The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 30, 1920, Image 1

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NO. 43.
lt-iuti1lniiiM Cl.-eiilnilliig Pii'purn.
lory to Art lie Cniivnii for I'mly
Vole Smith mill Hlcder Accept
Nominal Ioih, lloiniin Doc Too
L After lying nenr ttnntli'H door for
"Jfjcvirnl vcol(H, tho pnllllral com-
'. pntcii In Malliour county thin wcok
ii.inlfostod ovlduwe nf vitality, and
In nil probability can bo lirot bnclc
ts llfo between now and November
2. At loist tlio pnlltlcnl ntnlwurts
of both parties aro entertaining hopes
for Itii rocovory. That Is tho most
' that can bo said nt tills time.
Just what put tlio Jazz Jn tlio cam
paign at this tlmo I not evident;
unless tho committeemen liavo bean
hearing from tho stato and national
' hoadqunrtern, and Informed that If
t boy nro to count In tho dl.itillintlon
Wof pntronogo after tho campaign It
Vjs tlmo they were showing signs of
activity. Of course It Is merely u
ronjecturo. It might liavo happened.
-. Anyway wlnitovor did transpire It
was BUfflctont to awaken tlio lenders
.to action. Doth parties put soma
glngor Into their work this wook
Just a weak solution, porlmps, hut
enough to Htlmulato activity.
Kinltli Out For Clerk
Illght off tho bat .Monday mnrnliw
Hoy J. Smith, formerly deputy conn
,ty dork, who lias been operating his
'fntlior-livlawn Irancli for thn past
year or nioro; caino out with tho an
nouncement that ho had nccoptod tho
domocrntla nomination for county
tcljrk, and would thoroforo run In
opposlt'ou to Harry Suckolt, prosont
doputy tn tlio dork's offlco
Mr, Smith who Is almost n uatlvo
product of Malliour county, having
boon'horo for 25 yearn, graduntod
from tho Ontario High School and
was during hlii courso ono nf tho
star football, basketball and lmsohall
plnyeraot this soctlon. Ho workod
for yearn for tho Ontario Furniture
company and wont to tho clork'H of-
(Continued on Cairo 0)
Ontnrlo Woman Distant Itclatho of
MiiNsnrliuoettH (Jovernor mill He-
publican Nomlnco Is Ilei-iiplent
of Photo Aulogriipht'il
An Ontnrlo woman, Mrs. J. A.
Ilrapor, h tho proud possessor of a
hnndsomo nutogrnph photograph
of dovornor Culvln Coolldgo of Mass
uchUBOtts, tho republican nomlnoo
for vlco presidency of tlio "United
Tho photo was rocelvod this wook
and Is n vory largo and very hand
somo picture of tho man wIiobq bid
to famo rests on his candidacy for
tho vice-presidency.
There Is a reason for the arrival
of the piioto, for Mrs. Draper la
distant relative of tho nominee, nor
mother's name before her marriage
being Coolldge, her great, great
grandfather and that of the Governor
of Massachusetts having been broth
ers. Tho the younger generations of
tho Coolldges have only occaslonly
kept In touch with each other, the
older generations havo and thru
thorn Mrs. Draper and the -vice-presidential
nominee exchanged greet
ings nndtjius came the photo to On
tario with tho messago written
across It: "To Hattlo I). Draper,
with slncoro regards, Calvin Cool
ldgo." A Democrat Hut
"Do you think he will win," the
Argus asked Mrs. Draper when told
of the arrival of the photo. "Yes I
do, tho I havo long been a democrat,
I am pround of his record and I be
llove ho will win."
iiimi school cadfts sirum:
nf.f.df.d NUMIIP.Il FOIt ll.O.T.C.
With n tot? I onrollmont of 104
tlio Ontnrlo HIrIi School Cmlot
compnny linn put Itself In n posl
tlon to qualify for lining mmlo a
It. 0. T. C. for tlio U. S. Army.
Two wt'okH ngo Cnpt. Wnll of
tlio rogulnr army visited Ontnrlo
nuil outlined tlio requirement
mid theso liavo licen cnlnpllcd
with bo thnt by tha tlmo ho re
turns hero on or hoforo October
1G, tho locnl company .will bo
nblo to sign up.
ltndlrnl IMiiu In I.lmll Interest Keif
Defeating Would Drive Capital
Out of State, and Oregon
Needs Capital Now.
