THE ONTARIO ARGUS ONTAlilO. OREGON, TliUIMIAY. OCTOBER 7, 1020 -. Professional Cai ds MsWsLMWiWiflWiMiWWffffHWI! flBkH Ill&lUi UH II iW M imAl I Ifl HUH I u fflkJWI B UMff l!fllll!ftBFBTMBi StBV UUmlluJ w SltumJII uln wNii vn Ld1!lliIUIlKAB DRS. WKESE & EORT ER OFFICE HOURB: 9 to 12 and 2 to 6. Oftlco over First National Bank. Hlephono No. 33 J. Ontario, Oro. WANTKDt A .SINNT.It WHO CAN AIM) ZK8T TO Till: lAl'V. OK a rmrrrv xovsa widow Consilium TiiIiiiiiiIkc HiiiiIn Vov Him In l.ntost Kincrrtnii-lxioM I'lr- tuic lit Difflinlntiil TlicnOo "In Search of n Sinner," Constance? TnlmiulKo's Intost picture from n col liiliorntod nilnptntloii of Jalin Knior son nml Anlln Loos, will IiorIii n two ilny ciiRtiRcmont nt the Drcntulnnil tliontro, conimonrliiR Sunday. Tlio mnln nctlon of tlio piny ro olvci nrounil Ucorxlann C'lmil liuurnc, a widow of twenty, wlio linn hceii "bored to ilentli" liy tliroo yonrs of IIvIhk with a "perfectly Reed ninn.' Ilont on limiting wickedness alio turin her steps New Yorkwnrd nnd vIhUb her lirotlicr-ln-lnw, Jcffry nnd lih wlfo. I)CKilro ndvlco to "lio rnro fill," Dcorglnnn throws nwny Iter inoiirnltiK velU nnd nniblon to Con tml l'nrk, wlioro hIio Id Rrntlflcd to Ncu n pnHshiR liornomnii fllrj with tier. Thinking lilni n "rounder" hIio oncoiirnncH IiIm nilvnnco nnd iiIIowh It t in to nmko violent lovo to linr. Tlio Cliiuin of ii Mfctliiii; Dut Joffry nnd Ills wlfo tiro called awny on nccount of IiIh mother linv Iiir tlio moiislos, nnd OoorKlanu .Ih You'll on tlio BtnRO or scrcon todny. regret It It you don't bco licr. Dreamland, Friday, October 1G TlM MIX IN NPAV IM.AV HUltl'AHSKS TOM MIX Tom Mix, it Is said, lint) accom pllfllied In "Tlio Cyclone" which Wil liam Kox will present on Tuosday, October 12 nt tho Drenmlnnd Theitt or, other film horo has sue ceoiled In doliiR ho has BiirpiiRsod Tom Mix. Tilts Is n stupendous fent, lis the tliouxnndB of fans whom hn litis thrilled hy Ii Ih peorlcni dnrlitR In such superb Fox productions iih "The Speed Mnnlno" nnd "Tho Komi' will attest. KoporlB from plnco whore this plituro lins heon shown ilcclnre thnt MlvRrlpH tho ImnRlnntlon of bin nudlcnco nnd whips their blood to mountain torrent voloclty by his dls plny of cournRO nnd nRlllty, Tho story of "Tho Cyclono," which Is n tnlo of tho Cnnndlun Northwest Mounted Police, deals with n series of BtlrrltiR episodes IcndltiR up to n Btunt cllmnx thnt bIiowh tho cow punchor star at IiIh bout TIiIh ultra stunt was undortakon by tho nctor nnd IiIh direction nftor roiiHldornhle dollborntlon. Mix rejected overy modification suggested with n vlow to IiIh parsonnl safety, nnd Insisted - " lV43 WHOf YOUR JCRVANTr" WHO'S YOUR SERVANT asked to cntortnln n visitor thnt .upon enacting tho crownlnR eplsodo nmn nvAtiltif lit, Mm tin, tin nt Tnnl ! ... -it ,, ,i . .1 I.... ftnma ovonltiR hy tho nnino of Jnck OnrrlRon which, by tho way, wnH tho nnnio of tho wicked mnii In tho pnrk. In ordor to tost bin wlckcdnoss Ooorglnna plans to toll OnrrlHon thnt nho In Joffry'N wlfo., For, ns bIio says, "A tnnn who will innlto lovo to hli best frlcm'H wlfo Is hnlf liumnn, nnywny." Hut hIio reckoned not with Uarrlson's codn of honor. Onco told thnt nho wnn Joffroy'a wlfo, ho don ned IiIh lint and quit tho npnrtmont