The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 16, 1920, Image 1

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-NO. 41.
HIT. M) limit (lOVHHNOH
No Mrcitlnti Miulo of Present Admin
Ijlmllnn Hlictm liilil On Oit'Kin
rtjMcnt of (fovciiimciil Women
Mom Prourcssho TIiihi .Men
Clovornor Jmnci M. ''ox, ttnmnrra
tin iinmltisu for Prosldent of tlm Un
ited hIuIph brlnfly summed up tho
I mile of thu campaign ns ho vlow
tlimn, to an nudloneo of porhnp
2,000 pooplo hero In Ontario Tuesday
iniiriilnir. Tltu niMrowt waa delivered
from rotir pint form of, tlm special
train whloh ran us the Mcnud suction
of No. -I.
"I ntn Improasod," paid tlio dl
IIiikuImIiuiI vlHltor, "with l Mo drill
7.4i(loii you people Ahvo Inillt out liorc
, on thu plain. I lure In Oregon you
hcoumu tllaentlsflcd with the old or
dur of thl nc political and you threw
tliiim ovurlioard and erealod n no
oritur In nffntre. And yon dlil so
"In nntlnnal affair wn have found
(liHt tlm olil nrdor doe not tunc
' Mon mid a now ordor In neodad It
In ho In world nffalra. 'Ilia rlvll'rn
tlnn of thu onrth In Indlvlsuble What
affects olio nation affects nil the
nation. What we novd to do Ik to
iroato a nuw oritur, of co-oporutloii
liutwunti gnvormuHhts, certainly bo
iwcmi nil tlio great government of
I ho world.
"Wo lioro In tlio Unltnd Stale
onn not atop hulld'ng lutt ilfwIilpM. rmi
not Mtop HiipporlliiK standing arming.
pttiinot dltuirm unloea tho otlicr nn-
iiiiiin in inn niirni uu iini'mim. nun
they Wont unloHa wo do. What wo
ilium do In to got tOKiHlior and alt
1twii nuil hIkii tlio ' Holoinn aijreo
inonlH on which tho common con
ahmce of tlio world l nakliiK.
"Wo uro n rnllKtoua pooplo; wo are
n Hplrltiml pooplo; and (lod linn
hlOUHCd 118 IiecuiiKit tlllM ' 141. It U
our dutv lo nlqvluto human xuffor
Iiik mid wu nro HiirronilorliiB our
inonil londeialilp In tho world' at-
fiilra liy following the. loadurnhlp of
tho renctloimrlea In tlio Sanato who
would mako a aeparuto puaco with
Clormnny. I ma iiKiilnnt Dint kind
of u penco. I declare It a porfldlou
net o Intorfer with tlio pnneo which
wiin iiKiiln wtillo our Iiova wero ntntid
lug Kiiiir.d upon tlio ltlilno.
.Women More I'rojircwiho
"Tho reaotkinnrloH nro Intertuded
In tho inutorlal thlnga of Ufa. Tho
progrnaalvoa nro Into rout ml Mn tho
uplrltual nnd tho liummiltarlnn
thlllRfl of llfo.
'"Tho oxtroir.o radlonllHiu that ha
boon manlfostod In affnlra In tlio
niiHt Iiih hflon duo to Kovurnmentnt
dOKpntlHiu. I euro not whom thlal
rndloal'Hm tins I1h utart It nffectn u
till. If wn koop RovcruniPiit utuno
to tliola of tho peoplo wo will Imvo 110
radicalism for tho rndlcal londora
wllli Imvo tio followora.
"Wo nro going to hnvo n moro
progrowlvo spirit In government now
that women oan voto for hy nnturo
tlioy am more progroiwlvo than mon.
Thov nro plnueara In progreaalvo
"Thla I no time for a tenntlvo pro
gram for a tonatlvo nroe'dent. Tht
la why I am lioro that you mny know
my mind. I hope Hint everything
on covot will ho yours."
Tho nomlnoe waa Introduced to
tho crowd hy Dr. C J Smith of I'o't
Innil. In tho party wore ninny Oro
ron and Idaho domooratlo offcll
Tlio only Ontnrlnn porsonnlly Intro
duced to tho uomlneo was J. It.
