I 3 I THE ONTARIO AROU8, ONTARIO, OKEUON, TUUHSlMY. OCTOBER 28, 1U20 i MMwa ilMl W iW mi I nil. I II ! i !! in IP ! ! iiiii I .'M"" ,","".' " " ' II HI II "HI ' - - ,, - i ' A ' Calvin Coolidge i 'i HUH $?? Hkj1Hw?'II, vHv Warren G. Harding Citizens of Oregon Don't Be Fooled Again Romombor 1910 "Ho Kopt Ua Out of War" Tho samo crowd of Dpmocratic Office Holders now say "Cox and Contentment" and "Peace, Prosperity, and Progress" It Is A New Slogan By The Same Old Crowd Wo have had Eight Years of Empty slogans, broken promises, inefficiency and wastefulness. We want results, not Slogans; performances, not promises; efficiency not wastefulness; we want protection, not exploitation; Malheur County wants her share of tho Government Reclamation Funds. WE DON'I WANT TO BE FOOLED AGAIN Cox and Chamber! ain Stand for Harding and Stanfield Stand for Argentine Beef, Australian Mutton, New Zoaland Wool, Canadian Wheat Chinese Butter and Eggs, The League of .Nations and Empty Slogans America First, The American Farmer and Stock Grower, The American Home, and American Institutions. . t-t :Jt . 12J- "3 " - . i We have no mud to sling, but we want Senator Chamberlain to tell us why Oregon don't get Federal Aid for Irrigation, why Argentine Beef is sold cheaper than Oregon Beef, why Oregon sheep men can't sell their wool, why Chinese Eggs and New Zealand butter flood American Markets, why the Democratic Party refused to give Oregon a cantonment, while the South was filled with camps; why we have so many Democratic slogans and so little efficiency. Why tlie Military Affairs Committee permitted so many abuses in the camps, why American soldiers are still in Siberia, and if the League of Nations is a good thing for America, why he didn't vote for it. Malheur County Republican Club Paid Advertising t 'r