THE ONTARIO AUG US, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1920. Wbm sl !?! V Classified -Advertisements FOR BALK Mtk FOR SAl.E- Six yearling nnd two nged pure-bred Hntnpshlra bucks. Might consider feeder lambs In ox clinnga, Northrop Farm. Kouto No. 3, Payette, Idnlio. 40-41. IIOUSK FOR SALE: Sco owner, modern houso, flvo lots, K. 0. Mc Dowoll, Ontario, Oregon. 40-42. p. FOH SALE Extra flno Harred Plymouth Rocks. Laying hens and April hatched pullots, Mrs. Cnry Tus hIiir, Frultlaud, Idaho. Tolophono 20-2- 40-ltpd. FOR SALE Comploto sot (CO vol umns) of Harvard Classics. Now. Nuvor been opened. Will sell cheap It takon at once. Apply at Argus of fice. FOR QUICK SALE Four good lots on purine, flvo room houso, out buildings, h iul trees, city water, good well, all paving assessments paid up for this year. Price 1CG0? half down and terms. Inquire at Argus. 38-tf. WANTED WANTED Qlrl for general house work. Innulro of Mrs. E. M. Qrclg. 39-tf. WANTED Telephone Operator, experienced or unexperienced. Apply to Chief Operator, Malheur Home Tolcphono Co. iMIHCKLLANKOUB Mrs. A. T. Christiansen, teacher of piano, Phono 170-W. 39-tf. Wrlto tho Co-op Btoro Caldwell, for prlco list Standard Rinding Twlno, Quality, Length and Strength guaran teed, IJalo $10.00, ball $1.00. C.Ual. ready mixed paint, $15.00, I'urq Lin seed oil, bulk $2.10, white beaux 7 ',4c soap, 100 bars, J6.00, pitchforks, $1.36. Professional Cards Licensed to Practice In Oregon and Idaho O. A. KltATZ Municipal Engineer Momber of Amorlcnn Association of Engineers Bower ByBtomo, water works, pavo- meuts, concrete design, assess- nionts, office systems 08 Tllford Uldg., Portland, Orogon City Hall, Ontario, Oregon JUNTURA NEWS N0IE8 (Continued From I'ngo Four) 11KWAHI). FOR SALE 1 motor Generator, capacity C battorlos, 400 wats. A number of frnctlonal II, P. motors. Northwestern Electric Co. C21 32-lf. FOR RENT. ROOM FOR RENT: In homo. Innulro No, 1 A. II. Tho Argus. 401 1. private earn of FOR RENT Nlco front room nnd bath In prlvato Family. Phono G3-W. MMMMM0mWM0000 LOST AND FOUND. STRAYED From tho Anderson ranch 3 red calves about 0 months old. Finder notify M. IJ. Priest, On tario and rccolvo reward. C10-37-tf. MlAI.VAOK DIKTItlCT ULKCTIOX Notlct Is hereby eivin that thu Annual Election of Mulheur Drainage District will b held ut tho offics of tho District In Ontario, Oregon, Sep tember ltth, 1920 at 2 P. M. One supervisor Is to he elected and reports fot tho year rendered. O. K. KMISON, 31-3t. ProHldeut. LOST Ono Fox hound fcmnlo 10 mo. old, whit with black spots and tan oars. Answers to namp of Nellie. O. C. Roblson, Caldwell, Ida. Howard. 401-38-41. If It's itrlntlng, wo can do It. HUSTON CMli A- Now open for business WELL COOKED FOOD GOOD SERVICE FAMILY PATRONAGE SOLICITED. 4 Open 0:30 a. m. to 12 p, ui Ontario, Oregon Hours, 10-12: 1:30-6 House calls Evenings by appointment Mado Phono 168 'DR. R. A. MOON CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN NERVE SPECIALIST Acuto or Chronic blsoases Rooms ovor Post Office ONTARIO OREGON STELLA MASON COX Graduate of Violin nnd Piano Iovru CoUcko4 , .Pupil of Victor Garwood and of.. ..Herbert Butler, ..American.. Conservatory of Music Chicago Phono 40 J. DR. C. W. TYLER DENTIST Offlco In Wilson Dldg. Office Hours 0 a. m. to 4 p. Phono 117 for Appointments. m. DRS. WEESE & FOUTNEJl OFFICE HOURS: 9 lo 12 and 2 to 6. Office ovor First National Rank. Tolcphono No, 33 J. Ontario, Ore DR. A. R.ROBERTS Dentist Hvtuccu Onlurlo Phunnio Depot. Phone 52 Following tho dance on Frhlny night, tho Misses Mnrgarot and Lane McDonald went for n short visit to tho Hoffmnu ranch. Miss Mnrgarot Murphy also ronmlned over for a short visit In town. School will open In Junturn noxt Monday, Sept. 13th. Mrs. Monto Iloyco of linker arriv ed on Friday for n short visit with her mother, Mrs. Chns. Nutt. Sho and hor sister, Mrs, Loin Warner, of ('aid woll, who had also bcon visiting hfiro, loft on Monday for their homos.