THE ONTARIO ARGUS, ONTARIO. OREGON, tflTORSDAt. SEPTEMBER .30, 1020 m:n,.M.TKx OITI.OOK IlItmilT HAYS McNAHV (CoijUiiiiPO From Page Ono) trlct would produce abundant cropH. "Onu of tlio rcuBoiiH for bolng op timistic over tlio possibilities of fed oral IcglBlntlon from the coming con- - j gross Is tlio fact that the South In mouth, chlpf engineer, of the reclam- anxious too for tlio reclamation of atloit Mrvlce to come hore at uni(tn swamp lands; and some of the early diM to go ovor tho project nottlemont of cut-ovor InnilH. and bring the Information down to V'ttlcmunt of cu-ovcr lands, dato. 'Not only aro those direct Inter- "Of course It would ho out of place outs enlisted for tho support of re lo compare the rotative merits of tho clamotlon, hut It has become a soc OwyliM Projwst with other In Oro- nl prohlom. 8tudcntg of condltlonii i;on for their are of grout nier- realize that a national danger oxIbIb It, but what I have swn hore today loavaft tin doubt an to tho fertility of the will, the wonderful drulnago, and long growing season. There Is cvldoncp on evory hand that with the addition of water tho Owyhee din- In tho continued drift of population to tho cIMcb. Tho only lauds loft aro those tn tho public domain In tho west nnd tho Hwamp lands of tho south together with tho cut-over I u ml h of some of tho oastorn States 44,j..;.5.j.j$wt-j.H-t-i -H4'M4M-'444-J44444 pedal Free Offer I Peel's Soap I Friday and Saturday I 4 bars Crystal White Soap 30 2 bars Poet's White Naphtha Soap 20 I 1 pkg. Sea Foam Naphtha Washing Powder .13 1 pkg Crystal White Soap Chips 40 l 2 cakes Creme Oil Soap Free 20 I Special Price - $1.00 Kegulur price, $1.23 One combination to each customer. I By special arrangement with tho manufac- ? turor we aro able to mako tho above offer. I INDEPENDENT MARKET I Phones 6 nnd 135 Ontario, Oregon ,. ,t. 4t.M-l'!-i-HM-M-H44HH444H4-4-M'44' "It Is our plan to havo a big dis play of the potatoes, torn, wheat and other grains, alfalfa, and fruits you havo raised here placed In tho office building of Congress for tho education of tho men who hnvo never seen whnt Irrigation can do. Your men hero Ivan Oakes, I'. J. Gallag her. 13. C. Von Pollen, 13. M. Dean, and othors havo promised to Reo to It that this exhibit Is prepared and shipped. "With this to nsslst, with tho senti ment growing In favor of action, I bollovo that wo can reasonably ex pect action." . .- Senator McN'ary was mot at tho station by a delegation from Ontario headed by Ivan Oakes, 13. A. Krasor, J. It. niackoby, H. C. llojor, P. J. dullHgher, Cholspy Iloyer, O. K. Ai ken and others. After visiting tho fair tho party went to Nyssa whero tbo Nyflsa men had luncheon ready nnd Joined In a trip over tho pro ject. On their return to Ontario a dinner was tendered tho Scnntor at Flfor's and tho ovonlng was spont nt tho homo of E. C. Van Potion where tho distinguished visitor went ovor the situation so far as legislation Is .concerned, In detail It s nosslblo that Senator aie.Narj I will mako another trip to this sec tion jioon, when Itopresontntlve N. J. Slnnott will do Jinro, at least no plans to do so. JAPAN'S ARBITRATION OFFER NOT APPROVED Stnlo Department Against Plan to Have Commission Handle Dispute. Court Against Oregon Dairy League, Portland, Or, Tho Oregon Dairy men's Cooperative leaguo lost It fight tn circuit court to prevent milk distributors of Portland from alleged attempts to porsuado members of the Icnguo to vlolnlo their contracts. Cir cuit Juilgo McCourt handed down a decision denying an Injunction ngulust tba distributors and vacating a re Mlralulng order which was originally Issued pending tho autcotuo of the hearing on tho Injunction. Washington. Administration of ficials coutinuo to decline to discuss for publication any of tho phases of the negotiations with Japan