TIIE ONTARIO ARC US. ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 30, 1920 in at i-n a i do 1 1IODV OF UKKT CAHHRMj 18 HKNT TO 1IOMK IN ILLINOIS Tho body of Dcrt Cnssclls aged 37 who died at tho hospital lioro last Thursday following an Illness of bov oral weeks wns Bhtppcd to his old homo at Wyoming, Illinois on Sun day following a short scrvlco hold nt McDowell's chapel. Tlio docoaBcd had lived In Ontario for Bovoral years and followed his trado of drlllliiR wells. It was whllo engaged In sinking a well nt Adrian that ho contracted typhoid fever from which ho did not recover. Mr. Cassolls was .17 years of ago nnil bo fnr as known his only rela tives nro n brothor, John Cassolls of tho U. S. Marines at l'hllldolphla and mi aunt, Mrs. Etta Malone of Wyom ing, Illinois. AMERICAN LEGION IN ANNUAL CONVENTION fair K.ms with mo PROGRAM OF KVKNTH (Continued from I'ngo Ono) HARDING I.KAMNO IN TOLL AT Itn.YALL DRUG STORKS NOW According to tho local, stato and national returns, bo far tabulated, this Is going to bo a republican year In national politics. locally tho poll show Harding 829, Cox 27C; nation ally tho republican candidates arc loading by n wldo margin lu all sec lions wivo tlio South whoro tho de mocratic cundldato Is leading by n Ihroo to two vole. Considerable In terest Ih being manifested In tho poll hero In Ontario and many patrons of tho local Itoxnll storo follow tho tabulations. IMtAI) OX FLAT ltAN('lli:it DIICH a rri:u mngkhino illnixs Cleveland. Moro than 100 delegates wora In their seats In tho Hippodrome theatre hero when Franklin D'Ollcr, national commander, called to order tho second annual convention of tho American Loglon. Tho theater re scmblod n political convention desig nated by standards. Command or U'Ollor presented Hcv. Francis J. Kelly, of Troy, N. Y., the "fighting chaplain," who dollvcrcd tho Invocation. Mnyor William B. Fitz gerald welcomed tho visitors. Cleveland was packod with members of tho legion and Its auxiliaries and tho city had a martial aspect resemb ling war tlmos, as mnny of Its gucstB wore tho khaki of those strenuous days. Tho parndo was held Monday after noon and officers of the legion say that at least 20,000 members of the organization wore In tho lino of march. Among thoso who reviewed tho lo glon forces was General Fnyolle, who commanded smnny Americans In Franco and who enmo as a representa tive of tho French government uud Marshal Foch. Not u single flro started In the t.s. oared district of western Lane county dining tho pust summor, according to u report by Carl V, Oglcsby, supervis ing warden of tho Western Flro l'atrol Mnc!jt)o". most successful of the hardy rancher of tho region. When others fallud ho Bomohow mnnnfiMl to got ti crop. Mr. Uupcrt rnmo to tho Flat from William Iliiport ono of tho best known of tho dry Innd ranchers of tho Upper Dead Ox Flat country died Washington, but originally his homo nt his homo thoro yesterday after-iwn ' l" vn"cy " e iuinnosoin noon nftor n lliigerliii: Illness. Ho river in Minnesota. leaves n wlfo and family to mourn Funeral services will bo hold from rjonn for him. I'110 t-nurcn or mo messeii Hacrameiu Thompson, Wnltcr Shlmp and Mon roe nil getting n portion. In tho special get-away-day rnco for Ford cars for which V. II. Sta ples posted n purst of $100, Fred Hutlcr won lu handy fashion lapping nil of tho othor rontcstnnts from ono to threo times, V. W. Chnmbers wns easily tho wlnnor of second money whllo llutlcdgo and Stowcll took third money. Miss Alva Hunt of l'nyctto wrn tho novelty, walk, tro and run rnco and tho four pony races furnished nil kinds of oxcltomout. Clnrk'n Apcnco and Hunt's Dob Minor wcro tho heat winners In tho harness ovout and In each of tho heats save the last wlch was Aponco's In a procoa slon, they mndo n protty finish. Hnlloon l'n IN To Hlse