Itlnokuhy, county chairman-
Application of Malheur Home Tele
phono Company I'oi Inciwised
ItalW To lie Placed Itefoio
" Coniiiilshloii Hero
Tlio npplloatlon of tho Malheur
croaged rut oh will bo hoar here br
tho Public Barvlco yCommlisloii next
Thurfidny, Septomhor 23.
In preparing tl public' rI1h o'
tho umuQ a commlttao conxlatliiK of
B. A. Fraser, E. C. Van Potton and
II. O. Hoyer Is representing tho Com
moralnl Club whlto a committee from
Ivan B. Oakoa. ami C O. Hunt will
represent tho Interosts of tho ranoh
urs. Thoao commlttoes have met with J.
A, Laknoss, gonerol manager of tho
company ami navo boho uvur mo re
cord' of the oorapanys earnliiBs for
savornl years list past, and revlowec"
''""r1 j ... i i
tho dnta whicii win do uiuccu iw
fom tho commlablonera here
accomodation or vtrtfTotis
Whore to place visitor at the
County fair next "Oft, is n pro
blem putzllng the micigun of
tlio annual exposition. While
ninny traveling iun, knowing
tlm sllmitlim will not stop In On
tario next week, yet the rooms
at tlio hotoli and lodging liouso
will lie at a premium. Ontario
ouoM It to Itself to make lu
guests comfortable and many
rooum In private homes will till
needed Mr. I.. Hello he ha
bsen mnilo rhilrmnn of the mom
committee liy tho Fair board. and
miypno who ohm spare n room
will confer a favor add do a
worthy act hy tuluphoiinig that
fart to her. Phono Si-J.
Two lliinilii'd Itiwhli'iilH of Oiogtm
.Slope anil Ithcidnlc Mo Ullli Ijirli
Oilier In Nrvghlsiih CoiiIiM
Senator Clianilieiliilii Spunks
Ill the pleaaaut grove nour thu A.
A. OuttorldKO r a null on Oregou Slope
today the people of Itlvorrtale and
Oregon Slopu are holding (lie rum
community fair molted in llullieur
County. Under tho trcon atauiU were the went lo nhuw llinm thql reeiamn
urocted unit a mighty credltuula ahow- tlon tueene
Iiik of fruit, eraln and Kreaaea were "Then Soaalor McKary la the chair
on uxhilittion, enough to make any, man of the Senate reclamation com-
community himtle to iiirimaa nt the
county fair next weok,
Ilooldea thwu theru wa a large,,
and comptele exhibit
nf Hut nltil, tvfirlf. avvIiii .In .if thu
orei!on 8Ioiw gtrla Tlmre woro many
'ninor till tn: lliare Hint Tlio Arena ro.
purlor could not do JuMlce to In n
oliort Hlay on thu ground.
Hut the oxhlhlt wore not half of
the I'alr. The hlg thing wm the nelgh
horiy Kathorlng, the good tlmu Hie
folha hud and thu hlg plcnlo illniier.
A atiort program waa given In
thu uourae of the afloruoun preelded
ovor hy A. A. (lutterldge. J." It.
Drown welcomed the vlaltor aud an-
pounced thut tlie auoeeaa of the lull
al otfort (l convinced thoio who
mm-ted It to make the gatlierlng an
nntiunl event on tho Pint.
Plw nl.ll.lfUn nf tl.a It.. .I.
..1 1 - in., .a-. ....1
Ill nvill'llt ailllllliejii 111 in (J I HI n
n.i, rllB, m'HOII.u.. n.K nH.,
Prof. Itlnoh ami Mlaa Callln nroaenti
...1 .. .,... .. .,1.1 1 'o n.. 1.
f. .: . ""ri...".: :.."" " " "'
uiipi hiiii niiaa . aiiuii.
Uiilleil State Senator Oeo. K.
