The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 19, 1920, Image 1

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NO. 38.
ItcKlslrntloii Dit) N'ninrd For High
Hrlinot Pupil Additional In
Mructorx Sectiml Mnny
. .Countra OffiM'd
v Ontnrlo schools will opon for
tho roRufivr nluo months torm on
Monday Soptomhcr Ctli. Tho High
School students will bo onrollcd ami
clnsslflod on Thursday and Friday
proceeding according to tho schools
advertisement In thin tssuo.
Tho Hoard ot Education and Sup
erintendent Jv M. McDonald havo sol
octod what thoy bollovo to bo tho
atrongost faculty that tho school has
ovor had and thoy nro oxpoctlng that
tho coming yoara work will ho highly
Four ot Inst ycara high school
lonelier will roturn for this ycut
work. Mr. Boucher, principal nnd
manual arts,- Mr. Thomr.s, scionco
Miss Conway. English and Miss Ah
holt, domestic scionco nnd nrt.
Mr. Cnrloton A. Lnthrop will
toach mathomatlcn and coach nth
lotlcs. Ho holds tho A. II. degrca
from McMlnnvlllo College and comos
highly recommended by tho author
ities thoro.
Miss Wllmn Miles will havo chnrge
, of .mathomntlcs mid Kngllsh. Sho Is a
graduato of tho University ot Utah
nnd has had sovornl yoars success
fill oxporlonco In tho'stuto ot Nevada.
Miss Elizabeth O'llrton Is tho now
supervisor ot Musto nnd Art. Sho Is
a grnduato of Drnko Uulvorslty and
has dono grnduato work at Chicago
Untvornlty nnd at tho (.lolunibln
School ot Music In Chlcngo, Miss
O'llrlon has had eight yours oxporl
onco ns supervisor In several cities
thruout tho west, coming hero from
Nogalos' ArUona. Sho was chosen
0. II. Parsons formorly of tho Scr
vleo Tiro and Dattory Company, sold
his half Interest this week to E. L
Plutumor. Mr. Plummor enmo hero
from Vnlo Inst August nnd workod
for tho Sorvlco Tiro nnd Ilultery Co.,
for sovcrnl months nnd Inter for tho
Concroto I'lpo Co.
Mr. Parsons hns nccoptod n posi
tion with th6' First Notional Hank nt
Tho Sorvlco Tiro and Battery Co.
aspect to movo about tho first of tho
month from tholr prosont location
to ono of tho rooms occupied by the
Dodge Bros.
Mrs. E. L. Allon und sons return
ed Thursday from their vacation at
Pnycttd Lnkes.
(hcrhoittcri Dnttoi-y Charge IJellcvcd
To Hno Boon Cnuip of Hliwo
litiss Approximately $lft,000.0
JiiilKfl Will K. Klnir, Attorney I.
Gnllnghr-r and Director trOvy
hco District Co To Dolxo To
Consider Hltuntlott
from a long list bf strong candidates.
Miss Iluth M. Cabeon, teacher of
History ond Latin Is a gradunto of
McMlnnvlllo Collogo. Sho hns spec
ialized In Dramatics nnd Is rated ono
pf tho strongest scholars In tho 1020
Mtus Marin Hart will havo chargo
of tho Commercial dopartment. Sho
cornea from Maryvlllo, Missouri
whero sho tnught under tho now sup
'fcrlntondont, Mr. McDonald, for tho
past two years. Miss Hart la a grad
unto of tho Chtlllcotho Business Col
lege and hns dono post grnduato
work nt tho Orogg School In Chicago.
Tho Commercial department will bo
reorganized under hor direction and
n two year course loading to a spoclal
diploma will bo arranged.
' Miss Iluth 8usman tho now physi
cal training Instructor holds a degree
, from tho Unlvorslty of Oregon whore
she speoinllzod In physical education.