with dignity. Joffry nnd his wlfo woro moan whllo In iiunrnutlno for two wooks. Ho thnt CloorRlnua sots lior trap, to "mnko tho Innio nmn wild". Hill! WAITIID 17 YIMItHI)ID III'.? In nil Its mnRiilflccnt dnrlm;. lll'CKI,i:ili:itltV FINN Any portion, whothor bin brow In IiIrIi or low, who cannot enjoy Murk Twuln'H "Mucklnborry Finn" In to bo pitied. Tho Bnmo holds for fnlka who en n not got .an ovenlng of un ndultorntod plonsiiro out of tho screen vendon of this Immortnl work which Ib being shown nt tho Dream land Tliontro, WednoHilny and Thum dny, October in nnd H. Tho spirit of tho fnnmiis humorlHt nnd of his lovnblo boy hero has been thoroughly mnlntnlnod In tho photo play. It Ib n sympathetically pro duced film thnt follows tho adven tures of Huck" nccAirntoly from tho tluio whon ho nnd Tom dlscovor tho Tl.oy mot an boy nnd Rlrl-met for tronRUro ,n 10 cnxo unt ,hoy re. n moment on tho gnrdon wall. And turn to thor native vlllngo. sadder thoiiKh Fnto Hopnrntod them. 8ho ,, wlunp , . ,,, ,,, un waited. IIopo kopt nllvo through nil tho dreary yenrs by tho hwcoI rerol lection of nno Impassioned embrace "Tlio Htolrii Kls" Is KATHRYNB RTIIAltT'fl nilnptn tlon of I.UCIM.i: VAN BI.YKirS do Hitblful novel. "I.lttlu MIbs Ily-tho-Dny," nnd Coiistiiiiro llliuioy nirnctcd Ily Oonnth Webb Invests tho horolno who remained trim to a memory with nil tho quaint- lit, Hwofltncvw. nnd charm of tho a fow sots IlnrnosH, for snlo lit n most winning pcrsonnllty to bo found bnrgnln Mc.S'ulty & Co, ,'&i$Euu , nnd wlsor, hut nono tho Ions still "regular boys." Huck and tho plrnto gang, tho slave. Jim, Aunt Tolly and tho Wid ow Douglas, tho "KlngV ami tlio "Duko," IIurk'H no-ncrount father nil nro portrayed In tlio picture with a skill nnd undcrslnuillng thnt takes you hack ngnln to tho "bofo- nnd wall" days In tho old Mississippi Vnl ley. Tho Mnrk Twain atmosphere Is thoro oven to tho subtltlos, (Kn08N&) LPTPli I I HEAT AND LIGHT . PM - s Perfect Home Comfort Hat in day, Ortnber Dili WII.MAM I'AHXOI In "l.n.t 4if Un Diianes" lliokrn IliibbliN Hunk Miiiiji CoiiKily Kim, nml Mini., (in 10 ,t p CO.VNTAXCK TA I.MADfil' In "In Sent rli of ii Hliini'i" Tuo Hi'i'l C(Mii(ily Tiles., Oct. lUtli TOM MIX In "The Cjcl " Iiitnuiitiiiiiiil .Venn Iteel Wil. 'lliur., Oct I !l II "lliiililebeiiy I'lnn" All Star Paxt I 'nt ho Nn nml rnini'ily Art Fililny, October ,i CAVSTANriJ I1INNIJY In "Stolen UUt" l)iiiedell .lack 1 1 KpUoile. , J' im v r r DR. A.Jl. ROBERTS Dontiat Itetucen Ontario I'linrmh' Depot. Phono 52 Hours, 10-12: 1:30-5 House calls by nppolutmont Mado Phono 1G8 DR. R. A. MOON CIlIItOI'ltACTIO I'lIYSICLVN NKItVK HFKCIALIBT Acuto or Chronic Dlsoasos Hooma ovor Post Oftlco ONTAIUO OltKOON W. B. MAXON Transfer Attention given to long tlliUinco HnullnR XMn nrrtcra nt AVnt linplonicnt Btoro Phono U'4... Itcsldonco Phono tl-W Ontario, Oregon. m:hlh2 j. ajckk attoiiney-at-law Income Tax Advisor nMofflco IlulldliiB, Ontario, Oregon Mconiod to Practlco In Oregon and Idaho O. A. KIIATK Municipal Engineer Member of Amorlcnn Association of Engineers Sowor systoms, wator works, pavo motits, concroto doslgu, assess ments, oftlco systems 108 Tllford IJIdg., Portland, Orngoi City Hall, Ontario, Oregon DH. C. W. TYI.ICH DENTIST Office In Wilson Dldg. Otflco Hours 0 a. m. to 4 p. I'llono 117 for Appolntmouts. McKinnon Cushion Tires Non-puncturo, Non-8kld. No Innor TubOH. auaVnntced to Ilun lf.,000 Miles. 