ClMiiitorimn waa the principal apeak-
or of the nfternoon. After paying
a dullgjitful oomidlment to the energy
of thn iiiumin nrtii.. fint h iieeiarad
01 tnn poopie ot mu rim, ne ueoiaren
ootlon o 'Tore' wat'er' .bod
farm onn act. He recite the it-
tory of retjlaiuatlmi ami good roadu
loshlatlon and alao of tho farm loan
net hrlnflv
act, unoii). . r ri,:w WKrwh , .old
of the ooniliiRMIr and a.k.t for the.t w,ch Senator Oeo . IS, Chamber-,
fljijindrn lrt,i f tfaa rani. i.p. Ill IMttk l.l.. ...Ill I.. IB. H.hlrflui ufltHlkAr. " . w .-..-.. .- ,...,..- ... ,..- twMI .u u.vnivm. ,H ... .IW
mu It n riiccn-a n..V.Ji.. will T rBrace.Tted on th-.t00fcel7 pwact, and tl.o gtila will provement. marketing, pent control.
'" aoonKmAek? of the Auh w .1-1?" TrVrtCaby " IU" "' h'' fA "v-tock Improvement and homo in,-
pca.lo.1 upon mid euipl.aM.ed the , uncle tHr. Ktherford. James S'wSSi Tn the' nS rZSSJST'SSSL h "h! Z
Ctle. and U,. flr crop --Pft project U hajyl upon .g-jj poadence
His oiiiwox hloimc h vncii
An average of 84 buhen p.r
acre of trolit barley waa liHiireKt-
1 by A. A. Gutterldge of Orogon
Slope Iar week, which lome
vary near being a record yield of
thftt variety In thla eeetion. 1 be
eod froin which tho crop wn-
prown waa securel from Ibe
Aberdeen. Idaho experiment -tii-
tlon and the crop oim rtied .
the lOHiilt of a crop rotation vi-
(em ul on tho (JuUertrtge
ranch. The other erupn piodue
od on tho rauoli Include al'ali'.t
mil coin.
Mr. Outterldgo Is oue of the
muny Mnlheur county ruichera
who nee dlvoraifled faiiu'ng aa
tlio system to be used barn In the
future and no it one or. ine-mcn
loading tin way, tnd tlio crup
abovo reported lndici.ta'i that h
is getting results.
The Parent-Teacher's association
of the Outdito kchools will tender a
rooeptlon to the memlers of the put;
He sohool fooulty at the Masonic Hall
t'rhlAy opening. A (short program
has Ven arranfjed for, but the prio
olpal function of the gathering will
he that of eettlnfr the teachers ur-
tjualnted with the parent of Ontsi
lo's school oulldren. A genoral, uud
Urgent invitation is emended hy the
nfflnnrs of (he usaoolntlon to everyone
.hi Ontario to bo proaent at the gath-
, -,i ., oii i ..i,.l. I ni- tlm toach-
m 6 . . .--
era foel. "at borne" In the city.
I'lillnl Hlntc Rrtinlor (JeucKP K.
t'liHtiilierlHln ICititiHH Onylion
Project Npoaks In Volti
on Dead (K bint.
Cnlted 8tatn Senator Oeorfe IB.
nrmtulierlaln. Iim heon the teet of
Ontario for the pant two dnye. Th,o
Mnlar Senator ' wIioho nw Tort,
iMMth ntiitaiwwlHi I tin teir ilAnarla
iM.til ffll Ifa .tA.AtlAt InH. IMfl.l. Iltm F
A.nnlional figure. I making a quiet
aanvaaa of the atate for re-oleetion.
llu to Just nhakliiB hand with th
volar, oatllng them hy name, a he
atone ean do that, and studying tlm
political nee'da of the community.
Senator cmSmberlnln while In tho
city It gueet of Mf. nod Mm. J. It.
Itlackahy, and white not out to make
Hpoefhee will be the epeaker of the
day at the IMonear Picnic at Vale to
morrow. Thin nfternnon he made a
brief talk ni the plrnlc on Oregon
Yeeterday In compnny with Mr
lllackaby, IS. ('. Van Petten uml II. r
Hoyer he waa .taken on a trip o'.nr
the Owyhee project. lln drow over
portlona of the land to le r. Rilmod
1iy the ayetem wlion It wu l.uiti and I
declarod that lie would do ecrj thing
in hU power to aaalt In presenting
It merit to tho Senate.
