V. -v ? $ i i' &t$n.''- mft&xi& mt XXIV oiti1 u.u i..i i!iiiiiiimj.ii'i;.ii i imjjii.i:; iniuiii.Bin.il SENATOR McNARY MAY lIPU AUJVUnr DDAirPT' lltW Uffintt FKOJtU NY8HA OOMMKItCIAI, Cl.Ull EX- TKNDft INVITATION TO JUNIOH HKNATOK TO INVKHTIOATK 1'OHHIIHMTIKH OF IlKOION EXPRESSES HIS WILlttSS Neighbors To Houlb OcttJng Husy In Hopo of lUivlvIng Interest lu Hrlirrao if lleclaliulafi Itlrli Arr, Invito O.nratlou fionator Pharlea A. McNarr. lunlnr United Rlato Senator from Oregon may visit this aectlon In a short time to view the Owyhee Project. An Invitation to him baa hern extended by tho Nyssa Commercial club, and the Iloard of Director of the Owyhee project, which It I bsllevod he will crept. llecently, while a pasfttuer on N"o. 19 going Into Portland Hev. Shields! of Nyssa happened to meet the Seu-.n,. alor In the Pulluiau and lu a con versation with him learned that he was Interested In the project. In fact be declared that he wanted to view the project, believing that Irrigation and reclamation would be much to the front In the next session of Con gross He wvnt one step further, be said that he would come to Malheur county to vlow the project. When this Information was convey ed to the men of Nyssa the fonimer rlal Club, at a meeting held last Friday night extended the Invitation, and asked the Owyhee Hoard of Dir ectors ,to join with them K. M, Dean, president of the Nyr sh club was In Ontario itaturdav to attend a meeting of the Fair Hoard and In speaking of the prospect of a Visit from Senator McNary said: "We .have Invited him to be our guest and to view the project, and when we bear from him, If the replr Is favorable, aa we trust It will be. we plan on Inviting the Commercial rlub of Ontario and the Chamber r......- ir.,. . ,,.. ,... ... ... iuuim.ig "''"'" ,u JU, .""" r" ..,'"".'?" EJKr. .1 .i""?..1.." matter mote forcibly to the atten "t7,. imnL,Vn;: nf .m. -Mii t 'of Ontario's banking fraternity. J. uiKhXlu?tftm?'.?tat' Accompanied by their wives they id rn 1 &. nu.'ti.. r na8 Be trip South of Ontario and M.n.4?. n...S nS .inn- nS ?. Nyssa and on to noswell. Parma, blem under present conditions, or at M'lh. ... p..i.ii n,i Mr,inira least get it In such shape that ltaiM.Lb! f. f?""?" !?i,?.T?fy"ri.! rwnWVneb?.md7oUrde,f,nr.,.PraciHo,n ionrth..ucS.r.'nTbu..a.,lc oTeV Mm"" lhe ,,me for def,nUe c"OD1prospecta for heavy yields lu crops NTAltT HUMODKUNO HUIU)INO UAMAOKD I1V nilK ON JULY SM) Harry Klme started Ills crew at work this week remodeling the H oy er building which was damaged by fire on July 20. The bulldlug will be arranged to house the Uoyer Dros, wholesale, and retell establishment and included In the Improvement to be made will be a basement under t the rear of the entire structure. EOxSO feet. A heating plant and other improvements will be added, so that more than double the floor space of the Institution across the street will be available for the firm in Its new home. POOR SPORTS TAKE TO SHOOTING PHEASANTS " ' ' . . uaurnrr uriujf iwum or ubiiu-mi jw. poit wiiiKitiug or uinu wy aiea Who Wlien CluMtU Hed Vur City Ontario must plead guilty mor sporfs. lvr ."'. 1-een guilty, rh;rre of housing emr.e These Indlvldusis have nu'uir ma pssi n ui kuuuiius phennsn(8 oil nf nenwn. Of tr- ravinr on me isnns or raacnera anu iiiierwine aiapiating uiair iypa ut character, F'nthwest of the city wax appraised "" .".