The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 16, 1920, Image 2

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OHEUCtti. TIlUlx'SD.W. SEPTEMBER 16, 1920.
Slc ntartn Anjtts
Published Thursdays at Outarlo,
Oregon, and outorod at tho Ontario
post offlco for distribution as 2nd
class tnaltor.
Q. K. A1KF.N, Menacing Kditor
Tlllt I'Alt.MKIlB AM) TDK KAIlt
Tlio Malheur Count Fair ha,
nftor n numher of yours, been placed
where It belongs, under tho manage
ment of the farmers of the county.
This means that no longer will the
institution bo charged with being run
for tho benefits of Ontario, or for the
nigrnndlsoment of any Mt of in
dividuals. This In Itself la sufficient
renton for the change in oontrol.
. ' Than, too, the board- of director!
nro now appointed by the Count
Court from a list recommended by
tho County Farm Human in which
' ovory oommunlty of the county la
roproMntod. Thus the board be
coinos n truly representative of the
county, ifhose proiM'ty they are
Hut, ns Tho Argus has aald In tho
past, It repeata now, Ontario can not
afford to rebate In one lota lla In
terest In the success of the annual
exposition. The possibilities of
tills country are not any too well
known, oven by the residents them
nolvoH, and the annual exhibition of
tho rosulte of their neighbor effort
-is ouo of the moat stimulating In
fluence that ran possibly It brot to
bear for the betterment of iieoolo
Than there I another reason why
tho I'alr should be encouraged. It
Id one of t't itr m noMi-t of adun
tloual method. Tlie boy and girt
or the county gather each year In
competition, they see their parents
oempeUuir for honor, and with the
knowledge they hare, If example I
liny stimulus, they are Inspired la
ntrlvo for honor themMlree.
Aelde from theae practical reasons,
there I that of entertainment. The
Iflnir 1, aa It haa been ,tho one op
portunity Ontario haa to assist in
KlvhiK the people or thla aectlon a
goad time aftwr the fall work I done.
The ruHshar U entitled to thla week
Of relaxation. The city should do
It part In awlsUng h thla effort.
How that the rancher am running
their fair they are showing greater
Internal in It success, with the re
Hull ulready known, thor will be
greater oxhlllt than evor before
and n well rounded program ha boon
waurod. m that the 1810 fair will,
undoubtedly be by far the beet ever
hold lu thl county, and the credit
for till I duo to the farmer and
tgoro particularity to the men whom
thoy Hfllecletl aa their flrt board ot
whore else. It la not necessary that 'milled to bntilo If Tho Ixagun h.
city men who know nothing of farm-potent power? Why are there
ing or farm problem -'.n.iM ho cat- wars oer half ot Knropo r'ghi now,
led upun lo guide tbf solution of if The I.mjxup l a r noicn for wars?
farm problem and It la not likely i v. In ?
that farm problems will ever be J it necessary that Amerlrn must
settled right If city men da it. Nor 'furnish the men to police Europe;
Is It noreftsnry or deelralilo that paid that America must furnish tho fundx
agitator he Imported from some oth- to arm tho legion ot Europe to
er state to stir np turmoil In tho 'make Tho Uoague potential- If ho
name ot farm organisation. I then above alt thlaga American do
"What la needed 1 a aane pro- not want tha league,
gram worked out by the farmers And thl I what America would
themetve to solve thotr own nrob-'hav to do If It accepted The League
i .. -. .- i ,.. ntH .... i.
Ariiviv i tin 7 j
mora and no lea.
lem In an orderly way. Buch a
program will then fit the needs of
the farmer and accomplish what I
needed. There would be nothing
about It objectionable to any legiti
mate Industry, tlut until a majority
or the farmer are willing to put
their own brains, time and money
Into the solution of their own prob
lem In an organised way, the farm
er will remain hi own worst enemy."
Ontario ha seldom had an op
portunity for advancing tho welfare
and all round education of 11 boy
superior to that which will result
from the formation or a Junior He
serve OTflcer Training Corps In the
High School.
