THE ONTARIO AIM US. ONTARIO. .OREGON, THURSDAY, N VBMBER 18, 1020 S H44444f4i44 JOYS FOR XMAS GIFTS NOW READY A display of toys is now on our tables ready for inspection. AVe have a largo stoclc to choose from including Dolls, Doll Buggies, Wagons, Whcclborrows, Rocking Horses and Veloci pedes, also Manicure Sets, Infant's Toilet Sets, Decorated China and Plain or Cut Glass Wars. t Ontario I The Variety Store o"n x 4444iMi4i4W 4 t SPECIALS For Saturday and Monday NOVEMBER 20 and 22 Sugar, per lb 13c Onions (good dry), per lb 2c 1 lb. Can Calumet Baiting Powder 30c 0 Bars Pearl white Soap 25c FRUiTLAND BENCH FRUITLAND HAN'S DEATH 18 HASTENED THRU GRIEF. collar stops at hor homo nnd ts not ,nblo to bo about. ' Mrs. Ilosa Bcllmld. Minn Elatn Schmld, Emll and Miss Esther Hub soil wont to Holso Anulstlco Day to nttond tho Idaho-Utah football gamo. Frod Schmld, substltuto on tho Ida ho team, accompanied thorn homo to stay until Friday when ho return ed to Moacow. Prof. Wlso took a niimlmr nf (i. high school boys to Holso Thursday Cliarlo, C. roriU Well Known to nttond tho big gamo. Itnuclirr 1'nssen Awny Mr. Powell's Sudden Death Six Works Aro Indirect Chiiko Other Frultlnnd News I 13 oz. enns, assorted Jnmn por can sic 25 oz. can IBc 84 oz. can, 91.AO 4 lbs. Sweet potatoes 25c No. 2 V4 ' can peaches, can 3c Tall can (medium) red Salmon 2.1c Tall can I'lnk Salmon . . . .imio Tapioca, por lb 10c Sngo, por lb 10c 4 lb. Can Cottonlono . . . .$1.10 8 )b. can Cottonono .... 2.20 1 lb. Can Whlto llouso Coffoo noc X 2 lb. can one f 2 lb. can, Snowdrift (We 4 lb can, Snowdrift ....$1.20 Chnrlcs C. Powoll ono of tho best known ranchors of tho nonch died nt his homo Monday afternoon. Death was duo to apoploxy, with which ho was stricken Thursday, November Mr. Powoll wns born nt Plntts burg. Mo., January 0. lSGfi. Ita wn mnrrlcd to Jonnlo A. West, December 22, 1887. Mr. nnd Mrs. Powoll movod from Missouri to Colorado In 1909 and from thoro they enmo to Idaho In 1911 nnd purchased tho rnnch near Frultland. Two sons, Hnrry, who In living near Frultlnnd on tho homo plnco, and Chnrlcs K., superintendent or tho Poultry Fnrm Friday Mr. nnd Mm. M. w tr,ni. ilno!..Mr' nnd MrB- n- s- Kutch, of l-rultlnnd, Mr. nnd Mrs. Will Thomp son nnd Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Crcgnr, unexpectedly -went to tho homo of Mrs. L. C. Mooro to help hor colo brato hor birthday annlvorsnry. notice OF CONFIRMATION PROCEEDINGS In tho Circuit. Court of tho Htnto of Oregon, In nnd for Mnlhciii County In tho Mnttor of tho Orgnnlzntlon of Slldo Irrigation District, nnd tho confirmation of tho proceedings thorolnj tho olectlon nnd qunllflca Hon of tho first Hoard of Directors of said district, and tho confirmation of tho proceedings thoroln; tho llond Election hold within tho said dis trict, on tho 11th day of October. ij.v, anil tuo conr mint inn nf M.r of tho Oregon Stnto Agricultural Col-' Proceedings thoroln; tho olectlon logo, rorvniiis; four brothers, John , noiu .wiinin said district on tho 11th A. Powoll, of Hotrnnd. Mo., J. I., Powoll, Porrln, Mo., M. II. Powell. Long Ilonch, California and Will Powoll, vomnl Utah; nnd two grand day of October, 1920, In tho mnttor of ontorlng Into nn ngreomont with tho Stnto of Oregon for tho payment y mo Hinio or Oregon or interost on Thanksgiving Dance! Ontario, Nov. 25 Shubert's Original Jazz, of Chi cago, returning from the coast and British Columbia. Singing Novelties and Melody Jazz. Dancing at 9 P. M. Come