The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 12, 1920, Image 4

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f 44'4''$$-4'"MM"$-i'44' i
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i What Time Is It
When a Clock Strikes Ihirtccn?
It is time to lot Henry Milled repair it. He
enn also repair your phonograph if il has lost
its voice, and your sewing niaehine can he made
to run two thirds lighter by having it elenued.
Call at McDowells Rurniture Store
Ilcmcmber the I'lncc :
At McDowell's Store. ONTARIO, OREGON
In Building a Home
We have found that if we can save a man
money on a hill of lumber, it usually brings him
had; next time he wants to buy building mater
ials. We have found that it pays to look' after
our customers' inferestS just as carefully as we
look after our own. ,
That's why we are anxious to discuss your
building problems with you at any time. That's
why we place at your service our Architectural
Department to draw plans and specifications for
any improvements you wish to make. We make
it our business to see that you get face value for
every dollar you spend in building. "We consid
er that part of our job.
A Money-Saving Tip
You are losing money on your auto
mobile if it isn't properly, protected
from the weather. The depreciation on
your car in a single season, if it is not
taken care of, will more than pay for a
garage. Let us furnish you with blue
prints and simple instructions for
building an inexpensive garage for
your car now.
Ivnn K. Onkwi loft Saturday for
I'ortltiml on busliicfs.
Miss Until lackey lott tlio hint of
tho week to visit friends In Ironside
Durroll Howsor runic down front
nuniB lnut wook to vlnlt with friend
Miss I'nullno Sollgmnn loft Wen
nosduy morning for n short vlnlt In
Prank Van Petton returned Tues
day ovonltiR from a trip to Payette
MIhh P.thol McWIlllnma wan down
from Holso over Sunday visiting
MIkb Lois Swook of HuniB Is a
guest this week at tho Prank Caul
day homo. ,
Mm. X. (). llodford loft Saturday
for Portland to be present durliiR
lluycr'n Wrok.
Miss Paulino Ponton of Vale
spent tho wook-ond visiting with Mis
Ktta McCrolght.
Misses Cecil, aiadys and Myrtlo
Logan wore down from Ilrogan the
first of tho wcok.
Miss Hosslo Itulhorford visited In
Holso lOHt week tho guest of MIbb
Kthel MrWIlllntnH
J It. Fortlcr of Under tiros. Ih
nni)W io ,Pnt,irlo ilfllo.tjtfju vflt
roriianu mm wrun.
, pairs for their car. Tho slay win I
a pieiiRant ono iiispite tne auto trou
ble. Hays Mr Swngler.
Mr. (md Mrs. Prank M. (Jaylord
who have been this gliosis of Judge
and Mrs. (1. I.. King, left Inst nlglu
for tholr homo In Axtoll, KansJ.
Thoy wont from hero to Portland
thonco Jo Vunroiivnr where thoy will
tako tho Cnuadlan Northern trip to
tho Mlddlo West. Mr. (Inylord Is a
won of Judge King, and In Kaunas he
presides over tho d out In us of a big
dopurtmont store.
Mr. and Mm. Hoy Mnnson and
daughter, Gallia left thin morning
for Dnnvor, Colorado whoro thny
will make tholr homo. (
Mr and Mrs. V. I). Thompioii nr
ilvod last Prldoy from Iroton, Iowa
for a short visit with Mr, Thompson!
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wood Thomp
son. Dr. and Mrs. A. It. Hubert!, Hurl
Karl Hull ami Mis Irene Worth re
turned Tumulty evening from a short
camping trip near Payette I .a lice.
MIX AMI 1101-Si: C'ltASII
Action In the koynoto rf every Tom
Mix product loll tho kind of action
In which ho Is at homo and of which
ho Is Minuter tho kind that thrills
and trobs and pulsen fron A to 12nd.
Two pictures produced within n fow
months at tho West Comt studios of
Pox Pllm Corporation "Tho Speed
Mniilur" and "Tho Pond" havo sot
a superb record for halr-ralsjng
Now comes a now production with
n ollmax that ovm-shadows alt of
his ' former noholvoments. TIiIr Is
("Tlio Cyclone." which William Pox
iiresenis a lino urciimiuini i neninv
.i,.i, ..........,, .,. I Tho story Is hr'mful
flIULN LMIOItMS IO 'of ,r,.SHvo Hltuatlons. Tho cow
UK DI.SCISSKD nuncliar stnr takes tho part of a 8or-
A niOGtlnc of tho Illeh Solinnl ifirla gennt In tho Canadian Northwest
. . . . ----..-..- ,
That Mary Plckford In I ho grout
ent artist of tho screen Is again dem
onstrated to everyone's satisfaction
at tho Majeitlc Theatre In her np
pearanco In hor second United Artists
Corporation production "Buds."
