The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 09, 1920, Image 5

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Rexall Remedies
Eastman Kodaks
iVfa Remedies
. ,'
i-. -J U il!.',l.-L!-L.l ' 1-t Jg'JILILi.- J'gT
Ilnni'licrs, Stockmen, Trappers!
It )u have r.ny hides, furs orpelts Bend thorn to us. We.pny tlia
highest market prlcos. We par cash.
ItODOKIIH & COMPANY Ontnrlo Oregon
, Tclcpliono 18,1-W
... . - fJh'l U JmlJJ.IU -1 1UUJAJ.1JJ1.. 1J mjl j l us ..ill.- "
"There's More Real Satisfaction"
cays the Good Judge
In a little of the Real To-
bacco Chew, than yon ever
got out of the ordinary kind.
The good rich taste lasts so
long you don't need a frcsli
chew nearly as often that's
why it costs you less to chew1,
this class of tobacco.
Any man who use? the Real
Tobacco Chew will tell you
Put ufi in two style
VB CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
Tennessee Lower Home Requests
Action by Governor.
Nashville, Term. At Lbo request ot
tho Iioubo of representatives, Oovcrnor
Koberts forwarded to Socretary ot
State Colby a certified
Journal of that body, when the nttwnpt
was mnde to rescind tho fcdoral suf
frage amendment.
Messrs. Kcnnoth Edson, Oscar
f1tn,lfil, OIahI..ih Plnt.lii. ft!...-!.... A
Davis, Hev, OlniBtcad and Miss tona
Copy Of mi .... MrMlnnvllln. f'nlto.. M.Minn.
vlllo, Oregon, whoro thoy ntlund Col-
lego- lor tho comlnc year.
Miss Adra Vestal lonvos Saturduy
.(..Ihm .in., ... tin-. .....I ..- ,., .
The acton was not regarded by )))t wt frQld nm, from l)(,ro
tho suffroglsts ns affecting tho validity poos to Corvnllls, Oregon, to pur-
or tno proclamation previously issuod .duo iter coiiego worn.
by Secretary Colby of tho ratification
of the 10th atnondment.
The nntl-ratlflcatlonlsts, however,
wore Jubilant tocauso they Interpreted
tha sondliiK of tho stntument as mean
liiK that this record would become n
part of tho oWdonco to be used In tho
courts to overjkrow tho validity of tho
Gambling Scandal Hits Chicago Cube.
Chicago. Pu-sldont WlUlam Vceck
of tho Chicago National league baso
ball team will luvustlKato cbargts
made hero that tha Cubs hud delib
erately lost n gamo, which Philndul
phlu won, 3 to 0, mid that professional
gamblers "cleaned up" tu a belting
coup a a result.
Tho Argus vrnnt tds will soil your
farm produco or your soconi) hand
rSSStttttt'JfrEM-frfrM'tf Mfr
Three Important
things to get in
fall clothes
1 good quality
2 good style
3. a fair price
Hart Schaffner & Marx
clothes cover1 those three
points better than any clothes
we know of
We're making your profit
a bigger one by cutting ours
"to the bone"
If you don't get your
money's worth you
get your money back
The home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes. .
' 'A
Miss Mnmlo llayor leaves Thtm-
d.y cvciiIiik for Twin FnlU whoro
alio tcache.4 tho comluir your.
Miss I'liiieiico AmUraM vlnltot
with Miss Kslhcr Hussoil from Thuit-
tl.y to Sunday. She Icuvch from her
homo at l'arniu soon to ttiku up
nurso'a training at Spokane.
Miss Kern Llnck leaves this Sat
urday for Iowiston to attend Normal
tho coming yoar.
Mr. Phil Carpenter and slstor,
Miss Loin, wore down from WoUcr
Sunday visiting friends.
Miss Mubol Itoblnson und brother,
Sldnoy Itoblnson, of Caldwell, with
their friend, Miss Helen Hlce. wuro
guosts from Friday to Sunday own
ing or Miss i.innio crcgor.
