1HW1 W'WJPWf "9fp' THE ONTARIO ARGUS, ONTARIO, OREGON, THUHSDAY. QCtQBER 28, 1920 JUNTURA RANCH DEAL MADE Jinny Wolknown OrrRonlatM Stop off nt Junturn What Junturlnnn nri Doing. W. H. Jeffreys closed tho deal dur ing tho wcok by which ho becomes owner ot tho ranch of forty acres, five miles down tho river which belonged to O. A. Rlchoy. A number of months ngo, Mr. Joffroys had a flvo room Al laddeit Iioubo shipped out from tho East which ha has had stored await ing a nultablo placo to erect It. Ho has begun tho construction ot this liouso and It will bo ready for occup ancy soon. Meanwhllo his mother Mrs. Mattlo Jeffreys In tho houso guest of Mrs. II. W. Welcome. Did ovoryono sco tho Interesting story about Juntura In tho Sunday Oregonlan by Addison Uonnott? VMr. and Mrs. William Altuow' of Boulnh wore Juntura visitors on Fri day, also William Ilobcrtson ot Otis. Mr. and Mrs. E1. Slzotuoro and Mr. Blzomoro's mothor ot Douah wero shopping in Juntura last Thursday. Androw Graham, who has spent tho last ten days In IMvorsldo looking aftor tho Vale Trading Co. store there roturnod homo on Monday. Doan Vincent, Vlcc-frcstdont of tho Portland Trust Co. of Oregon was a visitor a In town last week, making n trip to'tho L. N. Stallnrd ranch on business. Mrs. h. P. Dolsolo loft Thursday morning for a visit of a fow days In Payette at tho home of her sister. Her mothor, Mrs. Walsh arrtvod on Wednesday afternoon from Payette W44$ VOTE X 68 Swagler for District Attorney Swagler is entitled to your support for ro-eho tion as Your District Attorney if you believe lie lias made good. lie asks your support for these reasons among ethers: i 1. Ho has secured conviction or pleas of guilty in 75 eases with but 12 aoquitals in all courts. fair 2. He has competently handled the legal a ira of the various offices of the County. f- 3. Devoted vhat tiiho was necessary to effic iently administer the affairs of the office. i. Ifas had 7 years of experience and training in tho office. 5. As a Tax-payer he is interested in seeing ihnt expenses arc reduced to tho lowest amount, consistent with safo-guarding your interests. VOTE X 58 Swagler for District Attorney vl Mr. Prospec tive Builders Wo call your attention to the Unusual Sor vico we are Pleased to Offer Including: A complete and accurate estimate on any selection from our Plan Book containing plans of over 400 Modern Homes, Barns and Garages. With Blue Prints and Specifications FREE! Whether you the intending to build now or in the future, we will be glad to make you ac quainted with this Service. . ? Van Pettcn Lumber Company A. J. AOKERMAN. Sale Mgr. Ontario, Oregon to tako charge ot tho household dar ing hor absoco. Mrs. Walsh roturn od homo. on. Tuosday morning and her dr.ughtcr camo in on the after noon train. Mr. J. D. McCulloch wob (1 Juntura visitor last Wednesday nrrlvlng with Congressman N. J. Slnnott who left Immediately for Burns with William Hanloy and Addison Dennett ot tho Portland Oregonlan. Mr. McCulloch returned to Ontario on Tuesday. David Graham and William Jones visited thn Oster ranch nboro Ileulah on Thursday. A ten pound daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. David Graham on Oct. 19. Stanley Asp of Otis was a Juntura Visitor last Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Edmundson aro vls'tlng this wcok at tho Mnstor- son ranch, and Lloyd and Ralph aro spending a fow days deer hunting. II. D. Churchill has resigned his position at tho Jones ranch to tako chargo of tho lunch counter nt tho Peel Hall, Donald Mantcrson has resigned his position as assistant rashlor ot tho Dank and has accepted a position wlthIlon Jones. Tho Townslto Houso which has bcon supervised by Mrs. C. A. Wot- torstrom will bo closod on Novombcr 1st, and tho employees of tho ranch will lire at the old South ptaco. Mr. and Mrs. Wotterstrom aro planning to build a rosldonco on tho lots south of tho Townslto Houso. Methodist ciiuitcn World's Tcmporanco Sunday 10 A, M, Sunday School. 