THE ONTARIO Attn US. ONTARIO, OREdON, TllUftHlMY, OCTOBER 7, 1926. MAI.IIKUIt COL'XTV IIKAU IKTA'W tiu.nhi i:iih 1 1 i!cTiitTiTfir"Hi fi 'T. until to orr. ami. Mlnorva Asliby Kills ct vlr lo Lil lian L. Sheets, Lots 3 & t, Ulk. , Elilredgo Add. Vnlo. Sopt. 25, 11)20. 110.00. U. 8. A. to Jos. M. McUwen SWtf, 'WtfSEtf Sec. 2(1 1 WV4NBV4 Sec. 3R-2C-38. Oct. 28, 1010. . Clms W. Mnllett ct (ix to John StnnlQ Matlott, 86SW. 20-18-40. July 1, 1020. $20,000.00 Win. Q. Fleming ot ux to Wm. C. . Holfer, LotR 2-3-4, BEViNWM, E'i SWVi, 8oc. 7 Lot J, NBUNWU Sec, 18-27-40. Mar. 20, 1020. $1, COO. 00. John Klrchar ct ux to Hatiiicn Me Crcnhy, Lots 0-& 10, Ulk. 2, Adrian. August 20, ,1010. $1.00. Albert OonUlor ct nl to Wm.B, Loes, Lots 8-0-10-11, Illk. 8, lUvor nlilo Add. Ontario, Sept 7, 1020. 1 1, CC0.00. Llzr.lo Cnnnry to Jcnnlo Mutliomn ct vlr-Lot 20, Annex, Juno 21, 1020. ?27G.OO. M. J'. Kowton ot ux to American Dlnto Co, Dlnto Claims 1 to 10, Sec. .1-10-41. August 20, 1010. $1,00 John C. Stanton ot ux to Am. Dln to Co, Dlnto Clntms 1 to 10. W. W. Lotson ot ux to Am. Dlnto Co. Dlnto Clnlms 1 to 10. Hny WIIboii el, ux to Am Dlnto Co, Dlnto Clilms 1 to 10. Wm. Dnnlelson to Wm. West N WU8i:v,8KV4. SVSNBUSEU Sec. 30 10-4G. Sopl. 22, 1020 $1,770.00. J. A. dunned ot ux to llrognu Trmllni; A Lhr. Co., Lots 1 to 10 nml 14 to 20, Ulk 28, Ilrognn,, Sopi. 20. 1020. n,72r.oo Dnvld Hlnz Jr. ot ux to Clnrk A I'rntt. BWMNWU Sec. 10-31-41, May 21, 1020. fCO.OO. Loonnrd Colo ot ux to Malheur County ltnnd right ot way acrrwi tJoc 19-1 8-4 T. Sopt. 0, 1020. 1000.00. Unix !'. Jcnsc'i ot ux to Win. J. Ilornn. 8WUNM1 Sec. I1.1J-41 Mny 22, 1020. $1.00. aortrudo B. Howard ot vlr to Let .tlo L. Wtrl, 1.1 U 10 & 17, IIIK IT-. Ontnr'o. Slept. 17, 1021.. $l,r( Mlnnlo A. McWllllams ot vlr to Wm. Griffith, Lots 8-8-10, 111k. 8, Ontario. Sopt 20, 1920. 11.00 M. II. I'folffer ot ux to I-'ny Com ogys. MS8WUBWUBWU 8oo. 0-18-47. Sopt. 30, 1020. $1,900.00. W. 1. Illchnrds ct nl to Payotto Oregon 8lopo Irrlg. Dlst. WJiNWM, SIJWNWU, NBU8WU, Soc. 14-10-47. August 24, 1020. 11.00. U. 8 A. to Wnrron J. Kollog, W NWW, WV48WU, Soc. 12-30-40. August 24, 1010. Kiln Op.oul ot vlr to l'orcy Stncoy, Lots 10-11-12, Ulk. 8, Hndley 3rd. Add. Vnlo. March 27, 1020. $1,800.00 l'orcy 11. Stacoy ot ux to Hurry I'. Stncoy, Lots 10-11-12, Ulk. 8, lliul loys 3rd Add. Vnlo. Oct.- 2, 1020. $1.00. MituliiRC License IhmiciI During Week Cornelius r. CoUon nnd AuMo.M. Cloborn, Sept 28 1020. Miles Hartley Itobortfl Mid Mama Krnncls. Kept. 21. 1020. Complaint I Tetl In Circuit tnmt During Week K. C. Longwoll vs. Albeit Hill. Sopt. 28, 1020. Injunction. Chas A. Johnson vs. Arch Mathcwx ot ai, Sept. 28, 1020. Hecovtry oti Note. $320.00. "W. P. Homan, Truotoo vs. L Illrsch ot als. Soptomber 30, 1020 Foreclosure. $14,283.09. It's a Pleasure to Cook Electrically Have you ever been in a kitchen where an Elec tric Range was in use? Did you notice how clean how spick and span everything was ? No smoky walls, no ashes spilled over the floor. Even the bottoms of every pot and kettle were as bright as when they were new. And the work an Eleetiric Range saves! There is no fire to t.'i'tl rntl regulate. Vo simply turn n switch and you have the exact temperature you desire. There are a dozen other electric conking appli ances to add to the convenience of your home. You must come in and see our display of toast ers, percolators, grills, chafing dishes, hot plated. You will enjoy jm't looking them over. Electric Shop Idaho Power Co. I Arrow Flour The Best in the Territory I A Our price is down $1.00 per barrel this week Every Sack Absolutely Guaranteed . Let USfihaGnyr orders E. A. FRASER THE HUB I HI Our store open for business this morning at 9 o'clock. Our line will not be complete at the open ing as part of our freight is still in transit. But we ask you to call on us: get acpuainted and make your wants known, that we may be in a better position to. serve you. We are here not only to feather our own nest but to help you fight the H. C. of L. We are not price cutters. We are price makers. We do not follow, we lead. For the First Three Days of Our Opening we will give a straight 10 per cent discount on all merchandise. Our motto is a square deal and satisfied customers. C. J. Breirer Co. Ontario Oregon Wk "tf D2LKing When the recipe says "milk" use Carnation. It is the most eco nomical milk for cooking and is remarkably convenient. One half water, one half Carnation is the correct formula for cooking and drinking. For desserts and in cof fee, use rich, creamy Carnation undiluted. Buy this good milk regularly from your grocer. 100 icitcJ rcclpei free. Wiite Carnation Milk Producti Co., 1560 Stuart Blilf., Seattle Carnation r o m Conttnttd C o w t Milk Tht Jalil ft rtiand whit I