THE ONTARIO AKUUS. ONTARIO. OREGON. THCJKSJMV. AUGUST 20, 11)20 " LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SALE OK IlKAIj PItOPKHTV By Adralnlatrator Notice In hereby gtvon that tho undorslgnod, tho duly appointed act ing and qualified administrator of tho ontnto of W. J. Mink daceasod, undor and by vlrtuo of a Lteonso du ly obtained therefor from the Coun ty Court of tho State of OroRon, for Mnlhour County, dated tho 26, day of July, 1920, will beginning on tho 4th day of September, 1920 at the hour of 9 o'clock A. M. and until the hour of 4 o'clock, 1'. M. of Bald day and continuing thereafter from day to day until boiu orror ror salo at prlvato sale tho following described real proporty to-wit: belonging to tho ostato of said W. J. Mink decoas od, Lota Nuraberod, 16 and 17 In Dlock No. 206 In tho City of Ontario, Oregon, Lots Numbcrod, 14 and 1C In Illock No. 23C In tho City of On tario, Oregon, Fractional BE of N KVi Sec. 3, Twp 18 S. II. 47, B. W. M. (of Lot C) at prlvato salo, for cosh In hand, and subject to confirmation of tho ald County Court of the Statu of Oregon, tor Mainour County. This Notice of salo Is published, tn tho Ontario, Argus a weekly News paper; published In Ontario, Oregon, and of gonoral circulation In Mai nour County, Oregon, for four con secutive weeks. Date of first publication, Aug, Gtb. 1920, dato of last publication, Sept, 2nd, 1920. D. 11. rURCELLy Administrator of the Estato of W. 3, Mink Deceased. law offlcos of W. II. llrooko and P. J. QaltAghor, In Ontario, Malheur County, Oregon. Tho first notlco hereto Is publish ed this 29th day of July 1020. W. H. BROOKE, Administrator of tho Es tato of Sldnoy McKntght, dor eased. OF SUMMONS In Tim Circuit Court of Uio Stato of Oregon, For Uio County of Malheur EVA DAY Plaintiff, vs. RALPH F. DAY, Dofcndant. TO IIALPII F. DAY, tho abovo named defcndant: IN THE NAMH OF TUB STATE OF OREOON, you aro hereby requir ed to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you In tho above entitled causo on or baforu tho 3rd day of Soptembon 1920, the samo being tho last day of tho time pro scribed by order of this Court dir ecting that aervlco pt Summons In said suit bo mads upon you by publi cation, and it you fall ho to answer, for want thereof, tho plaintiff will apply to tho Court for tho relief de manded In said compluint, to-wlt: For a decroe of said Court dissolving tho bonds of matrimony now exist ing between you and tho said plain tiff, and granting to tho said plain tiff an absoluto divorce and also granting to said plaintiff tho care and custody of tho minor child, Italph I. juy , You aro further notlflod that this 'Summons Is served upon you by pub lication, under and by vlrtuo of an order of. tho Honorabla Dalton lllggs, Judgo of IhU court, which said order was rondo aud catorod In said causa on tbo 13th day of July, 1920, and 'olfe'etqd'.'tbftt this Summons br pub lished oaco each' weok for six con ocutlro week In tbo Ontario Argus, comsvonclng with the Issuo of July 23 "and endlngowlth the isauo of Bepjem iber 3rd,1920, of said newspaper. ,Tbo first publication of this Hum roons.'Is July 93, 1980, the lost pub lication Is Beptomber 3rd, 1920. j. w. Mcculloch, 1 Itesldlng at Ontario. Oregon, T Attorney for plaintiff NOT1CK OF THE BALK REAL rilOl'KUTV. In Tlio Circuit Court of thcHtnto of Oregon, For tho County of. Mal heur. lu tho Matter of the Estato of N'micy Kliuo, Dcconsod. To