The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 12, 1920, Image 3

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mm.RrlMJIimwarM1KrrttnTrr,nKK:a--rrm.rririi ....... .-,
Rexall Remedies
Eastman Kodaks
t ' " "
tiii: m:ALii htehi:
imium: no. a
Nyal Remedies
bk x wmatetm--ai'matiuJttffW7t
Tho Arctm want uilu will tpll our
furni produco or your socuuu lmiul
Tho prlco of llio presidency, llko
everything olo. In going up.
Your subscription will lio appro
elated ut tills tlmo.
The New Way
To Sew .
A Machine Yiyi Don't Have to Tread
vliist attach this murium1 to any olootrit; light
sookot and how all day if yon like, without tiring
yourself out. The old-fashioned machine is a
thing of the past. Let electricity work for you.
Western Electric
Portable Sewing Machine
J Tore is a sewing machine that docs the most
perfect work, with scarcely any effort on your
part. A slight pressure of your foot is all that
is required to start and stop it or to control Ha
This electric machine has a full size head with
out the old-fashioned cumhersome cabinet.
When you are through Hewing, just put its cov
er on and place it out of the way on a shelf or un
der a couch. It weighs no more than a packed
suit case.
You'll be surprised to know that this Electric
Machine cos'ts no more than u foot-power uiu
chine. And a cent's worth of power runs it for
several hours.
We'll Be Glad to Have You Try This
Machine Any Time at the Electric Shop
Idaho Power Company
Prof. IrfiiiKtf)' Willi' 1'ajotli Count)
Oirhut-dlst (living Itemed)-
Fur Prune I'cnI
My homo placo of 35 ncrca adjoining tho townsito of
Ontnrioj ir-minutes wnlk from city schools; well im
proved; modern house with electric lights, lmtli, wntor,
electric ratine, furnace, etc.
Thomas W. Clagett
"In a fow pruno orchards there In
nppearlni: u considerable Infestation
l( Nlllllur niltlM. Tlllnr mlfi.u wiii-1
'on tho loaves both on tho uppor ntitl
lower niuc.1, twin one Kind, which la
ut present tho nioHt nuniornus, spins
it protcctlvo woh under which tho
Insoct work." Writes Prof Kdngloy
to tho Count) Agent, I'ayetto Coun
ty. "Tholr prcsonco cull ho dotcclofl
by tho fact that tho loaves csticcl-
nlly on tho uppor part of Uio tree
look dry and diiHt)' nud In roiuo ensou
thoy (iro already falling. Thcso In
famed troofi cam ho roadllv recoRiiW
od nt qultu n dlnlanco. Tho mlto In
very Hinnll, hardly to ho neon with
tho naked oyo, hut thnro tuny ho hun
dred on n. slnglo loaf. Fortunatoly
vory fow of thtwo will usually ho
found except In orchards that havo
huoit neglected In past years, or olso
havo not had sufficient wutor for n
)xir or moro. In a fow canes n row
of trees alone a road muy becomo
nffected; tho mlto scorns to thrive In
n hot, dry. dtiBty placet. Thorn In no
catiso for alarm over this pot, oxcopt
In a fow orchards whom It Is now
flnravlnc with llmo sulphur solu-
tlon at u strength of ono part of
Pine sulphur to 40 parts of wator
will dostroy tho mlto. Thoro may ho
a slight burning of a fow of tho
youiiBor leaves, nud a slight russe-
uug or soino or tno rruit migm re
sult, hut whoro tho mlto Is numer
ous this dam nno will ho hIInIiI tom-imrr-d
to what tho mlto will causo.
I.'ino sulphur spray ns weak nn 1 to
r0 will prohnhly control them with
Iphm danger f hurnlnt,
"It can nlso ho controlled hy spray
ing with Una flour sulphur In wator
nt tho rato of no to -to poundn to n
200 gallon tank. adding 3 to S Dm.
of soap dlssolvod In hot wator. Tho
sulphur should ho sifted through
window scroon to hrcak up lump,
nml proforahly mado Into a pasto
heforo milling to tho tank. Thero
will ho loss danger of huru'nn with
this, and It will spread hotter hut If
moro expansive IJo cnruful to he
.thorough In applying tho spray
I "Whoro tho Infostatton Is sld'ht
nnd tho crop Is goml, spraying wmi
puro water; applied witn n conrm
nozzle will help to koop It In check
hut frequent applications will be
necessary. Its effect Is to wash off
part of tho mlto. Adding 4 pound.
f rninmnn unit In n 200 linlloll tank
Inrrmmns tho OffeCtlVOIIOSK Of tllO
wntor Bprar hut thoro will ho n llt
tlo burning of tho loaves.
"A second application of tho llmo
Biiinimr or sulnhur and soap spray
Inmy ho nocossary In nhout ten davs.
r. ... ... 1. 1.. ..., ...ill.ntlnn will lin
UIU irlUIJ Wliu ,.ifv -
nn Jwni n Junturn visitor on Friday. I
Lllll MrH- William Alien loft Friday for I
i iiiiiirin iiiiii ni nnr niiiainn iinniiH rrmt
Hitoppltig nml dcntlfttry.
y Mm. drover Mol'eok and chllriron.
firrriiiinnhfml w lint mnitinx M
.- .-...,., ,...v.. , .vi Hiuiiivi iim
Wnlsh arrived on Krlday fiom I'ny
,otto for n visit with hor sister, Mrs.