This opportunity onine to On
tario aa the result ot the good work
ot the cadet oorp which the high
aliool haa maintained during the
put nine year. Now the tray are
going to reap the roward of tlitflr
predecessor, for tho foresight ot the
men who 'had the courage of tlioir
conviction and a vision ot the bene
fit which come from military drill.
While Ontario ha long been proud
of It military company, and Justly
o, that pride will be Immeasurably
enhanced by tho company that will
result from the training It member
will receive under the upervllon of
a regular army captain and nergoant.
Tlie boys will be given the regular
army letting up eiercUee three times
per week to develop their bodies un
der the best lem exports have
evolved. They will have their mil
itary drill twice or three Mum each
week, which 1 too. a great developor.
and then thoy will -bo trained that
should tho time ever oome'whon they
would bo needed to protect thl great
land ot our they can do their part
manfully aryl wall.
The presence hare of suoh an or
ganisation aa the young men of On
tario would make under anon euper-
vision will Increase our prldo lu our
country, teach roapeot for It In
stitutions, bo a wholesome influence
for self control among tho young.
men and be Indeed a Messina and
advantage to the community suoh a
It can not afford to pass by. and we
feet euro will not neglect.
' ,"H " Mfl
Handier, Utocknimi, Trappers!
If you have r.ny hid, furs orpolts Bend thorn to us. Wo pay tho
highest market prices. Wo pny cash.
' UODWmS & COMPANY Ontario Oregon
Telephone 18.1-W
IoiiK DUtunt'O mill Jornl llnullnc
Irnd(tmriCTf nt Wlilto Lunch Ciifu
Phono 151) Ontario, Oregon
as It stand,
that and no
America as a nation ot honor would
be bound to assist In every war In
the world, and Amerira does not
want that doubtful position.
Not to take that position will sob
tract nothing from our moral leader
ship In world affairs. There was
no league ot nations whan Roosevelt
secured peace in the Russlo-Jap-anosse
war. There was no toagne of
nation when he' secured mediation
of tho Algectras affair. .There wss
no leagno of nations when through
America's offers of mediation under
standing between detlgeront repub
lics In CUnl America war aecured.
Moral leadership Ik a thins apart
from any organtoatlou. H l the re-
Htt nt the national character. The
aim, tho purpose, tho Integrity of
people determine their moral stand
ing In tho realm .'f go', eminent,
jtut a thoso Ikfcx dot r mine the
landing of a man among his follows
No, we bellovn that Oovernor Cox
Is mistaken In his estimate of the
strength and 'ability of tho present
league of nation to solve tke lit of
the world. It ha failed thus rar.
and It 1 a reality no oven tho tl
Hutted Btatea la not a Dart of It, ondl
It Is bound to fall, whether wo an
a part of It 'or not.
Since thru hi emphasis thl arm
tion deemed tho paramount tiuuro
Americans should become familiar
with Its every phase. Kogardla of
political beliefs aa affecting national
mum. men and women must make
their JudgaSont on this International
turn felt In tli's campaign. No sn.ip
Judgment should be taken, tho auos
Hon Is too serious tor that.
Fun With a FORDSON
Tho Argus this week ra-olvod the
following communication fnm a
farmar, one who haa given a groat
dual ot time ami tliol to the prob
Iuihh of the man who raise produce
and whose problems are not those of
production but of marketing a well.
Tho Idau that 1 burn presented w
bttllavo is worthy ot consideration.
m'eii by tho who way not agree
with the sautlment. Tula I what
till man bad to any:
"To a considerable extent the
fnrmw, m a class. I hi own worst
otiwiiy. Ho limy feel that things are
not as thoy should bo, or even know
it, 8t how many farmors will bestir
tjttmiftftlveg lo remedy (heir own
troubles? There are soma, but there
ore more who would rather grumble
mill find fault and wait for 'George
to do It.' Tbeu there are those who
are always ready to grab 'Ueorge' by
the aot tall and pull him down the
first 1 1 mo he trie to do what the
'grumbler wanted done.
