tvjitiM im'uaviiiftiiwwi MaWmMMMMMm TOE ONTAJUO AM US. ONTAKIO. OIJEOON. THLMfSDAV. AUGUST 27, 1920. JJX& lie GDutarin Argun AN INDCPCNOCNT NEWSPAPER Published Thursdays at Ontario, Oregon, and ontorml at tho Ontario post office (or distribution as 2nd class matter. AHGUS PmiLIHIIINGI COMPANY PublUhcrs 0. K. AIKEN, Managing Editor T. McPAHLIN OOUGH, Sup't. 8UU8CMPTION......Ono Year, J2.00 A CITY WITH A VII.I Astoria, tho oldest city In Oregon, so thoy say, Is an oxutnplo of n city with a will, Whnt tlic men of tlint community hns sot tholr minds to do townrd tho nulliflne of a great son port linn, In a targe measure been ac complished, juid standM today as a monumont co tholr lalth In tholr community. It Is no small task to which they have addressed thomsclvcs, for among other things they luivo undertaken to build tcrmlnnl fncllltleH costing millions of dollars, wheat elevators handling grain on bulk, flour mills, fishing wharves and all tho facilities noodod .for a great ocoan turniinitl. And what Is mora these works nrn going forward at a pace that will set a mark for other conitnuntltos to aim at for ears to come. In doing alt this Astoria It not overlooking tho esthetic advantages of community life. Its pcoplo are building flno homes, thoy havo beau tiful PU)l4j. bulldlnfts, schools and churcheiRidgo hulls Hint would bo a prldo of cities of greater popula tion than Is that founded by tho I great Autor. " Nor aro they hiding tholr light under a bushel not tho people of Astorln, with a justifiable prldo they nro Inviting conventions to their city showing them the possibilities of As toria and whnt Its enterprising cit izens are doing. Thu spaco they set for their com mercial activities Is not disregarded In their wholehearted hospitality. They aro doing nothing by halves In their community mid tho feeling one hns on leaving Is ono of complotod plcasuro united with n determination to ngnln visit there. f RUITLAND BENCH NEWS (let a premium list and boost tho Fair. Turn your second hnnd machinery Into cush your neighbor might want Just what you don't need let the Argus Want Ads carry tho messnge to him. Head nows. The Ontario Argus for llir I "If you want to livo in thu kind of a, town Like the kind of a town that you like You needn't li) your clothes in a grip And .start on a long, long hike; You'll only find what you left behind For there's nothing that's really new; It's a knock at yourself when you knock your town, It isn't the town it's you. i) "Ileal towns are not made by men afraid Lest somebody else gets ahead; When everyone works and nobody shirks, You ean raise a town from the dead; And if, while you're making your personal stake Your neighbor ean make one too; Your town will be what you want to see It isn't the town it's you." Anon. Miss Tamile Poncnrk and Mr Wntklns were united In mnrrlage Sunday, August lr.tli, nt tho home of tho brldo's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N A. Peacock, by Hov. Kohl lltirtch, of tho Now Plymouth Daptlst church They hnvo gone to MIdvulo to make their homo where tho groom Is In business. Mm. WuthliiH hits been a tencher In tho. County and Is a most lovablo young- womnn and her ninny friends hero mid idmtwhuro wish tliein n long happy life. Cm- Demolished Hov. N. II. Payne wntt driving hlr Oakland Six Into Payette from Fruit land his homo, Saturday night, -with nlna occupants In tho car, and at the Irvlu ranch slough hnlf way-bQtucon tho two towns, Just boforo going up on tho brldgo, n car from Payette for with very bright head lights thrown on to him suddenly caused him to get too clofo to tho edge mid tho onr went over tho embankment throwing flva of them into thu mud nnd water. tho other four holding on to the upturned cnr. Many of them receiv ed bruises but no broken bones. Two tires woro stolen from the dnmaged car. , Mrs. Peurl Peterson' sold her flo aero orchard tract to Mr. and Mrs Wise, tenchors In tho Krultluud High School. This is ono of the desirable tracts and this year has an nhtind- nuco of apples on 'It. Mis. Peterson retulns tho crop. Mr. and Mrs. Charles I.. Itlrh nnd Mr. and Mrs. I,. II. Itlrh have gone to Alberta, Oiinndu. making a detoui ourotito through the Yellowstom Nntlonnl Park. They aro away on business. Will return via l.ewlston nnd Spoknno. Mr. and Mrs. II. 0. Cornwoll sold their place to Ituy Cox, of Wilder, mid have gone to California hy auto Mini Adelaide Mitchell has gone to Scattlo to toach school the coming winter after spending the summer with her