The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 02, 1920, Image 8

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Junturn Auto Party lint Narrow Ls-
,., Many Attend Diewwey
Dance Otlicr .Iiinturn
News Notes
Junturn, Oregon. Scptembor 1 ;On
tlio way liomu to Kimball Hat
from tho dance at Drownoy on Sat
urday night, Dabo Hodgo with a party
hod nil accident that caused Ills car
to turn over. Ho was thrown noma
dlRtancc, and was fortunnto enough
to escape- with only an Injured snoui
dcr. No ono clso was hurt and ho
win brought to Juntura for mudlcal
attention by drover Ward and Russell
Father O'llagan en mo up on Satur
day for tho Sunday masB at tho Cath
olic church. Thin was his farowcll
trip ns ho Is to bo transferred to
Raker, and his going Is much regret
ted by his parishioners and tho other
friends ho mado here.
Jnmos Konnedy and Arthur Cox
who have been employed by the
Townslte Co. for n number of month
left on Friday for a hunting trip.
Miss aienulo Kannedy nmi her
brother Arthur who have boon visit
ing their fathor here during tho Biim
inor left for Portland early In tho
A numbor of young pcoplo attend
ed tho danco nt Drewsey on Baturdny
night, among them woro tho Misses
Fonnah Dnrgol, Nan Hoffman, Mnry
Hoffman, Hazel Currey, (llennlo Kon
ody, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Currey, Hor
ry Churchill, Klnsoy Stowart and
Will McLaren. Btonloy Asp roturnod
from Drewsey following tho dunce
In tho McLaren car for a weok-ond
visit hero.
Donald Masterson loft at tho end
of tho wcok for a visit with tho
Andorson family nt Van, also to holp
with tho muBlo nt tho Drewsey danco.
Mr Unllontyno, a woll-known shoop
man of Ilolso, was In town tho last
Mr. and Mrs. John Ilnrcloy and
daughter of Vale wcro In town visit
ing during tho week with Mr. nnd
Mrs. n. H. Llndsoy nt tho Jones
Dee llnkor nnd Chas. Lutton mado
a trip to Ueo tho last of tho wcok.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Itoy Uurroy, nnd Mr.
nnd Mrs. Curtis Wharton spent Sun
day nt Antelope Swulo for a fish
ing and hunting trip.
Miss Nnn Hoffmnn who has boon
visiting with hor parents nnd rela
tives horo for tho past ten days loft
Mondny morning to resumo hor dutlos
nt tho Holy Itosary Hospital of On
tario whoro alio Is In training.
Dnrnoy Tlllotson brought In tho
Iloulah mall on Monday In tho nb
sonco of his driver, Andrew McDon
ald, who was on a trip to tho saw
J. D. Follows arrived In town from
Hums by tho way of Crane and
Klvorsldo on Monday. Ho loft In tho
afternoon for Drewsey, uccompanled
by Dr. W. K. Hedges.
Voa WllllamH of Drewsey was a
Junturn visitor on Monday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Hill Mlllor, Mrs. Jim
Andorson, nnd Mrs. Sim Hamilton of
Drewsey woro Junturn visitors on
Monday; tho ladles took tho morn
ing train tor Penh tor a supply of
fruit, returning In tho afternoon.
Jarvls Smith brought In tho Drow
boy stago on Monday In tho ndsome
of hlu driver, Lcstor Cawlflold, who
had not roturnod from a week-ond
visit to Sllvlos Valloy.
Mrs. Nottlo Jonos camo up from
Jonesboro on Monday.
Mrs. Jarvls Smith nnd daughtors,
Frances nnd Lucllo, and Francis Wil
liams loft on Tuosday for Rolso whoro
thu young ladles aro In kchool at St.
Torossa'a Acadamy.
Jack Joyco was a week-end visitor
in town from his sheop camp. Ho
ban moved his aheop from Cotton
wood to Ostor's Hold noar Beulah.
Mr. nnd Mrs. L. P. Delsolu woro
Sunday visitors at tho Murphy ranch
near noulah. Upon tholr roturn they
woro accompanied by tho Misses Mar
garet nnd May Murphy, who remain
ed In town for a short visit.
Thomas Manning was In town from
his shoop camp over Sunday.
Frank Scott tho son of Dick Scott
of lleulah left Monduy morning for
Ontario where ho Is attending High
Claronco Drlnkwater of Drewsey
was a Juntura visitor on Monday.
Itoy Deedo of Drewsey was a Jun
tura visitor last week.
