'il
Thiiiik.sgUliijj (Toll Also llolilt
Moollng Wrnllier iinil Itnnilt
Keep Altciiduncc Don n
FOU KENT 2 room .apartment,'
Phono 00-W. C2. pit.
Horn, Monday, Noiembor 2!) to,
Mr. rnd Mrs. Fred 0. J.nckcy, n
(1 r.htir.
YOU certainly want to
save money, and you
would llko to havo better bakings.
Then use Calumet It's the
biggest tlilnn you can do to Im
prove tlio quality of your bakings
and lower baking costs.
Calumet is made in the larg
est, most sanitary Making Powder
Factories Fa tlio World. No Dak
Inn Powder Is maJa under better
conditions none can bo better In
It contains only such ingre-
dicnt9 ns havo been officially en
dorsed by Uio U. fS. Pure Food
Authorities. An absolute guaran-
tecthat It la pure.
It received highest Awards,
World'H Pure Food Exposition, Oil
cago Paris Exposition, Paris,
France positive proof of Ita roper
lor merit
It Is used by more house
wives, domestic scientists and chefs
than any other brand. That would
not bo tlio caw, It it wero possible
to secure a higher quality leavener.
It is sold atamoderate price.
All you have to do h to compare
costs to determine how much you
can says by buying Calumet.
Pound can of Calumet contains full
10 ot. Some baking powders coirioTn
12 ox. Instead of 10 ot. cans. He sure
you net n pound when you want It.
3 cups ptitry
flour, JJerel le.
poom Calumet
cup butter, Ui cup
granuUtrd sugar.
YolkiofJtBH. W
cup cold watar.
WWtttotSeggt. I
Icupooo oranso
extract. TJientnlx
Tlio Pnrk Improvement Club hold
n delightful meeting nt tlio Dnrtsho
homo Thui Htlny nftornoon November
11. Hull cull wiih responded to by
remliilsonees ot "School Dnys"
which furnished much merriment.
Mrs. Wnllor Davis gnvo nn Interest
ing pnpor on "Tlio School Lunch"
n'td thu club Indies wero linked to
consider hot lunches for tlio Pnrk
Tlio C. 0. and Tom IIoslup fam
ilies wero dinner guests nt tlio It. W.
Hwnglcr homo In Ontario Monday
Mrs. Illllmnn nnd little sou Tom
departed for their homo In Minnenp.
oils Tuosdny nftor spending Hovornl
niontliH In tlio homo of her pnrautB
Mr. nnd Mrs, C. 0. llcslup.
ltnlat'VOH nnd neighbors ot Mr.
und Mrs. Frost guvo them n lioppy
HtirprlHO Monday evening, N'nveiiiLor
lEth by coming In to help thorn cl
obrnto their aSntl wedding nnnlvor
sory. A fnrowoll party wns given nt tho
Ira Culler homo Tuosdny In honor
ot Mr. niri Mrs. Judd, pnrcnts of
Mrs. Culler, who dcpurtntl Thiirsdny
for ('nllforn fc tn mnkc (heir homo.
Wo nro Rind ( tt.ii." Pint Mri.
I'li'ypn ha- prscUciilly recovered
"rtin til pi'inliitli: Htrikr which sljo
suffered recontly.
Mr Mellll's fine bungalow home
bns boon Improved In iippcurani-o
tlio pint wook by- Mr. Allison who
linn boon pnlntlng nnd dccorntliu;
for them.
Tho f(rnt number of tho Lyceum
rourso wiih -held nt tho Christina
Church in Pnyatto Wednesday overl
ing. Sovornl families from hero
worn In attendance.
Tho Thanksgiving Club Meeting
wiih held nt tho Mrs. Wnllor Davis
homo November 1 S t It. While tho
wenthcr nnd roiiln wore fnr from bo
''IB fjond yot thern wns n very good
mooting. Miss WIIhoii, our county
Club Lender, nnd Miss llnndiill,
County .Librarian from Ontario,
woro In nttondanro. The Club Ind
ie wt"d to help 111 nny way they
"onlil If the peopla In tho community
saw fit to havo hot IiiiicIioh served
for tho children of Park School.
fjoo Ctilp was In WoUir on bust
neHH Tuosdny.
Mrs John Howard h under tho
nort)r' caro this wook.
MIrbos Helen and Orcta Atulorson
Bpcnt Thanksgiving with their moth
er Mrs. Jim Anderson nt Ontario.