Sho la especially strong In folkdano
Ing, gymnastics, swimming and play
ground work. Slw Is now sorvlng
hor second summer ns ono ot 'tho
.Portland city playground supervis
ors. 'Thoro will nlso be sovernl now
toachora among tho grndo school
teachers. Miss noryl N. Stlth ot
Terry Montana will hnvo the third
and fourth grades at tho East Side
school. She holds a normal diploma
from Chicago University, and has
taught successfully several years.
Mlsa Mary Sewell ot Maryvlllo Mis
souri will have charge of ono of the
primary rooms nt tho West Side
school. She la unusually Btrong In
her line of work. She Is a graduate
of tho Maryvllle State Teachers Col
lege and has tnught for three years
In tho Trenton, Mo., nnd Maryvlllo,
Mo., schools.
Miss Lola Thomas of Hlllyard
Washington will teach tho third
grade. She Is a Normal school grad
tiain with exnerlence.
To consider posslblo pluns for tho
construction of tho Owyhee Project
so that It will Includo tho lands of
tho dom District In Idaho n confor
onco will bo held In Dolio tomorrow
(Friday.) At this conforonco will bo
Judge Will II. King formorly gonornl
counsel-for tho reclamation sorvlco,
but now In prlvato practice In Wash
ington D. C. Attornoy P. J. Onllag
hor of this city, and tho directors
ot tho Owyhee Project will nlso uo
It Is tho plan to socuro tho co
operation ot tho Idnxo dolcgatHou
In Congress for tho construction of
tho work, since Its building Is of ns
much Intorost to Idaho ns to Orogon
This Is ospoclally truo If pinna can
bo workod out"whoroby tho fonds of
tho Oorn Irrigation District can bo
included, as thoy woro In tho origin
al Owyhee project as outllnod yoars
It Is not tho hopo of tho conforocs
that Immediate ndvoncomentof tho
projocl can bo socurod, but thoy do
slro that the foundation plans bo laid
so that when thn tlmo Is ripe for
action It can bo tnkon.
With all Its contents tho Hopper
Brothers garngo on Orogon streot
nnd First nvonuo N. W. was dostro' -
cd by tiro last Thursday night; The
Ions Is estimated' nt uppraxlmntol)
?lfi)00 of whlcfl"$7,00u wan for tho
building which belonged to T II
Bestdo tho Equipment of tho gar
ngo tw.o nutomjblloa and n motoi
cyclo were restroyed.
Tho flro was ono ot tho most spec
tacular ovor scon In Ontario. Tho
tho flamos filled tho sky with n lurid
light, fortunntoly uo blazing slndors
foil on any of tho near by buildings
for thoro was not n breath ot air
stirring during tho flrb.
As In tho caso of tho Argus flro
tho Payette flro dopartment was call
ed upon to assist nnd canio ovor In
n short tlmo and did valiant work
along with tho men of tho Ontario
donurtmont. to whoio good work Is
duo' the fact that no other buildings
woro destroyed.
Meeting At Cairo Ginles Co-opcvn-
tho I'riMiiil Ono Ht;l Fin titer
' Additional HIhiicih I.fltiK
Mccuieil Nmv
An Interesting nrocrnm was clNcu
by tho Big Bend. Sewing Club girls
for a number of frtouda nt a meet
ing hold nt tho home of tho Club
lender, Mrs. B. O. Itoborts, on the MlcNolutloii PuMird An Written By Ijo-
A'rospccts for1 tho Installation ot n
co-opornttvijly owned nltulta meal
mill at Cairn woro I'llmmul nt n
meeting hold nt tho arnngn hnll lam
owning nttondod by n large mini bit
of nlfnlfa rnnchors t' Hint vlrlnlty
.After n tllocuia'oti of tho proposi
tion rnnchnrs wUh nn ngtftesate ton
nngo ot 20,000 tons ttlsned an ng.oo
ment to deliver thrlr crop to the mill.
