'4rtW:tl?ffW -l.JI THE ONTARIO ARC US ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1920 ' JUNTURA NEWS NOTES Wllllnm Hnnloy, Addison Ilonnott and Prnnk Fostur nrrlvod In Jniitura from Uurns on Tucxdny afternoon. Mr. Ucnnott of tho I'rllntul Oregon Inn cnmo out to wrlto sonio nrtlclon nliout Knutorn Oregon. Congroaimui Hlnnott cnmo In on Wednesday's train and tlio party remained over to meet lilm n ho was on Ills way to IluriiB. Mr. and Mrs. n. 0. Propst arrived Munday from Ontario on routo to Klamath Tails whoro thoyoxpcct to mnko tholr futtiro homo. Mr. and MrH. I'ropst vliiltcd with old friends horo until Monday nftornoon when thoy left for Iturns. Mr. Oarrlson of Nyssn was In town last weok and brought 14C head of cnttlo homo from tho Jones Co., and all of tho Ooodmnn & Krlosz steers to tako hnlow to his ranch. IM. Stallard, Henry Itlchnrdson and Hussctl Ilohcrtson wcro In town tho last of tho weak with tho Stul lnrd and Hobortson cnttlo which hnd boon sold to F. M. Heck and II. C. Nlokorson. Mrs. C. A. Wottomtrom occompanl cd by her fntlior and mother Mr. and Mrs, Gcorgo ltuchauan rottirncd tho last of tho week front n fow days npont In John Day. Mrs. Martha Micky of llnrron Vnl loy has spont sovoral days In town during tho last wcok visiting wltln hor ntoco Mrs. Itoy Ilucbnuan and ! waiting for hor husband to arrive ' with sonio hnrsos which ho hns sold. ! A. A. TrniiKott, a roal ostato man from 11 urn 8 was In town Inst Friday on business. Ooorgo lllloy nml wlfo of Drewsey wore In town Inst Thursday and ro imilnod ovor till Friday to tnko In tho plcturo show. Mttlo Mary (Inll Ooodman Is suf fering from an attack of tho mumps, and Mrs. Gun Frlosz who has boon similarly nfflctnd lias recovered suf ficiently to bo out again. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ilnor of Cal amity aro visiting at tho Woodward ranch this week. Thu I'ayotto Sheep Co. shipped out about savonteon car loads of sheep during tho wcok to thnlr pnslurns at Arlington Ortgou Mrs. Ooorgo Kolly of Drewsey ro luriied from a fow dnys spent In Vain tho last of tho weok. Fnthor O'Connor cnmo in to Jun turn last Friday In his car from Drewsey where ho had driven from Ontario, Ho loft Immodlatoly for Iloutnh whoro ho spent tho night bo foro proceeding on his roturu Jour- noy. Ho wns nccompnnlod by Fred Knuphusmnn who spent tho wcok oiid at tho Murphy ranch. Forest Jones mndo n trip to Jones boro last wcok and was accompanied homo by Jlmmlo Jones who remain ed In town for n fow, days. Carl Itlloy was a Juntura visitor Inst weok from Ilolso. II. I). Churchill wns a Itlvcrsldo visitor last Saturday furnishing mus ic for tho dnnco tlioro on Saturday night. Among Hioro who wont from hero to attend tho Lyceum at Drewsey on Saturday night wcro Mr. anil Mrs. W. Q. Upson and daughter, Miss Crlsslo Ornham and Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Jones. Having an open date, tho McAllis ter Trio of tho Elllson-Whllo llurcau, gave their program horo on Monday night. Juntura pooplo wcro grate ful for tho opportunity of hearing this hlgh-grndo entertainment, nnd tho concert wns well nttonded con sidering Hint tlioro hnd