' s r m i E H g $ . ' w m THE ONTARIO AltO US. ONTARIO. OREGON. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 18, 1920. -'-"' ' '- u jmny.inm.u . j iml m L j Soec ial-free! SATURDAY and MONDAY . Ono dollar In MorchnudlNO IVoo to each customer Imjlntf 810.00 worth of goods. Come In And get jour Winter Bup. pile. The Hub Where You Buy For Less jai MAi,m:un county ruikjet Nolle To tho Tax Payor of Malheur Coun ty, Oregon. Tho County Co irl of Malliour Couuty. OrcKon. Inn fixed minii Mon- I day, December 13th, 11(20, nt leu o'clock A. M. its tliu ttnif, ami I ho 'County Court room In Vulp Oregon, as tho plnco where tho estimate rf tho amount of money proposed to ho mined by taxation for tho cirtulitg year, 1921, nitiy Bs dlscimhod witn said Couuty Coutt, tilso, when nud where uny tax pu'Ts subject to Mil '. tax loty when mad", hIiiiII bo heard for or against any proposed tnx levy. Itemized cstlmntoB of tho amounts of inonoy proposed to he ruined by taxation for tho oiinulng year, 1021, for Malheur County, Oregon, ura as follows, to-wlt: COUNTV COURT Salnrles: County Judge ,$ 1,800.00 2 Commissioners .... 1,000.00 Trnollng Exponses .. 800.00 Offlco Expenses 400.00 Attorney fees GjOO.OO Supplies 400.00 Help Your Moulters Moult -w.i ywiawxzMaspxA 'TrYf! ti '-1 wm i:t r I v '. - n ma m k. a I ftAVLJ A' &&&&3&A ffi y Qo jtf THINK, of the amount of lien mny, vitality and re J blood required to crow a thousand feathers the avenge- plums jf I A moulting hen needs food health food appetite cood dlcestloti. Dr. Hess Poult y Pan-a-ce-a helps poultry throucli the moult and starts pulltts and meulted hem to laylnj. It contains "! for the appetite, tnnlen to aid dlitestlon. It tonen up the dcrmsnt era" orsns. It contsla Iron that elves a moullinif hen rich, red blood ind a rd wb. No dlstaio where I'nn-a-cf-n In fed. 11 y all meina fMd yaar moultluU hens Dr. litis Poultry Pan H' handle tht Dr. lltu Lutt. CU on as. ONTARIO PHARMACY ' TtB tutiow mint tuni yn keri. Vi hai ntXmu U mtt. $ 4,600.00 SHERIFF'S OFFICE Salaries: Shorlff $ 2.G00.00 1 Deputy 1,800.00 .1 Deputy l.GOO.OO Special, Deputy Hire. . GOO. 00 Trnvollng Expanses . . 3,000.00 Offlco Supplies GOO. 00 County Jnll nnd Hoard of 1'rlHonors 7SO.O0 Collection of Taxes. . . 3,000.00 1 11,660.00 CLERK'S OFFICE Salarles: Clork J 1 Deputy 2 Stenographers .... Offlco Expense (post ago, rocords, etc. . . 2,100.00 EXPENSES INCUUED I1Y LEGIS LATION' OVER WHICH THE COUNTY HAS NO CONTllOL High School Tuition Funds $ 10.8G0.49 Trunnt Officer (salary and expenses) 100.00 District Senior of Wolghts and Measures 200.00 County Voterlnnrlnn. . . . 100.00 Widow's 1'cnslon 2,000.00 Official Advertising,... l.GOO.OO Water Mnstor G.OOO.OO Fruit Inspector 1,500.00 Ilounty (coyoto nnd bob cat) 10,000.00 Insane, enro of 200.00 School Institute nnd Ex- nmlnatlons 200.00 Circuit Court (tliroo 200.00 terms ) 0,500.00 Justlco Courts 200.00 Coranor's Court 100.00 Juvonlllo Court 100.00 County Physician 400.00 Hovlno Tuborculosls In- domnlty 100.00 Stato Tax (estimated).. 100,000.00 Uonornl School Tax (ce- tlmntod) 40,000.00 Elections 2,000.00 Vital Statistics 100.00 Dato of First publication, Novomhor 18, 1920. Dnto of lant publication, November 26, 1920. BROGAN NEWS ITEMS- Sinking Fund to Ilctlro $30,000 bond Isuo.. . IntorcBt on 130,000 bond Ibbuo IntorcBt on $100,000 bond Issuo 1,876.00 1,800.00 6.500.00 2,200.00 1,600.00 2,600.00 1,600.00 ) 7,700.00 ASSESSOR'S OFFICE Salaries: Assonaor $ 1,800.00 2 Deputies 3,000.00 Flold Deputies 2,000.00 Officii Expense 800.00 $ 7.00.00 TIlEASUllEri'S OFFICE Salary $ 1,000.00 Office Exponso 276.00 53' SCHOOL I 1,276.00 SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE Salary $ 1,600.00 Traveling Exponvos . . 