"Thore I a greater hopo for r1
oluiniitton development now than n
miuiy jcur.i," mild tho Senator In d'
ourming the geneml Nltuntlon. ' 1 or
the fir it time we lave Ijocu a'.'.i to
tiring tho chairman of the houne Mid
nenuto approprlat'ona c nm'tt-ef tfl
lulitM and ha haa nut the Sntlth-
lletcber hilt on the Hon- That tilll
hy the way was one thut I ft ml In
troduced. And now I hello e that
tt will paaa, and if ao will be of Im
menae benefit to worthy projeot
auali m the Owyhee project '
Senator Chnmberlatn baa long tifn
familiar with he Owhee Project,
oo-operallvc urvey. back In 104 and
He waa governor at. Uic tlmo of the
at (hat time eiact4il tlila eeaalon to
he the one selected to demonstrate
the -poMiilbllitle or reclamation thru
gorcrniuci.t aid but that I an old
htory to the people here, anil the
Senutor wa aNtonlntied at the pro
gron the countrv lw made without
I mernmMitnl nnltance
amfinil II 1 B f ft X IINI I
iiiiiiii(-i.ii iimu 111 inn ir
IIIUI I II I 111 I II Ullll
I lUllLLII lni fl I ni-U
r. on rair AnmiuiBwun m
TTr,ATn mn nnmtm
Ill I If ill' IV Mil' CUMMIH
II I I lllll ,1 A nili linilVk 11
W 1 w wiv vnv w
. . ... . ,, .. ..
, (,..r iHi,. Mmii On Oolnu 'li
Wy P" J" vmT 'iT
ti.mi will ha i aenaral exodu of
Tliew wii ne a general exouu 01
.a.......m... a.. .at
Ri. ,1.v it ihmuntv aeat In the
IvenlM Ih a h a dance and
eutllB there In to lie a uaiue anu
camp fire to which those who can
not get away foi ihe duy will ii'teud
Commiiiilly I'wrui Iluremis All He-
patted to 1k In Phvot or Discoti-
tliiuance of C)al Hoiintj- -
lfaiiuoi Week to Ih Held
At the monthly meeting of the ex
ecutive committee of the County
Farm Bureau held laU Saturday af
teriiooa reports were read from many
of (he various community bureaus
Indicating tho unanimous sentiment
that the present coyote bounty b ro
pealed With this d'Kiee of senti
ment expret-sed b Hie various ton
ptst eonlrol cooim.ttee pienent this
matter to the County ouit, for act
Prof. IJ. D. rati, of O A C. d-
ilreaael the bureau on the subject of
a Farmer's woek and outlined iu his
letter the questions to he presented
at such a gathering The committee
wont on record In favor of such a
I. .!.. .n.l .Uli. U.III lu. lubHIl ID
lirinetila about
.. ...... ,.un.u,i frnm !,
showing the month to have one of
oxeentlonol nottvlty In ovory depart-
fps " 10 GET
" uiihii fulfill in iihi
.. v
itagofi HIN- ami lilicnUle I "oik-
iiuiii n nro inn 1 1 inc on
Old Or-ntm T a'' Wm On-
twi-l.! To HUdm
it meeting held In the City Hall
lael Friday evening and adjourned
unto today when a meeting wm held
at the Community Fair on the Plat!
pitcprf were tnknn townnt necHrin tlic
way for the Old Oregon
n Ontario to the Mldnn.
Motile over oil the Plat arc
wm ne niri iiy ana mru
1iy of the CommerrlA) riuh
good roads oummlUeo a nonference
wm culled 'With County Judg- K. I(
Teat ( determine hat could " done
to Irnaten the work.
