-,.m-mmiimM THE ONTARIO ARCIUS. ONTARIO. OREGON, TFTUllSDAV. OCTOBER 14, 1020 & TO LATH TO CLAH1FV WANTED Position as cashier or doing clorlcnl work, Soveiul years ox porlcncu. Itoforonces. Ux 42C. Pay utto. It. For Houho Painting or Calsomln Ing call Phono 07-J. 709 4G-47 Anyone wishing Delicious Apples, cnll 206-11-2. 4C-tf VACUUM 8WEEPEH for rent, Griffith Electric Co. Vi 708-15-47. 8 WHAT A LOSS J J You would have if burglars carried away your hoirlooms, or firo consumed them. Bettor give them absolute protection now by putting .them in our Fire and Burglar Proof Vault. Safo Deposit Boxes for rent $2.60 and up per year. M ONMolffioNAI, BANK a2" OLDEST BANK IN GRANT, IIAIlNEYiL MALHEUR COUNTIES JUNTURA NEWS NOTES A. A. Mnstorson returned from the Kha-No-Ta Hot Springs nt Warm Springa Oregon, whero lio had gone for rhcumatlBUi, greatly Improved In health. Ho was accompanied on this trip by Mrs. Maaterson. Fred Kauphusman was a visitor on Wednesday at tho Murphy ranch near Beulah. Mrs. D. W. Tlllotflon of Uoulah ro turned, from Uolso Thursday after visit thcro with relatives for about two weeks. Slio was accompanied by her slater, MIsb Flotclior, who enmo for a visit horo. FraBcr, Mcl.nln & McArthua, sheep men of Houlnh, shipped a numbor of carloads of sheep last Thursday. Mrs. E, J. Ilowcn of Uwynn was visiting last wcok In town with her slater-ln-law, Mrs. Joo Carter. A now wagon scala Is bolng Instal led this wcok at tho Junturii Oarage. Mrs. Sarn Howell Martz, Community rrurso of Harney County, passed thru Juntura on her way to Drewsey lost Friday. Mr. Harrison of DoIbo spent laat Frlda In town closing up tho affairs of tho Home Lumber and Coat Co., which moved tho lumber yard from this point Bonio tlmo ago. Jack Wobcr loft for Portland last Friday with a car of cattlo from this vicinity which had been sold to D. C. Nlckorson. Jim Jones came up from Jonos boro on Saturday to spend tho wco end horo. s& .. fmKV WUkWJ A i ""inn t SOL he Gasoline" rfQ$ialit$ The name "Red Crown" is your guarantee of an all'rcfincry gasoline with a continuous chain of boiling points. STANDARD OIL COMPANT (CtliornU) ... & ot How to find I the best phmiQmplk 1 Dont Bo Don't depend v. holly on what your friends tell you. They mean well, hut Don't let tho salesman per suade you with talk. Evury phonograph can "talk" for itself. 8. Don't listen tu ono phono graph here, another pho nograph there. Ymi can't compare accurately that way. 4. Don't go on "impressions". Your phonograph is too important for that. 5. C. Hear nil Iho leading makes. Hut hoar them all i-i the mini.' room. And hear litem all fimu tho w.ino position in the same room. A No haxo each play tho uuuu H'lu'tions, In other words, make an ab solutely scientific e'ininri Mu, and decide Hut lot phonograph for youieii'. What? You don't know any store, hulpful enough to inaku Mich seient ific coin parison, lor your Itcnelit. Come in here, and Asli definitely to hear the E4isonTqpm-TaHe Comparison (Cii tf rsu'0 The Edison Turn -Table Comparison Is conducted apart from the salts end of our business. It Is a sen Ire fur ull music-lovers, whether they come to buy or nut. Come In whenever )ou lute ten nilnu'es to spare, but kindly aslc fur tho Edison Tiim-Table Comparison, since It Is K'sen only oa definite rrqurst. (Nolic t Mssalsctucts sid Rcprttcttt .n) The 1 Iking Machines utatl in th-.e tests lire kept by lis la the brit po (... condition. Manufacturers if sui It i..tt. t'lilnes or tbvli rt-prtsentatitcs, a'ro In vited tu iiispret them, or reguUte them, or to substitute- other limebluea of tho Mine mike, of their own selvrtion, of Mtwl or Kitiitcr value, at any lliue In-' butln uur- II iss nours. 