Russians Accopt Polish Rcquost
to Shift Placo of Moot
ing From Minsk.
Warsaw. The llusslan sovlot gov
ernment has accepted the Polish pro
posal for transfer of the Itusso Polish
peace negotiations from Minsk to Riga,
It was announced In n Moscow wire
less messngo to the Polish government.
Reports reached Warsaw that llttlo
progress had been made at tho Minsk
conference and that It had been agreed
to shift the ncRotlutlons In the hopo
of bettering conditions generally.
Tho Poles apparently aro planning no
ndvanco beyond tho othnogaphlc
frontier as mentioned In thu American
note, to which tho Poles hoo replied.
The front rests roughly along the
lino laid down by the allies. There
aro Indications that tho Polish oaitoru
line Is being stabilized temporarily
nnd tho general staff has directed that
thero be no advance Into districts
whero thu Poles might not bo wel
comed. The military authorities announced
that the Poles were resting nnd re
grouping after pushing tho sovlot
forces beyond the Dug. where they
nro prepared to make a stand If at
tacked. Polish nrtillery has declmntcd the
principal column of rotrogradu sovlot
forces In tho northeustorn front, said
on official statement. More than 601)
men. Including two gcnoral staff of
ficers und 11 line officers, nave been
captured. Among tho killed was tho
commoudor of tho 67th bolshevik divi
sion and his chlof of staff.
evonlng from Jordan Valloy where
thoy havo been visiting tho past two
m nrnrcn t.eavltl anil daughter,
Myrtle, loft Wednesday for n visit
with rolntlvos at Parma.
Miss lluby Fenwlck of Jordan Vol-,
,. i Mr S. 1). Dornian nun
family spent Sunday In Nan.pu the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Hum-
"' Mrs. 0. A. Krotz and children re-
'turned tho Inst of tho week from a
lllrthtlay Party
Miss Mario Rasmussen entertain
ed a numbor of her llttlo friends
Tuesday afternoon at hor homo, tho
occasion of tho party bolng hor fifth
birthday. A Jolly aftornoon was
spont plnylng games at tho close of
which rofreshmonts wero served by
Mrs. Hasmusson. Those who enjoy
ed tho party wore: Jean and Carrlo
Loulso Alkon, Mildred and Haymond
Webstor, Catharine Jonos, Lorralno
Escuo, Doyd and Mario Hasniussen.
London. All poislblo doubts that
former Emporor Nicholas of Kuisla
and his family wcro assassinated In the
basemont of their prison houso at
Ekaterinburg on the night of July 16.
1018, sooms to bo dispelled by accounts
of two Indopomlout Investigators pub
lished horo. Ono Is printed by tho
London Times nnd wus written by Its
former Potrograd correspondent,
Hoberl Wilton. The othor appears In
tho mngHzlne "Nineteenth Century nnd
After." and Is from tho pon of Captain
Francis McCullngh of the ilrltlih army.
Ilotli spent several wooks at Rkntorln
burg and talkol with natives and sol
diers who wltuossed tho affair through
the windows of the house, lloth writ
or agrcod on tho Important details
of tho story.
Tho victims, thoy say, numborod 11,
bolng the former emperor, his wife,
son und four daughters, Dr. Rotkln
and throo servants. The assassination
was nrranged by Yurovskl, Jailer In
chorgo of tho deposed royal family
and was carried out by 12 soldiers.
Tho Times uccount says thoso were
Letts, but Captain McCullagh declaroa
thoy were Mugyars, placed on duty
Inttoud of a Ilusslau guard.
Production Increases 13 Per Cent and
Consumption 32.
Wwlngton. Although ivroductlon
of gasoline for tho first six months
this year was 13 per cent greater than
for tho same period of 1919, tho In
creaso In consumption w-aa 32 por
cent, It was reported by tho bureau
of mines.
dusolluo stocks ut the cud of June
wero 89.841,000 gallons, or 15 per cent
less than tho amount on hand on
June 30, 1919. -
American Cruiser Sent to Dantxlg.
Washington.- -At the request of tho
stuto departmeut, Secretary of the
Navy Danlols ordered Admiral Huse,
In command of tho American naval
vessels In Dnltlc waters, to send the
crulxor Pittsburg from Ileval to Dant
ilk' for the protection of Americans,
a considerable number of whom are
now lu Dantzlg, Secretary Daniels
Your subscription will be
iated nt this time.
ley wiiH a guest at tho homo of MIhs f
Lnvinn smiin huh wcok.