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Dare and Mr.
nnd Mrs, Tom Woodward como up
from Jiintura to nttend tho Thanks
giving dinner Thiirsdny evening
II. W. Ilono made n trip to Vale i
on dny this week.
Lester McMullen, road man for
this part of tlio country Ih widen
ing tho grndo iibovo the Kd Howard
ranch this week.
Top Pic Nell foi" ffiSMi i:ccllcnl
TJtnlik'.KitlliK PiogMiln (Jlii'ii
Onluilo mill Njstn I'oII.m
1'ivsent Oilier X,.M,
C. W. Ilnrrott and Frank IMwnrd
WCIlt to Hnlnn Rnliinlni- mi l.nal, ......
Klljnli Ward attended the Drewsey Tlcy wonl , Mr KawnriPii car und
dimco Thursday oven ng roport0(, BOmo ve ,,,, f0JH
Onlio llush nnd Chariot Cronmer .,.,,,, Tllov n, ,,nnU ,.,
nro putting In tlio road tulvorts on Saturday evening In time to take
WlU UUS mill HUB WCOK. ennnn- .!, !, ,l.i ..,..
"""I"-! siu iuiiiu ui (I1U1I tll
Matin and Cccllo DavU eamo down from A(,oIphlll, ,,0.n(or nl, wf
from nn to nttend the danco hero nm, rcncllod Arcn(1ft n)0Ul n ,, M
"""" miiii,. Tim tiln unnnnr nt Mm Ar..n,l
0MC!lnl?,y,.DnVl', '0ft l!,,Vvcok1 ior school house Wednesday night w,
91 vies Valley to spend the winter wel, nttcmlod. VrotMr ,,av,H nl
with John Wlnlmler of Hint place,
Hurry It. Clark Is hauling lumber
fiiitil his old bam In Drevvscy to bin
rni'ch this week.
wlfo had prepared n splendid ThnnkH
glvlng Program that nil enjoyed
Tho mimic was furnished by Miss
Ituth Huberts of Ontnrio and Mil
dred Long of Arcadia. The -13 pies
woro sold for $.18. OB. Tlio hlghost
sold for 2 CO and tho tow est for 40c.
Tho money will be used to mnko tho
fall payment on tho piano. Those
Among tho ninny family' reunion who attended from Ontario woro Mr
held In Ontnrio Inst Thursday wus and Mrs. Will J. lloberts, fornior
that nt tlio homo of Mrs. Martini tcachors nt Arcadia and their dniigh
Uerthold, nt which 18 wore prosenttor Miss Until. Those who attended
fcr turkoy dinner. Thoco who rninu . from Nyssn wero tho Mlssos Llllle
to talk oVo old times with Mrs Hunt, Theresa Lackey. (ler,trudo Ton
Ilorthold wore: S. II. Hohi nnd fain- son,, Ituth Ilnrrott, Dora Tliompsoii,
lly; Mr. nnd Mrs. Chnrlos McCosh Julia Cluro, Illossom Anderson, llllss
and family; Mr. nnd Mrs. Julius Carter, Ocnovlii Vnms. Mwmrs. Jack
Oreeiibniim, and family of llolso and i Ilorrott, Cliarlla Newblll, Jim Klcn
Ocorga ltoss of Ontnrio. In nit there jbcnk, Jim Liinkln, Clans Tonsen, and
weiu hx of Mih liertliolil'N elili'lrun. tlio Itov. and Mrs Shields,
three sons nnd three daughters nnd John Cain brought his sheep In
with the Misses Honnlo nnd Mary
Mlsg Thelraa Thompson spent
Wednesday night with Miss I.oonn
Xtttorcolo and attended tho plo sup
per hero.
Itnlph Fleming nnd wlfo nro mov
ing to Nyssu this wcolt.
Little Harold Long, who wns quite
sick last week, wo nro glnd to re
port is mucvh better.
Prof. Davis wbb at C. W. Dnrrett's
and Chns. Dullard's on buslncst Frl-
tday afternoon.
John Hunt brought two bands of
flhcop In from the hills Sundny. Ho
Is pasturing them on his own rnnch
at present.
Mr. nnd Mrs. F.lhcrt Dutlor Sr. nt-
tiiiidod the picture bIiow nt Nyssn
Saturdny night.
Mr. and Mrs J. T. Long wero call
ing nt Chns, Dullard's plnce Monday
Thoso who went to Ontario from
this plnco Monday wero Mr, and Mrs
Chns. Dullard, Mr. nnd Mrs, Frank
Hdwards, Filbert Dutler Jr. mid Ira
Chester Iickcy, wlfo and little
daughter wero visiting nt tho Hoy
Smith homo Saturday.