11 A. M, Preaching "Cnlllng for Thoo". CMC P. M, Epworlh Leaguo. 7:30 P. M. Tomptranco Itally, Il lustrated talk "Ten Nights In a liar-Hoom." Vnlo, Oregon; on tho 29th day of N'j.-.ubor, 1920, at tho hour ot 10 o'clock In tho forenoon. All persons having objections thoro to, If any, aro heroby notltlod and required to prcsont tho samo in writ ing on or beforo said day, othorwlso said account may bo allowed as tltod and said ostato closod. FRANK SHUMWAY, Administrator of tho cstato ot Chas, C. McMahan, Decoded. First publication October 28, 1920 Last publication Novombor 25 1920 NOTICE TO CAKDITOItH In tho County Couit of Thu Stale IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF, Itert Cassoll, Doccascd. NOTICE Is hereby glvon. that tho abovo entitled Court on October 2C, 1920, duly appointed V. W. Mars don, administrator ot tho ostato of Dert Cassoll, deceased, and alt per sons having clalmo against tho' abovo of Oregon, For Malheur County. namod cstato, will present tho samo o said administrator at his placo of business In tho City of Ontario, Ore gon, yllhln six months from nnd of lor tho first publication of this no tice. Flnrt publication, Oct. 28, 1020. Last publication, Nov. 25, 1920. , V. W. MARSDEN,' Administrator of tho abovo namod Estato. GOOD MERCHANDISE We will .be governed by the. wholesale market in making prices to you. We have cut the price on nearly everything in the store and are giving bar gains as follews: Men's Brown English Dresstfn rr Work Pantr, $3.50 to $4.50 Shoes Kid or Calf, $8.50 to $" J" ' Leather Vests, $12.50 to $13.50 Same as above in Half &o rn , English 40.JU . Wool Shirts, $3.95 to $5.50 Work Shoes, durable kind frn flft while they Inst, $4.50 to JtJ.UU i SUMMONS i THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON. FOIl MALHEUR COUNTY MALCOLM COItniOALL, Plaintiff, JOHN ZIMMERMAN, Individ ually and as Executor ot tho last will, tostamont and ostato ot Nancy Klmo, deceased, KATIE KIME, EMMA or ERMA KIME, ORVILLE KIME, MARTHA L. imODIUCK. Individually and as Guardian ad Lltorn of tho said Katlo Klmo, Erma Klmo and Orvlllo Klmo, FRANK KIMB, also all othor porsons or parties unknown claiming any right, tltlo ostato Hon or Intorcst In tho roal ostato doscrlbod In tho com plaint horotn. Dofondants To JOHN ZIMMERMAN. Individ ually and as Executor ot tho last will. testament nnd cstnto of Nancy Klmo. deceased, KATIE KIME, EMMA or ERMA KIME. ORVILLE KIME, MARTHA L. URODRICK, Individ ually and as Quardlan Ad Litem ot tho said Katlo Klmo, Erma Klmo and Orvlllo Klmo, FRANK KIME, alo all otnor persons or parties unknown plalmlng any right, tllo, ostato l(cn or lntoro In tho real ostato doscrlbod In thn complaint hornln, Dofondants You aro horoby raquirod to appear and nnswor tho complaint hofoln against you wltlitn six weeks from me aato or mo first publication ot this Rummons. that s to say. within six weoks from tho 28th dny of Oct ober, 1920, and falling so to do tho plaintiff will apply