The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 12, 1920, Image 8

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Hiiiii i in i mujiiusi McsaJ,
(By Hov. W. P. Tocliran)
Dear Editor Argun: ThlnkliiR yon
might find room for some copy from
yours truly I horowlth point my pen
back toward thn sotting nun having
Journeyed over 23000 rnllcB eastward
I wus thirteen days on tlio way hav
ing stopped J n Iowa, Illinois and Now
Castle, l'n. to visit frlendB.
The ono word that stands out tnoBt
prominently spelling my obscrvntlons
Is prosperity. Tho harvest fields all
tlio way wcro yielding up their gold
en sheaves. Hentitlful fruitage was
much tho ovldonce between Ontario
and Numpa and for somo miles he
Tho vast, level, unwatorcd plain
stretching more than half way across
southern Idaho encircled by moun
tains visible all tho tltna Is n little
empire. It would seem that tho
mountains should somehow supple
ment tho plain with ndnqunto water
for Irrigation.
The problem was partially solved
when I reached American Kails and
saw thn harnessing of tho water of
the Bnako Illvcr by tho dam over
hanging tho falls. It Inrunt to mo
Din lillllitlniv lt ntlinf u I fnrtll,l '
,.j wmi.'... v. i.u.
hydro-electric power to bo used Iti
elevating water to tho thirsty ncro-1
ago. It Is said n man cannot lift him
self by pulling on his boot tugs hut
tho mlraclo of wator Is that It will
lift Itsejf almost to Its own level aftor
having dropped thousands of foot
from mountain tops to valleys, My
soatmato on tho train as I approached
tho falls was tho wlfo of tho com
mercial Bccrotary of the city, Hho
railed my nttontlon to tho big letter
ing on tho hill board which spelled tho '
slogan of tho town, "A flood Town
by n Dam fllto". Her husbnnd had
taken tho prize for this motto hut
she did not unite approve, This Is
ono of tho dynamic center of tho
Idaho Powor Co. well known In On
tario. From this point for n dis
tance of six hundred miles clear be
yond tho Itockys to tho head "waters
of tho Puyotto rlvor there Is very
little lund fit for tillage with avail
able water. Cnttlnklngs and shep
herds huvo boon sovorclgiiM of the
realm for years. ,last winter seven
vhonhordn wuro known tn hnvn tier-
lihod In tho storms, Much to my
urprlso there Is no timber In nvld-l
enco on tho Itocky mountain heights
i,U,ns the Union Pacific Hnn I
The little town of Itawlyns, Wyom
ing Ik tho outlot for nn all produc
tion forty-five miles to tho north
of 1000 bills por duy which Is piped by,
gravity to inn rauroau, Hixty miles
beyond Is Hock Itlver, Wyo., whoro
now oil flold was found loss than I
two years ago. Tho output at pres
ent Is 7000 bhis. dally from fourteen
flowing wells. Thirty-one new wolls
are drilling using 1500 bids, of the
present production for fuel. Tho oil
Is found at a depth of 3200 feet, each
well costing an average of $50,000
Knch new well pays for Itself In fif
ty days flow, Tho flold Is three
quarters of a mllo wldo by flvo miles
lung extending northward toward
tho Casper oil field over one hundred
miles to the north. The output Is
being pumped to Laramlo a distance
of CO miles and Is raised 241 feet
About 275 men aro employed.
Tho Hock Springs, Wyoming coal
fields Is 540 miles from Ontario.
Home 0000 minors nra employed
Many of tho miners own expensive.
autos and would ho orrotuieu ir tney
were asked to buy n Ford. Most of
tho cqal mined belongs to tho Union
Pacific tho coal having been found
within thero land grants by tho gov
Our Journey during tho Into after
noon hurried us on through contin
uous seml-nrld pasture lands In Wy
oming and Colorado, also western
Nohraska where Inadequate rainfall
Is supplemented by Irrigation from
tho head water streams of tho east
ern slopes,
Hotter wheat than was over known
beforo In tho high arid regions of
Nebraska Is being hurvested. A drop
In elevation during tho afternoon end
night of more than a mllo In going ,i
dlstnnco of 500 miles brought us noir
Omaha. Day dawn for three hours
beforo entering tho mld-wost metro
polis revealed ovh'eneo of nbunduiii
rain, broad acres of wheat In
tho sheaf, rltenlii man and coin be
ginning to tasale. Unco" my In: vUit
to this city In 189S when tho big
Fair wns hold Jt him mo'.o than doub
led In size. It lias everything mi-irn
pM'tan. The rumpus mixed by the
i Inters last whio und the firing of
tho Court House Is costing n ntiil'im
dollars for repair. While In tho Y.