Mrs. It. W. Smith, Mrs. M. M.
Hurst und Mrs, Grant Fisher went
to Nampa Tuesday morning to itt
lond tho 8tato V. V. T U. Conven
Supt, and Mra. Chnrlos S. Miller
and son Chorion went to llolso Mnn
day uvcnlng to consult a specialist
for Chnrlns.
Miss Mary ilollonhwk nnd Aniil.
Mrs. Ida Klrklnud Icf. till Thurtday
ovonlng for Im Angolos, California
v.lioro Miss llollcnhcck will nttmut
tho outnom brnn'h ol l'on.lev I ni
vorslty located at Hollywood, Los
Mr. nnd Mra. V'xi j I, Hull an I
Mrs. I.. II. Itlrh liavo returiicd from
n jhrco weukV trip to Vollow Hihiip
Park and Allien t, Cumidn. i;olni( by
tho auto routo hy the Park nnd re
turning through l.owlnton nnd Hno-
Monday evening at tho homo of Dr
and Mrs. Pnxton wns hold tho month
ly meeting of tho C. K, Society, A
most delightful social ovonlng waa
cuko woro served.
Th Carnival of tho ll. V P l on
tho William McConnelt lawn lust
Friday ovonlng waa nulto a succesk,
Forty-flvo dollars waa cleared.
Mr, and Mrs, I.orcn Itudolpli und
thrc children of llnlio visited Sun
day r-rd Monday vlth Mr nnd Mrr
Wllllai HnllenlccK
Mr and Mrs, II. It. Iloomrr and
family moved In Monday from tholr
ranch at Frultland to their new homo
on Sixth Street recently purchased
from F II. Lyon
Miss Ksthor Uuaoell and brother,
Lewis woro In Parmn Sunday,
Miss Lillian Jones, representative
from National Hod Cross headquart-
ors of Soattlo and Miss Klsa Iloyd the
now Payette County Hod Cross nurso
woro in Frultland on Friday.
Mr and Mrs. Qeorgo Hooker and
rfamlly hnvo returned from Califor
nia, purchased tho I). F, Tus&lng flvo
ucro applo ranch on Frnltland form
erly ownod by Otto Dlohm nnd will
take possession In two weeks. The
prlco paid waa JO. 000.
(Continued from Page One)
Ing a mill for thorn. What promlsea
to bo tho final mooting on this mat
ter will bo held In the City Hall to
night, at which time It Is oxpectod
the company to oporate tho mill will
be organized. A meeting was held
on this matter In my office on last
Baturday night, at which Hans Oft
reported ho had secured tho proinlBOH
ot some 12 to 14 farmers In hla
neighborhood to financially support
the mill with subscriptions to stock.
Tho meeting tonight Is for tho pur
pose, to prganlio and take tho sub
scrlptlons and start the company. Un
were effected whereby Mr- Kandall
Sage will Install his machine on the
Seymour Iloss place one mile east of
Cairo at an upset price of four thoun
and dollars ho taking stock In tho
company for his mill. The farmers
are to raise tha balanco ot the capi
tal which Is set at eight thousand
dollars, making the capital of tho
company $12,000.
On October 4 and S the Oregon
State Chamber of Commerce will
hold Its Initial meeting In Portland
The plan ot this organization Is to
, ,Jusa Its Influence and rotourre to
)! help the various communities thru
ita itrg-
"Move wo
.' 'should mako uso ot tho fctfitu organ!-
; , , zntlon to aolvo some of our problems
1 '. . L-n. .1.1. ....... T ..A. !. ......
", lido ica-iuii PMKgrai mat uui
sentatlve with Instructlonn to atteud
this meeting and to bring to thn -t-'
tentlon of tho organization sovernl
of the points In our development pro-'
gram. Among these of usperlul Im
portance should be mentioned are
the Owyhee acclamation Project,
the building of the Crane to Demi
and Klamath Falls railroad, the so-i
curing ot a beet sugar plant and the
;; neip me various coinmuniti
out tho Btato to
, , ost problems. Ontario Is a
'', of that organization nnd !b
Tho mnttor of properly cntorlnln-
iiik wiu umcuora or mo county whllo
nttondlng their Institute wns refer
red to tho club'H entertainment com
mlttco consisting of Messrs, II. L.
