THE ONTAKJO A Mi US. ONTAKiO. OltlSaOJN, THUKSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1020 mi mtmmmmm Rexall Remedies Eastman Kodaks ONTARIO PHARMACY ; Prescription Specialists TUB It MX AM, STOHR IMIONK NO. S! Nyai Remedies wuaiaro 1 1 fi.iiwjUiiih arovranaii t To the voters of Malheur ceunty: At the May primaries the Democratic party tendered me the unsolicited honor of be ing its nominee for state senator in this district, and to keep faitli with my friends it is incum bent upon me to give my candidacy publicity and seek to win. TJio people of the county know me. and if thoy see fit to support and elect me, Fshall appreciate it highly and pledge. my best efforts towards securing legislation that is worth while; my only promise or slogan is, Service to our people. W. F. 1IOMAN. Paid Advertisement. You Would Not Trust A Blacksmith to fix your Watch? Would you? Then Why Let an Amateur Meddle with the Battery .of Your Oar? We Are Battery Experts Fixing Batteries Is Our Business Likewise We Specialize in Repairing and Selling Good Tiros Goodyears, Pirostones, Brunswicks, U. S., Micholins, and Kolly-Springfiolds Willard Batteries W. J. Carburetors Service Tire & Battery Hutlcdge & Plummcr Ontario, - Oregon y o RISKY SPECULATION IS TOO EXPENSIVE for the average individual. Some schemes may look very-alluring but havo no secure foundation. Safety at o fair yield is always preferable. Your account is invited. 4 Interest Paid on Savings Acounts. QncImtionai.Bmk I GRANT, MAKNEYANo MALHEUR COUNTIES MaawiV"" Smmtet&mmmmammmFim THf ARGUS PRINTS BUTTERWRAPS ANII-LOMrULSORY VACCINATION MEASURE At (ho election, November 2, the voters of Oregon must dccldo on a quistlou of tlio most vital Importance iu the hmlth of this state. On the tallot there will be Number 313 a bill, entitled, "Anti-Compulsory vac cliintlonamcudmcnt." Ulillo tills proposed mcasuro pur ports, upon Its face, to bo a bill de signed to prevent so-called unduo com. pulsory activities on tho pnrt of health officers as at present constituted, Its provisions are declared by competent Ui.r.1 advisers absolutely to tie the hunds of theso health officers, so that, In case of an epidemic of dlscaso of any kind no matter how serious to a community no stringent measures could bu lawfully taken to ptotcct the people. Officials of the cities and counties and even tho Governor, would bo es topped from compelling vaccination or Inoculation In tho gravest of epidem ics, should this bill becomo tho law of Oregon, It Is held by lawyers of tho highest standing. Alt of tho progressive work of the State Hoard of Health and any asso ciation of pcoplo organlxcd' for tho purpose of disease prevention would be rendered helpless under tho provi sions of this proposed law, for oven the curbing of venereal diseases, nov. being so successfully carried on for tho general public welfare, would bo ruined. All of tho experience of uges, gath ered at terrible cost to human life all efforts at provcntablo ebjeeth: would be annulled, If this propose! m mure should becomo the law of tl state, Whllo purporting to go onl, to the extent of accomplishing the prevention of compulsory vaccination, Its language would prohibit the en forccment of measures long known to be necessary In the protection of the people. The best authorities on health legis lation and tho best legal talent of tho stato are agreed that, should this measure receive a majority voto of the people, the result would bo ruinous to public health. a ariAVb health menace Whatever view one may tuke upon the straight question of vucclnatlon, It would seem, after careful perusal of the so-called "Antl-Compulsory Vac cination Amendment," on the ballot for November 2, that it should bo de feated by on overwhelming majority becauao of its Iniquitous overreaching provisions, cloaked under a misleading title. Competent authorities, both legal and medical, who have gone Into this bill, declare It to be all-inclusive as to Its effect, It adopted by the voters, on the subject of prevention of diseases, no matter of what nature. That it robs the authorities, duly constituted, of power to act, even In an epidemic emergency, Is the declaration of men and women who have given It tho most careful scrutiny. Head carefully the following excerpt from this bill and determine for your, self what It means: "No form of vaccination, Inoculation or other medication sliall be made a condition In this state for admission to or attendance In any public school, college, university or other educational Institution; or for the employment of any person In any