Thoro Is a ..-.ensure on thn ballot
In Oregon limiting Intercut rates In
Oregon on borrowed money (o ft
Tho danger In tho bill In that people
desirous of securing lift- money may
get thn Impression that they will be
able to secure loans at this low rnte
If tho bill carrloi.
If flvo per cent money wcm pos
slblo In Oregon, tho measuro would
bo fine; hut flvq per cent monoy Is
not possible Tho prlvato cltlxon
who tins monoy to loan would not
put his monoy out o n notes or mort
gages at flvo por cent when ho could
got good securities that pay six and
up or lend his monoy In other state
at eight. Ho would olthor Invest In
bonds of nomo Rort or lend his mon
oy In sonio oilier stato. To lond his
(Continued on l'ago Six)
County Judge K. II. 'IW ItcliniiN
lYnm Hin.fiil Tilp to I'ortlmiil
Viilr-Jnnilewoii llonil to be
(Jinvcllnl III Jdgc Con-
tract Iet.
arutlfled bv tl.o action of tho Stato
Highway Commission In ordering the
call for bids for tho gritvollng of IS
mllos of tho John Day Highway from
Vnlo (o jnileBon, mid In lotting the
contract for tho brldgo across tho
Malliour. besldo ordering tho survoy
of tho Contrul Oregon Highway from
Vnlo to Harper. County Judgo h, II.
Tost returned to Ontnrlo today.
Tho Judgo did not roach rortlanil
until Tuosdav morning, tho dny on
which tho commission mot, hut ho got
action right from tho start, tho It was
nno of the busiest sessions of tho
commission tho Judgo attended.
An Idea of how busy tho com'mls
slon was may bo gained from--tho
fact thnt bos'do opening mus ami
aniline S2.000.000 worth of bonds tho
commissioners considered a Inrgo
number of separate contracts, ap-
nrnvod somo. rojected otliors ami on
top of all that llstoned to niimorous
complaints from various counties.
Practically ovory county In tho stnto
hud representatives hoforo tho com
mission. '
with tho road to Jnmloson com
pleted, and the survey ordered on
tho Central Oregon Highway from
Vale to Harper, together wttn me
wnrv niroadv done In this county by
tho comm'sblon, I feol .that we nro
making progress on tho highway pro
gram," Bald the Judg,e.
"If tho right-of-way manors on mo
Old Oregon Trail from hero north can
i.n nrrnneed for so that work can
start on that rond, all sections of the
roads as outlined In tho measuro ap
proved by tho people will nave somo
work done on them, and substantial
Improvements will have been made In
the past two cars.
it.i, tha illr.i-Mn!l of C. M. Dur-
gin a party of engineers of the U. S.
Const and aeodotlc Survey arrived
In Ontario Tuesday and havo been
taking elevations and other observa
tions about the city. The party Is
making a trlanguiation oi tno.cuuu
irv from Klamath an Ontario and
from Klamath to Bend-
eivi: i:Tiiti: day to LOOK
Illicit COUNTY
VMlors Keipicst Conitueii-lal Club
To Prrpmo llmiqiiil, Thej'll Pity
For It Will See Oujlire Pin-
Jerl Vlill N)iit mid Vole
For tho first tlmo In many yours
a Portland Trndo Excursion will visit
Malheur County. Tho Portlanders
will bo In this vnlloy on Tuesday,
October 10.
According to ndvlssos rorolvotl by
tho Ontario Cnmmorclnl Club the
visitors will roach XytMn during thn
night, will liavo their breakfast there
and havo sot asldo from 0:30 to 11,
a. m. for Nyssn, from 11 to 4 thoy
oxpect to bo tho gnosis of Vnlo and
from 4 until 11: IB thoy will visit In
Tho trado excursionists havo gone
n Hton further thnt Is generally tho
en so In such gnthorlnn. Instead of
going "Dutch Trent," on n goUo
gother dinner, thoy havo asked the
Ontario Cnmmorolnl club to arrange
a bauquot for them and send tlwm
the hill. All of which will he doifn.
Tho Ontnr'o mon nt n motlug
Wodnosdiiy night discussed this
phnso of tho matter nt length mid
concluded thnt n suggestion lo nuido
to tho men of Nymta nnd Vnlo to
tako advuntago of this opportunity
to lot men of Portlnnd know some
thing about tho Owyhco project and
Its possibilities. To that oud a com
mittee consisting or W. II. Doollttlo.
it C. Uoyer and J. II. Hlnckahy woro
named us thn gonornl commlttco tn
arrange for tho entortnlnmiint of ttt
Portland mon.