W L. Tumor returned today from
n two weekH hunting trip Into tho
Mrs. II. C Smith returned homo
Tuosday evening from Seattle where
sho spent tho past two months, with
her daughter MIhs Virginia. Miss
Smith remulned in Seattle and will
go from thero to O. A. C. to com-
ploto nor course.
A dog belonging to Mrs. L. M.
Morton showed unmlstnknblo algus
of having hilrnphobla Tuesday and
was Immediately killed by Fred Mor
ton. Mrs. Henry Droltwclsor, who has
been visiting with her sister, Mrs.
Adellno Drown, returned to hor home
In Pocntollo Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Johnson of
Nyssu visited with relatives lu On
tario Sunday.
Mrs. Nan A Jones moved Inst week
to her new rosldcnco which bIio ro
cently purchased from A. A. Wales.
MIhs Gladys Franklin Is homo from
a visit to Portl.ind
J. F. Joyce and family and 1). C.
Andenburg und wife have returned
from their outing nenr Drewsey.
W. H. Mullen was hero from
Crane tho first of tho week visiting
with his family.
Mis Maud Itnrton was hero from
Ilolso Saturday visiting with friends.
Mrs. N. O. Iledford of tho Osborn
Mlltlnory has ongagod Mrs. F. W.
Whltsou, of Omaha, Neb., us trim
mer this season. Mrs. Whltson has
had n numbor of years experience lu
hor lino of work In some of tho larg
est wholesalo nnd retail houses of
tho mlddlo west.
Miss Vina Mueller was down from
Vale lust wcok visiting with Mis
Charlotto Clugett.
Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Dickson of Km
mett wcro visiting In Ontario last
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Laxson motored
to Ilurloy Inst Thursday whoro thoy
spent a fow days
Mrs. W. II. Reynolds arrived Inst
week from Cheney, Washington, to
join hor husband, Dr. Reynolds who
has bcou horo for tho past month.
Dr. nnd Mrs. Reynolds havo takon
rooms at tho Monro llotol.
Mr. and Mrs. Jnmos K. Jm.iieson
moved this wcok to nmmett, Idaho.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Socoy and sons,
Karl and Harold aro spending their
vacation at Payette Lakes.
Mrs. Sadlo Laudlnghnm returned
last week from n month's visit with
hor daughter, Mrs. Tomlliisou nt
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Gordon visited
Sunday and Monday with Mrs. Gor
don's pnrontH, Mr. and Mrs. L. A
Mansur at Vale.
Mr. nnd Mrs, L. Adam and son
Rlchnrd motored to tit. Anthony,
Sunday and aro visiting n few days
at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. . 8.
Mr.and Mrs. J. L. Drown und child
ron of Pittsburg, ICnnnus aro visit
ing nt tho A. S. Drown homo. Mr.
and Mrs. Drown nro planning to
movo to Ontario lu tho noar futuro.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Drork nnd fam
ily passod thru Ontario Saturday
ovenlng enrouto from tholr homo In
Halls Summttt, Kansas to Vale whom
thoy will visit with Mrs. Drook's par
ents, Mr. und Mrs. L, A. Mnnsur, Mrs,
Drock Is a sister of Mrs. J. II. flordnn
of this city.
J. D. Dllllugsloy left Monday oven
lug for Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roldor and
family spont Sunday nt tho Dlgg's
ranch noiir Vale.
Mliw Ruby Fenwlck was up from
Jordun Valloy tho first of tho week
J. W Springer und son, Greor, re
turned Tuosdny evening from n
month's visit lu Dig Plnoy, Wyoming
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. D, Karnes and son
Cecil, Mls Mlnnlo Snydor, and Har
old Homon woro dofcn from Wolsor
Sunday visiting with Mr and Mrs
W. F. Homan.
William Dlackaby roturned Satur
day from a vacation nt Jordan Val
ley. Misses Madgo Henry and Maud
Ayres of Caldwell spont tho week
end at tho C. E, Mllos homo,
visit with friends in Michigan
Miss llesslo Tumor arrived Mondnv
ovonlng for a short visit with friends
In Ontario boforo going to Dayton.
Washington, whoro sho will teach tho
coming year.
Ray Dorvln roturned Tuesday
morning from a camping trip at
Miss Mary Dervln wont to Payctto
Wednesday for a fow days visit
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. P. Rlddlo spent
Monday in town enrouto to their
homo In Dolse.
