THE ONTARIO ARO US. ONTARIO. OREGON. 'IffUftSlftAV. SEPTEMBER 23, 1020 1 LEGAL NOTICES f SUMMONS In tlit- Cltciill Coin I or tho Htiitc of Orison, l''or Malheur County. 'K'Uo-OrcKOti Blopo Irrigation Dls- trlct, a corporation, Plaintiff, vs. Mildred M. llowon ami John 'Dee llowon, husband nml wlfo, DofondnntB. To Mildred M. llowcn and John Dee llowon, husband Mid wlfo. IN TUB NAME OK THE STATE 01' OHKUON: You ii ro horoby roiiilrcd to npponr und iiimwor tho Coniplulnt filed HKiiltiHt you In tho ubovo entitled Hiilt, on or lioforo tho expiration of six (C) wcoUh from tho (Into of tho flrnt publication of UiIh HtitiimonN, uml if you fall to answer, tor want thuruof, plaintiff nbovo namcil will apply to tho Court for tlio relief prayed for In Its Complaint, on fllo linroln to-wlt: For mi Order nml Da rren of tho nbovo entitled 'Court that )ou nml each of you lmvo no right, tltln, Interest, Hull, claim or ciituto, In and to tho Southeast Quarter -Hi:1, ) of Northeast Quarter (N "KM) of Hccllon 1G, Township 1C, Houtli IlmiKO 47 10. W. M., Malheur County, OrPRon, nml for an Order mid Decree cjiilctliiR plalntlffH tltlo hkiiIiisI each ami4 all of you, In and to wild premised, nml for nuch other mid further roller an to tho Court may seem Just nnd cuWtnblo. This munmor.R In published pursu mil to nn order of tho II in. Dalton IIIkijh, Clrrult Judgo of Mainour County, OrcRon, duly iniulo ind en tered on Soptombor 2nd, 1D20. It. W. BWAOLER, ' Attamoy for I'lnlntlff, Residing at' Ontario, Oregon. First Puhllcntlon Heptembor 2, 11)20. Last Publication, October 14, 1020. HUMMONH I'OIl PUBLICATION In Tho Clrrult Court or (lie Stale of Oregon, l-ir llm Oiuiity of Malheur K. II. SWISHER, Plrflntlff, vs. J. II. MX and JENNIE ItlX. Defendants. To J. II. MX nml JENNIE 11IX, tho nbovo named defendants: IN THE NAME OK THE STATE OK OUEOON: You nro hereby requir ed to appear nnd nuswor, or other wise ii 1 on d, to tho complaint filed ngnlnst you In tho nbovo entitled act ion, on or lioforo tho oxplratlon of six weeks from tho ilato of tho first puhllrntlou hereof, tho Htiino being tlio last tiny of tho tlmo by order of tho court directing sorvlco of the summons In mild action to bo Hindu upon you by puhllcntlon, and If you fall ho to niiHwer, or otherwise plead, Mini for want thereof, tho plaintiff w-Ill apply for Judgm'ont ngnlnst you as demanded In said complaint, to- wit: for a Judgment of said court .twolvo yonri fom "" " for tho sum of $075.28, and for tho ,' J"1 fSon Wr? further sum of $13.00, with Intorest ,, Ducombor lBt ,,J,0 HMi-0.-on said huiiih nt tho rnto of Tfe per 00 of series "' to run and u uy- annum hIiico Jnuunry 24, 1020, ami for plaintiff's cants nnd disburse ments. This action Is prodlcuted on iv Judg nifliit mudo nnd ontoiod against you, and oneh of ynu, In favor of plain tiff In tliu District Court of tho Suveuth Judlolul District In nnd ror tho County of Washington, In tho Stnto of Idaho, You will tnko notice thnt this sum iiioiih Is Horvcil upon you umler and by vlrtuo or, und pursuant to, an or dor or tho Ilonorublo Dalton Illggs, Judgo or tho Circuit Court ror said County nnd Stato, which said order was mudo nnd enterod In said action on Urn 23rd day or August, 1920, myl directed that this summons bo published ror bIx consecutlvs weeks, including sovon publications, In the Ontario, Argus. Ib)d ,g nccepted and tho amtunt of Tho date or rirst publication Is attll, bld j8 uot paid within thirty August 20, 1920, nnd the last pub- (.0) daya attor tho acceptance thoro- ..ration . October 7th. 1020. of y? M ""Seotf. ItOIlT. D. LYTLE, gj PrB tflA Mheur County. f Attornoy for Plaintiff, residing at. nida will bo received for any a- Vale, Oregon. mount or said bonds, or the , several . '.erles. not oxc.edlng Mne ty-flvo SUMMONS In tho Cfirult Ooiiit of llm Htute of Oiotjon, 1'or tlio County of Malheur Myitlo Qulgley, Plaintiff, vs. Krank Qulgloy, Dorendnnt. To Krank Qulgloy:- Porendant IN TI.B NAME OK THE STATE OK OltEOON: You aro hereby re quired to appear and answer tho com plaint Illed against you In the above entitled Circuit Court within six weoks from tho duto or tho first pub lication or this summons, to-'1' within six weoks rroin and neftm3 2nd. day or September. 