The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 18, 1920, Image 3

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t,f m ;r in io2o
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M!!iijRaliKIHLtf fJHwm&m I
. '
Well Cooked
Food Means
Tlio success of MONARCH Ranges
among housewives warrants your
careful investigation. T w o n t y
years of rango building have gain
ed for MONARCH Ranges a na
tional reputation for unusual dur
ability, dependability and econ
omy. Our salesmen will bo glad to show
you tho new models.
How Much Feed
Do You Waste?
Hay should not bo wasted. Yet if it isn't
fed properly to your stock a good deal is
thrown about, trampled under foot and
made unfit for eating.
Make Good Feed Racks
and savo every pound of hay for your
stock. If you haven't a good design for a
feed rack that keeps tho hay in good condi
tion, that allows your animals to get it
easily, come to us and we'll give you some
Good feed racks are inexpensive when the
right materials are used. Tell us how many
head of stock you have to feed and we'll tell
you how much lumber it will take and how
much it will cost.
You inn) iilA)8 depend on Hebo I'njetto
KUIiK ) tlm Ix'Ht figure obtainable, nnd
tlio right sort of material. Cumo to us.
Boise Payette Lumber Co.
AL. CHANCE, Sales Mgr., Ontario
- rr
cipaks i.v noimi.n winmixn
On Tuesday November D nt tho
homo of Mr. nnd 'Mrs W. U. Keller
nonr Parma occurcd tlio mnrrlaRn of
tholr two daughters, MIbb FIosrIo to
Kdwnrd 1). I'ntton of Pnyctto, Idnho,
nnd Mltn I.aVorno to Trod Ij. Bhcr
mnn of Morldlan, Idnho. ,
Tlio brldoB-woro boantlful In ROvns
of whlto rliopo-do-clilno nnd corrlod
boquotfl of roHobtidfl nnd fornti. Tlio
houso wan decorated In yellow nnd
whlto, Hit nntunin lemon nnd
clirvHnntheuniB In profusion.
Promptly nt 3 o'clock tho hrldnt
roitptoR took tholr places beneath n
Iiiiro whlto boll nnd Hov. Hours per
formed tho Impressive ring ccromonv
A two rourso luncheon was sorrd
to tho Immcdlcto rolathcs, nfter
which tho happy young peoplo loft
for n short honeymoon In Eastern
Mr. nnd Mrs. I'ntton will ho nt
homo December 1 on tho groom's
rnnch near French, Idaho. Mr. nnd
Mm. Shcrmnn wltt upend tho winter
with Mr. Sherman's parents nenr
Meridian, ho hnvltiR chnrRO of hln
fathor's rnnch
Tho brides nro well known In nnd
around Ontnrlo hnliiK lived nonr
hero bIiico childhood. Mrs. I'ntton
Ib n graduate of tho clnBB of '18 nnd
Mm Shcrmnn of class '20.
Miss II. C. Smith wns hostess this
week to tho Monday Ilrldga Club.
Mr. nnd MrB. L. AdnniB entertain
ed nt brlil ko ltmt Friday c onltirr.
Mrs Frank Under was hostess
thin week to tho StjMday IlrldRO
Mr. nnd MrB I-orito nincknby on
tortnlnod with n enrd party Inst Fri
day ovonliiR.
Mrs Leo roekrum was hostess
oslorday to tho Wodnesdny IlrldRO
Mr. nnd MrB. Ivnn OnkOB outer
tnlncd tho Fortnightly Cluh Satur
dny ocnlnR.
Mr. nnd MrB J II (lordnn enter
tnlncd with n dlnnor party Tuesday
Mr, nnd MrB. C. u. nurrowH nnd
(inn Charles woro week end guests of
Mr. nnd Mrs, Ivnu OnkoB.
Mr. nnd Mrs. B. M. (IrolR ontor
tnlned n number of frlcndB with n
dinner Innt ovonliiR. enrds woro play
ed durliiR tho ovonliiR.
MrB. It. W. BwiiRlor ontortalncd
with n hrldRO party InHt Friday of-
tornoon In honor of MrH. I. K. Ilro-
gnu of I'ortlnnd.
Mra 13, A. Frasor Ib ontortnlnliiR
with tho nttomoon lirldRn portion
this weok Ono occurred this after
noon, tho other will ho tomorrow.
MrB A. li Cockrum I'litortaiiioa
Saturday ovonlnR with n dlnnor In
honor of Mr. Cocknuiv'B birthday.
Six tables of cards woro played dur
ing tho o onlng.
Tho monthly mooting of tlio W. C
T, U, will liti hold nt tho homo of
Mrs Ward Cnnfluld, Tuosday, No
vombor 23, nsslstod by MrB. Connvor
mid Mrs. C'ourtnoy.
Honoring Mr nnd Mrs V 1 Mo
Konnn who loft this weok for Port
land whoro thoy will mnko tholr
homo, Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Ilauor on
tortalncd nt dlnnor last Sunday ov
onliiR Thoy had for tholr othor
Kuonts, Mr, nnd Mrs, 8. D. Dormnu.