Judge TeMt exolalncd the nltuiMon
which have kronght about the rtelB'
dur to the faet that the Ooantr Court
had not ben furnlahed with a map
of the right-of-way denlred by the
highway englneere.
lie alao eiplaluot that from the
ttat at ownervblpa that had bran oent
the court tt wa evident that of the
17 V mllee of road to 1 Inillt I'
would he necewiary to aeure 13 4
mllre of rlght-of-wav. Blnce the
county inuat furnlMh the rlght-of-wny.
nm1 rn(, onrt nrBn tho ,,,) H0 ,,,(.
plalnml thut he wn at n loNn to know
how fur the county could g.i with the
... .,..,, ii rr,,n.nitt nf
tlie. innchera takw up the runt let-
.witff l lie varloun property owncru to
learn their attitude on the matter
aud ee If any of tho rluht-of-wny
could be aiurx. j. M. I'onla anl
I'rtnik M Northrop weir nitnul to
takv charge of thin work on tho Up
per Hal On the lower Flnt K J
i'nicb and Sam Hilt were named the
Tho map for the road arrived Wed
nedav from tinker and Judge Tom!
with Roadroaater J. K. Joyce went
to Oregon Slopn today to dincon the
matter further with the rancher
there and ammrance wen g'vru fiAi
effort would be made at onco to get
the "work under way.
Hlxl) UlrlH Will Hvlillilt In DtMirl-
nii'Ht I JJiiny Youthful tkHika '
In I'Hie Honor Hoy To
Hhovv Stotlc
ewk. . ... a. i-a. .. a
1110 i iuu out an u giria win nave n.n t....-l ....... l ,K- V.I. '
r 7" " " XZTr'ii" T"." .":.' 1
offering aome very fine i.reintum
n,1 MmMltin in iu- H.,in. 1..1.
","K rr" -
v -. w, , -- ,.,. .
c ?x '?". .V' , f ' '?".. l
r?" '-ff-S "w" VL"' m.l rmJJ.U ti
"ajr '' oua ln niwalon U
Bawtav. Ti. nramium i.rrarxi f
th.8", .fbU, am lb. f .1 and $5!
htihS" i Ji ii i .
Iif.?!t.w?lf .'wir U f,
SL AriiViAn Th JeY .r il
lr,r Aaaoctlpn. The aCuru I Ui-
, . ,h i ... ,, f , .
d y
'- "L i,.v th.
0nt ' work acooiiipilshed and
,,n "WeniM..s and accurmy of the
... , .nm.t
. ' . . h boVB h ..
to wallltatD Malhem ouuty'H remrtt.
the beat acre of corn 111 Oregon pro -
dued by a Club buy. Iho 'uemberM eunva.s-.e.l the hlluiinoa uml de-lld
of this projeot will exlilhlt (en chth nut ; would le better foi tin- iieople
of corn aud six stalks of corn wilhthnm to uffll'uK. mIiIi e'lhei iioulis
earn. or Mallnnr for the t'nie be'i k
The Hlg Club boys, most of whom
,own purebred Polaud Chinaii ulll ex-
I'lblt their pigs. Coiupeiellen Is l'ie'i
for premium oud especlully for the
Ispeoial offer mude bj K M l)ian. of
' Nyasa, local IruiUi ni IPe N ba l'.i
'land China Club. Mr l' i'i li i-
ferod to purchase ilie (irdt pioiiiliiiu
Irjllt.for J160. or if the owner d p
not WISH to son ms pis "i iwan ui
' ; : ;" T " .. "
(Lontinuod on l.a.t igt i
. ..
lAtill Sl.M.IIKl It Itll.NTV JAM'.
In compiling the Premium hist
the following errors were made, thru j
oversight lu i-orrertliig the list of
tlm previous years. A ward lu the
following classes In poultry depuit I
meat Itistruetlons, should read' iw
ml) Is bird hatched in 1920, the same
with pullets. '
For Community exhibits the a-
warda should read: first t?50; sec
ond 1185; third 76; h.urtli $50.
In the grain departmeut lot No
I5 should read: lest ten ears on
Htnlk, white or )ellow dent, 15.00;
S2 SO.
I the poultry depnrfment. loo. a
elnHstf leMllnh for Iluff Ornintona was
omitted. Poultry owners and otiurt,,
Interastod In these depart weuu kwu
ly take noto of tlioao corroclloas.
min rMr-i-inr i i ar-. i
muutxi nm hhj
ew dFseaei S m 9 IV C H Hm
iiooTii im lUxiuniT nuii.irN(.