1920. and .r you rail to answer, for want thereor. the plaintiff will tnko Judg ment ncalnst you ror mo reiim ibj io reitei pray - .i i" .!. . .lnlr.t In.tvlt! Fir en lur in iiio vuiuij.w.m., -".- - - , a decree of this court dissolving tne bonds of matrimony now existing be tween plaintiff and defendant, nnd for plaintiff's costs and disburse ments herein expenueu You are further notified that this mmons Is served upon you by pub- (innininna Ilcatlon by vlrtuo of an Order madff and entored in the above entitled Court and cause by the Honorable Dalton Illggs, Judge of the Circuit Court, on tho 30th day of August, 1920, directing tho publication of this summons In tho Ontario Argus, onco each week for six successive weeks, being seven puuiicauons The first pumicuiiou uub nnnnu-R nALLAOHBR Attorneys for Plaintiff. Rosidenco and postofflce address, Ontario, Oregon, AMAH HUMMONH In tho Circuit Court of the Htato of Oregon, For Malheur County. Polo DuKord nml Edna DuFo'rd, dolng buslncHH ui.der the assumed linmo of the "ONTARIO AUTO'ELINO. AND IIY F.HTAIIMMIIINO COMPANY" Plaintiffs. W. O. Laws, H E. Young and the "EASTEIIN OREOON AUTO COM PANY." Dofomlnnts. To W. O. Laws, 11. E. Young and tho "EASTEIIN OUEOON AUTO COM PANY.", Defendants. IN THE NAME OK THE 8TATE OK OREGON, You aro hereby re quired to appear and answer tho complaint fltod ngalnst you In the nbovo entitled milt on or heforo tho oxplratlon of six wcekH fronl tho 2Cth day of August, 1020; ami If you fall 10 unswor ror want thereof plain tiffs will apply to tho Court for the relief prayed for In their complaint herein, to-wlt: for Judg ment against you for tho sum of $104.25 and Interest thereon from Soptombor 2C, 1019, at 6 per an num and for tho further sum of $5.00 per month for each month commencing September 10, 1010, to tho final determination of this suit nml for the further sum of $10.00, cost of preparing Mechanic's Lien and for tho further sum of 2,5c, fil ing fee, and for the furthor sum of 170,00 attorney's fco and for their costs nml disbursements heroin. Kor a docrco of this Court foreclosing their cortnln Mechanic's Lien filed InM'! Avnuo- now knoJvn , M ?.rd ti.. .m. i. r....., f.i.b mi Avenuo Northwost. end along tho tho offlco of tho County Clerk of Mai- Norl ,,, of nd Avenue, by tho hour County, Oregon, on August 9, estnbllshmot ofn n curb lino, and the 1020, and for such othor rollot as to building of concroto curbs, and con tho Court may seem just and oqult- crclo sldowalks along north sldo of ablo. Rad Avenuo, from tho proporty lino This summons Is published pursu- 0n tho cast sldo of block ICC, west ant to an order of tho Hon. Dalton wnrd to tho property lino on tho cast Illggs, Judgo of the abovo entitled H,i0 of block 2C2. Court, dated August S3, 1020. Thnt tho strcot formerly known as First publication, August 20, 1020. Minnesota Avonuo, now known oh 4th Last publication, October 7, 1020. Avonuo" Northwest, bo Improved by Wm. E. LEES, grading tho samo and graveling said Attorney for Plaintiffs street; by tho establishment or curb Moulding nt Ontario, Oregon. nnn mid tho construction of concroto i," m, uai i.' m?'im sides of Bald strcot, from tho proper U.M'i I'JCLMV.M.M IIOII) ftmI 1C4 westward along said street NOTICE COUN CONHTUUCTION IIONDK .... ...... .... ....i .... .....t """""""" ' ,,;.;:' ....,... . ....i,M n,mi NOTICE IS IIEIIEI1Y GIVEN, That sealed bids will bo rocolvod by tho County Court or Malheur County, maw oi urcgun. m uiu buuut vuu.i lnMi nml tl0 construction or con lloom, In tho Court llauso til Vale, cr0(0 curbg nnJ COncroto sldowalks on In Malheur County. Stnto ol Oregon, i,m, .i,i. nt ..i,i .irr,n Vrnm Dm on tho Cth day pr October, 1920. up to tho hour or 10 o clock A. M of sniu uny. ior mo soio ui "' Thousand Dollars ($96,000.00) linnilS. liar ValUO. Or Said ( OUtlty III sorlos, as follows, to-wlt; $4,000.00 Avomlo Northwest; bo Improved by of sorles "A" to run and ho payable- BrndnK t(,o samo and bv gravollult four years rrom December 1st, lOip; in)j ,,t.00t. )y tho establishment or $4,000.00orM)rles"U" toruuand bo curb nog( nml ,f tho construction paynblo six years Irom December lsl,l0 COncroto curbs nnd concroto Hldo- ft.A. rt AAA AA nt an. lu 'P ,n rlin .. . .... .. - - -... .. . . ivi, iviv.w u. u..m j "" ,wniKS oil uoill Blues oi nniu airsci and be payable olght years rrom Doc- from tl0 oaik proporty lino on tho ombor 1st, 1310; $3,000.00 of "or.en(lHl do of blocks 162 nnd 1C3, to "D" to run and bo payable ton jrorst,n proporty lino on tho onst sldo from December 1st, 1019; $10,000.00 f M'oc 134. of sorlo "E" to run and bo payablo ali o Klxteon years liain urccnii;t:.- i,i. 1010! I1C 000.00 if serioj "II to run una i.o p-jnoio oir.'"'i years Iron. Docombcr 1st, 1319; $10,000.00 or sorlos "I" to run nnd bo paynblo twenty yours rrom Dec ember 1st, 1019; All or said bonds to bo In denom inations of .Ono Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) and boar Intorest at tho rato of five and ono-half por cent per annum, Interest payablo semi annually at tho offlco of the County Troasurpr of said County, or nt tho fiscal agency or tho Stato ot Oregon In Now York City. Each bid must bo accompanied by a chock, payablo to Malheur County, certlflod to by n reputable, solvent bank In an amount equal to five per cont of tho amount of tho par value of tho bonds hid upon lu said bid; such chock to bo returned If said bid I. rntnriMi. If tho bid Is acccptod, such check will bo returned upon payment .for and d.llwj o tho iTOouMna i. ;.-.- .... ...i riinil interest Tho right to roject and and all bids, or to accept part and roject part Is reserved by tho County Court. AUUrt'US UIUB BO -"- i t Mnmiv. i:nuniv uiur. tmo, . ... SI..... IT.Ia Malheur County Oregon" i known as 2nd Streot Northwest, be and endorse on the envelepe: .Improved by grading the samo and "Did for Malheur County HoadlgraVellng said street; by tho estab Donds" llsbment of curb lines, and tho con- Cltliens or Malheur County will bo .miction or concrete curbs and con etven a presence right to purchas creto side walks on both sldo of.Bald ". . '. I . .nn. .tin am.tli nrnFtArfv llnft nnM lmn 1il Dated September 7th. 1920. A. M. MOODY, County Clerk, Molhaur County, Orogon. ,... . (COUNTY COUKi Dr-i.i I' . .....- .-.nlr a 1620 Fjrst muiicBiiuu oi""" - --- I..I Pnhl cation BBDlOUU'ei uv, - - - - -- ' NOTICE Notlco Is hereby given toforo. as is by law prov ld I. h. Board of Dlreewr. n ecii District, did make a levy district for the purpose of construe- ?."""i;...on,.A nd oneratlon. and Notice Is further given that at the hour of 3:00 o'clock P. M. on the 5th lav of October. 