M C. A. build. n I met u bnjilfst
ovunglllst personal) nrqunlntod with
Messrs Hurtling und Cox llo t,.u
conducted meetings, tn tho formem
church ntiil observed him In meet
ing ocrasslonnlly. Tho latter hn
campaigned against for local option
In flliln. Mr. I'm claimed that min
isters aught lo confine themselves I
to tho pulpit .nnd tho pm.ichlng or
tho 'gospel. Tho governor had uu-i
fortunntoly Just overlooked Hint part ,
of tho Hilda recorded by the prophet
of polltlcul rlghloiisnoss, Isaiah. Hn
will have some reckoning with the
Clergy beforo next November An
other businessman expressed much
unxluty to know more about Oregon
and her uniiovoiopea resources Hav
ing Investment In view. I was trim
c:2 for Mm with latest datn from
tho Oregon Statu Chamber or Com
merce received In u letter Just before
laavlng home. A similar experience
with a now Cnstlo, Pu coal denier
who has six sous lifting their eyes
to a wider hnrlsan.
Iowa nnd Illinois Is an Immense
Cards woro received this week an
nouncing tho mnrrlngo of Miss Haze
Hcrvln, daughter of Mr and Mrs. .1
II. Hervlu of this city to James it.
Wnllnco Duncan, son of Mr. and Mrs
D. W. Duncan, of Seattle, Washing
ton. Tho wedding occurred at Everett,
Washington, Tuesday, August 3. Tho
young rouplo left Immediately after
tho ceremony for Vancouver II. C.
for a short honoymoon trip, after
which they will bo at home at 6218
Fifth Ave. N. K., Senttlo. Washing
ton. Mr nnd Mrs. Duncan aro well
known In this community, both hav
ing graduated from the Ontario High
School, Mrs. Duncan with the class
'18 nnd Mr, Duncan with tho clnss
of '17, Mrs. Duncan loft hero to take
n position with tho amy's Harbor
Ship Yard offices and for tho past
year has boen employed nn nsslstnnt
In tho Aberdeen Public Library, Mr.
Duncnn bus n good position as Sales
Manager of the Ilonils ling Company
at Seattle, Washington.
Of The World Famous
i q ! ii
Good big full cut shirts, which
fit right and feel comfort
able, made of the best of
Madras and Percale
A Remarkable Purchase of these
well known shirts enables
us to sell them at
All Sizes in the New
Conservative and
Fancy Patterns
In thn Inst two years one farm Ir,
every flvo has changed hands In Io
wa nnd tho sumo Is probably true in
tho neighbor state to tho cust. The
towost figure I could learn of was
$145 por arru on first deal. Tho
satno sold shortly uftorward for $225.
Tha hlgjiest priced exchange wns nt
1400 per acre. The average Increano
In valuo Is CO per cent. Tho per
capita wealth is $10,000.
In Illinois every crop looks as If
It wns ono hundred percent good.
Oats light In In.
An hour In Chicago wns Just long
enough to buy n ticket further oust,
and n dally paper und feel the pulne
of Industry sending finished products
of manufnetury through the urtorleti
of trade to tho ends of tho earth.
Tho ten thousand factory chimneys
venting smoka enough lo becloud tho
ontire city are Indicative of billions
of Investment und n trndo nlmost
Incalculable in production The dully
paper revealed tho high nnd higher
cost of commodities, the rising tide In
tho prlco of slocks und tho demand
of labor for u higher wugu. 1 could
not determine what fnctor In our
country could stnblelzo conditions--whether
Is was executive uiiihorltv
nl tha White Hous". or iln of fleers
nt the Federal Kesorvo Hunk or tho
common people with their ballots
next November.
