It si M k v in THK ONTAKK) AIM. OS, ONTARIO, OttEG6N THURSDAY. AUGUST 12, 1920. : ' ? iVf QH0 GDutarin Arrjtui AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Published Thursdays at ' Oregon, and entered nt tho pott offlco for distributions class mattor. ' : fe- AIK1U8 I'UIlLlSllINa COMPANY Publishers WPt&rW!, IflnlAdlii .71 "V )nui1u is "2nd XmliVnto j" fto tj11, ??k U,W1 Jn ias,.irnucieiine cnnntirow on in Jh a. K. AIKEN. MnnnBlnc editor t: mcpahlin aouan, sup't. SUUSCItlPTION. Ono Year, J2.U0 THIS OOMINtl ISIjISCTTIO.V As a matter of iirqnutlon Tho Ar rub, would cat! attention to tho fuel that'.tlio voters of Ontario will ho cnllcd upon to elect a new city ad ministration this fall. Whllo ponda Hnnioy lakos to tho Oovernment inK on tho morlts of tho Iosruo of...,.,.,. ...,. . imtwiioo,, 0 m,o mull nations, Cox and Hardlnc, Btnnfloia 'Bt,rvico to tlic fntorlor. It aptieam Umt horo In Ontario where It cannot ho sorted In llniu for tho i-onjutiojH. Of course tho thru pouches fmuld' tip mall 1 - s anci juictui' 9 inru poucnes prune up' Itllnijir"1 forjdliirn. $, TMvnfsldo, fljlluripf sacks; but'rvqther mnll cannot Iib worked nor Can tho postal clerks In tho post.,offlcoB of the Interior, schome their out roIiir mnll so that It will Ret on tho rntit rain 'hero In Ontsrlo. This nialios hddltlunst work ,iuro and dolnys tho ntnll. Wlint Justification there Is forjlSi action of, tho post offlco department ts not apparent. There Is more nyed of tho sorvjeo now than when It fas established. Dotwccn tho, deslro of Hie. faimtlcs who would deed tho Mnlhour tm And It Is to he regretted thnt thin Is trim, fpr hero Js so much in rum mou "Interest bitwopn tho people f tho two stntat Umt tlidy, ooiAd bi lU'poijWfroii) tho Inter tl;ntthnd? 'of ttW .. . , :.. . -v .. . r,."r . '. .. 'gar.'u tor ncroinpiiiijiivjmi(W enorij mnt nrojnioiuRiii tun dfii a controversy wijJji-ptnTO s $,' Ifv'rfl'n 'Hitgo ,ckw Hut thero Is u"lln'H?J co'mniitho'crcofcB nreftltlrj't Hon ; and In tho first plate it n quires two to co-nporut" All ti co-oporatton An notf'jsime 'from one source. WA . y ' Tliore is ri' vast' till Terence too 'be tween natural rlrnfi'V, wli'rh Is RnoTL'; jand ttfy' .Mi IMIOTKCT THIS wAtish HOI.KH Mudlcato ln tho Coilnty thn itwtil un.trlk beds lltgo ,3cKtj ITy flrvkji of ks nrVdilrf'ln tho-fEP'that tho springs and water houVwhlch feed thorn nro beltiR trnmppd In by stock. ' -- The miRgcstlon . mado l to spina. of the etocKnion.thut. thoso springs U tlHl Iil,IFK mm yiv1MB "w ""i l" fur nnV rfffortH oQ-oiin Si'liMcfir jlth the' a tivoUftli tliOirtt'oolciA , would ho butter, natural rtfehls of W buier. And this edrtU for', onAl tho Svatbr supply for Is wlmt-tfia iieoiile of, WJblwr aA.doV Um strcams.wquld bo.Broatly onliano .-5 ., . 1.... ,..! tM -j' 1 inK wnsn nnoy onioriinui ouuoi'iuicn lOroRon and thru' their, titnte HIrU Mmy Commissioner oinlutvor to have tho. Oregon Highway commission do and Chamberlain and all the other Is sues and personalities of thu cntn palsn, It would bo unfortunnto If tho pooplo over looked tho problem of soloctlnB n representative city .council. 1 1 ' j And thin leads to tho observation that a chanso should bo mado In tho .city charter or tho statu laws rov ornlns municipalities so that at least halt of each administration would hold over. Hither tho city of flclals should bo olocted for terms of four years, half of thorn ovory other hlonlum, of It tho two yoar term Is to prevail hnlf should bo elected each yoar. Two years ago when tho present administration was nominated there wcro but 10 voters at tho caucus and nono of tho men present wnntod n nomination. In fact many of tho men prcsont went thero for tho avow ed purpose; as they said, "to protect thomsolvos aRalnst, nomination." From a purely selfish standpoint that may bo a proper attitude, It Is notoriously tho fact that tho man who Rives his tlmo to public affairs docs so to tho Injury of his private builnoss. Yet somo ono must do this. Tho men who by tholr busi ness success achloYo a competence In a community must rocoj;nlio tho fact that tho public has a right to some of tholr tlmo and that on public mattori. Thu man on tho stroet whoso busi ness Is so larcoly affoctod by tho municipal government tho ono thlnR'fnr tho 'residents of that satlon to do Is to turn Uolsh uvlkl, or move out of tho country. It Is apparent Hint tho Rovernmsrit does not seem rrncernod Ju thh sllRhtost for tholr wolfnro or prosperity. THIS