1920. at the home of WD Patch, within said district, the noard of Directors will meet accord K law Board of Eaua.Ua. .,.. in nnualize SUCH wkmuivu.i rilatolftf ' I. YANT, Secretary First Publication, Sept. 2, 1920. Last Publication, Sept. 30, 1920. .NOTICE OF TII3 INTENTION OF TIII2 flTV COUNCIL OK TDK CITY '' ONTARIO, MALHEUR COUNT!, !"WN'. CAUHR 1X1 111! IM- PROVED IIY UHADINO AND Ult.lV- OUUH LINKS, AND CONHTUUCTINO CONCRETE CUItIM AND HIDE WALKS ON ALL OK THE STREETS, ALLEYS, AND AVENUES DKHCItlU KI HEREIN, AND AHHKHH THE COST TIIKHCOK UPON THE PRO PERTY ADJACENT THKKETO AND ESPECIALLY 1IENEKITED THERE IIY. Pursuant to tho provisions of Or dlnnnco No, 340 passed, approved, and effcctlvo on tha 0th day of Sep tember, A. D. 1020, notlco Is horoby given to all property owners affected thoroby, that tho City Council of tho City of Ontario, Intends to Improve all of tho following streets, alleys, and avenues In said city according to tho provisions of Ordinance No. 340, roforenco to which Is hereby mada for greater certainty, and to assess tho cost of said Improvements upon tho proporty adjacent theroto and es pecially benefited thereby. It Is tho City Council's Intention to Improvo by grading and graveling all of tho following streets, avonucs, and alloys by tho construction of concroto sldo walks, concroto curbs, and to establish curb, nnd aldowalk lines ami grades thor.on, upon tho following streets, alloys, and avontioi, and In tho following mannor, to-wlt :- Tho street formerly known as II curbs nnd concroto sldewnlks on both to tha proporty lino o:i tho oast sldo or moci of blocks 262 and ZDi; That said strcot rormorly known as lown Avenuo, now known as Cth .vnnlln ,,,,,., i, i,nrnv..i i.v BrntUng tho samo and grnvollng sold Ilroot. iy t,0 ostnbllshmont or curb 0Bgl ,, of moekl) iC3 und xtii t0 lll0 00gt ,,r0,u,rty ,,o on tho oast (ido or blocks 2C0 and ZGi; That tho street (ormerly known as fn,M,n..nn Avnnun. tmw Wnnu.ll nn Hill Thnt tho streot formerly known as Arlcoun Avenuo, now known ns 7th Avonuo Northwost, bo Improved by grading tho samo and graveling said strcet: by tho establishment of curb lines, and tlio construction of con-ii creto curbs nnd concroto sldowalka on both sides or said street rrom tho east proporty lino or block 152 to tho west proporty lino or block '106; That tlio said street formerly known as 10th Avenuo. now known as 0th Avenuo Northwost. of Illvor sldo Addition, bo Improved by grad ing tho samo and graveling said street; by tho establishment of curb linos, and tho construction or con croto curbs nnd concrete sldowalks on both sldos ot said Avonuo rrom tho west proporty lino or block 7 to tho west proporty lino or block 0; That tho said street rormorly known .ns Orogon stroot,, now known as Main stroet, bo Improved by grading tho samo and graveling tho said street: tha establishment or curb lints, and by tho construction or concroto curbs and concroto sldo walks on both sldon or said street rrom tho property lino on tho south sldo or blocks 100 and 165 to tba north property line or blocks 4 nnd G or satd City; That portion or tho street ror.mer ly known as Itlchardson streot, known now as 1st street Northwest, bo Improved by graveling tho same and grading said street: nnd by the establishment or curb lines, and the construction or concroto curbs and concrete sidewalks on both aides or Raid streot from tho south property line ot blocks 109 and 118 to the In tersection or Bald street with what was formerly known as lotn Avenue, now known as 9th Avenuo, North west; That portion or llie siruei lunuer- ... r..Mn. ma. iv Known as viriuu mrem, u" street from tho south property line 6f blocks 118 and 127 to the Inter section of said streot with what was formerly known as 10th Avenue, now known as 9th Avenue Northwest, In Riverside Addition. That tho portion of the street formerly known as Morfltt Street, now known as 3rd street Northwest, be Improved by grading the same and by graveling said street, and by the establishment of curb lines, and tho construction of concrete curbs and "concrete sidewalks on both sides of said street from the south property line ot blocks 127 and 136, to the Intersection 6f said street with what was formerly