Tho hard luck of tho balloon man, Grnnbcrg held out to tho last. His balloon nrrlvcd Friday and whllo It was being Inflated It tore a big rent In ono sldo and thus spoiled tho tri ple parnchutto drop. An soon ns tho books of tho fair havo boon completed mid tho entries checked Tho Argus will prcsout n completo list of the winners and tho flnonclnl statement of tho hoard. Directors Dunn, Hlckox and Hor rott who managed tho fair, whllo naturally disappointed nt tho hnrd luck of drawing four cold mid two wet days, nro not nt all dlscourngcd, Tlio approbation they havo rccolvcd, tho co-operation accorded them by their workers, HiipcrlutcndcntH mid assistants, has prepared tho ground work for better things uoxt year. "It wns worth while If for no other reason, than wo had n comprehcndl slvo exhibit to show Senator MoXary whllo ho was horo, " said I'resldcnt Mr. Huport had llvod on tho Flat tomorrow for sovornl years nnd wns ono of tlio I o'cloclc. morning (Frldny) nt 11 Subscribe for Tlio Argus. t n i A X I. , . ) X I , , ) I "i it n ' 'V ' & i 4 n tt tt t4t4 Attractive Cash Prices For Saturday, Monday, Tuesday Ribbon Sale 3 Big Lots of Fancy Ribbon at 48c, G8c 89c woith nt 60c, 8fic pud $1.15. They arc for hnir ribbons, sashes, ciunisoli's. AVo huvc about 100 pieces in the three lots, and they'll go fast. THESE SPECIAL PRICES FOR OCTOBER 1ST TO 5TH. WATCH FOR NEXT WEEK'S SPECIALS All Silk Pongee $1.00 00 J) I. Cheaper than most cottons, suitable for sash and full length curtains, for art needlework, smocks, children's school dresses, women's house frocks, pa jamas, petticoats and school blouses. Alany men like pongee shirts better than any other kind. At$1.00 a yard this pongee is cheaper than almost any other material. Everv thread is All Silk. High Art Clothes Are made for us. We select the cloth. High Art tailors tailor them and we. sell them upon the market. -That's the reason we are selling the best of Suits and Overcoats $32.50, $38.00, $42.50 Saving $10to$15 a garment No profiteering in these prices. Not a few to select from but hundreds upon hundreds of them. tt tt tt i . I. X . X . .1 II II ' . X X X , X o X ) X X X x . X I X X ). no Outing Flannels Silk Hose For Fall Outing Flannels in plain white $L76 Shawknilt silk hose, lisle and fancy patterns. t t , , h ", , t , Prices, 38c, 48c and 50c for IH! in. . outings. bio sole, the pair $1.48 TURKISH TOWELS GIRL'S DRESSES ANNOUNCEMENT .., . ,. i , An extraordinary 20x38, full bleached Macl(' "l vhamhvy showing of women's trimmed with check- Jfcw Fall and Winter tuikisli tmol cm H, ed gingh.un. Size 2 to terialssuch asHalivia, o i on Silvertone, Ooldtone, 38c. . 0 years. Special 89c. Succinic, Plushes etc. CASH Grocery Specials CASH I 9-lb. sack Oatmeal, 65c 9-lb sack Corn Meal, 55c 6 bars Toilet Soap KokoPalm - 25c 11 cans Hebe Milk $1.00 1 lb M. LB. Coffee 55c 3 lb M.J.B. Coffee $1.65 5 lb M.J.B. Coffee $2.75 Rader Bros. Co. --"t- 'freVfrfrfrW WIMSKH ROUND-UP TO in: htagi:i nv i,i:oion (Continued trom page 1) The Famous Underwear Wright's $5.00 a Union Suit Oregon City Mackinaws and Wool Shirts Seven big stores to buy for with cash and nerve to buy, and the results are here and open to all who may favor us with their presence. ALEXANDER One Price Clothier Ontario, Oregon monoy'a worm m entcrtuinmont, which has formorly boon furnished by questionable nutslda carnival companies. As. noon as tho concession war made, tho boys begun to work and they havo beon working over since with somo results they wish known and somo othorH they are keoplng secret until the big show Is stuged. Probably tho biggest featuro of their end tf tho show will be what l known as the Old Town. This Is to bo similar to the "Happy Canyon" at I'ondleton and according to the boys, Is to bo a true replica of Wels- or In tho olden days. There will be plonty