THAI-TIC HKGUIATIONH Ontario has fallon Into tho regula tions of the now parking system quickly, and It Is an Improvement over tho old sjstom to a marked doRroo. Howovor It does not Rive ontlro satisfaction, nor could It Ontario. T,he Areus knows Hist, Ontario Is n-llllng and anxious to co-operate with Its Idaho neighbors whon thoy iro right, and tiro, oft,ort Is for tho mutunl advantage- of this nptlon but those snuiQ neighbors must real ize, or he mado to realize that On- rtiyvcyild As a mnhor of Boort hu'slnoss -It would Boom that tho stdckinen Ujom solvos would euro for this nrattor, that which thoy know, wjli; Injure forjon thojsitpply of wnof depends tlid number of "ntock tho ranno will for, r .. AN' Ol'l'OHTUNITV I'ojt TlllS, BTATIS CHA.MIIKH ,' - Tho offo.rt of Idaho to Injure MaJ hoor county thru tho pniMuKbf tho. OroROn Trnll at OldB J'Pry Old tarlo does not appreciate their nied- nn opportunity for tho tftato'Chnm dlliiK In Oregon affairs, and that . her of Commorco to demonstrate Its she Is wlllliiK and ready to flRlit for her rlRhts tit Any tlmo. THK COUNTY l'AIH TIjs ranchers have taken hold of the County fair this' year and thoy b!lmve already secured n degree of co- i oxpoctod to. No reflation will idense operation from the nutalde oninmuu lilies which indicate uini ins au- nvoryono. Thorb Is n Reed donl of talk In favor of ii elioiiHH to parklnc In the middle ut tho stroet, and there are mnny nrRUinents to bo advanced In favor of such a plan providing Ore roii strcot Is wide enough to pormlt It. That Is the only argument that could ho advanced iiRniust the center of tlii' street parkins. Ily parking In the center oj the street traffic would he divided by compulsion, and thus driving on the street would bo safer; podestrluus would bo protected :or there would bo no cars starting from the otirbe from bohltid other oars, also as In lh prosout rcsulatloiiH tho cars would naturally start In tho direction of traffic. And thero Is still another reason; tho curbs would nt all times ho frco for loading nn unloading, for moro In fact passeiiRors to alight from cars, and than ho Is affected ,hy olthor, coun ty stato, or national government has no right to crltlso thy . local administration of affairs If ho Is not willing to nssuuio his shnro of tho government or to assist In tho solcctlon of tho men to run for of flco. It Is thorcforo strictly up to tho inon and womon of Ontario to think ubout tholr local affairs and to bo present at tho caucus at which the mon uro to bo nomlnntod In this fall. THIS M.UIi SHHVICH Thero Is nn old saying to tho ef fect: "to them that hath It shall be given, to them that hath not, shall bo takon oven that which they hath." Certainly this applies to tho Interior of Malliour and Harney county. Tor yoars this region has boon practically Isolated. It has had ono train each way as far as Crane on which a mall clerk workod to dls triibuto Jtho mall and prepailo tho pouchos so that tho mall wont direct to tho connecting trains horo In On tario, Now that thoso havo bcon taken off tho mall going to and from In cttso of flro tho department would not ho handicapped by tho prosenco of cars noxt to tho sidewalk. Tho center parking has much to commend It, If the streot Is wide enough It might bo a Reed Idea soma day to string n bunuh nt cars iiiimI show will In reality he what Its name Implies. The Malheur County Fair. This I a step forward and whllo Ontario has In the tusl dose all that Is could to prqmote the Kalr and thn sueceee In the pest whs due to a large) degree to the activity of On tario business men, yet Ontario' In trest In the exhibition should not abate one whit. In fact now that the burden of management Is shifted Ontario should bo oven more willing to do eerythlng In Its power to make tho work of the muuhers suceossful, so that the 1'alr will he placed on a new footing of assured and continu ous success. Tho Argus knows that tho Ontario business men are willing to nsslst tho fair board; but also tint since pruotlOHlly everyone of them nro busy men, and that some effort must bo made to keep the workers In the harness to boost the FUlr. Thut work should bo done now usefulness. , It so largo an ornnnlzatlon can ho of no Intluonco with a state depart ment such as tho Highway Commis sion, then thero Is lltlto that Mat hour county can oxpoot from It, and tho quicker that fact Is. dotormlnod tho better for nit concarucd.. 