-. - hw-. ,n... . .. (-'' nreynnfo of these Individuals Saturday night when a fuBsllade of rhnla disturbed the peace of that re-'-i He Immediately gave cbaie In the men who Jumped Into their car and headed for Ontario. Mr. lloss was gaining tinon them when ' the carburetor of hla car blocked nnd Via i it at atsht nf tfriaim almnir and he lost sight of them almost within the city limits. The car had an Oregon license, and a pretty good Idea of the identity of the men la entertained by aeveral of the ranchers. Steps bare been taken by a flueo ber of men to put a stop ta the practice of the poor aporta who vio late the law this year. Last year the practice waa quite general and the ranchers who fed the. birds last winter, while the poor sports did nothing", rather reseat the display of the beg aaade by the taw who can not take their chance with the law abiding hunter to get a bag during the open m9q, wwwiwwwwwi i in i tmmi4nmrwmm wn pi mi hiiii n ONTARIO. 1.UCJV IAKA COMING IN AN HAWAIIAN PANTAHIA JmM Kutollaa "Princely the K&xstittssi theatrical attraction that Iiai been booked to aunear lu tut cllr (or !"? "y1" -1" .?nB?ii. if 5 mS?' tagenient of the Dreamland an the engagement (or next Wednesday eVen- lUg, AUKUBl 10, . The Company U HaflI by Lucy Taka, Hawaiian vocalist and dancer (ormerlr featured In vaudeville, whoie (Irtt appearance 1 Nbw York la aald to hare started (hi "Hawaiian Craxe" which remained ill vogue (or several aeaaona In the metropolis lu connection with the aiage per formance, the famous Hawalln (eat ure picture. "Tho Idol Dancer," it wonderful screen production, la ihown, accompanied with Incidental music played by a aextetto of native Hawaiian musicians. Other novel featuret of the enter talument luclude a harmony trio of male volcoe, a troupe of real Kanaka lncera, and the. Interpretative nutu bera of Miss l'aka. In addition to her artlitlc dancing the little lady also possesses a remarkably sweet slugtng voice mat adda mucn to ner -" iu nurses cniorou so lar oi uoo. t. Aiaen, wno could not charm and U excellent proo( of her'81 Dr. McKay. Hobble Minor. Noro mako the trip In time to roach Port versatility. .Minor, Ada McKJay. anil Apponee, land by Tuesday, as one of tho Com- The screen story of the Idol Dancer Pco" '1 M. J., Marvey H., and mltteo from this place to appear be in connection with the fantasia,,"" tharlle, trotters. fore the rommlsslon nn thnt day. "Princess of the Paradise," being I 1;or ponies thoro will ho snv- A telogrkm received from P. J. Onl produced together and announced as rl atrlngs ready to face tho slnrl- lagher yesterday reads as follews: a big double bill, Wednesday night. at the Dreamland Theatre. Is under bronai diractluu of Mr. J. T. f)inj....t it.. iHikn. ..hi.miLM.mi . .nuv"i.i uu u...u. IVU..I.....U. y, . h, ii "linh." Thaw. whn. witii I dainty Elsie Evraoude, lyric soprano, now a musical comedy star, Included Ontario In a tour of the uorlhwest ......i ....nn. .. several lesions ago. BIG BEND CROPS ARE BEING HARVESTED vi.. vi.i.1. ,.f u'hi ud iuri-v'8'ramons following nor training t Notrd Ou Trip Thru Rrgluu Houth -- w. ----- -.-. -.