THE ONTARIO ARGUS, ONTAHIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 192(3. 1'ntlH ban ItH Latin Qunrtor It Is mont an a ncciotary Sho In poorly I fnmotiH tho world over mid tourlHtn clntl nnd hopes for tho flno clothes! innlto In tliolr Mecca. Wlint tlm I.n. tin Qunrtor lit to l'nrln, Greenwich In to Now York. A vlnlt to thin ilimliit upofjn tlio heart of tlm metro polta of tlio world Ih tho fond hopo of ctfory youiiK mmi nnd woninn. U'r fuiuo linn circled tlio globo nnd rlvnU tlio popularity of tlio 1'urln KCCtlStl. It lit In ono of Its Rttidlnx Hint Mnry Ilorton (Allco llrndy) IIiiiIh oniploy- hIio book tlio inodols wear wlillo liclng pniiitod. in u moment of weakness, when tho Btudlo wnH deserted, she dons the coiilumo In which one of tho models posed, nnd ndmlres her self In tho mirror. Sho stands en chanted nt tho wonderful transform ation. "StnuorB," tho photoplay drnnm with the strong appeal to tho humnn emotions will ho nt thti Dreamland, on Friday, Octohcr 1st MAJESTIC "Under Suspicion" SATURDAY Matinee and Night A Photo Drama of thrills! chills! action! lll'UHOWH NAMKI) OP JII2AI Mll.Ii COMPANY i;tiii;Ij ( Slockholden Meet nml Oiinplolr Or- Xiinljillim of Company Stock Kiiiilnllmi of Companyt Stork IiitrrcM. In Mill Kihmi ,.UTO HAS AX AI'I'IUMNO ItOI.I', 0 r a with Carcw im Snub Pollard Comedy and Screen Magazine too At tho city hall Monday night tho stockholders of tho Malheur Alfalfa Products company mot and complet ed tho orBnnlnntlon of the corpora tion. I). It. lltirrown was named president of tho hoard of throe dir ectors, C. 13. Amldon mid Seymour Hoss named tho other directors and S. II Clay wns nnmrd secretary. Wlillo most of tho stockholders woro present, only a llttlo moro than half tho stock was rcprosontcd, nnd no other matters woro consldorcd. Following tho formnl mooting Mr. Clay In a brief talk outlined tho his tory of tho organization and gnva ( credit for Its organization (o 0. W. I Dean, chairman of tho Cairo Farm Diircau Marketing Committee nnd tils commlttco consisting of linns Oft nnd Seymour ltoss. "Tho movomont had Its Inception with them, nml thru tliolr work It was mailo pos sible," said Mr. Clay. Mr Dean not to lie out dono turn ed tho compliment miok to Mr. Clay nnd declared thnt after tlm bureau men hnd extended themselves Mr Clay continued and maintained Inlor est until the project was complotod sa far as securing tho stockholder!, wns concerned. Another meeting of tho company will bo hold soon to arrnngo for tho movoment of tho mill to Its new site, contract for powor and building nnd got tho plnnt underway. Among tho stockholder alone thoro Is fully C.O00 tons of liny to ho ground according to n roll call mndo at tho mealing, lly working tho mill n douhla shift It will ho ahlo to grind douhla this amout boforo tho closo of tho soason ami give tlio mill nn adequately long operating season., A story of tho inttmrite appotil ing type in which Kthul Clayton tins bean specialising lately Is uufoldoil in "A Lady iu Love," tho pretty star'8 Intosl photoptn. which wilt ho on viow nt tho Drosmlnnd Thontro next Saturday, October 2nd. T'.o central figure Is nn Innocent com ant girl, ilnrtmrn, who mistake a romantic tompornmotit for lnvo nnd elopes to marry, ns sho thinks, a suave rascal, lie Is ,tho im'tir-too-woll hrothor of her (UP.rdlun. The Inttor lake her Into his homo whon hor "hushniid" disappears, sought hj tho law for frauds. .WTO V.UM OVKIl CI,II' i' to uracil IMIMtOVKI) WIIKAT I.ANDKor Sale by ownor. i miles from Entor- I prise, Oregon. Would oxchaiiKO for irrigated Innd In Southern, Idaho or Oregon. Would nssumo Indebtedness If trado Is mndo. AddrcHs John W Ashhy, Clnrkston, Washington. Itoyal Itenshnm, In nn offprt tc snvo his drug-crazed wlfo from hurl ing herself from their speeding car, which wns running nlnng tho edgo or a precipice, lost control of his ma chine, nml plunged over tho cliff to tto hunch below. Tho car wait smash od, hut Koyal lteushuw, Humored no serious injuiy, except for many bod bruises. This climax Is one of the many un usual situations In tho lttulnrt photo drama starring Mnry M'los Ml titer. "Jenny lie Good," which w'tl bo the attraction nt tho Dreamlend Theatre, Tuesday, Octobor Cth. TIIM CHHATHIt" CO.MIXtJj MAY AM.IKO.V AS HTAIt Mny Allison, the enptlvntlng Metro star. In "Tho Choalor," Is announced ns tlio featuro nttmction at tho Dreamland Thontro next Thursday, nnd Friday, October 7 nnd 8. The now photoplay Is dcscrlbod as one of tho sensations of tlio yonr, present ing IMIiw Allison In an