The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 09, 1920, Image 8

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Mficlmiilft biK" .Amercement to Close
I'ioiii 12 till) lo ft P. M. i:try
Dny of li I r I'ollimliiK
IMnlilNlioil Cuslom
,. Onlnrlo will Uko Fair Week off
to onjoy tlio annual celoforntlon, and
(lemonstrnto Hint ns never boforo
Ontario ImihImcsh men nru Hiipportlug
thu Institution which brlngn hufi
drciln of vlnltorH to tho city.
A commlttoo liondod by K. A. Fraii
er this weak circularized tlio Ininl
ncss moil with tho ncrccmcnt to
closo during tho Fair and ovory
wlicro meet with tho support of tho
incrclinntH who oxprcased tho Bontl
munt that now that tho Fair It ninii
accd by tho Farmers It was tho duty
of tho citizens of Ontario to go fur
thcr than boforo In doing ovorylhlnR
poHNlblo to mnko tho show a huge
This tho fair of 1920 will bo of
tho co-oporntlon of tho business men
of Ontario can accomplish It for tho
nxhlblts will bo greater than over,
como from moro communities and
bo moro rcprosontatlvo of tho county
than any fair In tho past.
Tho following Is tho list of bust
nm firms who signed tho agreement
to closo during tho Fair! H. A. Fras
tr, Iloyor Hroa., Under llros., Alex
ander Co., J. A. Flock, C. V. Cum
mlngs, McNully & Co., Ontario Mod
em Pressary, C. I 8kow, Kroessln
Harness Co., Ontario Furniture Co.,
Tnggart Hardwnro Co., Geo, W
Wnyt, Illabkaby Jowolry Co., A. lloli
Inson, II. II. Tunny, Mooro Grocery,
(?. U. Hussoll, A. U. McDowell, Uolri
en llulo, Troxoll Implomuilt Co.
Northwostorn Llectrlo Co., U. Par
rlsh, and Tho Purity Imkory,
ItaiirliciN to Hold Picnic mid UNplny
PriidiirtN Picpiirntory for Select
ing IMillill for County I'nlr
Tho first of tho community fairs
which aro to bo hold In various com
munities of tho county preliminary
to tho County Fair Is staged for
next Thursday, September 10, on
Dead Ox Flat when tlio Farm Unrein
of Oregon fllopo mid Itlvordalo nro
to unlto In n fair and picnic.
Tlio grovo located a hnlf mllo
south and tho sumo dlstanco west of
tho Park school has been soloctod as
tlio place for tho picnic and exhibi
tion. An Interesting program has
been arranged for, many oxhlblts
with cloio coutosts aro assurod and
n good tlmo Is a certainty. Tho men
In cluirgo of tho gathering oxtond a
lion oral Invitation for ovory one to
Join with thorn All that Is needed
Is a well fillod lunch baskot, tho
Orogon Hlopors and tho Itlvordalo
folks will furnish tho rout.
V. li. Turner Taken 1'ln.t Hoiioih In
(Vmtcht Hy rinl Niitlniiiil Hank
H. !'. Tii) lop Win Second I'rlo
nipccric izcoanw
Ul L t CI "- sGML. .-
only a Dust
Cloth can
W. I. Tumor was doclored tho
winner of tho First National Hunk's
Initial Civic Improvement contost by
tho Judges who iniido tholr final In
spection yoBtordoy. 8, F Taylor, Jr.
was namoit tho wlnnor of tho second
prlzo. W, F. Ivhcuo was placed third
anil Mrs. K. M. Urolg fourth. Hon
orablo montlon was glvon W. W
Wood and V. W. Chamber In that or
Tho Judge, Muypr It W Jones,
City Knglneor O. A, Kratz and Mrs,
Irwin Troxell ninilo n trip around tho
olty each month and sored tho var
ious entries and viewed tho Improve
ment mado by each.
That tho contost has boon success
ful In Its objeot of increasing tho
prldo of Ontario people In their
homes Is tho confirmed opinion of
tho Judgos of tho contest. Not only
aro tho homes of thoso who contest
ed much moro attnictlto than thoy
worn In tho spring, but many of
their neighbors who did not compoto
for a prlzo have been Inspired to pro
ceed with many betterments.
Tho First National liauK wmen in
stituted the contest gavo $S0 in gold
to bo distributed to tho winners. Mr
Tumor was uwarded -HO us wlnnor
of first placo, Mr Tiolor rocoiveu
$25 as winner of second honors, and
.Mr. Kucuo recolvod J 10 and Mrs.
(Irelg $6. And all of thorn recolvod
thu MtUfuctlon of having much hand
somer homes.
"iuhv to din" ruuxisuKS
i)i:i.H,nTia'i, pitTiiu:
With iliilnt) Marguorlto Clark In u
eharaeterUllo light comedy role,
"Unity to (let," tho picture which
will bo at tho Dreamland Saturday,
September 11 U thoroughly dellght-
fu1, . ...