In the trndo oxcurslSn will m
ropreseutntlvoH of till the Portland
financial, wholosalo and manufactur
ing concerns many of whom havo
uovar visited this region before, nnd
thoy nro going to bo how that
whllo nonr Idaho nnd Just half way
from Portland to Salt, that
this roully Is In Orogon nnd Is worthy
of tbolr consideration
lection Mmiu-il
Society of Poill.llid Kxpciteil To
ltemli Onttillo Octob.-i- II
Miss Elinor Itandnll. county libra
rian announces thnt n collection of
handwork, showing omhrnldory,
weaving, and do.dg.i, loaned by the
Arts and Crafts Soolety of PortUud,
will bo on oxhibltlon In the Malheur
County Library at Onirld. as wsii
as It mnj arrive from the SUt Fair
at Salem. It Is expected thnt t'u ex
Mblt will bo roady by Ootobrr li for
n wook or ton da;n. Women who ai
Interested In noodlowmk. nnd club
girls, will ospecUlly .ippreolnta this
ibt-nul'fu display.
Miss Ilnndall loavo Friday of tills
weok for Urogan and Donlta to visit
tho library stations st those points
ami expects to oe guuu uuui iiwi.-)
Unless Miss MoIIugh. her awlstant
has recovered from Jir leeiiu ill
ness the local lllrury will bo closed
'during her absence.
Tho dollcato stunt of opening a
safo without knowing tho combina
tion was performed a la "Jimmy Val
entine" by Charles A. Dranun of
Wo'lsor, Idaho on tho safe In the Car
ter Houso Sunday. Tho safe beeome
looked and tho book containing tho
combination was lost, so no ono
know how to open It. Mr. Dranun of
Wolsor was called and camo down,
splnncd the dial of the safe and lls
toned to tho tumbleis. found tho
'combination and opond the safe in
about one hour.
visits OWYMI-.I-: i'ito.n:cTH
W'UHn DNplny of Malheur County
I'miliii-lN Am Silent Argument In
l-'inoi- of Itei'liiuitKloii ltcllccs
HiMiiilt w'lll Art nt Short Session
United Slate Senator Chnrlon A.
MdN'nry, Junior heiintnr from thin
ttnto visited Ontario and N'ysmi last
Friday. Ho camo In ro'p-1.. In In
vltntlons oxtanded by Ivnn I' Oaltes,
an old tlmo friend. The N') -a Com
mercial club, nnd P. J. Cultntilier
Who dlHOUMted with his tl o ponslhll
ltle of tho Owyhee project nt thn
Ilofllsmatlon Coiifortuu-e at Seattle.
With these' retMMtod reiinstM tho
unlor while In Duller link tho day
lo como hero nnd nee for himself
what tho Owyho Project Is nnd what
It can become when wntor n plnced
on tho land. While hero b' visited
till project and visited the Milhour
Ctftnty Fair too.
'lit wduld bo u n vino for r.o to no
bank to Washington and tell tho men
thoro whnt I saw nt the exhibition
hall thtu inorii'ug," Maid the Senator
In ipcnklng of h'n ImproMlonn. "They
wuld not believe mo, and since I
Iiaw somo what of a reputation thoro
for veracity which t want to mnln
tnln, I am asking you people hero to
send bnck a display of the products
grown bore on Irrlghted laud ns n
testimony, mid sllont nrKumout In
favor of further government nld for
Seiintit Will Ail
"Yon, I believe that tho Senate will ,
ncdurlng the short session, on somo
iMVnintlou bill, probably the Flelch-
or-Smlth bill and thnt It Is possible
the House will do no too
"Thoro Is a bolter feeling toward
legislation of this kind nnd slnco thn
Houso appropriations commllteo has
vlsltod tho wont this summor I am
suro that will have n beneficial In-
fluenco with tho members of that on tholr success on getting tho ox
brunch of the govornmont. hlblt(on ovor us well as thoy did In
"I am going to roquest Mr Wey- Mp(te of the cold wonthor.
(Contlnuud on Page Six.)
Flu Onnies to bo Played II. II,
Wood, ,1, II. ( ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 and .lui-k
llnuiiuonil Putting .Mnli-.Uii
Willi Im-N Thru Their
Ontario High School Is the only
Oregon tem In the uewlv oncnnlsed
Wwloru Idnbo mid Ontario. Oregon
football league In which the follow
ing teams will pluy: Iloho, NmupH.
Caldwell. Ontario, Payalte. Weiser
and We-.r Institute.