One! One Night Only Come All! Now Crop Walnuts, per lb 25c $ "Wisconsin Cream Cheese, per lb 35c MEAT SPECIALS t Hoot Steak, per lb 20c Dcof Shouldor Hoast, lb.. . .20c Hoof Pot Hoast, lb. Hie to IHc Hoof Uoll, lb 10c to 12c Ilamburgor, por lb 20c Pork Sausage, por lb 2.1c Voal Hoast (Shoulder) lb. 20c t Vuut Pot Hoast, lb. lo to IHc I voal stow, lb inc Pork Stoak, lb :ioc Pork Roast, lb 28c Wholo Pork shouldor lb, . .2:1c 1 Compound, our own make, 5 lb. pail $1.25 Compound, our own make, 10 lb. pail 2.50 FRESH EASTERN OYSTERS IN BULK The Independent Market daughters, Mario and Ilulcu Powoll, i tho 1110,000. ncgotlnblo bond Issuo daughters or Harry Powell, survive ivotou uy tno Powoll will bo missed by n larso numbor of friends nnd neighbors who know him ns a loving father nnd a good neighbor. Only six weeks ago Mrs. Powoll, wlfo of tho decensed passed away suddonly nt Corvallls, Oregon, from heart trouble Although Mr. Powoll has not been well for n numbor of yours It Is believed hocauito of tho great loss ho suffered nt hor death his death was hastoncd. IIo has grlovcd continuously nnd longed to bo with his loved ono who had monnt so much to him. Much sym pathy Is extended tho closn relatives who havo hcon cnllud upon In such short tlmo to part with both parents. Tho furnernl arrangements hnvo not boon mndo, awaiting word from tho relatives. 4444iHi Dr. O. T. Tonnuy, of Gooding Col lego, Idaho, nddrcssod tho audlonco Sunday morning nt tho M. E. Church. It was an uplifting spiritual talk and greatly appreciated. Ho spoko at Whltloy Hottom In tho uftomoon and In tho evening at Ontnrlo, Sunday ovonlug Dr. nnd Mrs. Van Duson gnvo nn Illustrated lecturo with mnglo Intern slldos of pictures sent out by tho Pontonnry movement. Tho church was flllod, ovon standing room nt n promlum. Tho Hrothorn congrogntlon Joined tho MothodlstH In tholr sorvlco. Friday ovonlug of this waok tho Junior Louguo gives n playlet nnd program of songs. A silver offorlng will bo taken to apply on tho plnno fund. Tho C. K. Socloty mot Saturday ovonlug nt tho bungalow for n busi ness nnd social meeting. Hofrcsh montu wcro sorvod nnd a splendid tlmo had. Mr. and Mrs. Frod Llnck nrrlvod from Pocatollo Sunday to visit Mrs. E, A. Mnck. Mr. And Mrs. I.lnck will probably mnko Frultlnnd or Pnyotto tholr homo. Mrs. It. S. Kutch wont to Caldwoll Friday to visit Mrs. U. F. Loavoll. Qrandmn Hazoltlno foil down tho doctors of said illulrlrt ror n period of two yenrs next nf tor tho data of Issuo, nnd tho con firmation of tho proceedings there in; nnd tho proceedings of snld dis trict nnd of said Hoard of Dlroctors In tho mnttor of tho gonernl lovy and nssessmont for tho curront year and tho confirmation of nil proceedings thoroln. To Slldo Irrigation District, and to nil freeholders, logal voters, and assossmont pnyors. within said Dis trict, aHHICTlNGS:- Vou and onch of you, hro horoby notified nnd notlco Is horoby given, Hint horctoforo W. D. Patch. I.loyd L. Culbortson nnd I Ynut, did fllo In ma nnovo entitled court their cor- tain vorlflod petition In writing. whoro In thoy do nllogo In substnnco that all nets and things by law re- quirou to no uono, hnvo boon ilono. In tho mnttor of tho organization of Slldo Irrigation District; tho olec tlon nnd uunlltlratlon of tho first Hoard of Dlroctorn thereof consist ing of snld petitioners; tho lovy nnd correction nnd oiiunllzntlon of tho annual assessmont for tho curront yenr within said district; tho olec tlon hold within