Kntlo Klme, Erma Klmo, Orvll Klruo, and to Martha L. llrodorlck, guardian ad litem of tho abovo nam ed minor holrs; tho known heirs nnd dovlsces, und to nil other holrs un known, If any, of Nancy Klmo, de ceased, and to nil porsons unknown or concerned, GREETINGS: Notlco U hereby given that by vlrtuo of a certain order of the Coun ty Court of tho Stato of Oregon, for Malheur County, mado and entered on tho 17th day of July, 1920, that tho undersigned, as executor of the ostato of Nancy Klmo, deceased, I will on and after the tth day of I September, 1920, sell nt private sale for tho best prlco obtainable, and for cash, all of tho following des cribed real ostato, to-wlt: Tho East Half of tho Northwest quarter; tho Buthwest quarter, and tho Southwost quartor of tho south east quarter of section twenty-six; and the East half of tho Southeast NOTICE IX) CONTRACTORS Call for Mils Notice Is hereby glvon that sealed bids wilt ho rccelvod at tho office of I the County Clork of Malheur County, at Vnlo Oregon aip to 2 P. M. on Sat urday September 4, 1920, for tho construction of tho Jordan Valley to Knights ranch nectlon of tho Jordan Valloy-Nysna market road, Including approximately 30,000 yards of exca vation, grnvel surfacing, bank run, plans und specifications for which may bo had at tho office of tho Coun ty Hoadmaster at Ontnrlo, Oregon or nt tho offlco of tho County Clork In Vale, Oregon, A certified check for ten per cent of tho amount hid must accompany ouch proposal. Tho County Court reserves tho right to roject any or all bids. County Court of Malheur Count) Oregon. By E. II. TEST, County Judg FRUITLANDBENGH NEWS m, (Continued From Pugo 2) n.inimi iiiwmirjvr nmmtvwmPH B$$ Bl jfcJ ALIAS SUMMONS In tho Circuit Court of the Hlntn of Orrgon, Fop Malheur County. Poto DuFord and Edna DuFord, doing business under tho ussumod namo of tho "ONTAHIO AUTO COMPANY" Plaintiffs. W. O. Laws, II E. Young nnd tho "EA8TEHN OREGON AUTO COM PANY." Dofendauts. To W. O. Laws, II. E. Young and tho "EA8TEHN OREGON AUTO COM PANY.", Dofendauts. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OHEUON, You nro hcroby ro- the tiiilptfiil trt nhtiAni ntiil nMcunp . . . . , . .. uuiivu sr huuvhi una rr . quarter or iwcuon, iwoniy-sovon, compIonl flIod against you In tho township eighteen, South of Range abovo entltlwd suit on or before tho forty-one, E. W. M. In Malheur Ceun- expiration of six weeks from tho zOth ty, Oregon. JOHN ZIMMERMAN, Administrator of tbo Es - tato of Nancy Klmo, Do coasod. lly llrooko and Oallagher, his Attorneys. First Pbullcatlon July 29, 1920. Last Publication August 26, 1920. Ilrooke & Qallagher, Ontario, Oregon, Attorneys for Executor. T V. NOTICE! TO CREDITORS ja iuo iwunijr iun oi wh own u Oregon, For Malhur Couutgr. "Hn tho. flatter of tbo KUto of llilac) Ksrfght, Dccsed. v Notice Is hereby given by W, II. Brooke, aa administrator with the '.will annexed, of the Hitato of Sid ney Kalght, deceased, to the "creditors of and all persona having claims against said estate, to present sach claims with th,e necessary roach ers, according to law, within six months after tho first publication of this notice to W. H. llrooko at tbo NOTlCi: TO CHKDITORS In Uio District Court of tur United HUfra for tho District of Ortoa la tho Matter of Ltr layman, BANKRUPT In Bankruptcy To tho Creditors of lister Hoyman of Ontario la the County of Mal heur, and District aforesaid, a bankrupt: Notice Ifl hcroby given thut ou tho Uth day of August, 1920, tbo said Lester Heyman was duly adjudged bankrupt; and that the first meeting of his creditors will bo held at tho City Hall lu Ontario, Malheur Coun ty, State of Oregon, on the 27th day of August, 1920, at tbo hour of two o'clock In tho afternoon of said day, at which time and place the said creditors may attend, provo their 'claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt it he is present, and transact such other business an may properly como before said meeting. CLAY M. STEARNS, Referee In Bankruptcy Dated August 14, 1920. 37-lt. day of August, 1920; and If you fall to answer for want thereof plain tiffs will apply to tho Court for tho relief prayed for In their complaint horoln, to-wlt: for Judg ment against you for tho sum of $164,25 and Interest thereon from Soptembor 2C, 1919, at 0 per an num nnd for tho further sum of 16.00 per month for each month commencing September 19, 1919, to the final determination of this suit and for tho further sum of $10.00, I cost of preparing Mechanic's Lien and for tho further sum of 26c, fil ing feo, and for tho further sum of $76.00 attorney's feo and for thotr costs nnd disbursements herein. For a decreo of this Court foreclosing : their certain Mechanic's Lien fllod lu I tho offlco of tho County Clork of Mal eour County, Oregon, on August 6, ,1920, and for such other relief as to tho Court may scum Just and equit able. I This summons Is published pursu 'ant to an order of tho Hon. Dultoii I lllggs. Judgo of tho abovo ontltled Court, dated August 23, 1920. First publication, August 20, 1920. Lust publication, October 7, 1920. Win, E. LEES, Attorney for PlulntlffH Rosldlng at Ontario, Oregon. homo. Tho mother and (laughter me touchem In tho Juntura schools, Miss Lola Jensen, of Vulu, ruturn oil homo Inst week utter huliig tho houso guest of Miss Ilernlce M.Ceo for a week. Tho M. E. Lnitluq Aid of Fruit laud conducted un Ice cream ittiil letnonado stand nt (he lo'.vu picnic, Washoo Qrovo, Friday. A Inrgo num ber of Fruttlnnd ppapla worn Ioujiih and enjoyed the. bountiful picnic din ner and goou speeches 'hi'.l prowill cd Them wore a largo miiuior of teoplo presont from outside of tlm County. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Munch linvn ro turned from a trip to LuOratutu, The friends of Dr. Alan Attdcr son will bo sorry to know that hi Is seriously ill In tho hospital at On tarlo. Mr. and Mrs, J. F. Smith entor- tallied Sunday to a largu dinner thcro being nineteen guests: Mr aud Mrs. C. Porter, M'os Mar Hollenbork, Mrs. Ida Klrkliind Misses Evelyn and Virginia Ittrh, Mr and Mrs. a. I. Hollcnbuck, Miss Zlin merman, Mr. and Mrs. William Hoi lenbeck nnd Charles Hubert. Mr. and Mrs. Hauurt liavu return ed to.tholr homo In Nebraska ufte, a voral wcoks visit horo wllli Mr and Mrs. Jacob Itaucrt. Mr. nnd Mrs. William Itaucrt aud Mr. and Mrs. Mauo Puchort have re turned from a weeks' outing lit I'uj- ctlo Lukes. .k19MeE-4& aVina' JdOt3tgaKTrttrUrJt( Get the Best Out of Your Vacation Wise is the person who gets the most out of his or her vacation, making; it a time not only for en joyment, but for physical exercise in the open nir, which is a grent body builder. New accounts, including yours, are invited. 