Tho days Journey from Chicago
eustwiird wns u gradual recession
from broad acreage to what looks
like garden patch fields In Penn
The mld-utght hour lauded me under
(he belching smoke of u Carnegie
Steel Mill In which my brother-in-law
Is employed. Tho mill employs
2000 men und consumes annually.
1,024,000 tons of ore, 575,000 tons
of coke, 300,000 tons of lime stono
and 100,000 Of conl. This louage
would rail for tho uso of u train Old
miles long. Tlio annual, pay roll Is
"Tho Splto llrldo" n Selznlck Pic
ture starring Ollvo Thomas, comes to
tho Mnjostlc Thoatro, 2 days com
mencing Thursday, August 19.
It's simply n knockout tho beat
thing that tho screen has seen In
inn n y moons. It has snap, dash and
xest; u human picture of human poo
plo proHonted In u human way. And
Ollvo Thomas wus novor hotter In her
llfo. Hho Is the essenco of youth
youth at Its fluent with Its simplic
ity, griico. charm nnd wlstfulness.
"Tho Splto Hrldo" Is a drumu of
youthful ImpuUo with Just enough
thrills to mako you a little bit creepy
T-not enough to mako your spine run
cold with enough suspense to keep
you Interested from start lo fln'sh
with enough laughs to give that nice
warm fooling Uis'do and n few 'e-i
which glvo yo-i n pleasant. Iwppv
feol'iig uftorward
When Mlllleent 1 .01 thro-v nv(r
H'llv Swnyne for another man. H'll
thought the world had como to an
end Ho did not know what M do
so hu married Tessa Dnvln a be nil
fill, sweet, liiilo dunning K'rl out if
'spite. He d'dll't lovo her he hnntl
, kne v her. Afior n few wl' W e
ho bad reaped his snt'sfnefon Ii
tnuktn" the wo-M ilii'i'ttl 'e ' '
I Jilted Mlllleent for Town, be t'-i
. marriage annulled wi'l nro-e'' ' tr
forget nil nbo'lt the llt'tn g'rl ' i
had been his wife for s f-v b
I weeks. Hut hn hadn't rokuno.l w
I the hand of fnte.
Ono of tho fenturcs of tho big
meeting nt tho Phelnu Hunch near
Hnnltn Wednesdny wns tho exhibit of
sowing and cooking, work, of the
Club girls. This club, led by Mrs.
ttrorgu Lees, Is composed of flvo
girls, Violet Lcqs, Doris Lees, Annn
Jordan, Mntlldn Lowellcn, nnd Corn
Tho girls exhibited Division I in
sowing, nnd dlsplnyed broad, sponge
cako and plain butter enko as repre
sentative of tho work they had done
In cookory.
Violet Lees won first premium on
tho completo exhibit In sewing, prlzo
n dozen $20 photos to bo mndo in tho
Sellgman Studio nt Ontnrlo; tho $4
offered by tho locnl Form Hurenii ns
second premium wns won by Antin
Jordan. Speclnl premiums wcro $3
won by Mltllda I.owollen on thn
nightgown and $1 won by Doris Lees
on tho sowing bng.
Matilda Lewcllen wou $5 given by
tho First N'ntlonnl Hnnk f Vulo as
n premium on tho butter cake, Violet
Lees won tho $2 premium Fnrm Hur
enii premium on bread, and Doris
Iees won tho second premium of $1
on brend.
Other ribbons presented were
Doris Lees enke: Violet I.ees and
Doris Lees sponge cake; Doris I.ees,
Matilda Lowollon ten towel; Doris
l.oes, Corn I.ewellon cup; Doris Lee's,
Com Lnwellon bng; Matilda Lowct
len, Cora I.owollen nightgown.
