E23 THE ONTARIO ARGUS, ONTARIO, OREGON, THUHSDAV. SEPTEMBER 2, 1920 I it Jt' ' CIllHOl'ItACTIO lmoT3 th causi of rheumatism, sciatica, lumbaeo, upptmllcltli, tolt r, tiiart trouhU, htari achea, utom ach and kidney trouble, etc. Na- ture tbeu restores the diseased porta of orcaiu to health Let me explain Chiropractic to you. Dlt. It. A. MOON, Over the I'oat Office, Ontiirlo, Ore. EXPRESS AND J J TRANSFER Now opon for buelnoro ... WBLL COOKED FOOD ,. r,1 ,,., aOODBEHVICK Itealdonco Phono 116J2 FAMILY PATnONAQH H. n. Caldwoll SOLICITED. pr0p Open 6:30 n. m. to 12 p. m. Ontario, Oregon Quick Service EDUCATION PAYS I-XIll TUB INDIVIDUAL AND H)U TUB HTATB A I'onon with No Education linn but Ono Chnnco In 1GO.O00 to Homier Distinguished Scrvlco to tho Public Willi Common School Education 4 Clmnces With Hleh School. KdtlCritlOn - 87 Clmiibes With CoIIcro Educntlou 800 Chnii$oy AHB YOU GIVlNfl YOUIl CHILD HIH CIIANCK7 INVESTED THOSE STATES AIIE WEALTHIEST THAT HAVE MOST IN EDUCATION Oregon Agricultural College TliroiiRli a "Mhornl and IVnctlcal Education" pro pares tho Young MonOM! Youur Woman for Useful Citizenship tiTrir Successful Careors In Axrlrulturo KiigliircrliiK MinlnK Home Bconomti'M Coniiiiorco l'liiirnincy 1'oivntry Vornllonnl Education Thy Training Includes PHYSICAL EDUCATION, MUSIC, ENGLISH, MODEUN LANOUAOE, AUT and tho Other EsKOtitlals or a Standard Technical CoIIoko Courso I'ALL TEUM OPENS Hl.TTKMHKIl 20, 11)20. TUITION IS HIKE KOIl INKOHMATION WHITE TO TUB ItlXJIHTltAlt, OicRdii Agricultural College, t'oiviilll", Oicki.ii F rai m in w.. ii UNDERTAKING fei3 II. L. PETEItSON . . C. II. AHUSTUH - 7 Licened) Embalmcrs Modern .Chapel Funeral' Car Services - . . -1 .t. - --J-J j-ij-ij-i, nrririr iit-witmittrtjfxnKrujj'xjKnj'fjjxiJj'ij' s F Ontario, Oregon Phone 37J ' ! Qt44&PW444&W&li't-4 FALL OPENING of Millinery The Osborn Millinery announcs Its PALI OPENING on SaturdaySept. 11 We will have on display at that time many exclusive pattern hats as well as trimmed and tailored hats in all the new effects and materials OSBORN MILLINERY Ontario, Oregon Miss Ella Hosteller has roiio to Nil in pa to help at tho Nellsou homo. Miss Itcua Junks has returned from her trip to tho southwest and is at tho homo of her sinter, Mrs. Jess Heckwltli. Philip Dnrhtlor nnd A. O. ZIiik leiiinn havo roiio to Portland and lin modlato vicinity to look nt tho coun try. Mrs. Dora Yost Is homo from a business trip to llolso. MIbs Esther Russell visited Wod nrsday and Thursday In Parma with Mr. nnd Mrs. John Anderson mid Miss Florence Anderson. Mrs. Erlckson. sister of Mrs. John Anderson, left this Thursday oven Iiik for hor homo In Spnkntio. Miss Winifred llosson and Miss Eva Utomstrom nro In Nampa this week nttondlnit tho Teacher's Asso ciation. A very Interesting and profitable Frances Wlllnrd W ('. T. U. mcot- Iiik wns held Thursday at the homo 'of Mrs. It. V Smith. Whlto ribbons were pinned upon eleven now mem bers, making In all about 7S mem bers of this one Union, anil eleven whlto ribbon recruiters wero ndded to tho list. Tho President, Mrs. It. W. Smith, and