THE ONTARIO AllOQS, ONTARIO. ORKOON. TUHKrtf ia v. OCTOBER 21, 1920. i VrHiH bHBSEJIHBHUiHIBBflHHHH0HHBIH Saturday Only Matinee and Night ooday- Monday Matinee Sunday Dlistin Farnum IN Over a trestle on a runaway car J ft Bj Vjfi T I I X Pv, $Fwig& avT. ... . jpiivy 4 fcroH in i ii x x r."s---?j v ISO "The Man SEI. f,PDI,E P.0L0' ,Ko K'"B ! Sev7l Thrilli, in this Mniter Myi(er n8 w'en, nrm,n,l ho wotld to mnk; POLO himself ! the one bin reason why ygtf nu iic now n la vino. ight 'Bound the Globe with EDPIE POLO , inTheWopIdb Mastep Mygtepy J VANISHING DAGGER A Pictupe of a Mighty Adventure fpom 9ea toj&a Produced by POLO himQSlP r UNIVERSALIS SERIAL MARVEL vui HEMtfrC4N OF Mtm.wm;a The KKttN ,UJ II VB. Who Dared A STORY of the CALIFORNIA KISI) WOODS willi WILLIAM RUSSELL Big Happiness" T C IT LEADS THE FEW (J RE AT PICTURES OF THE YEAR IT IS A COMPELLING VIRILE MASTERPIECE OF DRAMATIC ACTING MftTP. THIS, BIG PICTURE PLAY InJlL. ED PORTLAND THIS WEEK ALSO NAMPA AND BOISE WE GET IT AT ONTARIO ONE WEEK LATER PRETTY "LOSIC UP TO THE BIG CITY SHOWING ISN'T IT? Sunday - Monday i ;o a light between a pir ilrship and a mail plane feet in air. It takes e in "The Great Air bery." Droamlancl Tuos and Wetlnosday, Octo 2G and 27. i:i.oon;.T im.ija mdi: I'Olt ItUTIIMCAN veti: (Continued From Piiro Oho) linvo ii Itopuhtlrnu Bonntu. Now Uro KO.must do IIm duty. It ran do ItH duty by roIiir to thu poIIh nnd olect- V 'mse with life acttin, and abounding v tkrCLLs fesa MFl J) KfcUl H El r Viewed IiIh own feathers on llio fa tal dart Tlint wIiiroi! tho Rliaft Hint quivered In Ills heart. Koon woro IiIh pangs,, but keener fur to fool Ho nursed thu pinion Hint Impelled tho steel." I hopo tho citizen mid tho elector of Oregon noxt Novomlior will not linvo occasion to fcol thouo pilllRS, when thoy realize that tho Itepubll can purty will bo unnblo to wrlto Its own tariff law upon tho stntuta books, unnblo to repeal tho Underwood froo wool, freo trade turlft luw that wan pnBHOd by tho WIIhoii Administration in 1013, HeiuyPi'Blosson fiat WILLIAM F03 j?J10DUCTIOl Jke arecdesi racing story in the world with thorougKl)i:eds and high life intfirminlcd with aJbasic drama o tbchtJijan era ot ions t Dreamland Sundayand Monday, liiK on Novomlior 2d Hob Stnnflold to tho United Hlnton ficnato. Ily dov Iiir ho you will hn coimultlni; your own InteroHtx and your own walfuro. AKiilimt tho prodont Incumbent I, hnvn not n word to wiy. Or rolutlortn ii ro most pliHiHiinl, and, If tho matter woro n matter of personality, thoro In no ono that I would welcome moro than ho proneut Incumbrcut. nut tho Imiiio h not a mnttor of porionallty, It Ir n mnttor of policy. Your Chnlr mnn hnH told you Hint tho ItepuliM cnu party nt tho procent tlmn linn n majority of two ho nld ponslbly on. That U truo, apparently, by count In tho United Staton Senato; wo liovo this majority of two or rnther tho majority of ono. Hut wo linvo not n majority upon tho propos ition Hint tho peoplo of this commun ity nro moro vitally Intorostcd In, and Hint Is tho question of n protoc tlvo tnrlff, liocaunn two Hapulillcnn neuntors now In tho United .States Ronalo, both voted for tho Undor- wood I'reo Trndo Tariff I.nw, put Hiir vou So It Is nerotwury that wo linvo moro than tho more majority of two. Tho Jtopubllcnn party nnd Uopubllcan policies nro not safo In tho next Cnn Rrmw uiiIom tho Hepubllcnn party hns n majority of flvo or x or bov- on, aa it urcRou snouiu iuu m in duty to send n Uopubllcan sonator to . Stewart does not urire uphold tho hands of Prosldent Hard- Ana Anita vewart uoesnoiurfce lnB and wo continue to suffer In tho Bess invnin, for she wins by n porpotuntlon of this Undorwood Tar- D030 ill tlio f?reat classic Ken Iff Act, moybo sonio of you will havo tucky turf meet. roason to think of tlieeo lines: turn :n-. "So tho struck englo stretched upon " "" tho plnlni Watch for it. It's comincr to No moro through rollliiR clouds to DreammKl next week. soar again, MAMIITH i:IIIIUT WAH sui'i:moit iHHfiav Tho Mnlhour County exhibit nt tho State r'nlr wns u superior dlsplny of nRrlculturnl productu ot IiIrIi quaS tty. Moro than our sharo ot tho hon ors woro captured and tho county got much fnvornblo advertising bo cnuuo ot tho oxhlblt. GO IT, GIRLI GO ITI YOU MUST WIN I r your Hliesp nnd your wool nnd ir mont im'oii ii froo trndo Ihu'h iF FORD OWNER$ that ,$ix means, ff L -r. vXirMflrtMflS Anl ' , i ? JORAAH .fim&rjiP'ittKaammmmm 0 Datf erj Service forYou Electric Service & Battery Co. "Battery and Ignition Experts" . Opposite Moore Hotel Ontario Vote X 57 Swagler for District Attorney This is the most important County ofi'ieo to lit' filled nt the coining election' Your District Attor ney should be a lawyer of training and experience, possessing not only ability as a prosecutor, but who will carefully handle the legal affairs of the County in such a manner as will best serve your interests, consistent at all times with duo economy. T. am asking to be re-elected as your District At torney, solely upon my past record, with my pledge to exercise the same energy, fearlessness, conscien tiousness, good judgment, reason and economy that t have endeavored to exercise in the past. T have had practically seven years experience in the duties of the office and T am fully acquainted with all of its duties and responsibilities. During my term of office T have convicted or se cured a plea of guilty in fifty seven cases in the var ious .-justices and county courts with acquittals in but three cases. From these cases our County has se cured approximately $8000.00 in fines and bonds forfeited. Out of eighteen cases tried before a jury in the Circuit Court, there have been eleven convictions and seven acquittals, and during the last four terms of Circuit Court, Juries have brought in a verdict of guilty in every criminal case tried. T have kept up the CountyTax Foreclosure, and thereby added many thousands of dollars to the funds of the County. Circuit Court expenses have been materially re duced by a careful consideration of tho various cases submitted to me, and tho exercise of sound judgment. I invite a careful inspection of my record for I have nothing to conceal. Tf you do not know me per sonally ask your neighbor regarding my qualifica tions, 'fitness and training. If you approve of my scrvecs and beliovo my re election will best servo yoiuas a tax payer of this County Vote X 57 Swagler for District Attorney Paid Advertisement. M 1 1 , i Ir ilir i it ,. :i j i