THE ONTAJtIO AKOUtf ONTARIO. OitiiJOON, TliUftMl.A V. AUGt ST 12, l'20 . ', r THE DREAMLAND T TSJVK. ,KHH4$ K44-m44t44-f 4 fill 1 1 T-I 1 , ,-.-. 1 - ,t rnursuny anu iTiuaj, iuigust iz anu is Alias Jimmy Valentine BERT LYTELL The Cyclonic Thief Piny thn created n sen sation throughout the civilized world. t4-t-M4'4-M4"'-$M444-H4M4-l4-lt4't X " t2 iinr'nniv ivirtum I - v ii i . .xv uvini Ji"i ALARM CLOCK ANDYl ttaaaKlt 8SbAi tv ru 8?wL wt" ' J sMlsW. Y m If, ' , ) ' ' A f.-WMV.''V'txA 1 ff'.rt . 'II . B Eur L r ' iV VI t V 7li I 1 . V ' I.M yi,ft' w i"V4 1 ft T I t " '' V". z CHARLES RAY A LAUOII 13VKRY MINUTIO Two Riwl Comedy "A Gum Riot" -t4'r--tll4t-iH-st-l--l-tl ? C 1.. 1 M.. ...).... A. ....... J tr ....1 1 3 Cumberland Romance Mary Miles Minter I A Story of Hie Kentucky Mountains A Moonshiner Father A City Lover A Two Keel Animal Comedy A Little (Jun 2 JunKle Gentlemen i lay 4'44-M'tHt4M-M'--,W'W-W-IWMW-W-fJ HAWAIIAN DANCER I .WGRIFFIXHl 5 ,&jzmF presents cV l yk gW'The Idol -tt tIHII ' I OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST Principal Events of tho Wook Briefly Skotchod for Infor mation of Our Roadcrs. Wlut Will Apiiem IN IMJIWON AT 1 DREAMLAND WKDNICHD.W, ANOL'ST IH T I IX Princess of Paradise IMIIIT.S U5c ANU sine TUHS13AY, AUCiUST IT A Whirlwind of Acton WILLIAM FOX presents TOM MUX IN- "The Cyclone" A Tale of tho Canadian Northwest Mounted Police Clnd only In youthful Innocence, a whlnp of Irojilcnl KruKHcn, lent of tlio (Ik nml heart of udortimont I'lunlilni: fluuli, hIiIiiIiik oyon, flylnc loot, tluuntlnB tho youths who would win hor, vomhlip1tic her dov'1-dmll Ooil with sIiiuuuh ilnn cch ujiart from tlm oye of men This is Mary, " While Jllmond Flower" "The Idol Dancer" Hpr'to of tho muiiiIk. plitytlilnt,' of tho wuvon, covotcd nml foiiKht for by tho roiiccnidim of tho nxutlc IHiutli Bon IhIoh. Iloroluu of tliu HtrniiKCJtt tulo of luvo uiid uilvonturo n tulu of BtrutiKO IhiuIh imtl rvbollloiiM men, u tnlo of henrt throbn, of flclit luif, Imt wlthul, n tnlo of rcdomptlon mid houuty moMt thrilling IM'IC, UNI'OIKir.n'AIII.H, MAONII'ICKNT PlTaEPiii MAUiiMiii ArnrnrnTirA dfLUML IIHVTMIIAI1 UI1UIL3II1H DREAMLAND THEATRE WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18th. l''Uft0isiiE2aiSMtfO Ilunry A Kohor, roprosontltlvo of tho I'oloy H. Ilurk Coiuhltioil BIiowh whloh will Dhow horo tho wook of AiiKUHt 28th, Ih n IiumIiiuhu vUltor In town today. IIAV (JltOWICIW MKWiNO Tlioro will ho n inootliiB of tho liayKrowurN on Vudm8du) AiiRiut IS, ut th Cairo OruiiKQ Hall. Kvory ImyKruwor of tho vulluy Is Invllt'd to ho prusout. Farm Iluroau Tlmr .V I'll., Auk. 12 & in nUUT ftYTKI.Ii III "AIIuh Jlinuiy VnlciitliKi" "Iiiiii Viiiiiii", Ounnly Art. Tliut-Nilny I'ntliH NVhh Kililny AIo JACK DMMI'.SIiV In Dnrrilctll Jnt-k" Hiitiiidny, Auk. Mtli CIIAItl.I UAV In "Alnnn Clock A inly" "A Oum Itlot" Hunk Miiiiii ('(iiiicdy Hun. & Moil, Auk. 1 & III MAHVMIMiS .MINTKIt In "Cuiiibcrlnml Uoninnro" "JuiiKln Ot'iillciiiiiii" Joo Murilii Anliiinl CoiuiMly Tucs(hi)', AiiKUkt 17 TOM MIX in "Cyclone" liitcriintloiml Ncivn Itel Wl AukmM 18th "Tho Idol Dancer" A lliiwiillan picture with n icul Hawallu orclicstni. Tlic Orcliebtni will nlso ulro, uf. tor Uio plctuio a fifty lulu. uto bhow ontltlril "The I'rlnrrM of the I'liradlhe". A hIiow full of Clio dreamy ioulli Ma Inland music, fcouKB nnd dances.. The or- cliCHtru could only ho ciik"K' fl for ono night. Tliur.. Auk. lOtli Tho Idol Dnnccr" Art Comedy AIIK.S IIAHItlHCAl IN WATIIlt riTl'NTH In 'Thu Woman Mlchuol Married. ' hor IntoHt production for Itohurtnou Colo, dlHlrlliuted by KxhlhltorH Mut ual, lovoly Ilonalo llnrrlncnlu tiUNtaliiH hr ropututlon iih ono of tho niont vormitllo actrosBUH pf tho Rcroon. In hur brilliant cureor MIkm llur rlscalo Iiiih croatod many dlvornlflod clinrncterliutloiiH, from tlio hlano no- cloty woman to the "ulavoy" ninonK crookn, hut thU Ih tho flrut tlinu hIid Iiuh boon called upon to do tho An nette Kollerman ntuut. An Mlra Sacky, tho lilondo Htnr Is neon an a professional swlinmor who po8eneH, In addition to hor "hIiuihi" und aquatic talontn, n romnrknbly beautiful volco and an ambition to cultivate it and become u uroat hIiir er. BuvIhk the Ufa of a child, the protogo of tho scion of u wealthy family, Rhe la offorod a big money reward by tho society inun. Instead alio doinands an a reward that he marry hor, thus serving tlio double purpose of elvInK her n name und providing mouoy for hor vocal Iruln- i lf- Tho subsequent denounement fur nishes a dellKhtful drama In which Miss Ilarrlsculo is shown In some stunning gowns. 