Tlio tltlo roforo to a roiuiirk which
it two-hour-old husband mado In the
hearing of his brldo while on their
honoymoon to tho effect that wom
en, aro llko trolley cars- If you miss
one, another will be along In a min
ute. Tho brldo decides to glvo him a
chanco to provo It, and slips off of
iim train ut tho noxt station. Ho
pursues frantically, and both land
Into a laufihablo and exciting sot of
Miss Clark's porformunco Is, ns us
ual, vivacious and pleasing. Har
rison Ford Is agreeably cast as tho
young hUBband, and Hodnoy I.altoe
quo, Kid Hroad and Helon Oreono
nro also Included in tho cast
The Air-Way cleuner re
quires no attachments to
reach the brush and dust-
cloth corners, the pleats of
the upholstered furniture,
and the dust collecting
moldings and casings.
A turn of the wrist changes
the generous suction from
the floor tool through the
hollow handle and the en
tire cleaner mny be lifted
without effort to clean the
difficult places. The Air
Way is equipped with an
exclusive sanitary, burn
able paper dust collector
and the floor tool auto
matically adjusts itself to
any carpet or tapestry
We will gladly demonstrate
tho Air-Way in your home
and leave it for a gener
ous free trial.
Special Terms
and Price
5.00 for your old sweeper.
Initltiile of Pcdngogl'M Large! I'ter
Held In Count) Klious (li-oulli
of School H)stnn Patent
Teachers Appro e Wnnii
Explaining tho latest developments
In tlio art of teaching, n corps of
loeturers Is preparing tho tcachors
of Malbour county for their coming
year's work at tho High School this
Tho enrolment at tho Institute
over which Mrs. Jullcn A. Hurley,
county superintendent of schools Is
presiding Is tho latest In this history
of tho county. Thcro nro ICO tcachors
In attendance and tho list of lectur
ers Includo specialists In every branch
of teaching.
On Wednesday afternoon, tho open
Ing day, tho Malbour County Parent
Teachers council had chargo of tho
program and an Interesting discus
slot) of tho relation of tho parent to
tho school took ptacc. Miss Mazlc
Wilson discussed tho need far hot
lunches for tho children compelled
to bring their lunch to school, and
a resolution was passed approving of
this Innovation for tho schools of tho
Want County Niii-mi
Tho parent tcachors nlso went oh
record In favor of tho appointment
of n county school nurso to care for
the health of tho children, bold med
ical Inspections and othurwlso ad
vlso In the care of tho children. A
rommlttro consisting of Superinten
dent J. M McDonald, tho superinten
dent of tho Vnlo and tho Nyssa
schools was namod to mnko a request
of tho county Court for this sorvlco.
Mrs. nruco Kostor of Vale was
named ns tho dolcgato to tho Stato
convention of Parent-Tcachors to be
told In Portland this fall.
Former Hiiperluleiidcut Hero
Among the Interesting loeturers
on tho program Is Prof. II. It. Doug
lass of tho school of education at tho
I'nlvors tv of Oroeon who for two
years wns superintendent of tho On
tario public schools. Among tho
other speakers were: Dr. J. F.
llrumbauch, professor of psychology,
and Ilolph O. Coleman, department
of physical education, nt O. A. C.J
Mrs. Cora Eby dotes, primary In
structor, Portland, Miss Hazel Wil
liams, of tho Palmer Penmanship
school of Portland, Superintendent of
Schools J. M. McDonald of Ontario
and Miss Mazlo Wilson, county cum
J. O. Staples roturncd this week
from Mabton, Washington where ho
spent tho past three months tho
guest of his daughters Mrs. Shlnn.
Wllllnm Jones of Juutura cnino
down to spend tho wcok with his
family hero.
Davo Orahnm, of Junturn, brother
of Anlrow Orahaiu, candldato for
county nssessor o ntlio Republican
ticket was nn Ontario visitor this
wcok. Mr. Graham motored down
with William Jonos.
Mrs. W. C, Hedges of Juutura Is
an Ontario visitor this week.
William Altnow of Ileulah Is one
of tho upper country men to trans
net business In Ontnrlo this wcok.
Jnmcs John of Pendleton spent tlio
wook In Ontario on business.
it.vuurix itKcicivi: attention
B, K. Horn who Is working with
tho farm bureau on rodent control
work, took a recess this wcok for n
few days from his work with pocket
gophers In ordor to answer a call for
assistance from tho Jnmlcson neigh
borhood whoro tho Jackrabblts aro
destroying nlfalfa seed fields at n
rapid rate. Ho went to tho C. P.
Crosby farm to assist tho farmers to
get started on a poisoning campaign.
(Continued from Page Ono)
Tho Fair Hoard this year is com
posed of E. M. Dean of Nyssa, presi
dent, V, T. Herrott of Vale, vlco
president, nnd V. V. Hlckox of On
tario secretary. All of tnoso men
aro practical farmers and bellovo In
Improving tho (itmllty or tho BtocK
raised In this section and bollovlng
thnt the County Fair Is tho placo to
awaken this Interest In good live
stock thoy Imvo offored big premiums
lo stimulate tho movemont ror pot
ior breeding.