Miss Frances McKamoy was over
from Payette last Thursday and Fri
day visiting with Miss Mury Dorvln
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Dlngham, MyrI
Miss Marin Hart who will have
. .. -I..I tl,..f lllld
charge of tlio I'limmeirim ..-,..
enr arrived Saturday rrom
llle, Mo.
Mrs. W. W. Wooil anil unugou-m.
Clara Inez and Eleanor leiumeu
Monday from n vacation at Dluo
Mountain Springs and Prnirio uuy.
m. H. H. Tunny and daughter
Catherine went lo Ilolso Wednesday
for a short visit.
Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Casllemnn
nnd daughter returned Saturday from
a short trip to Council, Idaho.
ThU week Supl. J. M. McDonald
purchased tho houso recently occu
pied by A. McWIIIIams from K. M
Ray Wilson and son Joo ami Arthur
Mooro woro Carnival -Visitors from
Purina last Wednesday.
Wo wish to thank our many
friends, neighbors, and ncMUulntnnceH
... ii,.,ir uvmimtliloH ii ml thu many
uc!n of kindness hIiowii uh during
our recent lioronvomoiii. i i
dark hour tho IiIohho(I ties of friend
ship nro so Mweot, und wo thank you
so much for tho kludnosHOH hIiowii.
Mr. ittul Mrs. John AndorHon
mid family,
Esther Russell.
iion. o',M uallz' "
d until that, m?
Fifty-ninth Annual Stnto Fair, Hal
em, September 27 to October 2--Hplondld
agricultural, livestock mid
Industrial exhibits, a supurh horsu
how, cxcullent races, IiIbIi class n-muHimionlH,-
greater and hotter than
ever boforo. , ,
A II. LHA, Secretary, Salem.
Enid Donnett makes a ' winsome
nnd appealing crook In her latest
Thomas II. Inco picture. "Tlio Fatso
llond," which will open for n (lay's
run at the Dreamland Theurtu on
Wednesday. September 8th.
The rolo Is ono of tho most novel
that the pretty star has had hi n
long time. She Is nelly rainier.
member of n New York underworld In love with VPIokpocket
Roger Mornn, sho goes to meet him
when ho Is released after a two
ears' term nt Sing Song mid Is n-
mazed to hear him say that lie In
tends to go straight. Roger leaves
her and secures a position with the
local banker at n small New England
town. Thither Dotty nnd a confeder
ate Journey to rob tho bank of Ro
ger's employer. They nrrompllsh the
burglary successfully. Roger follows
them to Now York anil, by a ruxo.
Is able to return tho money. More
over. Hetty listens to his pIchh nt
Inst and decide to desert "the false
rond" and mnrry him
Miss Dennett Iiiih added wife-blow-lug
to hor list of arconipllshments
She Is mi adept, ns shit proves lu tho
picture. It helpH to mako her por
trayal of the girl-crook convincing.
l.lo)d llughoM. shortly to ho starred
by Mr lure. Is excellent us tlio lead
ing man. Wiulo Doteler mid Lucille
Young nro also In tho enst. C. Gard
ner Sullivan wrote the story nnd tint
photoplay was directed by Fred Ni
hil). It Is n Paramount Arlcrafl release.
KIiUIiik the Kinks (hit of tJ i
Omaha, Neb. Rent tu,
thero hns not ot ken tB, !
bouofltH of the Trnnporttleii,,
bo of material ttMliUncttotiih
ronilH, tho Pnlon Pacific .jl,i
not waiting for tho full fr,nV
Is anticipating the fulim)btw
lug nt onco with the Improtn-:
Its frolght and tmnm 2'.
I l'nnrn Knrvlrn iml w...Mi...
FOR HUNT Two ''""go noise- tH n,.
keeping oomn. No Mhlidron. Mrs. Mnro locomotive anil f relcht L
I). E. Drown. Two blockn west nf.nrn tho Insistent and irlsm
gnuiu nciiuui. --
Mrs. A. T. Christiansen, teacher of
piano, Phono 170-W. 39-tf.
Nnllrn lu lm,.i.. .
toforo, as Is by .'I" ' tlf
Hoard of Directors of Bll.T? I
District, did n.ako a ,'i
ncro of hind wu,in ...V,1"
Utrlct for tho puSoU1',
Hon. malntenauco nn,l I ,
. Notlro Is further J"J'
hour of 3 00 o'clock n """s
ctny of Octn.M'i
W. D. Patch, within .:.," ii.
Alfinitil tif l1 i. . "
list limy bo soon nn.l Mtm!i,!?,
rosldenco of tho Bccret.?, ..