Oi. . ,-lo's entry was inudo at a
megting hold In NumiHt on Sslurduy
at whloh Principal R. M. Poncber,
who has charge of athletics at tho
school attended.
Never In tho history of the school
has 'thoro been sueh nn apparent
wealth of material. More men are
turning out "for practlco than ever
hoforo, and tho avorago weight of tlio
mon Is sueh that If thoy havo
stuff On,8rio 'vl unvo a tenw sMonil
to none " . tho vulloy.
Kver' j'ht this week ikore have
been fi '..: IS to 20 mon out for
practice : -J this wook following pre-
llmlnary work such ns tackling, fall-
lug on the ball, punting, eto. scrim-
mage has Lean Indulgod tn under the
direction of throo tutors; II H. Wood,
Cornell '07. All American quarter on
Walter Camp's team of that year: J
II. 'Oordon, who took his foot ball at
Cleveland, Ohio, and Jack Hammond
of Jamoatown. N. 1). Those three
havo boon g'viiiK tho lioys stiff, hard
work outs f.ery ovenlng and tho men
aro fast ro .tiding Into shape.
Ag yet the roadies have not picked
tho first str'ng men but will do so
from tho follewing: Moll Waltors.
(Continued on Page 5)
Ono of the most disappointed
boys In Malliour County Inst
weok wns Ilayniond, son of Mr.
and Mrs. A. A. rtuttorrldgo of
Oregon Slope. Ills wm the prize
hnrd luck oplsodo of tho Fair.
Raymond worked hnrd all sum
inor to produce the flnnont corn
that ovor grow In Malliour coun
ty. And ho thought ho ad suc
ceeded. Ho spent an entire day
carefully going ovor bis patch t. ,
tocnto tho biggest Mid host ours
to show ut tho KnJr, nnd then
took thorn to J. It. Ilroun's
whoro Dead Ox Flnt display wnR
being gathered. Thnt Is nn far
nn thoy got for during the night
somo mlco got Into the display
and picked Raymond's corn ns
tho chnlsont momel There wns
none left when morning dawned.
New SyMcm of HmiiiIIIiik IMilbltloii
Piotes SiiiTeksful Munnui'iiieiit
Heii'liei AppMihntlou or Pulitli
IMilldtniN PIoiisimI
Willi a oinfoitnbly lilled gMiid
staml, tho tho ilHy was loo cole for
rnHl i i.ilcrt 'in tin part of mo spiv
tators, tho eleventh utinunl Mulheur
County Fair closed last Friday. Tho
progrnm wns a huinmor. No closing
dny of any proceeding fair had any
thing on It. It was all to tho good.
In only ono rospect did the Fair
this year fall down, nnd thnt wns In
attendance, duo tn the oxtromo cold
wonthor, and tho threntoued rains of
two days. Tho program before tho
grandstand was up to standard, In
somo rospocts It was better than
many of past yonrs, and It wns wall
handled tl.ruout.
Tho oxhlhlt hall wns by far the
best the fair has hud In mnny years
both In quantity nn.t quality. It ul-
I so ropresontnd u greater portion of
tho county thnii usual. In fact tho
directors this your, bolug elected by
tho ranchers bud tho natural nihmi-
togo of Kettinf; oloso to tho nun on
tho outsldo. nro to bo cougriitulatod
rimtii -hilly tho fair did not win.
That Is It failed to meet nil expenses
Just ns ban boon tho enso for many of
tho olovon fairs. In the 11 perhaps
threo or four liavo como out pretty
claso to oven, whllo nno or two have
actually done more than that So
thn financial situation Is nothing un
usual. llncUiiKMis Dlvldo
In tho final uvontM tha bucknroo
ehiimpl'onshlp monoy was divided
wi eloso wns tho contest thnt nil the
flvo finalists save Dutch Wondt got
In on tho split. Joss I.nwrenro, Hod
(Continued on I.nst Page)
Will llu Finite (liaigo of all Con
-niIiiii. Outklde of Content
(Jiiiiiudx ut Wi'Imii' Hound
l'p Ott. (I, 7, mid Sill.
It is going to bo u ansa of the boys
who wont -over the top In 1917-16
going ovor tho top again when
. Wolsor stages hor big Hound-Dp Oct.
e, 7, mid 8th. As tl)o result of un
'arrmigoment with tho Itound-Iip
Commltteo, tho local post of tho
Amerlcun I.eglon has taken ovor all
concosslons outsldo of tho Hound-up
grounds during tho big Fall celobru
tlou. And for this donation on the
part of tho committee, tho hots huv
agreed tn furnish all the outertnln
mont for tho crowds outtdde- of thut
during tho nftornoort nt tho now
$20,000 arena.