tho Secretary, Mrs. Aaron Colllnsworth wero re-elected to ther rospcctlvo offices during tho afternoon and Mrs. Anna Collins worth was elected Treasurer. This Is probably tho largest Union in tho stato nnd n itront Interest In din 'work is always shown. I Ilo suro to attend tho Carnival Saturday ovciiIiir, September 4th, on tho William McConnell lawn. Lively entortnlnmeut, stunts, program, eats. ' Mr. nnd Mrs. Tom Drown nnd sou and daughter, Miss Dolly, and Mrs. Urnnt Flalior nnd dnughtor, Miss Mil dred, wero In llolso Monday. Miss Drown and Miss Fisher will outer Idaho Commercial College. William Hollunbcck mndo n busl- i moms trip to llolso Monday, return lng Tuesday. (Irnnt Fisher ac companied him. Mrs. Erlckson, of Spokane, wns called horo last weok by tho death of hor nephew. Dr. Alan Anderson. ,'Sho Is tho guest this wook until .Thursday night at tho Emost Aiuler 'sou homo at Parma. Dr Dan lllohnrdsou and thrco sons loft Tuesday for their homo nt Park City, Utah, aftor a visit at tho J. F. i Itlchnrdson homo. Mr. Packard of I .Ogdoii, accompanied Mr. Itlchnrdson. I Two of tho soim nro returning with i their father, having boen with thulr Igrnndpnronts for tho summer. Mrs. Coslo Ilrniithoovor loft on the first for lloNo to Inkn n roursn nl tho Idaho Iluslness College. While away hor little daughter will stay I with tho grandparents, Mr. and Mrs .m. it, Hiiormnii. Thoso from horo nttoudlng tho funeral or Dr. Allen Anderson In llolso last Friday woro Mrs. E. A Ltnck, Fom, Arthur and Helen .Mr , and Mrs. A. T. Dlshnp, Mr. and Mrs Italph Mnkliison, MIssoh Mnmlo liny ur, Margaret Whoaldon, Ollvo Hunt- or, I.ucllo Hill, Dornlio McOoo. Mr land Mrs. W. J. Ilussoll, Lewis Itus- o!l, Mr, nnd Mrs. Axol J.i'nison. nnd William Hoi'onbeck Mr. Tlllory .1 L.ro. tl.o uucti tf Mr and Vrs. C. r Wlw 'tnlph Johuso'i has us his gti'Mts his father and mother and n slnim-In-law and two children Irom Nobras ka for u visit. Mrs. Mary Tackott and daughter. Mary Jauo, nro homo from an extend ed visit In Clinton, Illinois. Mrs. T. O. Ady mid son are homo from n visit to rolatlvos In tho oast Miss Jano Carry Carroll loft Sun day moraine for hor homn nt rinm. land, Ohio, nftur a month's visit Willi nor inoilmr. .Mm n I. l....,r,i MIhh Allen ('nrroll ulin Imu l.n.... tl.o guest of hor aunt. Mrs Ingnrd, left Thursday for hor homo In Portland Iafa Itoyston has gono to Alberta Canada to assist his brother, Schuy lor harvest grain. Miss Wllmn lllllllncnr nn.l Mi Poarl Ebv havo conn in Mnnriiinr Indiana to attend tho Unit orally. Miss Fstlinr Klncnv nml '.;..- Tannohlll camo down from llolso (ho last of tho wnnk for n vluli , n.n iKinsoy homo. Mr. Tannohlll will ro- jiuni uio nrsi or i no weok. Mlaa Kin soy will remain at homo. I IlocnURO of tho cold threatening nuuuiur uiu ruyuuo i ouuiy l'lenlc which was hold at Frultland school grlounds Wvinosdny, August 25th, ,was slow in getting down to tho en- tortalnlng features of tho program but whon onco started lackod noth- lillir of intnrnat from llm vr,. ..,...,... . . --..