Among the new feattjre for
the convenience of the rancher
viallinfl the ronniy Pair next
week wilt le the Information
booth managed hy tho County'
Farm Uureau A. A. Outter'dgo
of Oregon filope, county chair
man for the bureau' fair octlv
llloa hax wr'tton to men In every
Fnrm Uureiu In the county ak
Ing thorn lo nnme noma man or
womnn lo take eharre of the
liooth dnr'ng noma allotted time
during the four dava of the ox
IMia'tion. The members of MvIh
oommlUflo will Im In fact a wel
coming commit tec to the people
of the varloun reeiion of Iho
county and thii help to make
the vlaltor feel, "it home"
while at the Pair. -
Ontmiii llevnlt Hiei- One nf Mam
Oter itd tt'eclilii hallotH (Hi
I'lVnltleiillMl I'referenccw
of CiMonitTa,
O M. Cuattemen of the Onta-I"
hnrmany I conduct Ing a prealdetit-
lil rtrnw ballot for the erprewton of
l.o proferonce of Ontario ami Mul
leur county folk, and the folk on
I'm frulllaiid l.encli bo come hare
to trade.
Along with thouennda of other Hex
ed tore thla "elecilr.n" I tak'ng
place here. and tabulation of the
vile Ih the elate and nation are -
ce'ved and poted.
since in many of tnftwaaleni Stale
the women role oft aeparote Iwllota
the tabulation provide for the ragia
tratlon of inert and women eepiraie
ly. Tho voto waa atorted thl aeek
mid will he continued until J lift b
foro otoctton dny.
Tourtt nnd ilomonfirutlona. to.totli-
.r with ...nre. ... ....i.,! ih .
..,.. :;"..""; "."""'.. ." .;
,"2 "" V'" " "' "-
"' rrm. uurM '".f, D"M"
ilD 'SMt organlMtlon In the coun-
lv. ...... ...
Ati account of the Uureau aetlv-
ul. .. .i.,.nt 1. ... .....
'mSnthly r.p'orTof The Coun Agent.
r i , ".."" T'.n, ' .
P"KH durlnoj the month of Auguit
, 1 v" ' ounr " "
feallirea du:lug the ruuillll were the
, - r . .
w y': .
T'' "TJITZZ!?.
O IVU Itiv H t lj II I
The pueple i.f Mnlheur tompletel a
'.omniuulty organlutloii during Iho
....... i. ....,, ..i.i. ... ii.i.i
i ... ...v. .......
- " ' ,' ""-",.. '.,t"t 1. 7.
.ic)i, n ( uml eoiiilniiieeiiieii elri o( to
, head them Al Ironside a c .iiiuiltle-
, p,-, . i(u-ni V V Hlckox 4tleinluI a
Umi im i 1 tl e pn iIoiiIh I I.u I i'ii
n,,,. ,., f,,r, l,.i... uh u' I i Oi elide
on Vukum :ii in t . 1 . nrt In prel'm
ilun. ,, , u. ieiteiullon of n in-
IS r d in hun m a reHii t of this
., .inir , niiiniii c froui l) t rn
Ori xui hiieatm will meet wll
(ur enuinilMen f.oin Wentern lliegon
hunniii to muke plani rot h hiuio
feilerni'on. Aflei piePmlnury plui,-
rt nil,(,, Bd(, r(lUny wm , RhM
an oppoit unity to puns upon ihom to
dittriiiiue whether the moveninl
M " '" '" ."ppor-eu rn t-iuein in i
(.. attended the muotlug at ha (hand.
(Coatinoed on page 4)
Owiug to (lie augmented list
of HxhlhllorH ut the fair tl. 'm t ir
the Fair hoard Is anxious for
some volunteer asslstuiKe In eu
torlng the various exhibits Par
tlcularlv the lid of anv woo helped In the past is sou rht
and anvone who can do ha t.i
urged to get into aoinmuMlcalon
J with W. H lHolittle at h' olfieo
in the Moore Hotel block Do xi
now. The Pair HnurU needs this
f 11
Hwiwhwa Jfiiuiitriiwiit rnotoa Moitiix
of HrtdglB Widue iHtCvomltniut
CoiifWifa j'or Street Jery
VlMlit r7nla Week It I'lOsptwt
When President B. it. Dean of tit
Malheur Countr Ifalr ftirnmlly oi
ana iho gate next Tueaday tie will
rtae the curtain on the hlggeal eg
poaltlon Malheur County line ovor
Uged. The new iHianJ, who '.