11 BSSS" m - i TURNER MUSIC SHOP ONTARIO, OREGON Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kulino nro an nouncing tho arrival of n son born on Oct. 7th nt tho Ontnrlo Hospital. Oscar Ituil arrived from Pendleton on Saturday to look after builnoss affairs horo and left again on Mon day morning. Frank McKnlght of Vnlo was In town. tho last of tho wcok shipping out soma lambs sold to Joo Plalstcd of Huh), Idaho. A number from Juntura attondod tho dnnco and banquet at Drewsey by tho now manngomeiit of tho Drewsey Hotel. Among thorn woro Mr. and Mrs. John Mctlotrlck,-It. D. Church Ill, Dee Ilakcr, Italph Mastorson, and Kinney Stownrt. Mr. and Mrs. V. a. Upson and daughter, Juanlta, Hpcnt Sunday at tho Upson ranch nt Otis. . Hoy Curry, Walter Sklons,' and doorgot Hakor loft Sunday for a deer hunt at tho bond of Cotton wood crcok. F. M. Dock, Portland sattlo buyor, shipped out throo cars of cattlo on Friday. Walter Mann, a former resident of this community, arrived from Port land tho last of the week to look aft er somo of his Hvo stock, and left again for Portland on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Hart Draper left on flatiirday for Ontario. Mr. Drapor expects to return later to finish somo work nt tho Alton ranch. It. II. I.ockott was In town during tho wcok having brought all tho cows belonging to S. S. Williams of Drew eoy Mr Williams sold his soors to F. (1. Johnson of South Dakota. Mr. Williams was In town tho last of tho week attending to this deal. W. T. Cam,pboll arrlvod from On tario during tho wcok with somo fix tures expecting to open his pool hall which has been clood for somo tlmo. John Palmer was In town tho first of tho wcok from his sheep camp nt Squaw Crook. Mody Edmundson and wlfo arriv ed on Sundny f-om Westfall for n visit with Mrs. Kd.iiiinilnon's father, A. F. Matorwui. Ty returned homo on Tues '.a'', 13. C. Propst of Ontario, an old ros" Ido nt of Juntura, nrrlvwl on Monday to look after somo property which ho owns horo. lloforo bo bft for On tnrlo Tuesday morning bo had dis posed of his Jioiiho hero to Fred Kauphusman. Mr. and Mrs, Propst nro leaving soon for Klamath Falls wboro thoy oxpoct to in itko their future homo. Mrs. II. C. I.ovons of Uurns arrived on Monday aftor a trip to Portland and Uolso and visited until Tuesday at tho homo of her brother, II. W. Welcome Ilonry Ulackwoll passed thru town on Monday with sovoral cars of cat tle, about fifteen hundrod head, which ho was bringing from tho Har ney country for distribution at var ious points. Italph Masterson loft Tuesday marnlng for Omaha with four car loads of cattlo. Mr. and Mrs. fJcorgot Duchanan spent tho week-end In Juntura, and left on Monday, accompan'cd by thrlr daughter, Mrs. C. A. Wo Hurst rom, for a trip to John Day. (Icorga Smith was a Junturn visit or from Pculah on Monday. W. II. Jnffroys lins opened a lunch counter at tho Peel Hall for tho con venience of Its patrons. Artbus Upson returned on Monday aftor spending a fnw days In Ontario. fJeo, Canflold of Drewsey was a Juntura visitor on Tuesday. Andew Graham, manager of tho local branch of tho Vale Trading Co., loft Wednesday morning for Illvor sldo to tnko charge of tho branch thcro for a fow dnya In tho nbsenco of tho manngor. I.HTNi:iWIIIl DISSOLUTION Notice Is hereby given that tho co-partnership horotoforo existing bo twvjon J. I). Illlllngsloy and I. J. Pow ors under tho firm nnmo and stylo of Illlllngsloy & Powers has bcon dis solved by mutual consent. Mr. Pow ers has taken over tho partnership property, and all outstanding bills will bo paid on presentation to olthor partnor. Dono nnd dated at Ontario, Oro gon, this 8th day of October, 1020. J. D. nil.I.INaSLKV, I. J. POWBHB. Let us build you n Heater North weitorn Phono 188-J. roal Klectrlc Hlcctrlc Co. nig reduction on Wall Tents reduco stock. McNulty & Co. to Your subscription will bo stated at this tlmo. appro- Subscrlbo for Tho Argus, 44M-.H.t-t44444-H44"HM-Hr4444 -.- -w- "vzy- m nurn J. Millinery costs nioncy. A Good Auto Top will pity for itself in saving lints nnd com fort. The only place in Ontario to get AN AUTO TOP is v lJuy une wow a I t4-t4W4444t-tt'W-'-W W For the Cleanest Clothes Mt I With the Least Effort '' At the Smallest J J Expenditure. -lfl DIRT CAN NOT RESIST THEM. as. 'jB aBvHk aiiam MU1E-TEAM BORM SOAP CHIPS t :-1 i