1 The production Is a screen drama tization of the story by DuVornct llabell, which appeared In tho I)oc- ombor, 1918, number of amhiioh Magazine. The locale affords many opportunities for lavish and colorful backgrounds, ono of the striking nnd rnniiatlc Hccnos being a swimming- nool where a fashionable dinner purty Is In progress, tho guests being clothod or rather unclothed In the bathlng-sults. Majestic. Tuesday aim Wednesday, August 18 and 18. ANNOU.NCKMKNT 'To the people of Ontario und vicinity. Having locatod In Ontario to conduct a retail optical busi ness, with optical parlor and grinding plant to be located In the Dlackaby Jewelry Store, we solicit your business from the standpoint of service, efficiency and accuracy. The policy of our business will be that a transaction Is not completo till our patients or customers are satisfied. For the man or woman who wants most out of life perfect vision is necessary That is the mission of OPTOMETRY. We are hero to give the best of our ability and experience, assisted by tlio most modern and scientific Optical Instru ments to uphold the high stan dard and responsibility of tills profession. Dr. J. A. McfALl,, Optometrist Mfg. Optician. JOINT SESSION TO BE HCLD Waiiilngten, Id.Iio and Oregon Cam, mltilcn to Dlt Together. Olympic, Wtish. As tho state's question Involving allowance cf In creased freight and passenger rules on local truffle ns flxud by tho Inter state commerce commission fr In tostiitu traffic uro common to tho northwest, tho public commis sions of Oregon and Idaho will alt with tho Wuihinclou commission on Tuesday, August 17, In a hearing be ginning nl 10 A. M. In tho souuto chamber here. The common problem beforo tho commlssUns of tho three northwest stutis will be-to harmonize local Increases oskud with the ro quired Inornate necessary to guaran tee u return of l't por cent consist, ent with the recent Interstate com merce, commission ruling. I5slii?iii ioack itt49 when sturdy nlonccrs wore hewlntr out a homo and an exlatenco in tlio West, tho manufacture of The Arus want ads jvill noli your farm produce or your seconc, hand machinery. Northwest Cries far Cars. Wushlmton. Agricultural lutorests In thu northwest face bankruptcy bo- cause of tho present car shortage, the 1 .Interstate commerce commission was told by railroad commissioners und shippers from Montana, Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota. Tho commission was askod to Issue orders guarunteolng the car supply for tho movement of tho grain crops. If It's -irlntlng, we can do It, (jiiL(ilcI K&flklMI" ffaa bejrun. Today tho namo FULLER stands ns tho sturdy pioneer In paint manufacturing- on tho Pacific Coast a namo that has kept faith with quality for 71 years. Hade for tho Pacific Northwest, FULLKR Paint Is tha best tor ,your nouso or building. W. P. Fuller & Co. . 1849.1920 Korthwrat Itranrhifi at Portland, Seattle, Tscoma pousnr, uolse. PULLER PAlNTSf mn& .07 71 YFAR i m CtSw"At)WS V5 II "III11I"S A spousne, Uolse. jfJy2l ,' - Look Up FULLER Dealer in Your Town IfiEHHKl-El FOLEY & BURK COMBINED SHOWS Tije Best in the West 6 Days and Nights COMMKNC 'IXCi MONDAY, AIJGr. '& 6 i AT t ONTARIO, OKI Foreign Imports rccolved nt Port land during tho month of June amount- 'd to ?0SO,889. PnliiR work has bi;un on the Mvon mllo section of the Pacific highway north of JeffsrBon. llcnlon county npw has 4(1 threshing outfits. From present Indlentlons th crop will bo tho best In yonrs. Increased rates nro