mother, Mrs, C'relghton Symes. Mr. and Mrs. Clydo Hurd aro the parents of a son born August lGtlu George H, Loersch has purchased the forty acres ono half mile cast of Krultland from Dr. lleinloruon, of Carpontorla, California. Oratvt anrdner'has gono to Poca tello to attend tho Republican Statu Convention, ho being u delegate from Payette County. any Qrnham left Monday for Amorlcan Kails as a delegate to the Democratic Stato Convention from Pavotto County. Orntit Oardncr nccoiupnnled MIhs Mnitna Wilson and Mr. mil Mis Drowning and their house gtict's to t'.ii hi. Is last wcok for n fov days outl:i?. John Ilcckis was ip from IVnn.i over ' mi day with homo iuIki Supt. Charles S, Miller and Mrs Miller and two sons, Charles and Winston returned last weak from w two months' trip to Ohio mid othot eastern polntK Prof. T. H. Nellson passed through Fultlninl Sunday, coming from hit now homo at Midway. Mr, and Mrs. Kvnn Knbcrg, Misses Duello Hill unit llcrnlro MeOee, Messrs. Italph Johnson and Arthur Murk hnvo returned from a ten days' outing nt Smiths' Kerry. Mrs. Jennlo Upnou nnd daughter, Juaultn, of Juntura, Oregon, wore guests last weok nt thu J. W. MiOen I MM (Contlnuod on Page sovun) Vff "o William Farm I IN a WOLVES Mr NUFF SJED F. M. HUNTER PIANO TUNINO Tho undorslRnod will bo In Outnilo about tho first weok In Sopt. tuning pianos. An ono wishing their p'nno tuned nt that time wilt pi en no louv orders with Mrs. Cox. My tuning Is highly recommended by Mrs Moody at Vulu who Is tho proud pos sessor of u Slclnwny Oram! uml which I tuned. D. N. I locked FORDSON POWER ON THE FARM The afterservLe that gdea with the Ford son Tractor is second to none. Ford son dealers are located in every community . with stocks of spare parts and employing skilled mechanics who know just how the Fordson should be kept and taken care of to do it best work. This Fordson service means that your triitorcan be kept busy everv working day during the entire year; that Fordson mechanics are ready to show you how to get the best results from the tractor. Fordson ' service insures you against delay in getting parts. It is your protec- i tioti. luis a protection now being enjoyed by more than 100,000 Fordson farmers in the United Stales. Let the Fordson dealer tell ou all about the Fordson service and the Fordson Tractor. ford Garage ONTARIO, OREGON V. K. STAPLES, Proprietor 00 Patroni.e the Merchants who Advertise in The Argus. ...,.. keep 7 si0n oer In tune with jxrogress Lubrication has advanced aince the days of tallow on the wagon hub. Today it Is a cience with a correct grade of Zerolenc for each type of engine. More than half the automo tive equipment owners of the Pacific Coast follow the rec ommendations of our Brd of Lubrication Engineers and use the correct grade of Zerolene for their automobiles, trucks, tractors and airplanes. Ask your dealer for a Correct Lu brication booklet for your en gine. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Clifomh) iCiV J .&BBz:J o2y A grade foreach typeof engine TRACTOR! There It correct end of Zerolene for eecta type of tractor. Frederick M. Hunter of Oakland, Cal., nevvly elected president of the National Educational association. EXPRESS AND TRANSFER Phone 162 , Hesldenco Phone U5J2 II. R. Caldwell Prop. r Quick Servico 7 Users of Carnation Milk find it a real economy there is no waste because it keeps longer. Carnation is pure, wholesome milk "from contented cows." After being evap orated to the consistency of cream (just partof the water removed), it is hermetically sealed in new con tainers. It is then sterilized scien tifically thcCarnationway which is another reason why Carnation Milk keeps longer. Your grocer has this convenient milk supply. Keep . several cans in your pantry. 100 letted recipe dee. Write drnatlun Milk Product! Co,, 1560 Stuart IlMc,, Settle Carnation "Fr o m Contented Cows" Milk Tht laid is rtiand uih'tt QMSai WfflSBiBa 0. H. TEST, SPECIAL AGENT STANDARD OIL CO. ONTARIO, :: OREGON jLsHBH&LwTptfJ&'TLrLsLsHSiS Yov-x Profits Depend1 Upon I our Sale; ,o 'O Ship Your Ranee Cattle and Sheep to GENE MELADV "The Master Man" of the Live Stock Trade MELADY BROTHERS Live Stcc1: Commission Merchants OMAHA The Firm of 100 Service For Twenty Years the Most Progressive, Aggresshe Expert Salesmen ol Range Cattle and Sheep in the Live Sioc Industry. OUR MOTTO RESULTS, NOT EXCUSES Bill Your Shipment: the Melady Way 100 lA. C.APFTV i m J SATISFACTION WRITE US fdr roa.Uet inform? lion anil tocl paper free of chnrr