"Tat) great trouble ia that the
farmer will not go about aetlling hi
In bis address to the people of
Mainour county hero Tuesday Oover
nor Cox briefly placed before them
what ho conceives to bo the chief Is
sue of tho campaign.
It was noticeable that ho laW tho
greatest emphaata upon the leaguo of
nation a tho predominant nutation
to bo settled.
Thl I not a political question. It
Kanscood lHtlltirs in tho restricted
no of part' politics. On It merit
tha part lee. the republican and dam-1
ooratic, are divided, here in Oregon
aa eleewbeie. Oregon domocrat
who are strung for Cox and tho Smut-Cecil-Wlbmn
league are supporUn
Chambarlaln who voted for tho Lodge
Here, too. Republican whoNfaor
tha league are supporting Harding
who I against it aa it now atande.
So the Uaue I muddled. Hut
the question of league or no league
one can not be neutral.
The .4ru I opposed to The
League as It tftauda today. For
there I a Leaguo of Nation NOW.
And what is It doing? If aa Oorern-
ur uox luiiiAimUMti me iagua,
would bring about disarmament,
would promote peace and tieriult of
tho reduction ot standing armies,
KtiUMlltittion Ubard for IKud l
I 'tut irrtaatlon IMwtilrt.
On Tuesday October ".. lf30, at
3 p. m.. the Board of Director of
the Uoad Ox Flat Irrigation IMatrett
aotlag aa a Board of Bqualisatton.
will meet for too purpose of rtvlaw
Ing and correcting its assssmoat and
apportionment of tax to b leviod
for the ensuing yaar, lo hear and. d-
termlno any objootioaa. ny nym
tereetad person lo tlMt j sibent
and apportionment tharoof ind any
other matter ooanertad tMrowtUt,
that may come before them.
Meeting place N S. . aac. S T.
17. U. dT. . W. M.
Socreury of tho board of dhroetora
Dead Ox Flat Irrigation Watrtct. R. t
Payette, Mate.
8ept II to Bant. 10.
' Read TIM Ontario, Argus for the
now. t
Plows, Harrows, Hay Bayler, Ensilage Cutieis,
Feed Grinders, Threshing Machines and other
implements that operate with the Fordson.
" If"
V. B. STAPLES. Proprietor
own trouble with hi own brains and
monns, There is Just as good brains J why is it not doing so now?
on the farms. It not better than any-1 Why nro Puland nml Russia per-
lttSli R9D Grown i
IjiU lartst M$ sign stands for e
xdyox sn8oline - 1
VfiSKiCfc Gasolink
Tho undersigned will be In Ontario
about the first week In Sopt toning
pianos. Anyone wishing their ma no
tuned at that time will pi emve
orders with Mrs. Cox. My tutting
is highly reoommended by pro.
Moody at Vale who I the proud, jioe-
aassar or a Btolu way t J rami ana
which I tuned.
U N. lUwketl
Phoa SI
ItosMaAte I'hofie UlJi
II. It. Caldwell
Quick Service
v f
Carnation Milk is just as
good for drinking as it is
for creaming coffee or for
cooking. To one part of
Carnation add an equal part
of water. That gives you dc
liciousmilkof just the right
consistency. Use Carnation
M ilk in your home for every
milk purpose. Your grocer
can supply you.
100 tcitcd recipe fire. Write
CanutiunMilli Products Co., 1560 Smart VMg., Seattle
1 Fr o m Contented Cows
w Wyui'
Tht JaltJ ft rtJanJ ivh't
,4The Tlasler Men"
of tlo I ivs S o.k Trade
Your Profits Depend
Upon Your Sales
Ship Your Rsnge Cattle and Sheep t
Live SiocK. Commission Merchants
The Firm of 100 Service'
For Twznly Years tlfe Most Progressive, Aggressive
Expert Salesmen ot Range Cattle and Sheep
in the Live Stoc industry.
, Bill Your Shipment; the Melady Way
WRITE US for market
information and stock
paper free of charge.