growing out of tho proposed nntlJnpnneso laud law In California, but tho Impression has gone out that a proposal from Toklo that the question bo referred to n Joint commission for solution would bo unacceptable. Conversations regarding tho Cali fornia law havo been golug on bo tweon Ambassador Shldohara of Japan and stnlo department officials. Tho attitude of the stulo depart ment Is described as ono calculated to T INTERESTING PROCESS Tho Vanl Plant of W. P. Fulled Co. Paint .Manufacture! n, Color (irliulcrx tiiid Con-odcrs of Whlto U'iuU Ono of the oldest firms In Ban Francisco Is tho historic houso of V. Fuller & Co. Unquestionably tho leading paint dealers this sldo of Chlcngo, with ono of tho largest paint factories In America, and with thir teen branch houses scattered at strategic points from tho Canadian to Mexico, taking In tho groator part of tho Western Amotlcnn Continent'. Tho output of tho firm Is enor mous, and Its export ran go covers China, Japan, udln, Australia, Now Zealand, Mexico, Control American prevent tbo development of a feeling nnd South America. of alarm In the United States (hut ' Tho branch linusesn aro situated might approach even approximately In tlio following cities, each fully od almost Immediately, and ratson of pay nro mado frooly nnd frequently, whllo bonuses nro paid quortorly and annually. Always tho host inothoda aro adopted that sclonco and practi cal oxporleuco con furnish, and al ways tho most compotont liolp Is em ployed. Tho result of tholr broad ljuslncss policy has produced n hnr- mony and co-operation that Is splen did. l-'IVK PKIt CUNT III 1,1, IN VICOUH MKAHUIII3 (Continued From Page 1) that which appear to bo growing In Japan, Conflicting opinions of both Anierl cuu and Japanese authorities on In ternational law aro sal.l to havo made tho task of tho state department offi cials and the Jiipunoso ambassador more difficult. Proponents of thu Cal ifornia law say that, In on- stookol with overy variety of paints, oils, vnrnlshrH nnd lead: Sacramento, Oakland, Stockton, I.os Angolcs, Ban Diego, Pnsadotin, I-ong Ilcach, 8antn Monica, Calif, Portland, Oro., Seattlo, Taconia and Bpokone, Wash., and Poise. Ida. This groat firm Is n part of Cali fornia, ono of Its Institutions that acting a measure barring tho Japan-1 ban grown up with tho stnto from eso In this country frutu owning land jenrly days participating In Its for- Head nows. Tho Ontario Argus for the tu that state, would bo refusing to the Japanese no rights or privileges that are not refused by Jupaiicio law to Americans. Japan contends that llu California law, which Is to bo voted oil In No vember, Is discriminatory, Ltcntuo It docs not apply to all foreigners, qlka, mb does the Japaueiu iV, The Argus want ads will roll our farm produce or your MCUHO hum) machinery, IBB BBS ' n ApMllBBBBBB rbbbbbbbbbbbkJiv' bbvEi5i Why The Laundry Queen Electric Washer Best Operations Motor Tiiree-Way Washer Does Your Washing, Rincing and Blueing Solid wood dnlly swings withjl'op Swings with top douse rinsing. Dolly post telescopes. x - linns from nnd electric light socket. All moving parts thoroughly protected. Washes quickly Can't turn clothes. Specially made runs washer ami wringer at same time. Absolutely water proof. Smaller than other notoi's,;becanse it takes, less power with our Patent planetary gear Costs less to operate under two cents an hour for elect rioity. , money In another state might couso a man In possession of surplus mon ey to movo out of Orogon and in that way Icovo tho stnto without surplus money tn tbo hands of prlvnto Indiv idual's. Many peoplo of tlio state keep savings In tho banks and got about four per cent Interest. This monoy Is put out .by the banka among peoplo who need working capital Tho usual rato Is qlght per cent. It Is suro that