Many Pine Hares
Tho amusomonts at tho County
Fair this year will surpass anything
evor offered boforo. Tltoro will bo
trotting races ovory day. Throo
running races and ono relay. Al
ready tltoro aro ovor twonty race
horses at tho track with promlsos of
many moro to como. Tho purses
offored nro good nnd this should bo
a lively raco meeting.
Prizes of $200, $150 and $100 nro
offered for tho host riders In tho
bucking contests. Tho Idea Is to have
local riders from Malbour, Grant,
Harney nnd linker Counties In Oro
gon nnd from Canyon, Payette, Wash
ington and Adam Counties In Idaho
This will servo to ellmlnato tho pro
fessional riders and mnko thu con
test much moro Intel csttng.
Mr. and Mrs. Shlmp of Little Wil
low bavo four grand children, and
ovory s nelo ono of thorn was born
on n Sunday. Tho last of tho quartet
nrrlvcd last Sunday nt tho Frank
Ifnrfltrinn tint) la ll.n flnnt'lilnr
of Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Shlmp.
Ills Bpcclnlly
Downro tho glib promoter, child,
As you would deadly dangor.
Ho mountains out of molohllls makos
And soils thorn to tho strangor.
Tennyson J, Daft.
Hatunlny, Sept. It
"Kiisy To Gel"
Clnilci-rlln Cinders
Two Heel Alien Howell
Hun. nnd Mini, Sept. 12 .V in
"Heat t of it Child"
"Hahy Doll Hatidlt"
Tho last .Toe Martin Monkey
PathoV Topic of the Day
Tiim. ,M Will., Hep. M hj
Cecil II. IlcMlllfH HPI.CIAI,
"Mnlo mid Fcmnle"
With nn All Hlnp Cast
.Memory Idinc Hccnlc
Inlenintloiml .Yw lc,, ,
Tliursd,,,-, Hepj., to
"HIiiiiikii II.iiiiiIci"
Tire Prices
Some False Ideas About Them
Furniture and
Ontario, Oregon
Should an txtta price buy an extra
grade Href
It should not. Any first-grade
tire should be built as well as a tire
of that type can be built.
Cord Tires cost more than Fab
rics, and arc worth the extra price.
Men who figure cost per mile are
coining to Cord Tires.
But any tire, Cord or Fabric,
should be built for the utmost ser
vice which that type can give.
Some Men Over-Pay
Some men pay extra prices, ex
pecting extra mileage. Some pay
under prices for an under-grade, and
hope to save in that way.
Both arc wrong. There may be
exceptions there are always freak
tires. But countless tests have
proved that Miller Tires at Miller
prices, on the
Average, give
the lowest cost
per mile.
And Miller
Tires, both
Cord and Fab
ric, cost about
the standard
Tread Patented
Center tread
smooth with suc
tion cup, for firm
tide treads
meth like cog ia
We Insist on This
There arc three requirements
which Miller Tires must meet.
First, they must average greater
mileage, type for type, than any
rival tire. f
We constantly prove this. Eight
machines in our factory run two
tires each under rear-tire conditions.
Each tire is run 650 miles daily by
running extra-fast.
Won Over 21 Makes
The Eldorado Stage Co. of Lo
Angele totted 21 other mukea agalmt
Millers on 12.pasenger Packard
Duiei, weighing 8,600 pound loaded.
In thli (upreme tett Millars won by
long odd, onlong-dittance uniformity.
Here we constantly compare the
best other tires with Millers. Also
in ceaseless road tests. Thus, day
by day and week by week, we are
guarding the Miller supremacy.
Every Tire Signed
Wc insist that Millers must be
uniform. Each tire is signed. A
record is kept of the maker, the in-
spector and the process.
If a tire comes back for adjust
ment wc learn the reason. If the
workman is at fault he is penalized.
If the inspector overlooked a flaw
he is held responsible. If any proc
ess or material is at fault, wc cor
rect it.
After years of this checking we've
attained uniform tires. There are
whole large cities from which not a
Miller Tire came back last year.
Treads Must Endure
Miller Treads, by our standard,
must outwear the balance of the tire.
Wc have attained a tread which
outwears rivals by 25 per cent.
Every day our tread stock is vul
canized, then tested, in our labora
tory. Wc permit no variation.
Not a single Miller Tire with
these new-grade treads has ever
come back with the tread gone.
Not 20,000 Miles
Countless reports come to us on
Miller Cord Tires showing 20.000 to
28,000 miles of service. And talc3
of that kind arc told everywhere, we
But mileage depends on condi
tions on size, care, load and road.
Millers are uniform, but thoy aro
not used under uniform conditions.
In our factory tests we average
15,000 mHcs on Cords.
But a Miller Tire will outlast
almost always anj lire that you
place opposite, no matter what it
costs. Compare them under like
conditions, and si- what mileage
modern tires can give
You will gain ar:v criterion,
When you buy a r.e. car insist
on Miller Tires. Twentv cur makers
now supply them and .'..ere is no
extra charge.
Sv fg .
Winners in Million-Mile Test
Cords or Fabrics
Parker's Tire & Vulcanizing1 Shop
Phone 177 Auto Accessories ' Ontario, Ore.