been no ad vertising. Daniel Onllnghor loft on Tuesday afternoon In his car to tako tho Ly ceum Co. to Hums, returning with thorn early Wodncsdny morning In tlmo for tho Ontario train. John Hoffman and Forrest Jones mndo a trip to tho Fnrrons plnco abovo Drewsey on Monday. M. h, Dnvls wns n Juntura visitor on Sunday, having brought tho Ly ceum Co. down after tholr ongngo mont there. Walter Sklens and Ooorgo linker wont door hunting to tho bond of Cottonwood crook on Friday Thoy encountered about six Inches of snow up In Hint vicinity, and having for gotten to tnko their tiro chains along thoy wcro forced to nbnndnn tholr rnr and wnlkcd In to tho Altnow ranch, n dlstnnco of about twenty flvo miles. Thoy secured n enr horo which brought thoy homo. The nro hoping to bring nine snmo game on tholr noxt trip. Jim Ilnycrnft, mnnngor of tho In-tor-mountain Tolophono Co. of Iturns nnd Leland Fry woro In town last wcok looking over tho tolophono lines. "Tex" Martin hns been horo dur ing tho wcok vlflltlng his daughter, Mrs. Hoy Uuchannn. Ho hns sold his ranch near Ilolso nnd expects to lenvo soon for Cnnadn. Carl Ktiluio returned on Friday from n visit of n fow days In Ontario. Dr. Fleming, optometrist of Ilolso, nrrlvcd In Juntura on Tuesday to at tend to professional IiusIiicbs. Hiul Tho Ontario Argus for tho nows. Classified Advertisements I'OH BALIS FOU SALE Now Hooslor Cablnot, 100.00. Mrs. John Studobnkor. L'hono 03-11. 804-10. FOIt SALE Ono Automatic Elec tric Washing Machine Good as now. A bargain. l'hono 100-J. MILCH COW FOU SAM High grada Holstoln, gives thrco gallons now, wilt bo fresh ui January. John Molonnnr. Two mllos west of On tario on old Gordon plnco. 711-40-47- FOU SALE I hnvo 100, very flno. two yonr old, 8. C. Whllo Leghorn 1Iu4ib to dtsposo of, to mnko room for pullets. This is your opportunity to got good breeding stock chonp. Jl.fiO each. A. 11. Cain. Phono 20C-W, On tario. IR-17. CHEVHOLin' Touring Car, 1018 model In good condition, for snlo nt bnrgnln. Inuulro of Argus or white box 270, Ontario 700 45-47. FOU 8ALIJ Mangol-Wurlzols for cows, shenp and hogs. J Holland Phono. 201-H-l. 44-45-40 pd. FOU SALE Netted (loin potntoos. Also Yellow (Hebo Onions Frult Innd, Idaho. Phono 1U-2 44-47 TIIIH IH.IXTIIIC HtO.V Is tho Iron for you, Madam. Wo stund behind It and guarantee It, nnd so l tho mnkors. Any tlmo anything goes wrong with this Iron, bring It back nnd wo'll mnko It right You can Iron anything with It. I'll" or fancy garments, Takes but n mluuto, or two, to bent up. NOIITIIWHKTKUV HLKCTIUO CO. Ontailo, Oregon Wo hnvo In our possession Btorod In Pnyetto, a strictly high gradn pi ano which wo will sell nt a substan tial discount If taken at onco. Tonus arranged with rcsponslblu person, If Interested wrlto quick fur full particulars to Tho Denvor Music Company, Donvor, Colorado. 44-40. FOlfSALE Ilulclc Cnri 1020 Modol, run only 2000 mllos. In good condition. Seo Mollno Fnrms Co. On tario, Wilson Hulldlng. 