--.. - "al Of Ontario ad NysAa -VVIifst at Uushela Per Arm Aji -i, , . .. . To find wheat being Harvested which taresntd out'69 bushels per .... -...a t...i- k. mm an i...aK.iM .iro. uu u.nc tu.t i.u w uu...i. to the atre, furnished evidence of,'"-" " "'" inturesiing exporioncojtho new owners on October 1. Mr, the prosperity of the Dig Bend couu-. ." ufficient to satisfy two memnera For example in that William Hos will secure 10 bushels of barley per acre and Arthur Hadley bushels of th; same material. T Muntte werff reported 6$ bushels of wheat made by K. H. Drumback who threshed their crops. UNION HIGH SCHOOL ASSURED FOR JORDAN Hrhool DlMrlds No, 8, 27, RS, and Hit Cult To Olve CMIdifn Of Valley AiWaulatfrs of lllglirr IMuratlnH i, ,v.. I., .. .,ir- f ih. Pn.mi. Court the vole upon the question of & ,..,.? : i jorasn alley count iy w cauvaased, and fouud to be favorable "ur mboui lutnrta untteo to mane the ronroll.Ntwl dHrlrt aa follOHs n; . ., , . , ., ..""" oul ou" "' ll" "" 37. the vote wss unanimous, and oui ' txadvers vote. wre casi In that Til, : ,"V ;,'".t, rourl ('rnfr'1 " i iuiuio'I " Jrdn "r will sl-ai MjIUou ouul i.i r lly School It n naku possible the eiucat on of pup- m B , ,iin .i.i.i .. ,i.. i. '....I. "It iv.'J'ohi-' 3 aH & danUd the advantagea of the add;- tioaal nstru nii, f, on wlMo-do ran afford to go out of lb T.iiaj saru cjr iu .vniiui. prsfttsltn.l Mn Hslp In Hrvst Bikitafck. N D. A twilight army of laker. Uwyers, doct:;s and mer eha deff4 white col'ars and atep- p4 out Into tae barveat fUWi b an tttai to reklevs what threatens t be a serious farm labor shortage. ,51 fret Ksar. C.nvktad. Wafctaitoa-A tela! of 161 eonvic- wauiwsioa. """4W,W tlosa have been obUlaed la fee ca. alga of the deB-itsMol et Justice s-sJsst araJUserifio. , . . . . - i. . tjtaanw LmM w Pnane, England PMaac, Kaglasd. Arckbls&op Mib-Ii was lanaad acre froaa a de-l . was i w. iru-. Mrayer. Tfc rcWMaP aeciinea w gne 6ih a tmuaiiNH. MALHEtJR COUNTY, OREflON, TIIURCDAY, AU(iUST 12, 192 J JUWUmWlMMJ 1JLIU L UU. IJ. ' ESSRACES ATTRACT FAST STRING Flf rurrm and Tlirrc Trtittrr Al ready Knlciril .ir INiur Iay , Mallnpra Other' Kx IntIimI ldtrr Interest In tho racltiR program lo a, - - i"i.... given during the Fair, September Jl, IJ, 23, and 24th is already maul- f'i... i.v ,,.' hi" '-- -7 ..!-. anu entered (or hlmseK and other I'ayetto men eight fast harness horaca. Of these flvo aro single- (ootera and three troiier. A.i.ininn. .1 entries .re expected every day, so that be(ore the rare program atarth the list Of liamoss events Will he (Ml- ! out. er ommunlcatlons received from i lth runners show that the lov era of tho sprinters will havo action .durlne the week. ' ,- ".": ..... .. The management' Ih Is vosr ulans extensive Improvements on the track M 't It will bo faster than usual, nl thus a good card furnished frit .races. v , , HKD CHOSH Vl.THHAN FIIOM ftiiiKitiA ti:a(ihn) iikhk Miss F.tliel P. Rtmmnns Vim suo-l .ccvJod Hiu Cresau In charae of tho tOni4rlo ClisDlor u ono of tni hurrer of the North Wostein Dlvloloa who mw scrrlw r.urlns the wnr Mlmt the City und County hospital In H. i nul, Mliiu, en( to Hoattlo and frdrp tiier) voluntetrnd for war work. 8ho weK sent tc lo Plilll'nlnec and then - . .. a ...!... i. lt I'lberU, being attached to the Hod (Toss uo-puai at vaiadtvistou during " war. nn witnessed me ugr.iiiig !' during the revolution stugrd by ItliA Itusilsn armv unit liml . --. "---: . - ""i. " V " 'urlng her lotelgn servlco. -or ALFALEA MEAL MILLS ASSURED BV HAY MEN Two iTttatrly Owutxt MHIt Til llr KrclfV Oo-oprrntlvt' Kffrtrt A I.. Continue to Ailvorute larger Mills That there will be a number of al- fiilfu inMBl mill. In th. M.IIia.i wul. ley la an assured fact. Thestt mills will be ready for grinding the 1920. crop, The latest addition to the list of mills will be that constructed ny Oeorge ltoss on hla ranch on the Iloulevard, formerly owned by Dupre urotners. Air uoas