nnd somo 22 ranchers signified tlto'r
willingness to tnko stock in tho pro
nnneil eomtinny. O C. Ncoco wns fto-
cured to tnnko n cnnvnss of tho field
to Wuro additional signatures
Tho entire situation of tho liny
growora was canvnssod nt tho moot
ing and tho concensus of opinion wns
that tho rnnchors must fnco tho sit
uation as It Is nnd not endeavor to
fool thomaelvos Into n bollet thut n
locol markot alono will sufflro to
consume tho crop.
lih ' 'iuuiji j lu'wii " s
nttoriinon ot August 12th. Tho inom-
bors ot this club nro Marlnn Hoberts,
Irono Brumbach, Anna Pholon, Pearl
Jones, Helen Hatch, Hazel Hatch,
Mario Tnte, Mary Bamer, Anna Van
Ono foal uro of tho urogram was a
demonstration In the making of vnr-
oua stitches used n making nnd dec
ornttng n garment. Cnlhorluo Bos-
well. Hlntn fliniiinloii In the Cookery
projort In 1019, gavo n most Interest
ing talk on hor courso nt O. A. C.
thin summer.
At tho conclusion of tbo program
tho Big Bend girls served refresh
ments to tholr guests, nmong whom
woro tho Kingman KoUmy Sowing
club girls with tholr leader, M'.tm
Ftoronco Kingman.
On Tuesday night tho Ontario Flro
department wni tho hoit fof a food
-7 '
Idtrgo AttemlMire Dcnlrtv.l Program
of Woik To Bo Uudoi taken To
Itn Outlined Mnny litiHiri
nnt Matters Pending.
At tho Parent Teacher's mooting
held Monday evening at the High
School It was decided that tho girls
woar mo unuorm ns worn '... ---. - " ,. f th
dopnrtmont wni tho lion for a tooa ,nnj0 0f navy blue sorgo, tho Wqusa ro'r hii"i "","'"
nt which thoy had as tholr guest; trimmed with whlto brnld nnd wo "" uw ","7.",, " ", ,.,0 ,
on rtiom lliw li. c.lloJ tor ..- '" . . '" T" ' " "" ' ol" ,,.,,, n T.,d , u, ,, tlio
mt itiv v n iiniriniiuir uliiuui u - -
slstnnco twic In rctcr.t ncc!-! A h .. . .
big tlmo wns enjoyed and a cordial 'Bnoui,i not stnrt woarlng tho nuU
goodfollowsulp resulted from tho forms unUl nboutu tho first ot Nov
gathorlng. ' ' ombor.
rnl lU'pnwoutntlirn Confirms
Plan For Old Oregon Tuill
At Portlnnd laBt week tho commlt
tco consisting of P. J. Gallni;hor,
Mayor It. W. Jones of Ontario, Frank
M. Northrup of Oregon Slope nnd
Ernest Wilson of Nyssa socurod nf-
tlrmntlvo nctlon by tho Highway Com-
mission for tho passago or a resolu
tion naming Ontnrlo ns tho terminus
of tho Old Oregon Trail section of
tho Columbia river highway.
This puts an end to the effort on
tho part ot tho Idaho Highway Com
mission, prompted by Interested In
dividuals In Welter and Payette, to
have tho Oregon ncctlon of the road
end at Olds Ferry.
Tho commlttco found that the Ida
ho plan had been seriously consider
ed, from ono vlow point only, but
when the nrovlous Drlmlscs wore call-
ml tn Hi, nttnntlnn. tnirfttliAr with tha
(steps tnkon by Mainour county tor
doing Its sharo of the work, based
on these promlros, uo time was tost
In making tho tormluus Ontario and
passing tho resolution.
When tha state will call for bids on
tho work la not known definitely but
tho comniltleo which interviewed in
.mo comniiMoo wmen iniorviowou m
- . -. .... ,i commissioners gained the Informa-
Jivory momuor ui mo unm -
Commercial Club Is earnestly uriod,"" ll w, b0 dono oon M
and requested toho present n ino
Thoro Is n tendency on the part ot
tha commission to delay Its genoral
Night Marshal J. II. Oordon locat
ed o pokor gamo In a room nt the
Cnrtor Houso enrly Monday morning,
In which Charles Shields. A. Ulach
nnd F. C. Brock woro Interested pnr
ttelpanta. Ho cnllod Marshal II. C
Farmer to assist In tho obsoqu'es of
tho gamo aud togethor they took the
men to tho city basttlo.