Much has boon written anil said
about Mary PIckford'H artistic abil
ity how she can tako her audience,
from lnughter t 'tours and hack
again by tho mere move of her hand
and tho expression of hor wonderful
Ah Amnnda Aftllck. tho llttlo slnv-
and their mothers will bo hold at Mounted Police and must surpass " "' "uncii m m ry in mo siunm
lOrSP-,"' ,ll""'l """" "" " m-uu III
tho surface In a flash. It may bo
tho making of him. Tlint's what hap
pens to Andy dray, tho follow I Im
personate In my now picture, 'Alnrm
Clock Andy." Dreamland Saturday,
August. 14.
Mm 1llt.1i aiti.ii .in f.ltl.1Ht ,.....-. Itltnanlf Iti fundi nf ni'Mltv ntul tint-HO.
in to iII.omkm iiin nii''nrt nf,.-..,, iiiniisliln In tho snered cause of loVo."." entirely difforont rolo In
for tho irlrls for the comlni' vnnr and honor.
Mothers. hi sure to come. Tho climax Is ono of tho most sen-
iRHtlomil stunt spectacles over screen
led Porhaps no other actor ever has
iimi. i ru-.-wi- a,iii attempted such a font, and thore woh
in lown picnic mid re-union will some ilouht If oven Mix rouhl do It
lin liitlil Amrtiui onili nnii inili mill. Mnt lie Kcnrneil the evident, ditnircr.
I).M. Taggnrt loft Thursiiay oieu- of inynt0 Idaho, at Wailioo grov iThe roiklossncHB of tho "man who
lug for Portland to attund tho son- u wm) W(!ro fonnorly from lown neier fakos' reaches n high-water
slons of lluyer's wcok. nnd their family pre Inilted. Urlng jinnrk horo. After u series of ox-
Mrs. C. It. Kinlson und eiiiiuron your ciinnor mill enjoy tlio day. iimuiunR experiences mix. on ins lav-
Sales Manager
Boise Payette Lumber Co.
Wo wish to thnpk all of our
friends and neighbor! fnrilliolr help
P MoKonna Ira mm tonight """ "'" m mo "ir,KnMf a"'
is vacation visiting frluuds -" " "r iuu.i u.iu, i . j. iriiB.
Mrs. .iniggio l rime
Mr. and Mrs. Ova. It. ('rune
Mr. and Mrs.Paarl Crnuo
Mr. und Mrs, Geo. T. Stawnrt
UIDluS, PUIIH, and pi:ira
Itaiirlirrs, Stockmen, 'IrMpKtiss
If you havo any hides, turn orpelts send thorn to us. Wo pay the
hlebost market prices. Wo pay cash.
HOIIfiKU ."i COMPANY Ontario Oregon
Telephone IHiJ-W
Detective wiring
often results in a
disastrous fire.
if we do tjie wir
ing. We avoid
defects and you
avoid fires.
Let us do it
Northwestern Electric Go
Phone 188-J Ontario, Oregon
utuii.ed .Monuny rroiu u inunui r ,n
ditlon at Payctto I.akos.
Hurry II. Clemont loft Saturday
evening for Portland where bo ex
pects to bo for somo tlmo.
Mr and Mrs. T. II. Plser arrived
home- last Wednesday from a cumt
Ing trip on Salmon Itlvor.
Mrs. C. (' Mttellor came down
from Vale Ttiosday for n fow day
visit with Mrs. T. W. Clngutt.
Orvlllo Walters returned Saturday
from Westfnll whoro ho has been
working for the past two weeks.
I)r and Mrs. It. A. Moon and sou
spent Sunday In Wolsor visiting at
I the homo of Mrs. Moon's fnthor.
I Mr and Mrs Klnmr Oroutt of llnll
,ey, Idaho were In Ontario from Prl-
'.... ... nr.i . I... ..I. .lilt... til,ilb.i
illliy IO nviiiimuu) tioiwiih innv
Mrs V
for u mouths
In Pnrllund and Senslde.
J. O. Ndwconili of the llolso Val-
1 1 ley Packing Company Is a buslnoiM
visitor nero loiiay.
Ilumphroy Pliinoy canto down
from the Circle liar ranch on Mon
day for a short visit with his fath
er Misses Joyce Turner, Cathorlno
Conwuy and Mary Monaco loft this
week for Seaside for their vacation
Jack Taylor und Chorion Collier
who liuvu boon surveying near Jor
dan Valley returned the first of the
Mr und Mrs. Chester Scott of
llolso spent the wuek-ond In Ontario
tho 'guests of Mr. nnd .Mrs. I). W.