Potorson, II, C. Smith, and J, A. Lnk-
Tho Hoard vntml In nnml t I nnl.
nttfHll! thn tnnntlfiir tif llm 1p-liniln.
nnd Dovolopmont Congress to bo holtf
m uiai cuy on aoptomnor 10 and 17
n tho roprcsentntlvo from tblw hcc-
uon or mo siato in rurthor tho In
terests of tho Owyhee Ilcclnmntlon
Socretary Clay was delegated to nt
toild tho mentlnir nt tin, nm.nn atnin
Chamber of Commerce to bo hold In
I'oruanu on October 4 and C. It will
bO Mr. C'IuV'm lllllv In urnannl In 1 1...
atato organization n numbor of'du-
Ivolopment problems which Ontario la
Interested In nnd which, tho Commor-
'rlnl Itili la t.-n. !!.. frtl.
w... ,uu id nwi niUK lull
Prosldont Vnn Potten BUggOBted
that tho Club should offer to aBBlst
tho Fair In 11b arrangements for hold
ing a night cntcrtnlnmont during tha
fair. Tho Hoard authorized n com
mlttco conslstclng of P. J. anllnghcr,
IJ. A. Frnsur nnd II. L. Potorson for
this purpoHO.
Tho Hoard dlscussod tho matter ot
chnnglng tho annual meeting ot the
club from April to Octobor nnd tho
secretary was Instructed to Bend n
notlco for tbu members of tho club
stating that such a chango wns con
templated und would bo tntroducod
nt tho next rcgulnr mooting of tho
club which Is to bo held on tho night
of Septombor 20,
Auctioneer Anneuncement:
Having decided to cast my lot with tho pooplo of Ontario
und vicinity, I respectfully aollclt a sharo of tho Public Sales
In Oregon nnd Idolto, I know tho gnmo, and kcop posted ns
lo values, so ns to ho fair with both sollor and buyer. I soil
pure hrod cattto and hogs, ranch nnd stock nnlos a spoclalty.
If unliable quarters can bo secured our find City Salo will bo
held Saturday, Septombor, 2Gth ut 1 P. M., sharp. For that
sala we want consignments of ICirij thing you wish to dispose
of und want tho money for. Household goods, furnlturo,
''Jir c"'6"""' IIrh. eulves, ImplomontB, nulos, anything ot
vhTuo, bring It or send It, wo will got money for It and treat
you right.
The salo season Is coming on rapidly, and tho best und
surest way to got a good, llvo, square, nutloneor where you
nevil him, Is togot n iluto irly.
1 will bo In town ovory Saturday afternoon to meet thoso
neodlng my services.
Col. Wilmer Taylor
Yon wouldn't keep a sjtfiOO piano out under a tree
all winter. You'd consider tliat you wore literally
throwing money away it' you did that. But do
you realize that when you leave valuable mach
inery .standing out in the open, during all kinds
of weather, you are throwing money away just
as mirelv.
According to farm exports, more farm
machinery Is worn out every year by
rust and exposure to tho weather than
through actual use. How much are you
contributing to this enormous unneces
sary waste?
A small amount of money invested in a machine
shed now will pay you dividends for years to
come, in money actually saved on expensive farm
machinery. Let us help you plan a shed to take
care of your farm machinery. This service is free
to you.
AL. CHANCE, Manager of Ontario Yard
My home place of fl5 acres adjoining the townaite of
Ontario; 15 minutes walk from city schools; well im
proved; mo'dern house with electric lights, bath, water,
electric range, furnace, etc.
Thomas W. Clagett
i cuiuiueuuu ui i no YuriuHpriugH rru
)))))) ject,"