-. - ...... ,..w fuutihukvia iiuui racoB to tno um Maid and Mar ried Women's race. Tho married jinuii, miicii io me surprise of most ovory ono, wou In n closo gamo 1 2 to l in the ball gamo. Hob Tae ,kott won tho slow auto race. Pay etto closed their buslnoss housos and camo out to visit our Ilttlo town and showed tholr Intorost In tho success of tho picnic. Mr. Fluharty of tho aiuio university gavo a short talk. Much Intorost was taken In tho stock JUdKllli: COIltRKtH mill tlm nn,...l.. - .. .1 sewing demonstrations. Frultland toaehlncr rnrm nt nn.,i. Crs is about rnmnlnlail ''). n...... land schools w 111 open Sentomimr lotll. Thn fnllnu'lnr tnoM.n..,, i boon ClPCteil: Simnrlntn..,!,,.,. -.i , c ..,.'l. ".'" ""i. v-llill- . . '. ,,,r, acienco and Manual Training, y c, Wlsoj History and Olgobra, Estlier Hood; English nIlli in UQ, Allco nnrrott; Commercial, Scholz; Home Economics, unknown; Eighth Grado. Hazel Smith; Seventh (rndo. Emma Kosslor; Sixth Grade Allco Kllne: Flftli nr.H V.T"n' S!.b",! ZK&?)h ntcr; ....... v., um. ivuiiu niomstrom; sec ond Grmln. Mrs lii.il. v i ' .. lrmary (a), Miss Itena Jcuks Prlmarv Hit. m itilrn.,,. L... " 8,,l,, ',r,n""r Holon Llncki' Sunny-" sldo Grammar, Daphno McKeown. .,XANTEDTGlrJ for Bcneral hcinc work. Innulro of Mrs. n i ni Modernized Chiropractic Your Health Can be Restored by the Latest Scientific Method Chiropracti No Drugs or Surgery 'I if ';W "" (' ' - tmmt"m wo.o.w " - - Tm m m m i I liavo tho Best Equipped Ohinrpractic OfficoIn tho Stato of Oregon 1G YECBS"0F EXPERIENCE .Mv HKHlpriiit'd system of ChirnprnVlie hi a KcicntjVic nit'tlioil tr niljiutfc liv hiiiid the i-imsc iV all cHnciUi?r-1t ia n corri'ct kiiaWlede !" f In lraiiiasih sjihml (!(rd mid the litM'vret'iiiaiiatiiiMlitm'fnjmr iy ndjii.sliujr tlio , nei'vp renter, the snuie. in a natural ninnuiM'-w sense is removed. Disease is an nhnawriai umurtlfv of impul.se.s caused by certain (kmi pressure upon tlnHicrVes. After locating the pressure my modernized nirtl oil of ehiroprnetie corrects the same thereby' causing a normal traiisniiyi of nerve force from the brain to all the tissues and organs oft ho body, wto ing health. I make a. specially of KleetroTherepeutiu's using Xltny, Violet Hay, IN freqiienov, Auto ('oiidensntioii, Auto Conduction, Dinthoromy, Do AiwmJ Siiiuisoidal fnradic nud gnlvilnie currents, also Thcropeutic lilit, concu and vibration. Iicniombor, if after making a thorough examination, T conrhido that; condition cannot either be cured or relieved I will lrankly tell you so. Consultation and Examination Free Offices Rooms 203 and 204, Mooro Hotol Other Hrs. by Hours 10:30 to 12 1:30 to 5 Appointments Lady Attend H HIGH ART CLOTHING .,:. uur own policy ol increased volume regardless profits the enormous buying power of our cofr bined stores and the .general demand for modcr. alions of prices enables u to offer these high mr SUITS at these modest prices $34.50, $38 $42.5 GREY, BROWN, BLUE, FANCIES in the latest and faddiest models in single, double breasted models. This is tho most conip early showing we have ever made.. ALEXANDE ONE PRICE CLOTHIER ONTARIO, OB U 3D-tf.' , .mZSWii"- f