Hide Mr. Dean Include V. T. llerratt
of Vale, and V. V. Itlokox of Cairo
and tho executive aecretarr W. II.
Dooltttle have practically completed
their work, and aaatirancea have al
ready been aecilred which nroaaae a
record breaking fair In ovary depart
ment. Pur Ontario It la to lm a raaulac
gala week. There will ha aoiuutlilitg
doing every minute. Whan the fair
ground la not the renter of attrac
tion, the down town wilt he.
JMmto To I'Ihj At Muht
Realdoa the program at thu
ground where the lianda will play,
there will be it reel ooneerta at nlRlit,
Rtreet dancing, earnlvala anil all tho
hoity-toity dolnga of a vaeatlon weak
to make tho occaelon one to he re
membered. Among the organ lint Ion that will
funilah the inuto will be the Utah
(School burnt from Welaer, tho Cow
noy band from that city too, and (he
Emmett Ixinil for the laat two-Hay.
Aao the Maul orekeetra from Pay
utto will ring the uotea for the
etreet danrea and naalal In pultlng
iep Into the down town program at
lltRltt. 1
Stock hi Alnimliiuco
Preeldtmt Dean who Iim bean gtr
lug pereoiial atteiillou lo Mtmrliig a
great aalilhlt of llveatook haa been
aMoratl th co-operattou of (lie Iargu
took breeder of thl aeetlou aa woll
a Ihuao In (he Ilouw valley, ovor1 In
Payette and Waehlngtoti couiitlea In
Idaho. Alao there will be a largo ox
hlbll from the Ilakar and Union
One of the moat notable Hat bar
ing of pedlgreeil animaU will be
uliowii in the hog dapartmaut where
particular lreaa haa been made to
aeoura htghloiieil porkere for' tho
how. CoiitaatantH from muny. auc
tion of the county will be lb UmI to
that It will be the largeat exhibition
of pure bred hoga ever abown hare.
. Ini tho aheep nana loo Inert will
be a turner' exhibit of pedigreed ani
mal. Oommiiuliy Hhco cIomi
In the mala exhibition hall honor
will be divided lietween the Comiuiin
lly Bxhlbtu and Hie Hoy' mid (HrU'
Club, for In both of theae cilona
there, will be a greater aud hotter
varlaiy of offering than ever fin
liHiioed prUex and the fact tint Ihe
Farm ltureau thru It lemerhlp
haa nerved lo renter lulerent In theae
conteat make thl allowing pnaalhlo.
(Coutluued ou Page.
Prominent INilura hi Henlty World
of Orttitiu, Washhijtiuii mill Ida-
lut Vlsll (lly runiijomry
ItiMiiil Ptiiiuetl,
Ontario entertained for a short
tlmo the leading real esiute denims of
the Pacific Northwest, Wednesday
evening. Among the distliigui.ied
visitors were Iru High of Koine, pres
ident of the .Northwest Iteat Kxtato
Dealers asioriution, Paul Coivglll.
Cildont of the Portland Iteglty
rd, Fred Ueruan, Coe MeKuuna,
Frauk Ciiills r Portland. C II John
son of Salem, udiulnlatraior of the
real estate ikense luw; A I. Murphy
of Caldwell, A C Arthurs, Mr In own
of Wotser und several others
The visiting realty men were first
entertained at Payette uud aieti In
Ontario for the eveolug meoiing ah
of the visitors were lulrodmed and
UlsousotU various phases of the busi
ness, the need o( greater to upiiallon
and uiutuul assistance among the
men engaged in bauilliug the lousi
ness that a higher standard of eilihs
be obtained
W. K llomun and tt. W S ifler
who were lulled Oil for slioii t.ilks
and iwsponiied, and a wmei melon
feed was eujoyed. The melon.- were
furnished however by the i-rultv men
of Pasette.
I It was determined to fuiiu ., Mal
heur County ileal Kstute In ilei a-
jsociatloa. A temporary m n,.nl;..tlon
was formed with c W Hu.idwi of
Ontario, president ami W H Uoo-
little of Ontario, secretary.
V, it