The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 09, 1920, Image 2

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    es grwitstgKLUMMt ggqgTW
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wljr: QDutatin Anutfl
Published Thursdays at Ontario;
Oregon, and entorod at the Ontario
pott office for distribution as 2nd
class matter.
Miavti pujimhiiino company
Q. K. AIKEN, Managing Editor
SUDSCniPTION. One Year, 12.00
If the people- of tho stato of Ore
gon want to stop development; If
they want to drive nil active capital
from the confines of tho Btato; If
they want to mako condltloiiH ltnpoH
fllblo for tho laboring junn, tho farm
er, tho smnll morchnnt and alt thoKO
who havo not reached n Btago of
wealth whero tlioy do not need to
Heck funds to carry ou their affairs;
then tho mcasuro known as tho five
per cent Interest bill should prevail.
If however tho pcoplo of Oregon
want to develop tho stato; If they
want It to ho posBlblo that tho wago
earner can borrow money for his
needs; Hint tho smalt merchant may
havu funds to dovelop his business; ;
that tho ranchor may borrow money
to harvest Ii)h crop or develop Ills
farm, thon this piece of political
monstrosity will bo voted down em
Tho danger of such measures as
tho flvo per cent bill lies In their
misleading character. Tho authors
rely on tho natural dcslro of tho pub
lic for cheap money, and tho fact
that many of tho voters mako no ser
ious effort to Inform themselves on
tho merits of tho various measures
that they pass upon nt tho polls.
They know that such sjusurofl In
volving many Intrlcato economic con
ditions may bo mado to appear harm
less whllo In roallty tlioy arc louded
with dynamite for legitimate busi
ness. Acting on tho belief that any
measuro designed to Injuro business
men directly wilt win favor with a
per contago of tho people, who will
not stop to think how this will react
on tho pooplo thomsolves, they con
tinue to abuse the Initiative provls
sIoiih of tho stato constitution to ply
their nefarious trade.
It Is n fact that out of tho opera
tion 'of tho Initiative tins grown a
regular IiunIiiuhh of Initiating meas
ures by men who profit directly by
tho agitation that results. These
men nro hired propagandists and can
only bo met with a cnmpulgn of edu
cation. It Is to bo regroted that with the
innsy development problems which
Oregon bus before tt, Its brains and
lis energy must every two years bo
devoted to fighting against the do
slructtvo efforts of those men.
effect of conditions that have often
prevailed In now slates whore tho
demand for development called for
moro capital than could bo cosily se
cured and resulted In what now ap
pears to bo extortion, but which In
view of tho conditions thon existing
was not as bail ns It appears to
day, perhaps.
Then tho Nnn Partisan leuguo was
formed In a stnto that has but one
crop, practically speaking, a crop
that cannot ho mnrkoted In tho state,
not economically finished whero It
Is produced, so that to sccU an outlot
It has to complete with tho grain
ratBcrs of tho word world.
The conditions that gave rlno to
tho Non Partisan leoguo In North Da
kota do not to nny marked dngreo
oxlslt In Oregon. Thcro nro a num
ber of problems concerning tho mar
keting Mt Oregon products that do
call for the best efforts of Oregonlans
to solvo. Tho Argus woujd llko to see
thorn Solved by Oregonlans nnd not
by Imported ngltntors from North
Dakota, Minnesota, Montana, Kaunas,
Now Zealand, Canada or nny other
Wo have n problem right hero In
Malheur County to which tho busi
ness men of tho county should ad
dress themselves; namely tho mar
keting of tho hay crop of tho county.
There Is no ubo denying tho fact that
this Is a problem, that tho stock man
has been hard hit and hns u real pro
blem to solvo this winter If ho Is to
contlnuo to exist and that tho snnm
Is truo of tho hay growers.
If tho business men right hero nnd
now do not bestir themselves nnd
tnko n real and sincere Interest In tho
rnnches's problem, and do not really
and honestly endeavor to work with
tho farmer for tho solution of this
problem, then.Tho Argus Is perfectly
frco to say that tho business man
will have no Just ground for com-
plnlnt If tho ranchers turn to tho Non
Partlsu longua or any other organiza
tion whlrh claims to doing what tho
business mon of tho community
should hnvo done.
prosperity contlnuo to cxUt to oppose
this Icons measure.
K. It. Kalmhan, an economic
ornithologist from the V S. Dlologl
cal Survey has arrived to assist tho
farm bureau In trying to find n way
to rid the country of tho crows which
flock In hero In tho fall nnd remain
over winter. Reports havo already
been coming In about damngo done
to fruit and field crops by tho first
of tho birds to arrive
Mr. Kulmlmc has established 'head
quarters at tho D. tl. Drown farm
near tho Island whero tho birds
roost. Ho will mako n study of tholr
habits thcro with n view toward
working out -a prnctlcal way to nt
tack them on a wholesale plan, nnd
will experiment wl'.h different pois
ons and other methods of killing
them. Whllo ho docs not feel cor
tain that any method can bo devised
for ridding the country of tills pest,
nn attempt will bo mado to devise
something sufficiently practical to
Justify an attempt In enso sufficient
funds can bo secured.
(Continued from Page Ono)
Tho HticcottH of tho Nun Partisan
League us an organized effort of pro
test aitalnut. economic conditions Is
busod soloy upon tho promise that the
leaguo Is tho only organisation that
is tho friend of tho farmer.
Ho long as tho leaguo can with u
show of Justico maintain that pos
ition, so long will It contlnuo to guttl
er to Its ranks farmers who have felt
the effocts of the Inequalities which
every citizen who bus considered tho
mutter at all knows oxlst.