43-tf. PEbiaitEEl), 1'UKE HUED, Largo tyjic Poland China boars for Sale Also soma Hhoda Island Hod Cock rolls. Seo or nddross Hon Koso, On tario, Orogon. tl 4't. pd. FOU SALE Sovou room, two story liotiso and flvo lots, a bargain, torms. Phono 78-H. 43-tf IMPHOVED WHEAT LAND For Sato by owner, 4 miles from Enter prise, Oregon. Would oxchnnga for Irrigated land In Southern, Idaho or Oregon. Would assume Indebtedness It trade' Is made. Address John W. Ashby, Clarkston, Washington. FOU SALE Threo horse power motor. Inqulro Ontario Concroto Plpo compnny. 43-tf. FOU SALE Uulck Hondster. G0O first clnss condition, will consldor bnnknblo nolo. J. H. Test, phono 110-W, Ontario, Oregon. tf HOUSEHOLD OOODS For Halo Hound Onk Heater, and other house hold goods. Seo Mrs. II. L. Poor man. 42-tf 'MISCELLANEOUS Mrs. Allison's klndorgnitun. has been taken over by Ione Luohrn. Phono 34-J. AU-4G. INSIST on an ubstrurt of tltlo wlieii you purclmso or lond monoy on n'nl ostato. MALHEUH TITLE AND ABSTUACT CO., Vale Oregon. LOST AND KOUNI. LOST 3 head ycarylng Heifers nil branded ES Loft hip. Ono black n imr mnrks. ono red with wlilto FAHM VVANTED I want to hoar ;BI)0tB n fnco, Sultnblo reward. O Truosdalo. from pnrty having farm for salo. Otvo price and description. JOHN W. WAIT, Champaign, III. For Houbo Painting or CnlBomln Ing call Phono 07-J. 70045-47 Mrs. A. T. Christiansen, teacher of piano, Phono 170-W. 30-tf. I - HEMSTITCHING and Dressmak ing. Mrs. Hlancbo Anderson. 11. OH HUNT. VACUUM SWEKPEU for rent, Griffith Electric CO.H708-4G-47. FUHN18HED HOOM For Honl Man profered. Iniiulro C. It. Augus tus Phono 37-J. 43-tf. HOUSE FOU -705J45-47. HENT Sou Argus. tf U I Preferred Stock Canned and Glass Goods Our 1920 paEk of this celebrated brand is just arriving and going on the shelves Giving Ontario Lower Prices Giving seasonable wanted merchandise that must be chosen f or the winter, at large savings, icok for yourself. (Bltffibalte o y Nearly every express is bring ing New Suits, Dresses and 7f Coats, at the most reasonabl prices you woura cmriK o. Ladies' New Suits from $25 up. New. Coats from $20 up. New Dresses from $1 7.50 up. Drop in early and look jfiwpw&i them over i 9 $ m vf Mi ' ft I t ' 1 fWT C IWF Special Some two-piece Child ren's Underwear, good weight for winter. 35c the garment Special Values in Blankets and COMFORTS No where at the values you will find here. Sec them nnd compare Special Tills Week .r6-iiich Wool Storm Serge, $1.90 yd., 5 days only, Fri., Sat., Mon., Tues., Wed. Remchcr, $1.90 yd., 5G in. wide Boyer Bros. & Co. Department Store These Goods Are Extremely Good Every package is guaranteed You Will Like This Merchandise Beginning November 1 our afternoon delivery leaves at 3 p. m The store will close at 5 p. m. E. A. FRASER kJPell-L How About Thai Are you ready to buy? Come and take advantage of our dis count on Men's and Boys' Suits. A nice line to select from. For the next ten days we will'give 20 per cent discount on all' suits. OSBORN SAMPLE GLOVES and MITTfNS for men and boys at' wholesale prices. SHOES EOR THE FAMILY, priced right. MULESKIN LEATHER VESTS, $12.50 EXPRESS STRIPE OVERALLS, $2.00 per pair BLUE OVERALLS, $2.45. WORK PANTS, $3.75 to $4.50 DRESS PANTS, $7.50 to $10.00 MACKINAW COATS, $9.50 to $14.50 UNDERWEAR, winter weight, $2.65 to $6.50 THE HUB THE PLACE TO SAVE MONEY