C. W. Darrett wont to Applo Val
ley on Important business Monday
Clydo Long nnd wlfo took dinner
nl tho J. T. Long homo Tuesday.
Harold Dull, small son of Ira Dnll
Is uulto sick with tonsllltls.
seven grand children.
(Chns. II. Illoin, PaAor)
Dlble School, 10:00 P. M.
Morning Worship, 11:00 A. M.
Young Peoples' Service, 0:110 I
Gospol Sorvlco, 7: no, P. M.
'from tho hills Inst week and Is pus
Hiring tnem on .Mr. Jim Dliinlk
ranch. Ho-has 1200 bond and U
paying $8.00 per day fop pustiiro.
Km melt Steel, wire nnd baby of
Caldwell woro visiting nt Frank Kd
wards homo Saturday.
John Vntidorpool, wlfo nnd little
sou from up on tho Owyhee spent
Dnck ot tho boating hammer
Dy which tho steel Is wrought,
Dark of the workshop's clamor
I Tlio Seeker mar find the Thought
Tho Thought that Is ever master
Of Iron and steam nnd steel,
That rises abovo disaster,
And tramples It under heel
Tho drudgo may trot and tinker
Or labor with dusty blows,
Hut back of him stands tho Thinker.
The clear-eyed iiinu who knows;
For Into each plow or saber
Knch pleco nnd part and whole,
fllri tn llik HtMi Itta tt I iiliitt
Prayor Mooting, Wodnoadny 7:30 P. Friday night with Mrs. Vandcrpool'H ,.,,.,,, , . ...,. ..,,
State Kvnngollst, Itev. Nulo U
Dontloy will begin n special meeting,
Jan. 1, 1921.
$20 UKWAItl) for return ot 1 rod
htcer branded K S loft hip undor
slopo lu right Hwnltow fork In loft.
1 black holfcr brnnded R
on right hip Milder slopo In right
swallow fork In loft.
In addition will puy $80 for lufurmu
Paronts, Mr. and Mrs. Chns. Dullard
Miss Irono Kdwurds who Is utteiid
Ing tho Nazareno school at Nnmpii
camo homo Thursday morning to
spend Thanksgiving with her parents
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Kdwnrds. Sho
roturnod to Nnmpn 8,niidny morning.
Itnlph Flonilng sold n fine sow
with 10 pigs to his brothor-lii-lnw
Chnrllo Onssett Frldnf Mr. (Inssett
did not toll tho oxnrt price ho paid
but ho Insinuated that It was above
tTuT$G0 murk.
Philip Ilnrrott was out of school
last wook with nn nttnet of tonsllltls
Frank Kdwurds and family took
tlon Hint will load to conviction of Thnnksglvlug dinner wth Jim Flom-
p. ui whu Kiok sumo out of my lug and wlfo.
pnuturo i ii Mnlliour river about Tho Misses Florence nnd Margiirot
Ueptembor 13, 1920. Dox 11, Ontario. Dullard, Miss Lllllnu I)n I nnd Hiram
C II Trousdale 819 tf Vnndlko, spent TliniiksgivliiK day
Hack of tho motor's humming,
Dnck of tho bolts that sing,
Dnck of tho hammer's drumming,
Dnck of tho cranes that swing
There Is tho eye (hat scans them,
Watching through stress nnd
Thero Is tlio Mind which plans
Dack of tho Drawn, tho Drain I
Might of the roaring boiler,
Forro of tho onglun'H thrust,
Strength of tho swentlng toller,
(irtmtly In thoso we trust,
Dack of theso stands tho Schomcr,
Tho nno who drives them through,
Dnck of tho Job tho Dreamer
.Willi's dream at last conies trim!
I Derlon Drnlr, In tho 'American
Mnchlnb t
MiMMmrn to
Ha ii hi iiwwiiiMii Pi in ill iwmrmmmmmmmmmiimmammmmm
nut 5
m m j? wl -if
at the-
and Big Line Of Work Shoes
The Boys That Wear 9E.m"
Idaho Street
Next to Udick9s Plumbing Shop
Ontario, Oregon
jSwKt7 & IKEBBXWaWPMaWPWBWTaaWWaMaWBWalaal tsaaaaaaaWaaWalaawaW
try???? mmessmmsmmmmmmmammmmmmsm wwmv rw