nllowod tha Nsw berg Tolephono company by un.onlcr of tho public service commission. Forest flros reported by tho nlr piano patrol of the forest servlof to taled 33 during tho Utter half of July. At u meeting cf the stnto hlghwny commission In Portland, AuBuet SI. bjdfl will bo opened on $1,GG0,000 stato highway bonds. J. C. Nelson, nn Oregon pioneer, died nt his home In New berg nt tho a? of 93. With his parents he locntU In the Chehalem valley in 1815. Tlio first unit of tho I.nngoll vnlley Irrigation district In Ktamnth county has inn'ilo nppllcntlnn to tho statu to nppravc a bond Issue of J 137,000. Oregon has n population in 1020 of 783,285, according to census figures, which Is a nuln of 110,520 or 10.5 per cent over tho 1910 figures of C72.7C5. Fred Peterson, 76, n nnllvo of Den mark, was burned to deatlAwhen his cabin on thu Mohawk river, 10 iiiIIuh northeast of ICugene, was destroyed by flro. W. I. Putters of Allegany has been hold to tho grand jury In Coos county on tho clinrgo of selling rooks for chlttlm bark to Improve tho weight of tho bnrk, Monday, September 0, l.twr dny. has been selected by Hood lllver as tho date for formal celebration of tin opening of the completely paved Co lumbia hlvor highway, Wheat harvest Is under way in Mor row county und tho grain Is of first class quality. Tho yield Is a fair ay. crass althcush naay fpH won, in jured by tho hot weather. Oregon Is suffering from n shortngo of librarians, according to MUs Cor nelia Marvin, stnto librarian, who hus n list of eight Important posts In tho state that should bo filled. Notwithstanding tho gasollnu short age, (he number of automobiles visit ing Crater lako so far this Hummer has exceeded the number that Ultotl tho r sort during tho entire season of 1919. Approximately 05,000 motor vehicles nro roglstered In Oregon, according to a statement mndo nl llio offlob of tho secretary of stale. This Is ono oar f.r about every olght persons in Orogon. The Fruit a rowers' league of Mil ford has opened an employment bur eau with tho object of cooperutlu4 with other fruit growers In tint allo cation of plaksrs throughout tho val ley. Tho public service commission has Issued orders grunting service rate In creases to the Deschutes Tolophone company of Clackamas county nnd C. A. 1 1 rod ford tolephono Hues In Orsnt county. Durjug thu fiscal year ending June 30, 880 dentists wero licensed to prac tice In Oregon. Of these, 181 vture . uon-rosldi'iit. Tho licenses of 81 dsn tlsts wore revoked because, of non-payment of fees. July was au exceptionally dry month tn Astorln au'd tho lower Columbia rlvar district, according to tho records tu tho local woodier observer's office, Tho preolpllatlou for tho month was V1 of un Inch. Thu speelal committee of statu Isgls latora appointed to Investigate the state game and fish commission will meet lu Portland August 18 to heui anyone who has a complaint to mukc against the commission. Willie testing out a forost servlof radio outfit at Kugene, human volot were picked up by thu Instruments. It was Isarued that tho votoes aims from Portland through a wireless Uln phono apparatus In that city. Fire destroyed the Strang Shluglt (ompaiiy's mill, four miles from th,e city limits of Portland on the Muutou load, mid burned four duellings, fout bunkhouses nnd u boarding housu. with a total low of about $00,000. Tho Klamath Falls council has de cided not to remove dlco and curd games from pool rooms and other pub lie places but will amend existing ur (II n aneea by providing for revocstlor of llcensu In case gambling Is allowed All organization commanders of ttit National guard of Oregon have buei authorlzud by Adjutant Oeuerul White to suspend drills during the hurvMi season so thut guardsmen muy hull gather tho Oregou fruit and gruln orop Attractions ,of boat races, autumn bile raees, a carnival and the blgga ag'lculturnl, horticultural ami Indtm trial exhibit of many years will fea lure this year's Wasco county fulr U be held at Tho Dalles October i, S, ( and 7, M S- "