said district on Octobor 11th, 1920, In tho mnttor of Issuing, negotiating and selling tho negotiable coupon bonds of snld dis trict In tho sum of 110,000.00, and tho canvass of tho returns of said oloctlou; tho olectlon hold within snld district on Octobor 11th, 1020, In tho mnttor of ontorlng Into nn ngreomont with tho Statn of Oregon for tho pnymont by tho Stato of Ore gon of Interest for a period of two joars next nftor tho dnto of Issuo on tho nbovo roforrod to bond Issuo, and tho canvass of tho returns of snld election; and by which said pe tition tho Bald potlttonors do pray In substnnco thnt ull such bo CON FIRMED by n docrco of this Court, nnd Notlco Is furthor elvon that by nn order of tho above entitled Court tho said petition Is sot for final hear ing at tho hour of 11 A. M. ou tho 4th day of January, 1021, nt tho Court room of said Court, at Vale, i'f4i I l wt f4-y nw" a t Vtrklnnnr Vtll OVlAllS i How Good That Sounds Yet that is just what you enjoy when you par take of one of the Bluebird Grill Meals. They aro really more than just "eats". Thoy are soul satisfying viands prepared by Mrs. C. O. Pinney Who not only supervises the menus but actually docs the cooking BLUE BIRD SPECIAL SERVICE On Thanksgiving Day the Bluebird will have preared a regular old Home Thanksgiving Din ner, with all the trimmings the "turk" should havo to properly set him off. Next to being at homo with your relatives will be the feeling of eating with your friends at The Blue Bird Grill Mrs. O. G. Pinnoy, prop.'iotor Have you tried our special party service' Or our delicatessen dainties? t I W4M44M4"ttM"'444 In Malliour County, Stuto of Orogon, and thnt nt said final hoarlng nit Intorostod porsons who havo mndo proper and logal appoaranco may bo hoard In tho promises and Notlco Is furthor glvon that nil Interested porsons must appear and nnswor tho said petition within ten (10) days after tho lust publication of this notlco, to wit, on or botoro tho 20th day of Docombor, 1920, nnd that In tho event of tho falluro of nny such Intorostod person so to do, this court will doom all objections ,walvod, and docroo of this Court will bo ontorod according to the prnyor of tho petition of said potlttonors. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hnvo horounto sot my hand and seal of said Circuit Court at Vale, Oregon this November 17th, 1920. A. M. MOODY (COUIIT SHAD) Clerk, lly II. S. 8ackot, Deputy. Harrison Mo Adams, Welser, Idaho, and It, W. Swnglor, Ontario, Orogon Attorneys for Petitioners. ft Furniture & Hardware at Wholesale Prices THE CHANCE YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR ;It is all cut and dried, plana aro laid and Saturday morning, November 20th, at 9 A. M. this entire stock of high grade merchandise will be sold to tho people of Ontario and vicinity, at prices that aro not alone below any other store in this section of the country or mail order house, not alone lower than you can buy furniture today, but PRICES that are lower than tho most skeptical can expect for the next year to come. On this the beginning of our eighth year in business in Ontario, wo have arranged this BjiruTy piruju AWNIlflKARY (ilVF AWAY PROFIT SAIFB0 get buSy aUI" for we havo made prlcGS ful1 detor mined to draw customers for ono hundred miles to this sale. This sale will be head and shoulders aboveanything you have ever aeonll! It would be utterly impossible to describe each and every article in this immense stock but we have