known as Tennessee Avenue, now known as 6th street Northwest; That tho portion of the street formerly known as King Street, now known as th Street Northwest, be Improved by grading the samp and graveling said street; by the estab lishment of curb lines, and the con struction of concrete curbs and con crete sidewalks on both, sides of said street from the south proporty line ot blocks 136 and 233 to the Inter section of said street with what was formerly known tfi Iowa Avenue, now known as Cth Avenue, Northwest; That tho portion of tho street formerly known as Morton ntrcet, now known as Cth Strcot Northwest, bo Improved by grading tho samo nnd grnvollng said strcot; by tho es tablishment ot curb lines, and by tho construction or cancreto curbs nnd concrcto sidewalks on both sides or snld street from tho south property lino of blocks 2G2 nnd 233 to tho In tersection of said strcot with what Was formerly known as Iowa Avenuo now known ns Cth Avenuo North west; You nro horeby furthor notified thnt snld Council will meet at tho Council Chambers In tho City Hull on Mondny, to-wlt, tho 4th day ot October, A. D. 1920, nt tho hour of eight o'clock, P. M. for tho purposo of considering objections to and pro tests against tho construction of said Improvements, nnd tlio assessment of tho property to pay tho coat tboro of, nnd nil proporty owners ns nro ndjncent to said proposed improve ments and as will bo bcnofltod by satd Improvements nro hereby called upon to appear before tho said Coun cil nt Bald tlmo and plnco nnd show cause, If nny they hnvo, why snld property should not bo assessed for tho construction of Bald Improve ments hcrolnbeforo spoeiried, DATED this 10th day or Soptom bor, A. D. 1020. CLAY M. STEAItNB, (SEAL) City Itecordor. NOTICE OK IIOND ELECTION nml STATE OUAILVNTY OK INTEHEHT ELECTION. Notlco Is lleroby given thut on tho 7th day of Soptombor, 1920, the Hoard ot Directors ot Slide Irriga tion District, did pass nnd ndnpt n resolution, after the approval of tha Stnto Englnoor of tho Stnto of Oro gon first hnd, whoroby It Is dotornilu od by snld Hoard thnt It Is nccossary, nnd for tho host Interest or tha said district, and tho only mentis whoroby tho project ns outlined nnd so np proved mny bo tlnnnccd, that tho said district Isauo, nogotlato and sell, for tho purposo of defraying tho neces sary expenses of organization ot satd district, construction ot works nnd systam, nnd mnlntennnco and opera tion of samo, or any ono or inoro of said purposes, Its negotiable roupou bonds In tho sum of ONU HUNDKKD TEN THOUSAND DOLLAItS (1110.- 000.00), maturing scslaiiy in annual amounts approximately equal, prin cipal and Intorest, In not less thnn ton years nor moro than twenty yenrs after dato, Interest payablo soml-an- nunlly nt not to oxceod six por cen tum per annum, nnd that nald resol ution calls for an election to bo held and which will bo held within said district, at Lincoln School Ilouso, School District No. 20 commencing nt tho hour ot 8:00 o'clock lu the fore noon, and continuing until nnd clos ing at tho hour of 5:00 o'clock lo tho afternoon, on tho 1 1 tit day ol Octobor, 1020, at which satd olortlon will bo submitted to tho qualified electors ot snld district tho question of whothor or not tho snld nogotlablo coupon bonds of said district In said sum ror tlio said purposes, or nny or all of tho snld purposes shall bo authorlzod, negotiated, and sold, nnd at which said election tho said qual ified doctors shall bo roqulrod to cast ballols containing tho words "Honda Yes" or "Ilonds No," or words equivalent thereto, and Notlco Is furthor clven that a reso lution was duly passed and adopted at tho above reforrod to mooting or said Hoard or Directors, whoroby It Is detormlnod that tt Is ror ths best Interest