Tho noxt day they explained the
situation to Polico Judgo C. M.
Stearns who on hearing their admls-
alon of tho facts lovlod nn nsaeasmont
of 60 each.
This was Brock's second trip be
fore tho Judgo for a Blmllar offence
he having been caught In a raid on
Jim McClure'a houso several mouths
Mr. T. A. Boston and daughter
Forroll woro-down from Vale Mon
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Whlto left
Sunday for Hood Illvor whero thoy
will mako tholr homo.
Mr. and Mrs. C-eorgo Olllinm nro
tho proud paronta of a baby boy, born
Friday, August 13.
Mrs. D. F. Conway nnd daughtora.
Eatollo and Alleon, visited Sunday
with friends In Payette.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Mullln and son
Cecil loft Monday for n short outing
at payotto Isaacs.
Mrs. H. It. Udlck nnd children re
turned homo Tuesday from n three
wooka vacation nt Round Vnlley, Idar
Mlssos Catherine Conway, Mary
Measeo, and Joyco Turner returnod
Monday evening from n vacation at
Mr. and MrB. J. A. Drapor and
John DeFoo, spont Sunday visiting at
Washoe with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Mrs. John McGlvorn and daughter
Margaret returned Saturday from a
two months visit In Chicago una
othor Illinois cities.
J. It. Fortlor returned today from
Portland, Seattle and other points
where ho went on his vacation and
to Inspect tho stock ottered by the
Mr. and Mrs. J. II, Dlackaby anil
William and Margaret Blackaby. ad
program for somo tlmo owing to tbo
condition of the bond market But
tho public does not favor this pro-
poial as was evldoncod by the repre
sentation made by vnriuii. ccusti;:
at tho mooting, and by the resolu
tions passed at the Stato Editorial
association's meeting at Astoria,
whoro thn commission was called up-
on to hasten the completion of 'ts
above call was Issued tor tho mem
bership mooting ond good prczrm
of matters to bo dlscussod was arranged.
Tho now secretory of tho Club,
B. II. Clay, will bo Introducod to tho
inumbera.ot.uoxt wooka mooting. Ho
says no win nave summ.....,; . - ... Iif1iw.w .n, , r.hl
K Mr' SXW , .cro.. the .ntlr-.tate
busy during tho past few tfj 22 ST
InR out '"l'to finished before the fall of 1921.
g with them and discussing somo from ho dtorta
Of tholr problems, '..,ltln nB,n,l in nrMnl this
Mr. Clay savn thoro aro several - -
. . .: ...-. i n-,.in matter to tho commission Is B. F,
iTSbirSi sas:r h-? -- sirs .M.';
, ...... - moriun ui mo oi. iiuiviip, m, mU
.llor to Brogan Monday. ucce..fui '' "" aoo. K. Aiken of the Ontario Argus.
Harry Balaton of the Ontario Phor- " -"""'S 1" " h m f. "a a a I The eommls.lon I, to consider the
macy force Is spondlng his vacation J"" ,"". ...T ,.,, .t fnr nno roa- Ronoral policy It la to auopt at an
Tr;, o, ,.o,. . ---" ' - rjrz
Alvert Lockott was n visitor from
Jamloson Friday.
E. A. Boyd was a business visitor
from Bolso. Wednesday.
B. W. Tlllotson was down from
Beulah, Wcdnosday.
J. D. Bllllngsley was a business
visitor to Brogan Monday
Twenty flvo or more "plaster la
dles" will bo manufactured In the
county next week at a serleH ot de.
'monstratlon meetings held by the
Home Betterment committee of the
I'arni uureau.
In town this wcok. i , ,,, inm,,P.i1in meot.