to tho court for tuo roiior unmnndod In said com plaint, as follows, tomtit that you and each of you, bo required, to, sot forth tho nature of your, and each of your, claim; that all udvorsd claims of tho defendants ho dotor mined by tho decroe ot this ceurt: that by said docreo It bo declared and adjudged that tho defendants havo no estato or lutorost whatever In or to tho lauds, promises and water rights In said complaint nnd hero describ ed as tho Southwest Quarter (SWU V tho Knst Holt or tho Northwont Quartor, (EtfNWH). and tho South west Quarter of the Southeast Quart; or (8WV1SEU) of Section Twony Six (26); and tho East Halt nt tho" Southeast Quarter (E'JSEU) of Soctlou Tweuty-sevon (27). all In Township Eighteen (IS) South ot Range Forty-ono (-11) Bast .ot th.a. YtHiamoMo Monuian, in. Mainour County, Oregon, togother with all water rights appurtenant to saldi lands for tho Irrigation thereof) and mai mo imo or tno Piaintitr thoroto Is gocicl and valid: that the defend ants, and all of them, he forever on- joined and debarred from asserting any claim whatovor In and to sold lands.Vpromlses and water rights nd- verso to tho plaintiff, and for such other rollef as shall seem moot aud agroeaoie to equity. This, summons Is served by publU cation under and by vlrtuo of an or- dor signed by Hon. E, H. Test, Coun ly juago or sam county, bearing date Oct. 27. 1920, and directing tho publication hereof onco a week for six consecutive weeka In the Ontario Arsus' H, C. EA8THAM. Residing at Vale, Oregon, Attorney for Plalntltr. First publication Oct 23, 1920, Last publication Dee. 0, 1330. Boys' Shoes, work and dress, $2 95 to $6.95 Ladies' Shoes, plain and fancy, $3.75 to $9.50 Aprons, $1.50 to $2.25 - Men's Suits, $25 to $10 Hats, $2.95 to $G.OO Army Blankets, $6.95 Wool Mixed Blankets, $7.95 A nice line of Osborn Sample Gloves at wholesale prices Wool Sox for men, any hind, priced from 35c to $1.00 We invite you to call on us and invite inspection at The HUB "The Store that Gives Good.Values for Your Money" H4HHHWMtH44H4HHWt4t4' r Examine Your Plumbing Now IT' i.i it. ill i ,il I, Mill . .. ;. iii. ,. lilt i.l Jjjtfil U Mil ai u i ii . jiA3q r rvm IN THE COUNTV COURT OF THE ' HTATK OI' (HtEGO.V, KOR ' LLHEUR COUNTV. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE. Uf UtlAM l". AIC.MAI1AN, ft DECEASED. NOTICE IS HEREBY QIVEN to whom it may concern; "That Frank Shumway. tho Admin Istrator ot the abovo entttlod estate,, has made and tiled heroin his final account, and tho same has been lv I ;5miHns ridlib i.oiJOOjjA . '!' fWTbfift-' ntym brm -owl va TmrtKj tAaHATi . Read y i i'. '. 1 1. Ull'-I I U il. tilll iljtiU nl I Don'.t take chances with the cold weather, bioken pipes, frozen drains, flooded base ments and all can beaveid ed if you take action NOW "Let us go over your plumb- ing right now, before cold weather sets in, and you "will save money, save time and avoid all the inconven ience and trouble of hav ing to call the plumber when every one who has not forwarned, is after his services. : We have in stock equipment - 'for the famous pipeless fur naces, we can solve your heating problems and do it 1 -before cold weather sets in, ii you act quickly. Let us furnish you estimates. Get information on ihe Arco Ideal Hot Water 1 eating; System? for small homes. . , , , i j. "M i , luj (.Ufa ; ' ' y jiiiu.n il U1 lut, ' Ontario ..:.., ..-, i .-,-.., ,. Oreofoe omer 01 tnig court sot down for he ' ing ai me courtroom ot said court