I.. I'. Dolsolo.
William Altnnw of lleulnh was re
ported on tlio sick list lust week.
Tho hoy crow of tho William Ilan
loy Co. arrived homo on Saturdny
from. Hums whero thoy hnvo heon
working for tho last two weeks.
lion Jones arrluul homo from On
tario Saturday.
Air. anu Airs, i-ctimiid or Mountain
noma minor anu inoiutr or .Mrs.
A. T. Mastorson nro visiting at tho
Mastorson .ranch nenr town.
I'nt Connolly of Urowsoy passed
through tuwu Suturdny on lit way
homo from Omaha whero ho had heon
w'th n shipment of shocp.
l'ercy Johnron who linn boon do
ing somo surveylm: at Cotton woo I
pasted through town on flaturday on
his woy to Vnlo.
Jack and Cote Jovco nud Mini
Anna Conroy loft for llluo Mountsln
Springs on Sunday for n fow diiy'
James Kennedy and children, (Hen
nlo and Muddy, nrrled from Ilurns
on Sunday, having spoilt ti fow days
fishing at Logon Valley on tho way
Mrs. (lus Trlesz returned on Satur
dny from tho Thompson roneh near
i)rownoy wiiore alio had lioen for it
weeks' visit.
Qoorgo IJakor nmdo it tr'p to Drew
sey on Sunday to take Lester Dnrgol
back to tho Chambers' ranch near
Drewsey where ho has heon haying.
Itov. W'lllliun A. Ilulrd tho well
Known Sunday School Missionary
rrom IJakor arrived Sunday In his
cur Uv linlnl was bound for t'runo
and Is milking tho trip oorland. Mo
was accompanied from W'entfnll by
Jiunos Graham.
I. M. Davis of Urowsoy was a Jun
turn visitor nn Saturday.
Among tho young peoplo who went
to Jlluo Mountain Springs for the !of tho partlos had tho mlifortuiio to
week-end woro Kred Kniipliiismau. Imvo n breakdown nnd V. J. Hopkins
KIllHOy StOWnrt. J. 10. Hlllltll. llnfinlll Infl nil Ttliillililv for llm yxanu nt Ihn
MnsterBOii and Lostor t'nwlflold Ore trouble.
The Griff itli Electric Co.
Ontario, Oregon
Prompt Service Best Materials
ISxpcirt Workmanship Hight Prices
No Job loo Small; No Job too Larue
Guaranlocd Rosidenco Water Systems
Power and Light for tho Farm.
Ontario Transfer & Storage Company
Long Distance arad
Phone 1 59 LocaS Biaulliinis
White Lunch Cafo, ONTARIO, OREGON
rp.irr, vnnr nnrnnil linnil lliaclllll'iry
Into cashyour neighbor might wnm
'juat what you don't need let tlw
jArnua Want Ai!b carry tho mosago
to him.
concern that gives the
same degree of refined
service, maintaining the
same high standard of charac
ter toward everyone without
'regard to their financial, condition.
A Modern Chapel
and Funeral Directors-
Embalnier's License
Oregon No. 332
Idaho No. 188 -
Embalmer's License
Orepon No, 233
Idaho No. 189
Ontario Furniture Co.
J. D. Fellows, tho well known
Pastern Oregon roprosentathe of th
i Wiley II Allen ro or roruaiiii ar
rived In town last week; accompanied
by JI S. Soule also of I'ortlnml Mr
Follows placed a lilBh-srado Kuphonla
Player Piano In tho homo of (leonse
IJakor, nlso a peauiuui boio nrr
m llm miinn tnnke. enulmicd With an
Leloctrle motor, In tho homo of II W
Stanley 'Asp. who has been omplo)
od at tho P. Ii. 8. Co ranch at Otis
Creek had a bad fall from a hav
'stack last Thursday, which resulted
In somo painful If not serious Injurlos
He escaped .with a sprulnod anklo.
a wronohed kneo and boiho minor
bruises, and wbh broucht to Juntura
for medical attention by M and Mrs
Cannle Moffot.
Andrew Oraham and nephow. Jas
Orahnm left last Monday with Dun
can Fraser for the lattor'a sheep camp
In Lopan Valley for a days' outing
Tho Ladles' Altar Society root last
Wednesday at tne nomo oi wrs nan
lei dalUghcr.
' Mrs. Forrest Jones of Jonesborc
arrived on Thursday to spend borne
tlma with relatlvoa hero, and laior
expects to visit tho Farrons ranch
above Drewsey, accompanied by Wll
Ham Jones.
I Miss Barbara Qrcallsh was report
ed on the sick list last week
i William Hanley nnd W. II Sterl
lug of Iiu;ns arrived on Sunday night
and spent Monday In town on matter)
of business. When thoy returned U
Darns they were accompanied b'
Qoorgo Stubblefleld who has beet,
surveying hero for the past tw
j weeks.
Mrs William Altnpw of Oeulab
.. .... wmiMM.itiwmimniMnmanmaaniuauM
Preserving Kettles
Milk Pans
' i
This stock has been bought a long" time
Foil Will Find the Line Very
Complete and a Good Buy.