Mr.. J. II. Anderson and daughter Y""-
Now that tho back bone of tno
hot weather atoma to ho broken,
Bald Mr. CIny, "wo wnnt to urgo
strongly upon every member or mo
Club to ho prosont at next woek's
mooting. I havo met n good many
members of tho Club but I havo not
met nearly all of them, and I urn
vory glad of this opportunity of
mooting them I nm qulto Buro
win in worth anyone s tlmo to coma
as 1 know of many things of genuine
Interest that will como up In the
mooting for discussion "
oarly mooting, when the resolution
of tho editorial association will be
irinn. Mrs. it. W. Scott and Mrs. I.
Dyer In Payette Tuosday.
U. E. McDanlola. County Agricul
turist of Hnrnoy County, wnB In town
WttiB Myrtle Ixavltt who has
been nntto 111 with a had attack ot
appendicitis la rupoftod to bo recov
ering nicely
Mrs. W. F. Cockrnn la enjoying
a visit from nor aunt aim mum...
Mrs. A. ll. Slmnson nnd daughter
llut'h ot Maquokota, Iowa.
W. B. Taylor, President or tno mo
iinn' Pnrmi Pmntiaiiv. stonned In On
tario. Sunday on hVwny from Mo-
line, Illinois to Jamleson.
Mlssos Jessie and Margaret Orlf
fin nnd Laura Wherry roturned Fri
day evening from Cheney, Waali.,
where thoy have been attending tho
summer session of Cheuey Normal
Mrs. M. J. Evans returned Sunduy
I lain t rt
coinpanlod by But,, Hom.n and Hath- J - - - -
erlno Kahout left Tuesuay morning - 8uter,Mra. I. J. Dickson
for a short trip to Jordan Valley. f Emmott
..r":i-IZZZl:Z C. E. Bingham spent la.tweek In
y niiu o w. .-. ..--- .,.,. , he ...ended a conrer
ABgntor HrattJ Alwut Hellgman'a
Kludlo Ami Deal. oil Plmto Only
Explunutlon Advaiicitl Hlmo
State Is Dry
Noah, tbo allgator of tho Christie
circus that displayed Its wares In on
Malheur, Ptijrttn and Washington
County BuieuuN To Unlit lit Big
gntt DemoiiHliMtlon of It Kind
Ever Held III Valley
County Agent I.. H. Brlethaupt an
nounces this week the plana for the
big stock demonstration tour lu
which the Malheur Farm Bureau Is
combining with the bureaus of Pay-
vtte and Washington counties In, Ida
ho. The date for tne tour is ssi
for ThurBday September 2.
The company will gather In Ontar
io at the intersection pt the Ontarlo-Payette-Frultland
road at 0:30 and
go to various ranches In the Payette
Valley to Inspoct various herds. At
noon lunch will be enjoyed at tha Old
Orogon Trail park at Waller, after
and where he attended a confer-1 on M ,', a w,ga oW repUla 'which the WeUer Institute herd will
;,":- r - sdrror.rr1r. irf!-! rise's x?:z ..-- ---
Mlsa Delia Miles will teach the Mrs. W. U Davis, uouniv cnair- - . purcnasea somo ..-...-- SeHgmun gtUdlo here and desired , """ ;' -' "Z" mnoVu
fourth grade. Sho la grnduato of , man, haa arranged to, ."'"'.mV. and Mrs. Frank Downa of Ibo local plant. hat .. phot008 of hU elongated Jaw ha ' PJS' J "J" "
tho University of Utah and comes or a whu yy.u . . visiting their niece, I Mr. ana Mrs. u. auuu, ...,. , bo lued on tae mnos tor nexi Beu- "- - -- -"""-., . .,.