Tho returned Sorvlco mon have ro
toutly purchased u lot adjoining the
Washington Hotel, on which thoy ex
pect to eroct an American Legion
liulldltiB for tho Wushlngton County
post. Tho n lmvo was hit upon ns a
good plan to raise tho monoy, us woll
as give visitors to tho big show tholr
(Continued on Last Page.
l-:i 1.1)11 DIVISION OF ACTiVI
ciiosn wiii'.iti: tiiky
Wlhli WOUK
Annual Meeting To Do Held Fourth
Wednesdny In ScptcnilM-r Organ-
lnllon Meeting Fourth Wednes-
ilny In OctolM-r Otvjliro
ProJectM DNcusxeil
At tho meeting of tho Commorclnl
club Inst iilght thomomborn adopted
n radical chango In tho constitution
mid by-laws of thn club whereby tho
annual meeting Is to bo hold horo
after on tho fourth Wednesday In
September Instead of tho third Mon
day In Mnrch.
Also It was determined to dlvldo
tho work of tha club Into 12 depart
ments onch hoadod by n chairman
mid two associates on tho oxccutlvo
commlttco of tho department, Tho
chairman nnd these associates aro 'to
ho Rolocted by tha mambors of tho
club who elect to dovoto their tlmo
to thnt dopnrtmont.
Also according to tho now organi
zation plan tho mon oloctod to tho
chnlrmnushlps of tho various depart
ments automatically become mem
bers of tho hoard of directors of tha
club. This hoard Is to oloct tha
Prostdout mid Vlco President of tho
c','1 " Uiesa with tho secrotnry aro
to constitute tlio oxocutlvo commtltoo
of tho board.
Irrigation, Ponds Hulli-onils
Following tho discussion of tho
chango In tha organization tho mem
bers discussed tho progress which
hits boon mndo townrd gottlng act
ion on tho Owyhee Projoct. J. It.
Hlnckahy and W. II. Doollttlo, K. C.
Van Potten mid S. II. Clay, told of
tho visits of tho United States Sena
tors, McNnry and Chamborlaln nnd
whnt tha mon Interested had dono
so far. A history of tho projoct wan
given for tha bonoflt of thoso not
familiar with It, by Mr. Doollttlo.
To nsslst In tho gntborlng of nn
oxhlblt to bo sont to Washington tho
president nppnlntod a commllteo con
sisting of 0. K. Alkou, chnlrmnn, D.
M. Tnggart and It. W. Jones. Thin
committee wns askod to assist In got
tlng tha display together In time tn
ho shown at tho club rooms on tho
occasion of tho visit of tho Portland
A number of good road matters In
cluding tho work proposed for tho
widening of thn cut on tho oast sldo
of tho rldo, tho securing of market
rond jvork In tho HI. Paul orchards
tracts and other sections of tho coun
ty woro considered.
Mr. Doollttlo suggnstod that tho
coming of tho Hugeno delegation
last wook was not an accident and
that In nil probability Intorost In rail
road construction would rovlvo soon
Ho suggostod thnt as a mattor of wis
dom a commlttco bo uppolntod to
keep this mattor In mind nnd to
follow Its developments.
Two plate glass windows In tha
front of tho Ontnrlo Auto company's
garago wcro smashed, both wheels of
Charles (iramsa's runabout woro re
duced to splinters, and ono wheol nf
C, W, Davidson's car was damaged
tu an auto accident that occuiod on
Oregon street about 4:30 Saturday
Tho damngo resultod from tho
fact that Mr. Davidson followed tho
custom thut Is provalont in Ontario
of violating tho trnfflc regulations
by turning from tho wost sldo of thn
stroot whllo truvoling southward, to
enter tho Ontario Auto company's
garago on tho castsldo and In tlio
mlddlo of tho block. Mr, Oramuo was
driving northward on tho oast sldo
of tho street and Mr. Davidson's car
hit tho runabout head on driving It
across tho sldowalk Into the glass
A crowd gathered quickly follow
ing the accident, and Mr. Davidson
uftor doing everything ho could to ox
tracitto Mr. Oramso from his predica
ment arranged to havo Mr. Orumso's
car ropalred. That tho car tho ap
parently badly smashed was not sor
lously Injured was proyjin by the fact
that In an hour following tho ac
cident Mr. Oramso drovo it homo.