These girls aro tho first club mem
bers In tho county to completo all re
quirements. The girls with tho ex
ception of Doris Lees who Is III, hnvo
completed Division I In sewing, mak
ing tho articles nnd garments, nnd
reporting on tho cost und valuo of
tho work done. Tho club Ins also
completed tho ten lessons In Cook
ory, and hnvo rarh served n meal,
planned nnd prepared by herself,
Tho Honltn Club, finishing with n
100 record, sets n splendid stand
ard for tho other clubs or Mnlheur
MALHl'L'lt COL'NTV Uhnupt, Lots 2C & 27, Hlk. 9, HIv.
HKAIi 1CSTATK THANHVkHH Add. tn 'Ontario. AugnM 6, 1920.
?z,uuu.uu ?z.uu um,
Mrs. J D. Hllllngsley returned the
first of tho weok from n visit with
her daughter nt Orecon City.
(Hecordcr, July 31st to Aug. 7th)
U. S. A. to Prlnro D. Athcnrn,
NWViNKVi, NKUNWtf. Lot 1, Sec.
30; nnd Lot 4 of Sect. 19-2S-40. Dec.
12. 1801.
L, lCdnn King ct vlr to Frank
Crnlg, Lot tfi, tllk. 70, Ontnrlo, Jiin.
14, 1920. $100.00
('has. Click et ux lo Chns. O. Pin
ncy et nl, I-ots 1 and 2, Hlk. 21, On
tnrlo, Fob. 20, 1020. $2,250.00. $2.60
J. K. Montgomery ct ux lo J. A.
aalllher, NBJiHWU Sec, 1-31-41.
Juno 9, 1920. $2,000.00. $2 00 IKS.
Mnitd Houston to Kllen Dyer, HI'
,Ni;U. Sec. 3R-1S-4C, April 12,
1918. $1.00.
A. I. Hennott ct ux to F. f. Mox
loy. KNWU8WV4. Sec. 20-15-47.
Juno 21v 1020. $1.00. $t.G0 IKS.
Charles McKlnnls en ux to Hohnrt
N. Hell, NEU8WU. Sec. 27-20-40.
Juno 9, 1920. $1,000.00. $2.00 IKS,
N. O. Whlto et ux to Josso Hnln,
Hlorkfl 20 ft 30. Aunox, Mny 1, 1920.
$1.00. $2.50 IKS.
lCliner O. Mnudy ct ux to It. 11.
Lockntt, WW Sec. 25-15-40, Juno
15, 1920. $10.00. $3.00 IKS.
Kobort II. Locket t et ux to U. S.
Nnt. Hnnk. Vnlo Vb Sec. 2G-1 5-40.
July 21, 1920. $1.00 $1.50 IKS.
Wm. K. Lees et ux tn M. M. Dnvls
Hrown Islnnd, Sec. 3-18-47, Fob. 23.
1020. $1.00
Jos. K. Camiibnll et ux to Chns. W.
Towntey, N'HSWVi Sec. 4-10-47.
Mar. 17, 1920. $1.00 14 00 IKS.
U. 8. A. tn Cheslcy W. Lnnmnn,
NWW 8ec. 34-14-40. July 12, 1020.
I IT. S. A. to Omn It. Mondnws. Lot
3, Sec. 30-21-47. July 12, 1018.
Oliver W. Porter et ux lo Frnnk
T. Presluy, l.ots 2 nnd 3, Sec. 19-15-40.
July 25, 1010. $10.00. $1.00
Sylvester II. Fredrlrks tn Win. It.
Qiilnti, Cud. Vj Int. In NIC', NWU,
NHNKU, 8HMNHU Boo. 25-20-40;
Lot 4 Sec. 19: nnd Uits 1 and 2 Sec.
30-29-47: 8WUNI3U.. BBWNW'i.
NIJW8WU 8ec. 25-20-40. July 27,
,1920. $1,000.00 $1.00 IKS.
I V. 8 .A. to den. A. Morr's. BBVS
SBW 8ec. 19; NHNWVt See. 50. N
i:UM:u, Sec. 30-IO-40, June 7,
Doll Cemetery Assn. to Mrs. Mnry
Logan. Lot 7, Hlk. 1, Dell Cemetery.