said enough to prove to you that no matter what you want you can find it hero for less money than you can buy it at any other storo or mail order house in the United States. For more complete list of prices, see our largo circular, it will bo mailed to you. RUGS, TABLES, CHAIRS, MATTRESSES, TALKING MACHINES AND BEDS IiAMP CHI.MNi:VS Oc lilCH Monday, Novombor 22nd, wo will soil to tho first 100 pooplo, making a purchaso of $5.00 or over, lamp chlmnoy (you know tholr valuo) Sc each. Limit flvo to a customor, REGULAR $1.00 OIL CAN 43o EACH Tuosday, Novombor 23rd, we will to tho first 100 pooplo making a purcliuso of $5.00 or over, a rog ular fl.00 gaivanlzod Iron oil can for 43c. Limit ono to a customor. $1.50 HOUSE BROOM 85c Saturday, November 20th we will sell to the first 100 people, making a pur chase of $5.00 or over, a regular $1.50 house broom for 85c, only one to a customer. a GALLON OIL CAN !.! Thursday, November 25th, we will sell to tho Jlrat 100 people making a purchaso of $5.00 or over, a 5 gallon galvanized Iron oil can for $1.23. Limit ono to a customer. YOUR CHOICE OF FIRE SHOVEL OH DUST PAN, 10c EACH To tho first ono hundred people making a purchaso of 15.00 or over, wo will soil a rogular 40c fire shovel or dust pan (your choico of either) for toe Limit ono to a customor. GOLDEN 8TAU FURNITURE POLISH 10c HOTTLE Friday, Novombor 2Cth, wo will sell to thu first 100 pooplo making a purchase of $5.00 or over, a largo bottlo of Oolden Star furniture polish for 10c. Limit two to a customer. ONE SET OP SIX WATKH TUMIILEHS 30o 8KT Saturday, Novombor 27th, wo 'will sell to tho first 100 people making a purchaso of $5.00 or over, ono sot of six water tumblors worth 76c for 30c a set. Ono set to a customer. ALL HIGH GRADE MERCHANDISE HTOVKS AND IUNOKH Hegulnr $75 Ideal rnngo. . . .9.1U.RO Rogular $100 DUlo Hango Whlto onnmot panels with resorvolr 7K.HO Regular $105 Copper clad malloublo square raugo -with wator front 180.00 Rogular $26 Trilby Oak hoator 1U.BO A good stock of byclcloa with values up to $60.00, your choico for 3U.7fl LINOLEUM AND FLOOR COVERING Rogular $1.00 grade $ .70 Regular 1.25 grade 85 Regular $1.60 grade , 1.15 Inlaid Linoleum valued at $2.75 1.85 MATTRESSES AND SPRINGS Rogular $60 Elmore mattress $30.00 Regular $40 King cotton mattress 30. r0 Rogular $27 Arkanco mattress Rogular $20 coll springs .... 11,73 Rogulur $17 saglcss springs,, 11.00 42 piece set flowered or blue bird design, excellent china dinner set, values up to $20 to bo sold at the exceeding ly low prlco of 911.70 WASHING MACHINES Regular $165.00 Apex clothos washor, all copper tub, an oloctrlo -washing machine Rogular A. $5.00 Wayne washor, wood tub eloctrtc to bo sold for (10.00 Got hor a washer for Christmas TALKING MACHINES $33.00 WORTH OF RECORDS FOR 81.00 Wo will sell to anyone buying our $165.00 Pathe Cabinet Talking Machine, for $104.00, 25 records for $1.00. Only ono sot of 26 records with each machine. Regular $85.00 Army and navy style Pathe talking machine, enclosed In fibre carrytng case, plays all makes of records, $40.00 Enttro stock of Pathe and Maudel talking machines to go at prices un-belioveable. Our complete stock of alumlnun ware, tin ware, dining chairs, wall papor to go on sale at 20 off. LEATHER ROCKERS Regular $70 rocker, now , . . .$33.70 Regular $65-rocker, now,... 02.00 Regular $50 rocker, (genuine leather) ao.oo Watch for our Big Circulars a. l. Mcdowell Furniture, Hardware and Undertaking Ontario, Oregon &