200.00 ujeWinik Dresses rr,RICOTINE nnd serge i. Ivm'i accepted and corn ion:., a materials for cool wrr'i'.c dresses arc used in the Betty Wales models that are here illustrated. We arc showing many other charm ing Betty Wales Dresses, all Tecent arrivals, and every one possessing distinctive beauty. The prices are moderate. fin1 Hi S fST 1fl 1 mm ll ill We are keeping up the GOOD WORK Giving Ontario and Vicinity LOWER PRICES This week Outing Flannel At greatly reduced prices Dress Goods A great deal lower than you can find elswehere. Blankets & Comforts Comforts, price $2.50 and up Blankets, $2.50 and up Thanksgiving Table Linen See our display, priced $.1 to $3.50 the yard also Napkins to match Thanksgiving Gro ceries also at spe cial prices. Boyer Bros. & Co. Department Store $100,328.30 EXPENSES INCtmilED O V E 11 WHICH THE COUNTY COURT HAS CONTROL Fair Appropriations. .. . Agricultural Advisor .'. . Court Houso (offlco fur nlturo and lmproTC monts) Curront Eiponscs (lights, fuol, water, telephones nnd Jnnltor, etc.).. . . Cnro or I'oor 10,000.00 Miscellaneous Exponsoi 1,000.00 Itoad Purposes Including prospcctlvo brldRos... Library Estlmnto. . . . Inoculation of Hnbbtts, Squirrels, Oophers, etc l)o b and Qlrls' Club Work County Nurso Malliour County Fair Do- IlCll Mnrkot Itoads Tn.Itobnto IrrlKntlon and Drnlnago District Tax Iloo Inspoctor Stook Inspoctor Assossmout and Collec tion of Taxoa 1,600.00 3,000.00 2,000.00 4,000.00 76,000.00 4,600.00 1,000.00 1,600.00 3,000.00 2,404.34 17,000 00 1.00.00 1,000.00 300.00 400.00 ! 1,000.00 $129,704.34 Or And Total 9:i.1l,7ft.7.1 RECEIPTS OTHER THAN DY DI RECT TAXATION (Estlmatod.) Clerk's feos $ 7,600.00 Sheriffs feci 300.00 Interoat on County Monoy 2, GOO. 00 Circuit, County nnd Jus tlco Court Finos 1.000,00 Ponalttos nnd Intorost on Dollnijuont Tnxos . . . . 10,000.00 Motor I.lconso Fund.... 7,000.00 - Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Reed return ed Monday from n short stay In Cnld woll with their daughter, Mrs, North rup. While thoro, Mr. Reed purchas ed n carload of potntoos for hlniBolf and rsoveral othor Ilrognn families. I'nn uopnrt passed thru UroRiui on his vsny to his Cow Valley ranch from Tho Dalies. A Parent Tcnchor's Association mooting wns hold at the Community Hnll on Tuesday evening. Mrs. J. M Addlngton, nccotnpnnl od by her dnughtor, Mrs. Zolsloft, loft Saturday for Rhoraldo, Col. She uxpocts Vl visit her doughterM, Mrs 8chutto and Mrs. Antrobus, nnd will return snmctlino durlnir the winter. Mrs. Zclidoft whoso homo Is In Ohio has Just coinnlotcd n vlolt to her parents. wm. Doyd has bought n lot of Emory Colo and Is nronnrlnc to build n houso nt onco. Myrtlo Glasscock nnd Wilbur Johnson woro married on oloctlon day. Tho young folks of Ilrognn mndo a call on thorn Sunday ovon Ing, nnd domnnded tho UBtiat treat. Dick Sockott has returned from Choyonno Wy. whoro ho enlisted In tho cnvalry. Mr. and Mrs. Cornell nnd son Avery, nccoinnnnlud hv Mln Ilnliv I Wilson, hnvo ryturned from n short virii in iioibo. A meeting Is to tin hold on Nov ember 27 for tho purposa of Noting on tho budgot for tho High School taxes. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Doubrava spent n row onya insi weok in Ontario. Roy Harrington and smnll son, Iran, loft Saturday for Pendleton. Mrs. J, II. Gambol hns been 111 for tho past weok. Clnronco Vnndlvor Is hauling lum hor from tho Powoll saw mill In Mor mnn Ilasln. A big dnnco Is to bo given Novem ber 20, by tho CnthoUc ladles or Ilro gan, for tho benefit of their church. S. aitelson billed out tho Inst car of his up pi 08 on Monday. Jakn DnvlH, who baa boon plowing somo of tho now land northwest of Viilo In homo for n fow days. Mr. and Mru. A. A. Doubrnvn loft Tuesday for a short visit In Holio. Ivan E. Onkca or Ontario was In Ilrognn Wednesday for a brlot busi ness stay. Joo llusloy nnd Carl Stover of Un ity nrrlvod In Ilrognn Wednesday, lml 88Clu uuwo o.oMarG ETAOI Majestic Theatre Sunday Monday tfm. "Shipwrecked among Can nibals" and Harold Lloyd Comedy. Majestic Theatre t 'slisfcP asasasasH Ky fMaBasHPasB BBBBBBHhBaBBBWVt fea H Gold Coine" TlttULXAHjron V&ODVOTXOM Action and Lots of it with TOM MIX, -- SATURDAY Matinee - - Night I 28,300.00 HALANCE ON HAND IN THE SEV ERAL FUNDS IN MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON, NOV. 1, 1020. Cltloa nnd Towns $ 192.38 Estatoa of Decoasod Per sons Gonornl County Fund... Indomnlty Fund Irrigation and Dratnnga Districts High School Tuition Fund Library Fund Gonoral Road Funds. . . . Road District!! 14,193.13 Gonoral' School Fund . . . 18,922 60 Stato School Fund 7,812.19 Stato Fund 34,794.94 School Districts 6,666.22 Sinking Fund 4.046.96 Stato Highway Fund . . . 11,476.62 Revolving Fund 1,404,34 Columbia Highway .... 30,942,67 John Day Highway 12,424.41 Malliour Road 4,484.16 Motor Licenses 4,026.74 Markot Roads 14,994.67 Watson Road 6,105.75 948,36 116,607.18 173,16 729.46 7,912.81 1,841 92 19,730 16 Portland, Ore, Nov. Everything from Ico cronm to "hot dog" nnd from cheeso to brooms will bo ex hibited next -wook at tho annual food show which will open In tho nrmory Monday. Ovor 60 manufac turers, many of thorn turning outi mndo-ln-Orogon goods, have reserv ed spaces. WOMAN WANTS work by day or month. Inqulro Dox 464. Ontario, Oro. '60-61. pd. FREE FREE TURKEVH FOR TII,.KH(il'l.(J Mnjoitlo Tlicntro ulll kIki ono Turkey uvwiy to 1.01110 pntron Monday, Nowiuhcr -i! Another, Tuesday, N'owiiiImt 2:1 Two 011 Wedm-Mlny, .VowiiiIht Ul AiliulhHlon (o Tlioatro on TliiUVdiiy, nidny, Hnttmlay or Kiimlii), will Mu)Iki get )ou a Tiiikry FREE FREE TURKEYS $317,478.69. Ooneral Fund Warrants Outstanding Nor. 1st, 1920 $ 3,610.48 Estlmatod Interest on sumo go.oo Donded Indobtoduesi. . , 130,000.00 $132,660.48 Indobtodnos $132.600 48 Cash In Gonoral Fund., 116,667.18 YOUR TELEPHONE IS YOUR FRONT DOOR TO YOUR STORE OR BUSINESS Do )ou luoe' sufficient telephuiio door to keep pwiplo from tultlni; to Utit Into your storu? Or la tills, door to jour ouslnohs closod great part of tho tlmo? Do our customer who cnll jour find tho ,lltu busy"? Malheur Home Telephone Co. $ 10,993.30 E. H. TEST, County Judgo J F, WEAVER, Commissioner WITNESS ray hnnd und seal of tho County Court this 16th day of November. 1920. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) A. M. MOODY, County Clork t tHW4WW Candensed Report of First National Bank of Ontario, Oregon As llado f th Oamptrollcr of Ui Ourruicy at tli cls of Ituslnrsn, SepHmbw 8th, 1020, RESOURCES! LIABILITIES: Laaas.aid Discount $666,203.87 Cailtal s g,O00.O0 Overdrafts 1,12.4 Surplus and Profits 2,9$0 39 Bonds and warraats ... . 144.4U.I4 Clrculattoa ...., 12,200.00 Banking Housa aad Fix- mils Payabla NONE turos 3,0lt.fl Dills Rediscount" NONE OAH 164,493.89 DHT0SIT8 729.0I3.11. $$54,823.60 $$54,223.50 "KNOWN FOR ITS STRBNQTH AND STABILITY" .4. I V H44