of places where a man can get action on his money and quench his thirst. If ho so desires. There will bo the pretty belles, the wheels, the cards, and tho bones and all to mnko the time pass pleas antly and uproariously for those at tending. Resides the abovo there will be a vaudevillo show with singing and dancing stunts and a string of sldo shows Including everything from a strong man to a handcuff artist. Thoso aro only a few of the amuse ments for we could go on mentioning them. For Instance there Is going to be a big boxing contest In fact sovornl of them between fighters ho earned real reputations whllo In the training ramps. We aro not going to Impose on the good editor who gave us this spaco by going Into further detail. Wo bollovo wo havo given enough to phow you, that there Is going to be something doing every minute, and It you will really enjoy yourself, you had bettor come along and bo with us Oct. G, 7, and 8th. ERIEF GENERAL NEWS Jacob Sch Iff, widely known bankor and philanthropist, died at bis home In New Vork. Flour dropped 25 to 40 cents a bar rel at the principal Minneapolis mills Monday, due to the weak wheat mar ket. General Wrangel, opposing Russian Holihevlk forces on the southern front, has taken more than 10,000 prisoners In six days. Grasshoppers, muklng tbelr first ap pearance In southeastern Nebraska for years, are damaging winter wheat, which Is just coming up. Elthu Root, who has been aiding In the establishment of a permanent court of Justice at The Hague confer ence, has returned to America. Alexandre Mlllerand was elected president of France by the national assembly to succeed Paul Deschanel, who resigned because of 111 health. The Cosmopolitan Trust company of Reston was closed by order of State Dank Commissioner Allen. This Is the fifth Boston bank to be closed since the Charles Jonrl crask. Man Who Fixed IBIS 8erles Known. Chicago. H. II. Drlgbam, foreman of the Cook -county grand jury Investi gating alleged baseball gambling, tofd newspapermen that the name of the man who "fixed" the 1919 world's series for Cincinnati to win bad been given to the grand Jury. Tbe man, Urtgham stated, acted aj a representa tive of a ring of gamblers who offerod Chicago White Sox players money to throw games to they. Cincinnati Reds. Mr. Drlgbam shld that tho testimony was, In bis opinion, "sufficient to In- FORMER BOLSHEVIK . SECRETARY TAKEN Chicago. Agents of the department of Justlco raided u house here, arrest ed a man alleged to bo Witty Schcch man, at one time secretary to Nicho las Lenin, Bolshevist premier, and confiscated documents alleged to con tain tho code whereby Russian radi cals In this country communicated with each other, Schcchman, according to police, was secretary to Lenin previous to 1915. For some time after that he resided In Franco and only recently did It be come known he was In this country. Tbe documents seized In the raid aro said to show that Schcchman came to this country as tho delegate of the' Third International of Russia to the recent convention of the Communist Labor party In Chicago. Considerable radlcol llteraturo and propaganda also was seized. Principals of the high schools of Deschutes, Crook und Jefferson coun ties met Saturday In Redmond to adopt tbe 1920 luterscholastlc gridiron schedule for Central Oregon, WARNING NOTICK Land owners who nro wasting wat er In the neighborhood of what wns formorly tho Ooorge nianton, and tho Springer ranches west of Ontario on the Malheur bench, permitting It to run wild over tholr neighbors pro perty, and providing no outlet aro hereby notified to remedy this con dition. Thousands Of dollars ilnm. ago has been caused already and a continuance of this nractim win mm. diet severnl baseball players and at pell action to recover same. 45 J ' w i " ncii-auuwn gam- J J DIESS uiers.