THE ONTARIO AKUUS. ONTAJUO. OKEUON, THUKSDAY. OCTOBER 7, 1920 Mr. nnd tint. I.nurol Wells arc tlio parents of n little (lnuditor, born nt Holy Itosnry Hospital, Krlilny, Sep Inmlicr 24(111 Itov. Van Dimen on Monday went to flood Inn anil IIoIho on lmslncflR. Mr. Waller West, or McKee.port. 1'n. nrrlvcil Saturday ovciiIiik, called lmro by tlio death of Ills mother, Mrs ;. (J. I'owcll, Mr. and Mrs. C. K, I'owcll ramo In from Corvallls, Orenon, last weolc to attend tlio funeral of tlio mother, Mrs. C. C l'owol. II. 0. Wllcon arrived homo early Monday inoinlni; front I.onrj llnncli, California, where ho lias liccn vlslt InK for tlio past four months. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ira Palzoll and sons. Mrs. I.. II. lllch and Mr, ltny Kith went to llolso tn attend tlio anto races at the Stnto Fair. Mrs. Clertrutlo Youtnc Is nt homo Mi'miih her parents,' M. nnd Mrs I'nrtlur. . I'ayotto Conntv fruit itrowora enr rled off fifty first prizes at tlio Idaho Stato Fair, thirty-eight second nnd eight third prizes, for tlio fruit oxhlhlt and It will ha seen that In tlio Hoys and Girls Juilclng rlnsiios I'ayotto County carrlc.f off n number of prizes. It .is i rood 'id for the lit t to county of Pnyotto. iMnmiR tlioso atlemllni? fr mi hero wro tlio families of Mr. nnd Mrs. (lin Orahnm, J. I Carnolx, S J rhllHpB, Henry Munsor, Wlllhm r.r.ii ert. M. J. I'ucho't. Ilnrr' Mnusoi . Anio. N. A. Peacock, llrnwloc. I' U llniwin, M. Thodit, 0. W. Younp. Irr. Pal-ell. I.. H. Illch, 0. II Htownrl (Irnnt Fisher, F. M. O-irdnrr, II Wn.o, I'. K. Johnxo-i. Mm. I). U In rord. Mrs. I'cnrl t'ntorsim Hownrl Mnurcr, Milton C'n.'iioflx. I'n)elle County I'tiuitli Artmi Huth Ithodo of Frultlatid had tlio honor of accompanying to Hols'' two Frultland youni? incites, MIsnom Huth Haines and Fay Alms, tlio do mnnstrators of the Frultland Can nine and IlnkltiR Clubs of thb Iloyi nnd Ulrls Clubs, as well ns some youtiK Indies from I'ayotto nnd Now riymounth. Tlioy went to llolso las' Monday mornltiR nnd returned Sat urday. Miss Thodo statoK Hint the keou competition from all ovor the stato hut sho Insists that I'ayottc (bounty has flnu yoniiR women to de monstrate tlio work With Miss Haines nnd Miss Alms domoustrntnni tlio bnkliiR of biscuits thny won for I'ayotto County fourth plnco In the stnto nmoni; tlio other counties. At thoro nro fourty-four counties It real ly speaks wolt for the FYulllnml clrlf and wo nro proud of thorn. Tlioy liavo had a total of 400 cioiltt or bakliiKs which shows the Intorest tlioy hnvo taken. Miss Huth Haines also carried off tlio honor of rocolv Iiik oiiourIi points to mnko her sec ond In tho stnto In tlio lino of JiiiIr Iiir brond. i'ayotto County Is smal' In slxn and number but makes up In quality. Dies At Home III CorvnllU Tho community was shocked nnd snddoucd Wednesday when tho nowr was (liven out of tho ilonth of Mrs Jcnnlo A. I'owoll, wlfo of C. C. Pow ell, which occured Tuesday ovenlm nbout L-'ven o'clock, caused by a slroko of npoplcxy, when sho wa seen to full nt the Rate of her home. In COrvnllls, Oregon. 3ho I Aid punn ed iiway bufoio liny ono could reach her sldo, Jonulo A. Powell was born in Hal onu 1'ennsylvnnla, Hepteinler 1.1. 18C7, unit died In Corvnllls, Oreron. TucHtlny evening. September 28, 1020. ncd slxty-tbreo years nnd fif teen dnys. In 1883 she wns married to Walter ,. West, of McKeesport, Pennsylvania, ho having died In 1885, One, sou was born to the first mnrrliiRCil, In 1887 sho wns married to fjharlcs C, Powell, of PlattshurR, Missouri. To them were born two sons, C. K. and Harry. .They resided In Missouri twenty-lvo jenrs then moved to Colorado whero tlioy lived two yenrs nnd In 1011 they with tholr family moved to Payett whom tlioy havo stneo resided, until March of this year when tlioy went to Cor vnllls, Oregon for Mr. Powell'H health. 