Intensely dramatic rola. "Tho Chonter" Is a screen rerslnn of "Judith," tho notable stago play by Honry Arthur Jonon, nlso author of "The SlUcr King," "Tho Mars" nnd "Mrs. Dan's Defense."' "Judah" wns first plaod In London with 13 B Wlllnrd In tlm title rolo. Health and Comfort During the Winter Depend on the Heating of Your Home The Universal Pipeless Furnace Insures perfect health thru even tempera tures thruoutthe home. No more running from a warm to a cold room with the attend ant colds. No more cold floors for the children to play on. The Universal Pipeless. Furnace makes the whole house comfortable. No move colds to reduce the vitality, run upaoctor bills and make winter a season of dread. Let us show vou this Wonderful Pipeless Furnace and prove how it will save fuel bills too. The WHITE PORUIW JPUSHCR DACK PAUHTEOAOJUSTABU suoiN&ovtNCAHria MUNTtOUFTMmME SOLID CAST UFT END p U3SJCiJMHKiSfW --" sJp?!J4 :Jp fjKr'--' bs. -r: xH H ITfS& H EAST m i mi j v nESF9PP2iLfl r - H I A v KJMC rjmmBi --- 'noiiUTtibi!! WIDE Ei SHAUOYV nr.E BOX CRAFT U POKER DOOR c:moyabic ourtrx crahs ELECTRIC WELDED AIRTIGHT JOINTS SANITART G BASt -g DROP DOOR IHBIMATIOX SMOKE CCHECK ,y . DAMPER I VVP$IT. KETPUTETOP ODSIMOVEHDOORCAKH .white PORCCuiM oooi run TRIPU WALLFLUE t'rmdJi l 1 L $ri i a J 'Iff.'' ilUliC ? rf l i PrC f -I w 1 tlmiJ 1 Universal R?.nge, eawasestcs The Real Helpmate in the Kitven- MIU DMKD HfAVYPousKto Study the diagram see (he many imp; ovements HELPMATE UNIVERSALE fornnrnfpfl in Tlio ITnivni-tnl in nn 'n 4l, wi-.i "ShoSuhIw ran&e frtht.' kitchen, just what evtij housewife las . cuam out poo uvvn luunuiK turtvuru iu iJOhhCBSii'g. io Oilier range nn fli mnrlrnf fnltiv ia Ho nnnnl -ill .,.! i. w.. ..w ...... .. UMuj .o IU ""l. Vll UIIU BUU IIIU many designs. A. L McDowell, Complete Furnishings for the Home Furniture, Hardware . Ontario, Oregon I "In Every Respect" says the Good Judge You get more genuine chew ing satisfaction from the Real Tobacco Chew than you ever got from the ordinary kind. Tho good tobacco taste hutfs so Jong a small chew of this class of tobacco lasts much longer than a big chew of the old kind. That's why it costs less to use. Any man who has used both kinds will tell you that. Put ufl In two styles W-B CUT is a long fmc-cut tobacco RIGHT GOT is a short-cut tobacco -"-Tff .It iB-HMM IfaiMWl if I -- - Removing the Primary Canse of Disease An impinged nerve caused by a subluxatcd verte bra is the primary cause of disease. The Trained Chiropractor removes tho cause by an adjustment of the vertebra. This releases the im pinged nerve, and permits the vital force to flow freely to the diseased tissue or organ. Normal func tion follows. 1 will bo glad to explain Chiropractic to you. Br. R. A. Moon, Chiropractor, Nerve and Spine Specialist Over the Post OHice, Ontario WftPn WWJkJ IMIYITIAN I'AI'VIlim ir.i tiiim.i: I'fa.NH Di'Kciliitlon I'ollowcil Clou'lj' In lIllllllMIIIIO Hot UhVlI In "Tlio Devil' Clalni" Tlio iloxorlptlon of an nnolout HRyptlmi toniplo found In a pnpyrun inunuHoript by Prcucli nrcliacoloRUtH nml iloclnhorcj by n colobrnteil Ainorlcnu blbllopraplinr wan followoil closly In orfdliiK Kovorul of tlio un- UHUUl UtORO BOttlllKH Iu "Tlio Dnvll'R Clnlm." tlio Iloliortion-Colo roloaio, HliirrliiR Shnuo llayuknwn, which will opon nt tho MnJoMIc Thontro Sunday. Tho Htory of tlio plcturo linn n wldu miiRo. Krom Now York Clty'B Ho bonilii It takou una to I'urls mid tho Blnfour of tlm Knit, vvlioro tho inyn- tlo rltcn of tho dovll worslilppora nro h1iowii. Ono of tho otn which ban en 1 1 od forth admiration Ih a ropllcn of tho Tomplo of Sot. Tho flKuro of tho tomplo nod U ninny foot In IioIkIiI, wlillo tho wall nro docorntod boastB. Throo woeka woro. spent In conHtructlng thin ict nlono. Tho plcturo Is n pulimtliiK, roimin tlo drnmn In which Ilaynknwu playn tho rolo of Aklmr Khan, n Hindu unvollHt llvliiR In tho Uitln q'tnrtor of Now York-Oroonwlch VlllnRo. Ho Ih nt work on IiIh latont novel whon tlinmt out of hla llfo und nnothor ontorn und then IiorIii tho compllca-' Uoiih which mnko . "Tho DovII'h Claim" tho most thrlllliiK of tho Hu ynknwa "thrlllorB." SuliBcrlbu for Tho Argus. r bF" n A Dollar Saved and deposited with the Ontario National Bank is always worth 100 cents, plus the accrued interest. But a dollar foolishly spent is gone for ever. Give your money the opportunity to grow. Open anacconnt with us. Four per cent interest paid on savings accounts. i ONmcrmTioNAL Bank &gv OLDEST BANK IN GttANT, IIAIiNEYiD MALHEUR'COUNTIES ajK5a$$$55tt$St?$$ J jM.zatKai frnmn