nas ordered a au ton mill and will havo It In operation In time for the fall run. He will operate It not for his own crop ulone but for those of his neighbors who desire to grind their ulfalfa for ship- ment. i Deride Ihrse there Is the mill er erled by Itsndall Sage ou his ranch on th r0'' " ,,,e tI1ko Just east Bn(1 Mr' rBlhy t NrMa hBYe ,,, , Ileside thene there Is being con- .i..,.,i . .,,, , u ,. ...m . fc(B(i .. ra(ro 0 a arK. 8(.nie to rart for , a rrn of ,R , that region. The ranchers there i are considering this matter sorlous y tho no definite ocllon has ..i,.n .rh . ., B inv.i-..in Ingmadeof the fesslblllty of the por- tnl.la tii III na n ar.lnlnn nf Ih. urn uVen towar,, ,ne ,rodntlon of .,,,. nt thai tvnn I mMU .f "'" lype' ' .., ... ........ . , ,,. (p lrn, K,wav pt ,))ll( pcrrv ti .iii-iikos vouiu no .roriMieii in qrgnn- X . J 'illarher..and .ayor II V JoneHl',"., ,,,r0 K"'iP' Hit Hcnhr I.I fa Jalohson, the well known I'aycttc '"' Ontnt;, Prnulr Narthruii of liond ?,,,n,J t'nrP' compced o( men ilgl- driver w.. I Ontario lost Saturday " ? .?. U'"'""' "".' I Z ff.'.l:"" 'h-!jVT ,i lluvrre NV.t IVIII.m Pilccs At Which wttiftti pioneer mmrr wj w Julius Caraar pauMln Dies At H"- pilal Wua Well KaiiMli lu lu. ie,l..r Aw Haiirlui' aud Ktoikiuau IhIIiih f'i..-"ar Soiildlut of W 08t- tt. (A" '"ei al "lu hospital Sundav riiavliis' an nnavaHnn fni DnnAriiHl lowlug an operation for appendlcftlH. Mr. Spauldlng took III at bis home. for medical attention:' The .tart had unfortunately been too long delayed ,Bd peritonitis had aet In before the 0peraon t00 pjaCe. Funeral services were Held Moo- daf ' Westfall and Interment was made In the Westfall cemetary. Mr. Spauldlng waa one of the beat 1BOWIl meB 0( tne upper country bav- lag lived in Westfall for eight yeara. During this time he waa proiam- a-'eni BB a .tocwa,,, aB(1 TBDrlier He ,8 Burvrej Dy one son, Jack Spauld- iBg of westfall. TtlWWWHTf I'' Ml 11 'B si an ! swa? COMMITTEE LEAVES TO CALL ON COMMISSION Ontatld. SjHHa ami Dim, I 0 .'at fn. In- Ti Pirarnt CMlnii nf County To Completion nf Old Orcuou Trull 'lu HlAU) Tn tjrrcnt the wi of thli Hcilun l.K-Ml m airj III IIIM H(Ulin o' '' 'talc conceml-i.t tie nlan l"c- r"1"1 b ''ftho lo tlu Orogoti lllh- ny l-.immU.lon, to end the Old Ore Al a ,nMttnK i,el(L ut thu City Hall "J'111 ,lt,en eT '' 'cr; un.t tli.j last I'l'ty -vcntu attended bv del- Iu,J,or ' ,fo Bavii,, Crw compofo.l 'gallons tiom N..sa nnd Doad Or ?f ,,0'" !rom twnlv to fiftoen. The rlnt h?o cominiinlllin derided lo.J,?,".b.0oen.. ',"MI 0, ol",'1'on I IIIDIIU 1 I n V1S ..-.- r -.pair XIII II ' iiiiiumuu Ul till- .ftS , cSmUl".'.1: the peoplo of (Ills section viewed the nrooosnl and Mnvnr Jnni wrf num. II..II. ..... -.!.. I.. l. . .ii . . ed by President Van lolton In plaro "Commission adopted resolution deslgnang Ontario east terminus Old Oregon Trail. Ontario rumors false From thU um urn lnni IiaIIav. .. ... ; : - .. that tho rumors of the uast few iinv wore without much foundation, and that Ontario, will, nfter all, ho tbn terminus nf the Oregon Trail, as first Intended. I Further particulars will bo given .in our next Issue. 