'Tlio "body was hrough to I'ayotto Thursday morning Inst, accompanied by tho husband nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. C. K. Powell, nwnltlng tho arrival of her son, Mr. West from MeKcesport, who nrrlvcd Saturday evening A husbnud and thrco soiih and five grandchildren survive. Tho furornl sorvlcon wcro hold 6 Snnda afternoon In the M 10. Church Payette, and tho sermon preached by tho pnstor, Hcv. Clyde Wnlkor, ns slnted by tho pnstor of tho Frultlnnd M. 1C. Church, Hev. Van Dousen. The body was tuteicd In the Ontario com etor .Ontnrln, Oregon, surroitnilcd by n host of loving friends mid tin fntntly and no uhundauro of flnweis as o token of esteem nnd lovo. Mis. Powell cmlentod huisetf to all who know her. Hern wns n bright HiiniH' iinturn nod ier helpfulncsr nnd cheery spirit will he missed i many nnd tho ulcho In tho homo nev er filled. Sincere sympathy Is ex tended to tho family. . - - . .LOST Flvo months old Collie pup, mnlo, dnrk brown In color with whlto ring nround neck mid white iinso nnd fuco. Finder call nt Griffith Klectrlc Co. to rccolvo reward. It roil SAI.K Four room houso. sleeping porch, "thoroly modorn, nil renovated this spring, basomeut Houso wired for electric heat. Partic ulars Call 12&.J. Mrs. V. P. McKen itn. 70.144. ' FX)H SAM3 Columbln fJrnphonu la, now model, Ilnrgnln. Call Mrs. V P. McKcuun. Phono 125-J. 44. B m T' a Per Ton F. O. B. Payette for Good Sound Cull Apples Idaho Vinegar & Pickle Co. Payette, Idaho J3U.C1 weaser is withijou again! The famous friend of old -made by the original process in conformity with present regulations Known evetyivJiere-Buyit by -Qiq case or yowAome.- VUItott oantltdly tnrttod to tatfct our plMl Hill Hill Oiil ANHEUSER-BUSCH. ST.LOUIS Boyer Bros. & Co. Dltulbuton L Ontario, i Ore i Brim Jmhmk mrw i HUCKLEBERRY Ffr? NEW MARK JVVAIN-PAIUMOUNT ARTCRAFT pictuki:' "l.ei-y time I'iiji Cut money lie gnl iltuiik) nnd eery lime he Kid iliunk ho i'iilil Clint noil eveiy I line ho in Neil Cnln h Kot Jnlleil." 'J'lIION" OP. k lllU'k CMiiiiit'd---IhmiiImI liix linnl down thi' MiKsissippi- fltiatcd into a vnnlioiitl rciilin'ol' ndvcntuiv t lint lias made lii.s naniL' ini mortal. All in tin's niarvcloii.s picture! -Mark Twain's greatest story, re-created on the screen. See it Sure1 From tho World's Greatest Romnnco of Youth Drearnland-Wcd. ant! Thiis., Oct 13, 14 mmmNM i 9 ' AW vYiL X Vin i CjyUlCK power, ttamina and icrvicc value, with an I f M I' IK, V lVi III cven 'u"rr n,casurc f uracc, beauty and thoie re- i lP x'rylr fincincmi which add comfort to utility characterize the 'i I fl A LiYi v A If distinctive Huick qualities of the new Nineteen Twenty 1 1 ( Mill v Filf 'nc ,omm,n Mca euidinu the builders of Huick cars r xlt IY HI li cvcr ,0 ",a',,,a'n ,MC l'Uick standard a standard of lj jM4 III soundness, sancnc.s and serviceability in automobile 1 itfs SiSwfflllf l construction. The reputation Huick everywhere enjoys l jAami I il r attests the public approval of this Huick policy. l VmrM 4-fo(t Itv) ''c ncw "u'c'c Three Passcnijcr Koad.tcr, complete 1 V rlrSffil r - MA m aPP'n,nicn,,i beautiful and roomy is an ideal car VJ if 5 ulllw fl&A for speedy transportation in all seasons. And back of Y" ff s---: i C ,n' model, is a nation-wide authorized Huick Service, fl i ffrnHyJ Prlctt of the New Nineteen Twenty One JtIF VI ' 'I 111 II F (W l4l Twf Oiwfwiir fl. Ibrc MW-I '' tWM I t(r .t-LL1---'YV-u-'-II I N .UUITf-n-OMUny IV, (it f Min fti . IWI " OU tJLJ W"3Wt,B t 1 MiWIfUr Om rwtr Hi, Iii t""l 'H " M Xf IMft'l T P'KV'il UiMllmtut OH Unr lc, ( vmI" " f Y IjH Hf L iVm HJflTwrir Ou Vittxr ElfU, Iwvr yitHbut wy I1H I 1 J IH H Pi INinTv Slottl 1 ttbir Ow iMir Mm, kiiuuiiimii I'W lUPth pWB ,B4, Jlrt'i UrO UirUlltcif u tmt, ,r.,i..rl. 1141 Carter Garage .ONTARIO, OREGON WHEN DETTEa AUTOMOIHLES ARE BUILT. JiUICIC WILL BUILD THEM