thn banks could not pay prcsont rates for savings and put tho monoy out at flvo por cont. Tho bank must havo monoy to cover running oxponscfl. Thon If tho banks could not lend monoy for flvo per cont, what would hnppon? Tho morchant or tho stock man who borrows monoy for operat ing expenses would either havo to roduco his business oporatlons to suit tbo amount of cash or .find sonio way of getting tho monoy. About tho first nntlcablo result would bo tho springing up of brokerage busi ness In Oregon. Tho mnn who want ed monoy would mako notes and soil thorn thru tho brokor. Tho banks could buy tho notes at a discount nnd In that way got a living rnto of Inlorcot. No doubt Intorost would range nround 10 to 12 por cont. Thoro nro fow active mon who would not Ilka to borrow monoy choap, Thoy could mako lotH of money If thoy Jiad plonty of choap capital. Tho morchant would tlko to pay for his fall stock of morchnn dlso with flvo por cont monoy and whon his stock Is sold pay tho monoy back. Tho stock man would Hko to havo flvo per cent monoy nt times whon his hord Is absorbing more cash than It Is bringing tn. Hut tho old way of lotting compotltton sottlo tbo matter of rates Is tho host way. It sonio man has nioro tnonoy than ho can lend nt eight por cont, ho might lot Is out for loss. Hut whon Orogon tries to forco monoy-londors to loud monoy for loss than tho mnrkot vol- tin of monoy, n moss will bo mado of It. Tho only kind of peoplo need- P. .Fulled & Co. ovon supplied com- eA ,n Orogon nro thoso who can pay notltors with raw materials, and It . rr pronts for what thoy got. Poo- tunes, and sharing In tho glory of Us achievements, W- P, Fuller & Co. Is not only old In nuo, Its oxlstnnco golug Imck for ovor sovonly years, hut It Is also old In trndltlons, representing nt Its best I ho croattvo spirit of tho great pio neers, whoso energy nnd brains built up tho West out of tho wlldornesH nnd thn loert. Tho founders of tho (Inn belonged to tho class of early Argonauts. Saved In fitrnt WNiiMer W. P. Fullor & C undor which name tho firm has bean known bIiico tho Incorporation In 1804, had only been settled In tholr now homo for a fow months, when It was burnod to tho ground In tho groat dlsnstor of 1000. Still tho firm wan lucky tu n way, nnd In a much bettor position than many another house, for It ro tnlnod Intnct nil Its great storks of raw mntorluls nnd finished products nt Its factory slio, sovornl miles away from tho flumes. Fortunatoly, Its purchasing agent hnd accumulated n i nut nmouiit or supplies, nnd theso snvod thn day for San Frnnclsco In tho first hours of reconstruction. W. Wringer " jf1' Tub Bench Ontario furniture Co. UNDERTAKING Ontario, Oregon Terms Swings to any position. Safety release. Drip-board on eaeli side.' ' Runs in either direction. Better than 5 year rubber rolls. No exposed gears. Direct drive no belt, slip. Copper or wood which e,yer yo.n pijoJ'tir. ' Tub is hinged to drain wjitcr. ' Patent sure-lock lid fastener. No mechanism attached to tub gap be re moved without tools. TJigid angle steel bench. Strongly braced will last a lifiUpiA Specially easy rolling oajjtors. Can be furnished with rojym for thi'iio extra tubs. Special terms and demonstration NOW. Is to tholr credit thnt not n cent was added to tho provlous market prlcos. Tho Fuller factory for thn mnnu- fncturo of Pioneer Whlto Load, Putnts Colors, Ynrntshoa and subsid iary products, la nn lmmnso Insti tution. It Is situated at South San Francisco on tho Hay Shore Lino and covors ovor twonty acres of ground. Immouso wnrehousos nro stocked to roplotlon with manufactured goods and rnw matorlals. Kxtremo caro Is exorcised In pur chasing raw materials of tho high est quality. ICvory ingredient that outers Into tho manufacture of W. P. Fullor ft Company Products, Is thor oughly tested