Mr and Mrs. U'llllnm I.sxon nnd
children und "Mis Dulsy Socoy are
enjoying n vaeutlon this weetq nt
Payette i.ukos.
II. I.. Peterson left Saturday evu-
lug for Portland to attend the doings
of lluyer's week, lie will ho gpnu
for sovoral days. '
Miss Stella ISnoth. field socretury
of tho Northwest Division of the Ited
Cross with headquarters in Seattle
Is lironturlo this week. .
Mrs. Pnto Duford nud Miss NeJtfo
Petorson who havo beon spending
somo time ut tho Circle liar ranch
roturned homo last Prldoy.
Mayor It. W. Jones went to Port
laud to Interview tho Highway Com
mission at tho meeting Tuesday, lie
loft Sunday oveulng on No. 10.
Mrs. I). !:. Moutaguo and daughter
nnd Itulph und Margaret Drune ar
rived home Monday from their va
cation at Payette I.akos.
Mrs. M. C. Merrill, who has hcon
ilsltlng ut tho homo of her mother,
Mrs. J. II. Anderson returned Wed
nesday to her home nt Monument,
MIskes Oroeta und Urlm Anderson
and Donald MeKonala woro down
from Drewsey Sunday to spqiiiI wie
day visiting at tlio home af Mrs. J.
II. Anderson.
Mr and Mrs. M. II. Mills nnd
dauglitrrs. Helen t.n Jeanne lull
Wednesday morning for nanny, um
bo whoro thoy will spond a two weak
mention ilsltlng relatives.
Mrs. Strothor roturned Monday
from Spokauo, Senttlo. Tocomn, Scqu
lo Hot SprliiRs and other Washing
ton points of Interest whoro hu
spent her vacation.
W II. Whlto returned last Prl
day from Hood Itlvor, Oregon whara
lie stient tlie nasi two mollis, .ir.
I While expects to move to tho applo
.town to muko lit home.
' Mr. nnd Mrs. liny Ui'ucnd and
.Mlsn Elvn Collins who havg bwni
i lilting Mr. Il.iUtoal's sister. lra,
JW. I. Hobor. left Saturday for tliplr
home tn att uaiio i iiy, ixnu. ,
J. K Morton. Cashier of tlio Iowa
Loan und Trust Co. of Dos Moines.
Iu.. and wlfo sloppod over between
trains Sunday on tholr way to Port
luud for n few hours visit with Mr.
Morton's cousin. J J. Whorry.
Mrs.. M. K. Hull enjoyed a visit
tho first of tho week with Mr. nud
Mrs. Norman Hill nud daughters, old
friends from Collbrnn. Colorado.. Mr.
and Mrs Hilt are im their way homo
from an extended motor trip to tlio.
The W C. T. V. will hold their
iinnmil ntlMlti? Tnnrfilliv-. AllCflldl J.
at tho homo of Mrs. Wlllard Hobor.
The secretary requests mamuiri to
puy tholr dues beforo that date j
TheSjO may ho paid to Mrs. W , P
I'ockrum or Mrs. Win. I.eo.
i District Attorney and .Mrs. u
Swagler returned Sunday from HaiU
iw Itlnlin u'hfrn flnv siimil their va
i cation In tho hills, waiting for( re-1
ricnty or simdu and parking room
for cars, i A good opportunity to meet
your Iowa frlonds.
Payette Knterprlsn
liy Perry
nrlto horse, gullops up threo Ulghts
of stairs, landing on tho roof of the
house. The roof gives way under
It ho great weight, and homo nnd rid
er orash through sticcosslva floors
Into the basement, where n terrible
fight ensues. The effect Is stupend
Tho Common Council of tho Cltv of
Ontario will receive bids at tho City
Hall on August "1(1. 1010 at 8 o'clock
P. M. fur furnishing tlin (Mlv mo
ot flnn coal delivered at tha City son! hnve thrilled tn tho gripping
nun ntisemoni.
Ily order of the Cotiuoll.
City Ileeonler
Thousands upon tbousnnds of per-
nbo ban heretofore appeared, (lone,
except for occasional flaihes, aro the
ramoiiH curls and beautiful clothos,
and Instend wo havo tha scrawny,
greasy faced, pug nosed frump
which for t'ultu u while Is difficult to
rccognlzo us our beautiful Mary.
This nhovo anything elso proves she
's an artist, for very fow of our
women of tho films would sucrlflco
beauty, youth ami cloths In order to
glvo an artistic porfurmnncc hut ull
this has Mary dono, and more Hut
with hor doft handling she makes
this llttlo nonentity of life a living,
breathing person a typo you havo
all seen but which you never rarod to
When Amanda tolls tho other girts
In the laundry of hor Imaginary real
station In Ufa and describes scenes In
her father's castle whoro Horaco hor
Imnglnnry lover uctually and figura
tively proves his devotion tdio had
us screaming with laughter r.nd
ttfif-t it tint nit Vnlntif Inn irntii In man
and nuistcir-rraoksmnn. Hanoi omo i again, when tho sumo llttlo figure
Sunday Service
A. M., Sunday School.
A. M., Preaching service. IUv.
It. Aldrlch. District Superintendent.
will preach.