BecreUry 1
'IrHt Publlrallon. r)mST?I?
Last Piibllrnllmi D, ..' ! 'VI
K"- lllll
LOST Five head of spring rnlvos
slnoed from my place near Val ey
View School house on August 10,
Finder pleuso notify J. H. Drown,
Ontario. Oregon or Phono Nyssa,
I.iiiik DMniire mill Idicnl HniilhiK
llfiiiliiinilriN t Wlillo Luiirli Cafe
Plume Iflll Ontario, OicKon
...n.l.1.1 lt Ill.Ub'a l.B... 1 .. '
..Mir, ,.i ...mi; n rniimq,
nation To meet then itauit.
Union Pacific Byntem hi (itW
thu following new equips : p
locomotives, Inclmllnr 1) KiMi
Mikado, 10 Pacific T;p, mi
switching tocomnllves' lth
enra! and 72 pasnenuer tniim
Part of this equlpmeiitliiiS,
lieen itit to work All of tt rli
lu use before muw tIK i
Loft In Its own Inlllitluw
reasonable time, the I'nkuMj
will (lemnnsiraiK tiii vlidoitft
Congress in rcMurltn thsjtq
thu control of Its owneri
If It's irlntlrn. ca ()
A. C. Sterling and family nro plan
ning on leaving shortly overland for
tho coast.
Mrs, E. L. Allen entortaluod a
numbor of her lady friends at her
homo on tho oast side Wuducsduy
UYUUUIb. 1 n,, nnl,.n, ........l i.
Miss Ethel Conwuy wont to West- -""" " iiuiii.- uu
fall Monday for a short vacation. esday from an outing at Payette
W. L. Turner and son Owen camo Lakes,
back Monday from a hunting trip to
the Steon Mts.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Dluckaby, Mis
sos Margaret Dlackaby, Ruth Homun
and Katherlno Kuhout returnod last
Rov. Hartley of tho First Daptlst
Church of Dolso will proach Sunday
both mornittg nnd ovenlng nt tho
Daptlst Church.
-4-t-M miWMd
High Prices
High prices moan chur.p dollar. Phoap dollm
Induco spoculutlou. Hpinulatlou 1 flus so Until
prices soar but look out foMUoimQP
i:n i'itrsiiYTi:iti,N cncitcii
(W. P. Cochran, Pastor.)
10:00, Dlblo School.
11:00, Worship.
Sormon subject, "Tho Kingdom of
8:00, Worship.
Min'iiomsT rmiitcii
Sunday Servient
10 A. M., Stindny School.
It A. M., Primchlng "Life's F.b-
7:30. P. M.. Preaching "Tho Day
of Reckoning."
This will bo tho Inst Sunday of an
other Conference year. Let us havo
good crowds.
Hntimlny, Hepteinber ltd
"Tim lleloifil Cheatei"
A two reel Hunk .Mann
.Sunday, Seiteiuber nth
- "Dauclii' I'lml" i
Kill)' Conictllanl ,
MoudayjJJcuteniUT y
Jvjrtiacu reiij J
"Duiuin' l.'ool" I
"llnliy Doll Dandlt"
Tnevlay, Kcptcmtierllt-'
"Dlack U White"
lutei national Sow Reel
Wednesday, Repteiulier Hth
"Tho nlh0 Road"
I'utlio News
Thin sday, September Dili &
I'llduy, September loth
"The He W(df"
A Jack Loudon Hfitn-Inl
Comedy Ait
llyre U our adylca lu tttaos rlko AV
-lit, for tk dbtorwuy hav topay
JucV (but
chrap dollars with Aloar oh
Ahov all, SAVE, tow wlille moueyli planllfal
..,.1 ...In... nrn untrlllir. Til ChU&rUOUitt ft tkl
nnd prices aro soArluc The
preseut will btyluora vahyrt some An
(hum uow undiolil irtfto thorn. It hLl" csikhi
u llfotlum toAiav. Uso ourUnK as a (iepH..
Rvery dollar (eutriiHjoJ-tlf us will be carefullr if-
This Stove s.Famj
s r J
TW. n.n,,i.. TJ.,1 f) w jJthe cf dioojintU er P"
Cnt "Oik " tov ver built. In uc U thrif todiy
..... ..i i )' f. ,.. luivibtrn. (iu
liuilantvbwrneiceild-a4tn eiuihaivy raru
We urgndy rtcomintnJ in wily &&'
thwehcitenauyUuuobuuubwUur, i