or tha said district that ro- quost bo made ror a guaranty or In- torost on said noiius (or a poriou oi the tlrst Two (2) years, by tho State or Oregon, and that at snld cloo- tlon above roforrcd to that tne ques tion of authorizing tho Hoard ot Dir ectors of said district to do and por form all acts and things nocossnry and by law required In procuring ths said guaranty of Interost' on said bonds for said period, bo also sub mitted to the qualified doctors of tha district, and that pursuant thoreto, the said question will at said election be so submitted to tlio quaiiueu elec tors for determination; All riles, minutes, plans and speci fications mid approvals aro now no fllo, and open to Inspection at the homo of W. D. Patch, tho plnce of business for said Hoard ot Dlroctors, Notice Is further given that as an election board for Bald election, I Yant, Mrs, W. D. Patch, and L. L Culbortson were by said resolution appointed, and that satd dectlon will at Bald time and Place bo held, and the questions so submitted to a vote ot all qualified doctors of said dis trict. Dated this September 7th, 1920. I. YANT, Secretary Slide Irrigation District. First Publication, September 9. 1920 Last Publication, October 7. 1920, NOTICK OF l'lNAIi HITrTl.KMKNT In Tlio County Court of tlio Kltiti" of Oregon, htir Mmlimir tenuity. IN TUB MATTER OK THE ESTATE OK ELBERT M. KIHKPATRJCK, DECEASED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That Lee Daldrldge, Administrator of tho estate of Elbert M- Klrkpatrlck, de ceased, has filed In tho County Court ot tho Stato of Oregon, for Malheur County, tits final account ot his ad ministration ot said estate, and that the same has been duly sot for hear ing by said Court on Saturday, tho 18th day ot October, 1920, at the hour of ten o'clock A M. at tho Court House In the City ot Vale, Malheur County, Oregon. Any and all persons Interested In said estate are hereby notified to ap pear at said time and place ami rue their objections, In writing, if uny there be, to said Final Report. Dated this 10th day ot September, 1920. LEE IMLDRIDOE, Executor ot the estate of Elbert M. Klrkpatrlck, Deceased. Drooko & Oallagher, Ontario, Oregon. Attorneys for Administrator. The Argus want uds will sell youi farm produce or your second hand machinery. 3ave "STotlii- 3ELt;s Millinery costs will pny for itself fort. The only place in Ontario to get AN AUTO TOP is Buy One Now 4Ht4KW44$MM4HH4M See McFall and See Better With Modern Scientific Opllinl Iimtiiiinciits Your Clilldieii's E)ih, iih ui-11 nn tin; Older Pvihoh'r Aic Hnfo In Our One No rliiugri cxrrpl ulii'ro Professional Hciilcci nro ileslicd Wo Ahsoltitrly (iiliiiiintio All Our Work. Plimii'Ml Office I I7-.I, Itpililonrc IOII-M IHt. .1. A. MrKALL L')i'slht HpcclalM Offlrci lltnrkiihy Jcueliy Htiu Ontario, Oregon .&t4444-MM- The Griffith EleJric Co. i -in Ontario, Oregon rn i III PHONES 10-J WE BUILD UP TO A STANDARD NOT DOWN TO A PRICK "DURO" Guaranteed Rosidenco Water Systems LALLY ELECTRO LIGHTING PLANTS Power and Light for tho Farm. McDowell Company, Inc. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Funerals directed from the imrlor-dinpel, the lft)ine; or from the chureh of Your choice Parlors situated in a quiet district First-class services rendered to all Experienced Lady Assistant Day phone 175 Night phones 89M-178-170M ANNOUNCEMENT Having removed my bottling worlcB from Purette to the Moore building, north of the Outario Furni ture Company, Ontario, I am bettor prepared to ac commodate the publit; with refreshing drinks and respectfully solicit a share of your patronage. ) Itespcctfully, ONTARIO BOTTLING WORKS W. R. Higinbotham & Son, Props. Formerly City Bottling Works of Payette moncv. A finnrl Anin Tnn in saving hats and com- t i