Wednesday, August lSth, will oc
cur tho election of the Lay delegate
to the Annual Conference which
will meat at Cntiyou City, September
Cox' Running Mate Notified.
Ilydo Pnrk. N. Y. Pranklln D.
nneaovelt, In u fornml nddraai ac
cepting the dmi)CTNtlo vice presiden
tial iiQinluatlon nt his home here.
Joined with his chief, James M. Cox.
In accepting tlio challsnge of tha re
imblloaiis to make the leue of ua
tlons one of tl principal Issues ol
'ho nntlonsl -a.upaign.
reckless Jimmy tender with
women and altogether splendid save
Tor his penchant for mifc-hroaklng
With nerves of chlllod steel, his gln-ger-tlps
sandpapered until the raw,
bleeding nerves fairly throb with tho
silent fall of tumblers In vault doors,
he opuu safss without tools or dyna
mite. Freed from Sing Slug and In
lovo with a wonderful girl, ho "goes
straight.'' Hut ever tn tils wako st4kH
Doylo, tho detective, who has sworn
tn "got" him und put him back ho
mini prison him.. (n.i... the moment
when Jlmir.v has to make his great
decisien: shall ho force open u hank
safe and betray himself, or shall ho
loavo his sweetheart's llttlo tllstnr,
who bus locked hornolf behind the
ponderous door, to perish? How ho
meets, this crisis, und what comes of
It aro developed In "Alias Jimmy Vnl
tmt'nn". Dreamland. Thursday und
Prlday, August 12 and 13.
'When you run across a person
actually moots tho lover of her
dreams nnd renllzos that he would
bo ushamed to ha soon with her In,
public, hor ididlenco was weeping
copious tenrs.
Novor has a flnor piece of charac
ter work been done thnu Miss Pick
ford's production of "Suds". Worn
sbo n man, tho laurels of Theodore
Huberts, Tully Marshal and other
fnmous character delineators would
bo torn from thorn and placed upon
tho brow of tlio world's sweetheart.
Miss Plckford Is surrounded by an
especially well selected cast and the
street scones In tho London slums
and Interior settings aro most lavish
ly built, und accurate as to detail.
In fuel one U typically transported
to the throbbing heart of tlin Kug
llsh metropolis.
Credit for tlin dlroctton Is given
to Jack Dillon und Charles Hoshor Is
responsible for tho photography.
This production will ramuln at tho
Majestic for 2 days starting, Sunday.
August 1C nnd all tho admirers of
Miss Plckford aro urged to sou It.
who Is shy to a fault and Isn't got-innd thoso fow who assert that beauty
ting anywhere bocaiiso ho Is too bash- the lono requisite for screen sne-
iiii. j tin ii im nun u Krvui iiivur u
you would Insult him good und pro
per. Say something to him that
Mould get his 'dander up'. Don't
toll him liu's too much llko a shrink
ing violet. Do Hint and he'll bo
llevo younnd It won't do any good.
Out cull him a crook or n liar or
something llko that. Then If there's
uii) uwi mim in nun, u win cumu li
ross aro urged to go and sea what
real artistic acting Is,
Turn your second hand machinery
Into oash--your neighbor might want
JiiRt what you don't needlet tho
Argus Want AiIh curry the mousage
to him.
It's dollars
to doughnuts-
A. --'
' )St21SV
BLh N7
no man ever smoked a better
cigarette at any price!
CAMELS quality, and their expert blend
of choice Turkish nnd choice Domestic
tobaccos hand you a cigarette that will sat
isfy every smoke desire you over expressed.
You will prefer this Cumel blend to either
kind smoked straight!
Camels mellow-mildncss will certninlv
! appeal to you. The "body" is all there, and
mat smoothness! ; It s a delight!
Go the limit with Camels! They will not
tire your taste. And, they leave no unpleas-
um tigureuy aitertaste nor unpleasant cigu
retty odor!
Just compare Camels with any ciga-
i ana ui ine wona at any price!
Ctmtl, tn told rnvty whir. i ,c4tntitllr ,thd
"?'AVSf3 """ o' 30 n.. or tin pick.
'"Ion, IV. Uronity ftommtnd th cjrlon for
in noma or onc mpply or whmn you Irtvl,
I" 'TaUr tO Wt. W isusmipijim