4,1 1itirent I'uid on Saving Accounts ONmrncrffiroNM, Bank t OLDEST BANK IN j GRANT, IIAttNEY2L MALHEUR COUNTIES M1 If It's tr'nUnr. can do It. INSIST on an abstract of title when you purchase or lead money on real estate. MALHEUR TITLE AND ABSTRACT CO., VaU Oregon. Defective wiring often results in a disastrous fire. BUT NOT if we do the wir ing. We avoid defects and you avoid fires. HAVE THAT ELECTRICAL JOB DONE RIGHT Let us do it Northwestern Electric Co. Phone 188-J Ontario, Oregon GIRLS AM) WOMEN THE IU1AL TEST Is overy day llvlug ARE YOU HKADV FOR IT! HOME Sanitation HYOIENE for yourseir AND thoso dependent upon you CARE that should bo exorcised to KEEP WELL OF tho needs of those who aro SICK and what to do ror tkem. BTUDY NOW! Tho Home Hygiene aud Care of tho Hick Course Is being given by On tario Chapter, American Red Croas Mrs. Henry Oritflu Mrs. Larue Dlackaby Mrs. A. S. Drown Mrs. E. M. Orolg Women and girls Interested tn tak ing this course may do so by addrewt log members of the Committee or merely addrosslng Red Cross. HAVE YOUR OAR MADE JUST I J UK NEW The power of your auto ou Cine cornea from tho cylinders and this to tho Only Shop in Malheur county that has a CYLINDER BOIUNQ MACHINE This permits us to do this ac curate machine work to a hair, and do It quickly, Now is the time to have your engine overhauled. MARDEN'H MACHINE SHOP Ontario, Oregon DOUGHNUTS The Home Made Kind Crisp, Flukey, Nutritioup These are just one of tho many delicatessen dain ties you can i;t nt dflie Bfrietiirti &rtt The first aid to tho busy housewife The RLUEBI It F) S' Heady Cooked Kood JVIrs. C. G. Pinney, Prop. The Old Reliable Commercial Creamery Company Ontario, Oregon ' YOUR BEST FRIEND We Want AH Your Cream And Produce Top Price Spot Cash Correct Weights MISS ALICE FOX, At. Accura tc Tests Phone 182 m l HOSTON CU U Now open for bunlnetn WELL COOKED FOOD 4 aooq' service FAMILY FATRONAOE SOLICITED. 4 4 Open 6:30 a, m. to 12 p ui 4 4 Ontario, Oregon a jf4i f 9 V tm Say- After you cat always tako FATONIC fc C TOR YOUR ACID-STOMACH) instantly relieves I eartburo, Va- dCauy Feeling. 8 topa food souring, rcneatiug, and all stomach miseries. AU, dliUon ud apptllt. Ktmi umwn want and ttiwitf, ln:mHi VlUllty ud lp. EATON ICIa IbaUtt rwrJir.f tt tboo Mad woodrfullr Mud, Oolf eoucn rtwaxtwUoMlt. ii4lillruriito4 loptMorrriilll rtfund mono, OctaWc fcoxuxUr. YoiiwuJM, Ontario Pharmacy "Try It Out Yourself" says the Good Judge And you will find how much more satisfaction a little of this Real Tobacco gives you than you ever got from a big chew of the ordinary kind. The good, rich, real to bacco taste lasts so long you don't need a fresh chew nearly as often. So it costs you less. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put up in two stylet W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco McDowell Undertaking Parlors A. I,. McDowell, Prop. J. O. IMtlllnlmtim, Licensed Kmbulmcr uiul Funeral Director Kiiiiurnls diiTclod from the parlor-clmpol, tjie home, or from the eluiroli of your choice Parlors Kitunted in a quiet district services rendered to nil Experienced Lady Assistant Day Phone 10GW Night Phone 85UI THf ARGUS PRINTS BUTTERWRAPS ANNOUNCEMENT Having removed my bottling works from Payette to the Moore building, north f the Ontario Fiiriii ture Company, Ontario, T urn better prepared te tie oommodate the public with refreshing drinks and respectfully solicit a share of your patronage, Respectfully, ONTARIO BOTTLING WORKS W. R. Higinbotham & Son, Props. Formerly City Bottling Works of Payette 1 .Vftisfri- a MHHQI