In tholr up-tb-dnto chomlcnl laboratory Insuring tho sup eriority of tho Fullor brandH of Paints Oils and Varnishes. W. P. Fullor & Co. aro tho promler manufactures of Whlto Lead of tho Pacific Coast, and tholr Plonoor brand Is without a poor for white-ne-83, opacity and spreading proper ties. It Is produced by tbo old Dutch procosa of slow corrosln, porfectod by yoars of prnctlcnl oxporlenco. iielontlflc methods nnd oaro, so that chomlcally puro and linpalpnhly fine 1 White Load Is tbo renult. I Whon Is comes to tho iiinnufneture j of varnlshot), tho sumo comprohon- sivo inoroiigiinetss ih snown. Take tho lutowt nchlovoment In this line, tho well-known Fullorwoor Spar Voniuth produced lo solve an oro plano problem of tho Government during tho war, but which Is now bolng placed on tho gonernl market tn respoiiBO to a natlon-wido demand. Fullerwear has given comploto satis faction to tho aovornmc-nt, and Iiob oxclted tho admiration of tho trade. Primarily this leading plaro of W. P. Fuller & Co. in its various Hues of manufacture, has been duo to the high commercial Ideals Impressed up on tho firm by Its ploneor founders, and transmitted during tho last sov onty years to those who now control Its destinies. It can bo said that there Is no business firm In Califor nia In which tliero Is a more perfect co-operation between employers and employees thun exlslts in this great paint houso. Certainly no California firm lias so many veterans In its sor vlco. Thoro nro mon In tho Fullor Company who havo been with it for fifty years. Twenty-flvo years is a common length of service. A ten year man Is considered as belonging to the freshman class. Efficiency and service aro reward- plo who can successfully work cap ital nro nooded In Orogon, but if thn capital Is chasod out of thn Stuto thoy will not coma hore. Many a largo industry locates whoro it can got monoy (or opera tions. If a ten million dollar mnnu facturlng concern came to Ontt.rlo to locato, ono of thn first things dono would bo to cull on t'm banks tn roe If monoy conld bo borro. ed In sufficient quantities to curry on ,tho business, Whon It was loaruod thnt tho Ontario banks could not lend monoy by tin millions, (ho mnnufne turlnf concern would sock .inothor lo cution. Bo It may bo seen thnt ouch a law would run lie lorrnwors nnd tho lenders out of Oregon nnd (,11011 thsy woro gono thu other poople of tbo Stnto would follow ilium. It would Injuro tho State- Umh to pass n law fixing tho maximum price of potatoos at ono cont a pound Such a law might stop tho produulou of potatoes horo bu thn goo I spud would decorate Oregon tabic Just the sumo as long as Oregon peoplo hud tbo monoy to buy tho prnducta of other itutes. NAVY OIL DEMAND MET Announcement Follows Repeated Seizures by Naval Authorities. San Francisco, Announcernen,t that it had mot tho navy's p'rlco q( ,2 a barrel for fuel oil, "In order to r re vent tbo solzure of our plants," was made by tbo executlvo off(co of the Shell Oil company hero. The open market price of Shell oil la 2.qQ. "Wo glvo up. Wo can't flqht the government," Ilobert A. Lewlnj svlce president and general maungor.of the company, said. Tho announcement followed, seizures by tho navy from tho corapany'a plant nt Martinez extending over two.weeks' tlmo. American Born Japanese Take Action, Honolulu. Tho soctoty of A.nyjrjcau cltltens of -Japanese ancestry, compos ed of 800 decendants of Japanese; born under the United States (lag, mem orialized members of the United flutes congressional party which baa ijeen touring tho orient, protesting against proposed legislation which would "de prive children of parents Incapable of naturalization as citizens of their rights. The congressmen also wera urged to protect Amorlcanboru Jap anese from military duties of tba Jap anese government. iff