June 5, 1020 $10.00
J Wm. A. Diinniirk to Kuby R. Urol-
(Continued From Page 1)
10 hnvo tireless cookers! 4 hnvo
wheel trnyn; Ofl'yf hnyp kerosene
"Nor wns tho work of theso 100
women confined to tho hotiso; 5GP
enro for garden; 81caro for poul
try; 25 liolp with livestock; 24
help In fields.
Tho roport on tha woman's Income
wan nn Interesting part of the sur
vey. Thirty porcont keep house
hold accounts, and 32 help keep
farm accounts. Sixteen percen
hnvo egg money for tholr per
sonal uso; 22 hnvo money from
salo of poultry; 33 noli butter but
only 11 hnvo money from snles
for tholr own uso.
"Tho community Ufa of tho homos
surveyed furnish some Interesting
statistics: 72 huvo telephones,
02 hnvo nutomnlillcs with uvoragn
liHstanco to market 4.82 miles, hos
'pltal 13.87 miles, high school C.01
miles, district school 1.61 miles,
church 2.90 miles,
I Ono surprise wns tha small .lum
ber of children In farm homes; 7467
.reports show nn nveragn of but 1.18
under 10 years of ago and but 0.98
between 10 and 18 ytnrs of ago.
I "Tlio data horo assembled holps
to qxplaln tha fact tho young women
tiro tenvlng rural communities In
larger numbers than young men.
Home demonstration agents aro co
Introducing labor saving devices and
reiirrnnirlne tho homo In lighten la-
liAr. fliivli-mt Dint shorten tlio time
'!... ............ .tiMili mi Imp anuflfltf
UMI wijiiiiiii njfu.inn i.n .... ...... ...n
nnd cleaning, the Introduction of pow
er into the hotiso to lighten labor,
und tho knowledge that holps tho
womnii to reduce expenditures In this
era of Inflated prices, meets a renl
Mrs. Dorothv Hull leaves this
nvnnlni' for Renttle. Wash, where she
hns ncccpted' n position as n com
mercial toaohor.
Tho Argus want mis will soil your
farm produce or your seconc htnd
i I
1 1 rcciirc
Sunday and Monday, August 15 and 16
in her latest, most wonderful commanding heart
gripping story of frankness and truth,
a story that brings happiness, sunshine, cheer and
gladness to all, adapted from the Charles Frohman
production Op O Me Thumb
One Price Clothier -
Ontario, Oregon
Himene O'lJ'uV so-" ' ittr r
npponr'en In So' "'s J'1" ' v
be In "Son'ed HoirU." tho ' "
He theatre soon fo e two 'va "in
The picture is nee of the mo "m
v ilramnni'c treutmnln o' tin r-
nal tvlaiicle evo f-eeued, end
storv give' tRntiie O'llrlo'i n ro'e fu
of opportiin'tloi
111 the picture p'e-ontod ' lie
tiUl si"iillnl i f'lie ii h
voutli his udopted s.n le'nr '
1. it.. i..t. tl.n bumn l,llin ',.l r
er man bein the bus''""'! o the'
woman, who Is youn und nniu,,ui.
On tho tcrneii Is mirrored in com
pelling f shlon the suhtfb clash be
tweon ypith and nge. nnd the final
, victory f tha law of Nature over
tho law of Man.
I Tho picture was made under tho
I direction of Kalpli Inco nnd the cast
Includes such notables as Kobert
Bdoson and Lucllo Lee Stewart, who
will be remembered for her Import
ant part lu "Tho Perfect Lover,"
Kugeno O'Urlen's recent success.
k H TKHBSr'B'j'gMBjSWMTl iip-y-iajiw1
M KFiiBflHI"v'V -HfMiK'P'""
H VHtVBhEi'f' i , ,,n mMT" t" I," 1
'''' --- 1 -rr-inru-trj-Ln--.-i.rj li i-ixru-ii-ijuJLJ jjri-ijnr-'u-trrt-r1r-u-rLr-unr-fx -jr. nrrini- n n n n n n 1
The Woman Michael Married
Road Tho Ontnrlo Ariu for the