1 w ' Ma ff riesW"i JMWd All mon am born with brains, but some .haven't sense enough to uso thorn. EXPRESS A'ND TRANSFER Phono 102 llostdonco Phono 11GJ2 II. It. Cnldwoll Prop. Quick Sorvico SON POWER ON THE FARM I ! rt'. v ..-. W Tho af fcefr-Bfervice that goes vJith 'the . ' sjin dealer's ard 'located in qveiyiomiiuniLy willi stocks of spare' tpiirtsf And 'empjoying ' ( skilled metljjiicspV.iw kpfjv just ji)wuth, '", t'Fordson shcHb(j keit aifdtalcWarc oft '.; , to do it besUwork. This Fordson servipe.mefws. Ahat .your. "',. .h',uufdr cin be keptbnisy everV'worki'ng5 (Iny during tlt,b entire'lvear; tha Fordson rn'ecHnfticsare l'eady to show you how to (-'K. get the be3t results from thu tractor. '$,'; Fordson service insures, you againBt ' clelay in getting parts. It is your protec- ' t,ion. It is a protection now being enjoyetl ", by more than 100,000 Fordson farmers in 'the United States. ... Let the Fordson dealer tell you all yab'out the Fords.on service and the Fordson Tractor. ford garage ONTARIO, OREGON V. B. STAPLES, Proprietor Patronize the Merchants who Advertise in The Argus. - vw "T- from eont THK COAIMKItClAI, CI.L'H The suoeeee or failure of an orRuin aloiiB tho contor of n block Jjist to llnt0 M0, th Commercial Club uaa tiflintlinn rr nn It tat Tlise uriinlil '. .. 1 . ti.. largely seo whether or not It Is. That would detormino tho argument between thoso who declaro the street It wide oiiourIw and thoso who Insist that It Is not. Another HunmtIl(ilt In oaso Hint the eenter streot parking Js de-olarod not feasible, why not roqulro auto owners when they park to start at one end of the bloek and huvo oaoh oar park eiuae to the last car parked, rather than have i each driver stop anywhere along the curb? A Kroxit deal of sp&oe on the stroot could be saved by syeteraiUlo parking. TIM I! TO OUT HUV It Is IiIrIi tlmo tlii) communities of Mnlhour county facing the Sueke Wvbr (rtiiocntCie that. they have, a roal bnttlo to fight with their neigh- thoso bora on tho oast bank of the river. points Is dolnyod from 12 to 2-1 hours Thero should bo n show down soon. Is so largely dependoat upon the personality of the exeeutlvo officer and tho co-oporoUon of tho memltorn that every offoFt to bring the two I'll oloee toush with eaeti other Is iiao oW ' ' 'Hie Ontario Cotnmereial club bus a new secretary, a man with experi ence In cities larger than Ontario, nnd who therefore has many Idea for thu advancement of the Inter est of this' section. Some of those may not apply to a city of this slio, and he will need the advise of the business men to harmonise ills Ideas with loeal conditions. That U ono of tho functions of team work need ed In every such organisation; and whon his Idea that are applicable are adopted, nnd' work started to bring tkeui to n realisation, then tho secretary Is entitled to the undlvldod co-operation of the entire member ship. We bespeak for Mr. Clay that oo-uperatlou. M6l6 than half the motorists of the Pacific CoasJ use Zerolene STANDARD OIL COPANV C CALIFORNIA) vmmm '"BfiTTaflFii! mm yi grade for each type of engine . 0. ii. TEST, SPECIAL AGENT STANDARD OIL CO. Hut why nil of this fuss over mm- pnlRii slush fiiuiUT Cnp a fellow who want to beaomo president afford to he lea of a spender than the peoplo who eloet him? . aro.a L"From C ' ' -:- : ted ows Carnation Milk is pure cows' milk frQm, America's dairy farms, evaporated to the consist ency of cream, then sterilized to keep it fresh. Use Carnation in .your home for every milk purpose. Buy it from your grocer, the Carnation Milkman. ' Wrjie fgr Free Recipe Book Carnation Milk Products Co., 506 S. ItliSt., Itolte tion ontented Cows I- WW' JH Milk tVAKM M Thl al,J , rtdaJ wttt If jSv-4 v &' n .Tv- Kmmr -- A :: 7l. tsfBkasT mwi m n y A it i P1t&'iMGB&m. T&X' i ..J12-.:i. J0U m ar api i laj u fmw kYT5W3mgmiR& vjt" .a .iiinw ij z .rjeeiPSuJCCAsyaHsr-Tf to ri-sa smu tbJ1 " ' " " -"? i155 -KJc ;.'-f:?i .v';-:" 77- !iiiH'. . -tetn KSMSI I: GFNE MEUADY "The Master Man" of the Live Stock Trada ,Y;oor Profits Depend Upon. Yoiif Sales a - Ship Your Range Cattle and Sheep to MEIMDY BROTHERS v. Live Stock. Commission Merchants OMAHA f The Firm of 100'' Service For Twenty Years the Most Progressive, Aggressive Expert Salesmen ol Range Cattle and Sheep " m th,? Live Stock Industry, ,.OUR MOTTO BESULTS, NOT EXCUSES -... Bill Y.our Shipments the Melady Way 100 SERVICE SAFETY SATISFACTION, WRITE US for market information and iteck paper free of charge. Uf- 4 OREGON .1 ONTARIO,