- Mrs. Forrest Jonos nrrlvod on Mon day from Jonesboro with hor house hold effects, which sho was moving to tho homo ranch near town. Mr. Jones wilt hnva charge of tho Ferrous rnncii nnti tuo homo ranch, and Jimmy Jones will tnku chnrgo ut Jonesboro. Tho Catholic Ladles are nnnnuncG- Ing a cooked Food Salo for Saturday. September 11th. William A. Ilalrd. Sunday School missionary, from linker wns u Jun turn visitor on Mondny, Oscar Newell returned on Monday from n fow days snont In llnrncr. and passed through town on his way to tho Agency Ranch where ho Is cm ployed. Air. nnd Airs. .Newell, form er residents of Junturn, returned re cently from a month or more spirit in California. William A. Robertson of Otis Crook wnH n Junturn visitor on Tuos day. Tho deep woll at, tho rosldonro of Mnrlln Joyce was completed on Tues day and tho drill moved to tho ranch of Goodmnn nnd Frlcsz. Forrest Jones accompanied by Frank Wilkinson, u cnttlo buyer from Portland, mndo a trip to tho Ferrous ranch to bring in somo cattle. Mr. Wilkinson expects to ship out four carloads ot cattle on Friday which ho brought from tho Altuow and Mur phy ranches, and lien and Forrest Jones. Mrs. Roy Curroy loft Tuesday morning Tor Ontario. Peto Joyce- arrived from Ontario on Tuesday nnd Inter ho mado It trip to Calamity accompanied by Jack Joyco nnd Gcorgo Raker. Tho Misses Margaret ,and Mao Mur phy loft Monday morning fur On tario to uttend tho Toacher's Insti tute. Miss Margaret Murphy will hnvo tho school at tleulah for tho coming year, whlto Miss Mao Mur phy expects to teach u school near Crnno. Tom Dawson vlio Is with thu P. L. S. Co., nrrlvod from linker on Mondny. Chns. Miller of Drewsey. returned from n hrlof visit nt Harner on Tues day. -fHH-M-fMt"MMt4 RADER ? S :;New Fall Styles Just Arrived Utz & Dunn Style Shoes of Quality ----- - - -. .. -ri-nAnj-LflJ-u-u-iai1AaAJti, M No. 216 I No. 260 No. 216, Black French Kid 9-inch top, lace, with full Louis heels and welt soles, right up to date for dress wear. No. 200 1-2T same in a dark coco brown No. 285, a Real Dark Shade of Brown, 9-inch top, lace, with mili tary heels, imitation tips . and good heavy welt soles, for street wear No. 283, same in black kid no. 285 No. 260, a beautiful shade of Beaver Brown, 9-inch top, lace, with full Louis kid covered heels and welt soles. No. 248, Fame in a medium shade of gray. i Many other styles in stock. Sec our window display. We carry all sizes and widths from AAA to EEE. 11 7 i: Aif W. 8. MAXON Trnnsfcr Attention given to long dMnnro Hauling x-nvo order nt Wn)t Ituplcnicnt Stoic Phono 22... Itcsldenco Phono IMV Ontario, Oregon. Your subscription will 'latcd at this tlmo. bo "MALI3 A FK.MALK" (lltll'INO HTOllV OF Pltl.MATIVi: MAN So fnto seized them n snobbish family of Ilrltlsh blue-bloods. Cast them on an Island whero thu'volco of tho world was lost. Tumbled them, lord nnd butler, lndy ond Kculleiy maid, Into n common mas of mule.i nnd females, Lnughted nt their former glories, their former handi caps. Pointed to an untamed Jun gle, ruled tnly