capacity or for the exercise of any right, the performance of any duty or the enjoyment of any privilege." Under tho provisions thus stated, if the English language means anything, compulsory vaccination, even In the gravest emergency, would be prohib ited In the case of typhoid, paraty phoid, rabies, tetanus (lock-Jaw), bu bonic plague, whooping-cough, and any other disease, Including the most dan gerous and loathsome venereal dis orders. In short, It would absolutely render powerless the bands of the authorities In every city and county of Oregon, if It became a law, A worse calamity could scarcely be conceived. This more or lass Innocent-appearing title is No. 313 ou the ballot, labeled "Antl-Vaccination Amendment." Vote It NO In capital letters. Head The Ontario Argus for the news. Republican Ticket NATIONAL Wnrirn Oi Harding, President Cnlvln OooIIiIkf. Vice-President, ItolKM-t X. HtimfleM, United Hlnles Senator. N. .1. Slnnott, Hoprepiilntlvu In OoiiKivo.i. ' DISTINCT am. W. Kills, State Senator P. J. OiilliiKhcr Hrpi-esentntlte MAMMOCK COUNTY Hubert 1). Lytic, DM. Alty. Hurry Hacked, Coiinly Cldk Andrew fiiiiliiuu, Assessor, Kfflo M. Crall, Slip), of Schools C. O. .Mueller, County Tirasuier O. W. Dean, County CoinniN- sloner. Tlio above; named candidates have txvu rhoNrii by the Itcpuln llrmiN of the County, State mill" Nation to carry out tlio con slnictlvo Hllrle of tlio Itopulill rnu party, Knell ono li pledged to anil If elected will do Ills part In ! turning this country to n safe, nanc business lml. They are entitled to tho voto of ovcry rltltlzen who uld seo America ami Its Institutions ns- rued from the rlmos, of Ideal. Iniii. It In n critical time for our country. Your vto In needed to iiiaku America snfo for American. ' Paid Advortlsoment by Malheur County Central Commlttco Lot us build you u real Electric Iloator Northwestern Kloctrlo Co. Phono 18 8- J. M-MM4- $44444t44'l44H"M'M t For Malheur, Grant and Harney Counties Having been nominated by the licpuhlictm voters of the 22nd Senatorial District, including Malheur, (Irani and Harney counties, on a plat form of a square deal for every section, and reasonable economy iu state institutions, I re spectfully ask for your support and vote on that basis, pledging myself to serve no interests save that of nil the people of the district. ailAHIjES'W. ICIjUS. I'M Advfrtlwmrnt jj Xf4iVi-tr4ir4,'4r A tow sots Hurness, for sale at n hafgaln. McNulty & Co, IMPHOVKI) WHEAT LAND For Sato by owner, i miles from Kntcr prlso, Oregon, Would oxchango for irrigated land In Southern, Idaho or Oregon. Would assume, Indebtedness It trado Is mado. Address John W. Ashby, Clarkston, Washington. FOH SALE Seven room, two story house and five lots, u bargain, tonus. Phono 78-U. 43-tf PEIjIOHEED, PUKE nitKO, Lurgti type Poland Chlnu bourn for Halo Also soino nhodo Islniu. Hod Cock rolls, Sea or address lion Jluso, On tario, Oregon, i l 4 'I. pd. FOK SALE Dulck Car, 1020 Model, run only 2000 miles. In good condition. Soo JWti" 'arms Co. On tario, Wllsoi 1' i lilli 43-tf. I'll r. . , .. . All ,v"!i' ' 'n ' Inniu l.h.'io 1' i.l .iIoiih Fruit 2 4l, Your subset ipiiun will bo appre ciated at this time. $lk -- Kj immuuiiKii Two of tho most homollko ho tels In Portland, located In tho heart of tho shopping und thou tor district. All Oregon Kloctrlc trains stop at tho Kcwniil Hotel, the House of Cheer, Excellent dining room In connection. Tho Hotel Cornelius, tlio House of Wclcomo la two short blocks from tho Sownrd. Our brown bu8ses meet all trains. Hates $1.50 and up. W. C. Culbort- mon, Proprietor. J44-H-l-MM4-M44-tltl4-l-l-ll-!"lH-M-l-M- BAihn-yijRNER BR0S.--PETE j I JHways $usy t Sign and Cluto Painters ; Vacuum Cleaned Dust Proof Work Rooms Up Stairs Carter Garage, - Ontario, Oregon f 4444-t-Mt444 '4444-M.M-k-A4 Hii .in -- THIS KliKCmtlC I HON is the Iron for you, Madam. We stand behind it and guarantee It, and so do the makers. Any time anything goes wrong with this iron, bring It back and we'll make it right. You can Iron anything with it, plain or funoy garments. Takes but n mlnuto, or two, to heat up. NOHTHWEHTKHN ELKCTHIO CO. Ontario, Oregon Ssllfyip The Wonderful Howard Heater Burns the gas, which is 25 per cent of the fuel in soft coal. The Stove-Most Manufac turers arc trying to Immitate Buy The Original Taggart Hartlware Co. Ontario, Oregon iMroiianisniwiKacai'.'UiUfuanwitaKWMaAfi 4 t44't'4"V4$4K444' IXJQ-VV JL& "X-JTlO "-L'iXXDLO - 10 nave muse We can save you money on COAII'LUTH NKW '101' rxOg'TJl-XXlO A.iatO OO- ? Kstablished here in 1910 ? 4 r T r r r r v44$$t4w3$44H$-$4H$