30x3 and 2Vi - S. ROLPH, Routo 2, New Plymouth, Idaho Phono 0S-J-2 Let tis-bulld you n rani Elctrlc Heater Nnrtliwfwtorn KU'otrl-' t'o Phono 188-J. Dig i eduction on Wall Tonts roduco stock. MoNulty & t'o. tMM.j4-5.H-t--j-t-rr-s-M-f -H-H"-J-l-t-J-t"--t-M-l-t-i; "WANTED fOR MURDR" What Would YOU Do If Those Words Accused YOU? Supposo you had killed a man in SELF-DEFENSE. Suppose that tho country in which you were living was filled with your ENEMIES and you knew you could not get a fair trial. Suppose you were riding along a roadway and saw a SIGN similar to tho one shown balew: WANTED FOR MURDER The luxury of heat when nnd where needed is possessed by the family with a good oil heat er. Lights at touch of a match any time, anywhere. Filled with Pkarl, Oil "it burns with out odor or smoke. Pharl. Oil, is refined and re-refined for successful home use. Econom ical. Sold in bulk by dealers ev erywhere and by our stations. Order by name Puarl Oil. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CnUfomU) se&mamsssns&zuBBErszjB I BUCK DUANE WHAT WOULD YOU DO? Ride for it? That is exactly what Buck Duane did. And Fate rode beside him, urging that he turn against society and become an outlaw.. But Buck Duane was a MAN, He KNEW HIMSELF. He mixed with bandits, won their good will by SHOOTING one of them who tried to KILL him, and atill remain ed an HONORABLE MAN. Fate is changeable, just as human beings are. The Fate that rode beside Buck Duane began to LIKE Jiim, because he had gone through the FIRES OF EVIL and had come out unscathed. The gripping story of Buck Duane, his fights, his hardships, his GREAT LOVE, will be told at the Dreamland Theatre in "The LAST OF THE DUANES," in which WILLIAM FARNUM is the star. The greatest Western melodrama ever screened. Here is a play above all plays. . It has a great star, a powerful and thrilling story, magnificent scenic effects. "The Last of the Duanes" is be ing talked of all over the Country.. It is the screen sensation of the year. Borax Cryetals sparkle lileo diamonds. Diamonds cut glass Borax cuts dirt. Diamonds come from tho desert. So docs Borax. Borax crystals only are used in AtesB&sgM iiifc. MU1E-TEAM BORAX SQAP CHIPS They mak water soft'as velvet. "It's the borax In tin soap that does tho work" If PM&ctl J 111 VT-sW 4r jVW ll'VIK- isfr"L! 5 B 1 ' - TOK-y -'-J r?h fll'lf IfliEB&i.Zlll MaUyVV. fil l 1 ' 1 IKdfltT I. ill NCsBsssssEsHssssssssHssssPssH UssssssssssK fJ?!lilk7 VvL lit s?VHP-HBHsHiUuvl Vu Here's the Secret Of that wonderful "round" tone On hearing The Brunswick for the first time every music lover exclaims at its wonderful full, round, life-like tones. Back of ttie grill is the secret an oval horn built entirely of wood on the violin principle. Sound waves ae amplified and sent out to the listener in correct acoustical "circles." No metal touches them. That's the secret! Hi Hi BlE iB IssH lH jBX m tmSussssssssssssssssssH 1m H w Come in a dem onstration will con vince you why The Brunswick is the superior phono graph. Ontario Furniture Company Ontario, Oregon I .$s$H455$$sjsSH4s ,