Tho Non Purtlsau leaguo Is not
u vausu. It Is an effect. It Is tho
Perhaps It has not occurred to
tho farmers of Oregon who hope to
take ndvnultign of tho I'edernl l'ann
Loan and borrow money from this
fund to develop their ranches, that
this will bo absolutely Impossible if
tho flvo por cent Interest mcasuro
curries this fall.
Tho federal farm loan rule Is flvo
and ono half, whllo under tho pro
posed mcasuro absolutely places tho
limit of Intorest at flvo per cent.
Tho absurdity of tho proposed
measuro ulono should condemn It to
dofent, but there Is an active associa
tion boblnd tho measure and this or
ganization Is spondlng real money to
"put this measuro across,"
This organization will not toll tho
pooplo of Oregon that U. 8. Oovorn
inont bonds nro being sold now at
prices that produce moro than six
por cont, that tho bust Industrial
companies with millions upon mil
lions of assets aro borrowing money
nt eight por cont today, and there
foro It will bo Impossible to secure
money In Oregon If this measuro
Had tho bill been less leal, say
had It named eight per cont us tho
maximum rato Tho Argus would
have boon In favor of Its passage, but
with tho rato named at a point
whore It will drive monoy from the
stato entirely It is only n matter of
common sense for any man or any
paper that wants to soo Oregon's
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for ch typt of Uactof
on tho depleted ranges, nnd both em
phasized tho need for better stack.
P. It. Cnmmnck, Dnlry Specialist
for Idaho, spoke on Dairying nnd tho
Dnlry Cow. Ills speech wnB well re
ceived by the audlenco for ho pointed
out many things to show that dairy
ing s a dcslrablo Industry to foster
In this section and gnvo much prac
tical advlso nbout tho kind of live
stock that should ho kept and how
to Improvo and care for tho dairy
O. M. Nelson, livestock specialist
for Oregon gnvo n splendid talk on
farm sheep In which ho pointed out
that sheep aro always a profitable
form of livestock to keep for clean
ing up feed that would othorwlsn go
to waste weeds, etc. Ho said that
tho farm flock offorcd n clinnro to
ninnv mon who wero disinclined to
keep dairy cows or wcro unable to do
so because of other factors In tholr
business, to keep livestock becnuso of
tho smalt amount of equipment need
ed nnd tho enso which thoy con bo
cared for. Ho explained tho value
of sheep In connection with n rota
tion or crops in keeping up rertuitv
and gavo valuablo suggestions about
raring for and Improving tho farm
At the conclusion of tho program
Mr. Williams nnd V. I.. Uatlard.
county agent leaders In Idaho and
Oregon roipoctlvely gnvo thoso pres
ent nn outline of tho extension work
In agriculture which is being carried
out In tho various counties In coop
eration with the farm bureaus. Mr
Ilnllnrd ventured the prediction that
It would not bo mnny years boforo It
would ho unnecessary to travel fortv
or fifty miles to seo a few herds of
good llvostock In this section of tho
Tho first stop after lunch vai
mado at tho Wolsor Instltuto where
n fine herd of roglstored Holstoln
cattle wore seen nnd tho modern
equipment thcro luspertod. Super
intendent P. vans guided tho party
through tho barns and explained tho
morlts of tho diffrent animals ns
shown by tho records of test. Then
tho pura bred sheep nn tho llutter
fleld ranch worn visited, but on ac
count of most of the rest sheep
hnvlng beon taken away to vnrlous
fairs, the ranch did not supply tho
treat It would hnvo nt nn earllor
Tho party thon crossed over Into
Orogon and proceeded to the Guttor
rldgo ranch on Oregon Rlnpo whero
tomonndo was served by n rommltteo
from tlint community nnd tho calf
club Jersey holfor owned by Hewitt
Klucald viewed. Dowltt gavo n talk
on club work nnd his experience with
dlffenont kinds of puro bred llvo
stock. Itaymond Outtorldgo's corn
club corn was also seen hero.
Thon tho Northrop Farm was visit
ed and tho farm flocks of grado
Hampshlros Inspected. Mr. North
rop gavo n talk ou his oxporlonco
with shoep nn tho fn'rm nnd tho graz
ing of sheep on alfalfa pasture. Af
tor two years oxporlonco, during
which time he hns gono through con
siderable of an experimental nature,
Northrop Is still of tho opinion that
tho farm flock la good business.. Ho
emphasized toll nocosslty ,)f ship
ping tho lambs cast tor market and
explained tho neod for more coopera
tive shipping in ordor to handle
small consignments.
Moanwhllo, rumors had been cir
culating about watormoloiis ahead
and Biiro enough, when tho Miller &
Culberson lawn was t niched' tho
melons wcro thcro forty big ones,
nnd ripe. It was surprizing how
quick tho wholo nssomblago got Into
action. Tho attention was good nnd
overyono wnn In on It. Thon tho pnlr
of big pit silos on this farm were
examined and the Inrgo herd of grado
dairy cows Inspected. Tho dnlry bus
iness as viewed from tho practical
nngto as a mnrkot for feed through
tho kind of cows that can bo obtain
ed by tho nvcrago man, was dlacussod
by Mr. Culberson, and tho Junket
was over, overyono voting It n com
pleto success.
iAiug DKtmice nnd I-oonl Hauling
Hrrtdqimrlns at Whit" Lunch Cafe
Phone ." Ontario, Oregon
Farming Is Fun With a FORDSON
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Plows, Harrows, Hay Bayler, Ensilage Cutieis,
Feed Grinders, Threshing Machines and other
, implements that operate with, the Fordsoii.
V. B. STAPLES, Proprietor
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