Mr nnd Mrs ic w Hwngior ontor-
tnlnod nt dlnnor Monday ovontng
tho guostB woro Mossrs. nnd Mes
domes C Q. Iloslun nnd T C. Hob-
lup of Doad Ox Flat nnd MrH. Wal
ter Hlllmnn of St. Pnul, formerly
Miss Kthol Ileslup -v.'ho graduatod
from tho Ontnrlo IIIrIi School with
tho class of 1017. Mrs. Hlllmnn
loft Tuosday ovonliiR for hor homo
In St. Paul.
y &
Continuous Run Sunday - 2:00 F. V. 11:00 P. M.
Tite Mosi Aott4itif Reallife
Pictures of Savages cvci'Thhuv
ATTT'VwnPkTrr - ,ii
Wfim .,fil
vMmKKmi ,
JOSBml I f
l Tl "Vl Tv ,i'''V.10 Hm '!' ""
mrsrzA MK
m & nil,
, te.ll.ii!'-'
..u.ntflWN W
tf ll'i ,
! k
' III:'
. ThcAin&alrtdAdvvntHi'cs
hicMM-tttfin$ $vAe$of KcwGoiuca
MCVHR hirt you tftn inr picture like
'thne the mult of a ihlpwrtek on
cannlbit Itland, hcie women tilth and
tear their bodlei to make litem lieaulllul,
when men torture their (acei out ol all
human lemulanrr, where ctilMrcn'a vilay
tlilngi aro liurnaa iltulll.
TAKCfl unJer clrcumttanffi of ilia
crcaleit peril, tliete ilx marveleua rU
are the cnljr pclurea ever m4 ol tli (tr
oeloui Kia Kia man eatrra am hai.iiiii.
era, now (att vanlililnrf (rem the cann.
See It aa a drama, ai an educational, a a
icenlc. You will never lit like again.
Uh, Harold Lloyd in "GET OUT AND GET UNDER"
MirrnoinsT niuitcn
Sunday Sorvlcos
10 A. M. Sunday School.
11 A. M IlunoHt-lIouio Service.
6:45 P. M. ICpworth I.ooruo.
7 30 P M Tho Tercentenary of
tho KniidliiK of tho PIlRran Fnthni
llt ho ohsortd nt tills st)rlco TIiIh
outBtnndliiK event in our UUtory will
bo lllustrutod with heuutlful pl-turos.
ItAI'TIHT (ill IK'll
(CIiiih II llloui. Pastor)
Illhlo School, 10:00 A. M.
MomliiR Worship, 11:00 A. M
Tople: "Thrlst, tho Pruphet, Pnitat
nnd KIiir."
(lospel Hurtles. 7:0 P. M. Topic"
"Rhh1; from nliHt. to whnt."
PiHor Sertlco, WediiMtluy 7:80
FOUND lidlw wrist wait. U. fall
nt ArKUH offlco uuil My for IliU u
I'MTKII l'ItIUVTi:itIAN ciiuiirii
10 00 Illhlo School
11-00 Worship, Subject: "Suul
WIiiiiIiir "
7:30, Worship Storooptloan slldett
by Hoffman on "Tho I.lfo of Christ "
7:00 Youiir People's Mooting lot!
Iiy Ilopn Cochrnn.
KOIt SAI.U Two Thuusnli.l flua
wool IhiiiIm: Call 3t-M Ontnrlo.
Will Addrom Idaho Tt'nrliem
Dr. II. P. Sholdon, dean of tho do-
nartmont of oducotlon, Unlvorslty of
Oregon, has been asked to nddross
tho Idaho Stnto Teachers' Associa
tion, nt Holso, on Novembor 25, 2G,
27, during tho regular annual ses-
WHAT is this man
, jrettnts
Arox.xrrERrrAiMMENT 9
t,m,i I
See it at the MAJESTIC
Theatre, SATURDAY only
Matinee Night
fc fflwiifr-ri ttftfmfrttnmtftti w
CSftitc jV'SUeVaJlCo. ' .V.iiaf
impJ i '"- Uy 13HR??k Tsii
9QB Just compare Ctunels with any ciga
K rette in the world at any price
fJjflt9iSallllK. Camee tftolj trt rywhirt In tzitnlifictlly tttkd fltH
BHr V saaiiiV" ptektifof30tUtftffor30cnlttorltnptck' lUtf H
jlF faHK Htt(2QOciintft) in a imlo. pip.Mot.i.iJ B B
jHB JMytk Hl carfon IV tlrongly tmtommmnd Ihit cation for Imjm Hi
v HL f f horn ofCt mupply or whan you ibb H
Jm JKBk. H " ' KUYNOLDS TOllACCO CO, Wlntton Saltm, N. C.W
BsW. VisiiBii JLiilffleWeiW!7rFaPLrJ
It's dollars
to doughnuts
no man ever smoked a better
cigarette at any price!
CAMELS qunlity, nnd their expert blend
of choice Turkish and choice Domestic
tobaccos hand you n cigarette that will sat
isfy every smoke desire you ever expressed.
You will prefer this Camel blend to either
kind smoked straight I
Camels mellow-mildness will certainly
appeal to you. The "body" is all there, and
that smoothnessl It's a delight!
Go the limit with Camelsl They will not
tire your taste. And, they leave no unpleas
ant ciguretty aftertaste nor unpleasant ciga
retty odorl