hv wild boaslh, .iru said: "Now wo shall seo who ruhti." Then tho butlyr, becauso he wiim a man, becamo a. king; and tho great lady who onco dlstnlucd him, served, loved hint fought with n slavery for his kiss! Ono day n ship. Rescuol lfoniol Tho old world anil Its old ways Its prldo, eonontlons, shnllow. iHstinp tlons. Did thu truu lovo, tho trim loadershlu. of tho wilds hold then? appro- c'onlo nnd see. At Dreamland, Sop 'tombor 14 and 1G. FALL OPENING of Millinery The' Osborn Millinery announcs Its FALL OPENING on Saturday, Sept. 11 LKHIJK 3. AKKR ATTORNEV-AT-LAW Inconio Tax Advisor Postofflco Ilulldlng, Ontario, Oregon McKinnon Cushion Tires $on-puncturo, Non-Skid. No Inner Tubes. Guaranteed to Run 16.000 Miles. 30x3 and 314 S. ROLPH, Route 2, Now Plymouth, Idaho Phono 98-J-2 t We will have on display nt that time ninny exclusive pattern lints as well as trimmed and tailored hats in nil the new effects and materials 3 OSBORN MIL Ontario, Oregon INERY . i Mt4-4M-t-H4 N-tt MODERNIZED CHIROPRACTIC I Invited the,Public to My Office to See How I am Equipped my system, of Modernized Chiropractic. - m - -- No Drugs or Furgcijy Cause Removed instead of Treating Eft'ects BUY NOW! Your Home Needs for Winter Sheeting- 81-inch sheeting priced at 93c 81x90 vigilant sheets 1.95 36-inch best muslin '15c 45-inch best muslin 55c Towels and Towelings 18x34-inch towels priced at 38c 20x42-inch towels priced at 50c 21x'14-inch towels priced at G5c 18-inch huck toweling 30c 18-inch crash toweling 30c 18-inch bleach crash toweling 28c The Latest Method of Diagnosing by Means of the X-Ray. I havo been reliably Informed Hint It lias bean reported that I am not permanently located In Ontario; that I am only to bo here a short time; that my system Is to get tho iuonoy and KCt out, etc. I wish to bay, that I havo located In Ontario and expect to remain hero permanently. I hnvo practiced Chiropractic 12 years In this stato and tho people with whom I havo had business dealings aro my very best friends. This Is why I am at tho Mooro llotol. It Is the coolostt place In town In the summer, tho warmest In wlntor. I oxpect to havo a volume ot business from tho Interior. I can obtain good, comforta blo, woll ventilated rooms for my patients and have them close nt hand whero they can havo my per sonal attention. I wish to further state that I am not so egotistical as to think my method of healing Is tho only method whereby- dlseaso. pain, etc. can bo alleviated, nut I do think that 00 per cent of chronic Ail ments can bo alleviated Jiy scientific chiropractic adjustments. DISEASE IS A UNIT Dlseaso Is a unit. Its location glvos It a namo and tho arano Is usually long enough (thanks to the doctors ot medlclno) to frighten the patient, at least, half out of his llfo. Tho prlmury causo of tho dUenso is an Impinged condition of the nerves. First comes tho PINCH, which Is followed In a grontor or loss degree, according to tho nature of tho PINCH, by tho clogging of tho system. If tho clog Is In tho heart wo havo Hydroporlcardlum. fordlnc Hypertrophy, Arterlo Capillary PlbrosU. If In tho llvor, Cholecystltes, or somo other horrible thing dopondlng on the doctors familiarity with theso Jawbreaklng names, The longer the namo tho longor tho bill, gonerally, I say generally bo cniibo I know there aro somo honest doctors DR.Wo H. REYNOLDS Offices Rooms 203 and 204, Moore Hotel Hours 10:30 to 12 1:30 tp 5 Conultation and Examination Free.: Other Hrs. by Appointments Lady Attendant . 23. $i44$$4$H4$W$ ( -