highly recommended from her work dress form demonstrations Meet-IWwoU were v, , 0 o ,Mt WOoV. n.chard and Mis. Theresa Young gon bo reproduct,ona of picture, by Ull be v sited Th. complet. iche-
in Novkdo ings will bo held on tho following ," "' """ . Klmberiey, came home the first of the week from u ,oca, tut, Thorefore when the dule tor the trip will b
Mra.W.F.Homan.Mra. Jamleson. 'schedule; Nyssa, Aug. '23. Mrs. M 11.Z01tT Payette Lakes where they have been clrcU8 8tar,ed to leave town Noah e-1 Among t beaut horltl.. on w loua
Mlfs McNulty and Mlsa Lackey will .Frank Hall, chairman; Adrian, Aug. .Idaho, 1 vl Ittng In OnUrto. & yMM or pMt ftnd h((jd hJmgcU pfc 0 ock ra , mho ,
return to their old positions this tall. '24. Mrs. E. II. Brumbaek, chairman; Mlsa Laylne Smith and her ne lee. 8aJlory ,ver ,0cture. during he tour ar.l
In the upper grades of the West Oregon Slopo-Blverdale, Aug. 25, Miss Katherine Kahout returned last )aye Tuegd Mf Selgman E. D. Fltts, dairy .peclallst ot O A
u ma "ff ..'. x...,. .i.-i.on. v.i, a up- 8 wuituoriiv Bvftnlnc from an oxtend-I i" " w .. ...,. I . . ..... .. 'p. ll Pammack. dairy soeclallBt
Riilo School, from tne linn to ine.Mra. ui, vuoihui ,-, ..-,. --,.,.. , .. nnnual nlcnlc nt Mrs. W. it .tioger s round mm mis is a siruisiu uw ,- - - - - ,
!..u.k Jh. In .n,v .ill be on the Mrs. B. D, Lytle, chairman;" Brogan. ed trip thru Iowa and Missouri where annual p enic . a i r oun amonamot , orco ol Idaho University; O. M. Nelson.
U bU"l b'"VI ...--- . I. .. - . ol, l,l,.
departmental plan. This- makes It vAUg. ZJ, airs. w. . Ww.-,., .-..
nnoniiiioa to elvs to each teacher sub
jects to teach for which the teacher
Is, best prepared, wr. uensBman wtit
teach all the artthraetlo lu these four
thoy Waited relat.voa and friend, on ""to'V.dV w.U find J , "0 e "wi "S .h m .S JllT. .took specialist of O. A C and
Bv. W. JvLuscombe and family " luo'e ... , Mnwnifi. . IB. B. MUlen, sheep specialist of Ida-
returnod Mon'day from Bolso where car. provided for them at McDo years ago JU e . f lf- 8tock
..... hnrniiiirn niuru. rai;u m44v t Auinai tuu -. -- -- . .
Three ladles in each community they went to urn goouove tu w Jftd g- hef guegtf ,rorg fof thp p,cture man who pro. .peclallst or Idano.
will make the dress forma at tno Luscomno wno ten iuu, .. ...u. - - - d tulo(, 8. P. uranam oi vaie, uuy u.,.u-
man; Cairo-Ontario, Aug. 28, Mrs. V,
V. Hlckox, chairman
tnneli nil the arlthraetlo in inese lour.wiu mono id m .. , ----- - tj w Jnnes returned Mon- ceeuoa to corral mm anu uumwu - --- ---
upper gVadea and havo charge of the meeting, and In turn will assist other treal, Canada, on his way to Krigland '""llci tbo circus folk, then In Payette to way and John Hill ot the Idaho bur
playgrond aa"ast year. Mra. Deal ladles. Every one Interested la Invlt- Mr and Mrs. C. E. Bingham Myrl tJ returned Horbert eaus will .peak, as will F. M. Nor h-
SteacTal. tho laguage and gram- ed to come to the demonstration ns and Dona J tarn ef t ?b . ZZ in. after his picture had been tak- rop. Irving : C u.bert.on, Dewltt Kin-
an ODSorver. t-uuua jui vuu.....v- ...0 - - ,, . .,, cam uiu "
"(Continued oTIUPageT ) chairman for the tlmo and place. Jweeka outing at Payette Lakes. way --.