6 j I'lONKKH IHIKWI HKV HOTKI, MAN COM 1. NO TO ONTAIHO TO UVK " and Mrs. J. A Ilartlott of y. where thny havo oporatcd u or many years and havo !jo - Mr Drewsey. hotel for romo a know,, to avervonn who imvnu thru, or has liven tn thn Inierior.i1 nro In Ontario this wonk vtsltlim thotr daughter, Mrs, Thomas Arnold Whlto horn they purchased the rest- deuce of C. F. Coron the eusnt.la - . . . . .... and will come here to make their homo. Under the terms of tho sale possession or me nome will be given the new owners on Ovlobor 1, Mr. nml Xtr. fn .,., , l...w. n..,nM. -"" ""' - --l"'- "' wini- visit In Iowa. IOWA GOING TO PICNIC AWHOE Pavrtte. Friiltlaml ami Ontario Hm. Y" litnnls From Haitkeyr Hlalti Tii I'Mrgalher ami 1VII Of Oirn CnMi Ktr. Old residents of Iowa are strong tnr rHlinlmia. TfiArn ! liuriltv n illn. trlct In the west where reunions of former rosjdeut of the Hawkoye state do not get together lo renew acquaintances and toll about the big corn crops of Itiolr old homo Btute Tho lowana of tho Snake river val loy are going lo establish this custom on a larger scale than usual fur this section this year, Over on thu Idu 'ho side there have been Catherines In the past. This your the old time llawkoyea from Ontario and vlclnlt. and there ure hosts of them, have ibeen invited to Jo'n In the reunion which will be held at Washpa nn Fr- I day, August 20. Notice to this ef- feot was received by the Argus from TUe plcnlo ground selecled Is onb one mile soutn or I'ayeue ana mere win i,. ni.niv ni nuim in, ,, uimn. ,nnre f 8,R1B Bnrt a g00d time Is BhMired for all. ::mm mm for ' por unni nitAiitiiiM on ro UWLCHU Nil 111 UHLI.U A t-l'Rht tlemuml for wool hus hee noted In tht past wek or teu days thu the prices paid luv? Ieu (n from aatUfuctory they art b'Hir . thun prevailed some time since. A number of aalos hato been nporteil but the seller ure not giving out for publication he prices received ' The only other feature of the wonk In the atocK gamo la the movement of lutnbs to market There have heeu (tnany sblpmeiita In the face of the fuct that the prices have been stead- lly falling, Among the shippers from this section Lester 8a well loaded alx ahlpped eight and Jim Cllntou, ten carloads from Ivkoport John Hum shipped ten cars from Bvergreau There ban also beon a movement of lambs from the Crune branch and a general movement of lambB to raar- Xei is on rigni now SI II II ("""sassssau'MFAi miiis mm Dr. W. J. Wonse. r'hnlrmnn nf Mm local chapter o( the Atnorlcun Hod Cross, thin wook rocnlvoil Ihn fnl. lowing communlcotlnn from Hod i Croso hcadqunrtcrs at Bontln, Wnsh. "Mr. Joseph C. Hedges, nn expert' ir water nrsi am, wno lias recently Jotned our Division ivAff, will be in Ontario August. 20th. Tho purpose of iMr Hedges' visit w'll ho tr- put en n wutcr nld ilcmotislrntlon nnd li organize tho f.lmmrrit o( your ic?",niun,l'r ,n, ' ,lfu vng corps T, , - nutf,, .ijjn ,, corp8 t0 "c ftl,ncl"'l to your fj Jinplor nf tho IU1 C'ui Volunttvtr '" :'" .C?r'.' . PqaalbM Mi. leconm in auxlllsn to the Kmiip I.lfo Suvlnp Cor.M. Further partleulun- will Im wveu hcxt vouk. NEW YORKER COMES W VIEW EASTERN OREGON ...fe . ..,. ... .... .. i,ri, ji, rmniT, i-iuiirrr m in" in koturi nn I .Muitlntin, Noiv N lurk Aiiiine' Visit mc He Ai'e Here (loo. M. I' unov nf Now York ClivL.. .. .... .... ........ : in nm.r... il.l. u..,L ii... ...... ..""" Bl Ulnr Phb on mo 1-ucniB hie i.ster Mrs. W. J. P' t icy. vn Joying ina cuimps i nm livmt in i county nun nas s.ggu peoplo per saunro mllo, toSisltlnit in one thnt has ono Pr"ii 'or each 040 acros. I Wlt" w J- I'lnney lie went to tho lclrc, ,ar ranch last Friday for a af.hnist llt atlllt lilat uah ltntnnt..A hort visit with his son Humphrey '"" .wll P0" b0? rrildent of imibi uMnllnH alnAA Sli iinlHw TI.. this aoctlon since oarly snrinir. The tlrlvo from Ontario to Crane and ro - ttun was an cnJoyaVe oxperleiK' but lint n novel on,i 'or the New Yorker. Tho ii tesldont of N'n.v York since litFS, iiid ono of its loading rorpora - Hon attorneys, Mr. P.nney ia u re a plounor nf tho West. Ho llvnd In i-nrtli Dakota In 188,', when n.) In- l.'nn upr'ilng w:is not m uuusuai px- pVrlcnrt. letter his (v r.'ly mlgrntod to Monff.na when that (treat tur.in wan still a territory. Hla fathor who had boon appointed United Htates Marshal for tho Dakotas, there wasl "Meetings nro being hold In sever no North and South Dakota thon, til different sections of thn countv was transferred to Montana In a Him- thla week lo brlnK dlroctly lo the Par rapacity. lattontlon of tho fnrmors the posulbll- IMr Plnnoy has driven by teum Itloa of marketing their hay by way across Iowa, tho Dakotas and Mori- of tho meal route. It Is altogether trna, before tho aay of tho re'i probablo that suvoral moro mills will road, so tho lrlp by ntto from On- ho ostabllshod as a, rosult of those .tano to Crane and roturn wau only a pioasure Jaunt compared with h.i e .perirnco or ti.o early day. SELF-INTEREST MAY AflllPr II P TA IAT liQI iNr I A III fllil VnUUL U. U. IU nUI " Washington. An lnterchtne of vlewa Is In progress between the Unit- l Statea and Kreurh nml Ilrltlsh gov- ... -n.UK.,ln ,. ..!.. .4. nf III. I riiiucuis rvs.iuiiip. w nim lulled States toward the bolshevik invasion of Poland. With the threatened political and economic collapse of Poland and re actions of similar gravity uutlclpated In statea adjacent to the new republic, fflclala described the situation as tpproacklng a point where self-Inter-est would prompt the United States to act. Included among steps tho United Slates might find Itself compelled to take, olflclala auggested, Mere exten- slon of credits to permit purchase by ,.,,, . .,1. .., nn.iriuL Poland of surplus war materials, a uecmration or murai support mr ro- Wilson, County Club leader, laud and a warning to the so let gov- I "A survey of 1000 homes In tVe erumrnt not to trespass boyond Its 33 Northern and Western Statea In . ,. . . dlcatea that "no occupation waa bouudailes. srarcoly a fitting classification for Military aid, It was addej, could be tne farm WOman considered only If all else failed; Statlstlca compiled from question- Military authorltlea suggested that lrrea distributed hv Rllsa Florenrt u . . a a .j ,. unai ...,i K. Word, In charge of Uxtenslou Work the brigade destined or Slloala and ror Womon thru ttl0 Mome nemon- letalned In Qcrmauy, If sent to SI r.tratlon Agonta In thoao Stutes, ahow lesla might steady Poland, Ctecbo Slovakia and dermal. Completx itrangulatlon of Poland by the cutting of the Danslg corridor by the b'.lshe vlkl, they said, was a grave event ral Ity which the presence of American troops might ponslbly avert. foch 8scs Chance For Poles, London. Poland Is still far from biing beaten, In iho opinion of Mar shal Koch, as expressedj In an Inter view with the Exchange Telegraph company's correspendent at llythe Providing Poland's forvea and her military material Are quickly organ Med, the marshal is quoted aa saying, she may yet be able successfully to defend ber fioutlvrt. 'III J HUIll ll"P'IH IllgJ mi i i if-. j NO. 36. iiuriB. i'iillu UIIULI TO SOLVE PROBLEM COMMHIlClAIi CI.UII AND IWIWI HL'ltKAU WOHKINO TOOIfTllKK TO IIL'IM) MAHKKT I-'OH 1IAV t'UOI IIUVKItH Hi:i:iCI.N( I'HICKS NOW MEETINGS WILL BE HELD Hludy Will II? Mmlc of I'M-lRlit ItaltH nnd Other CoiiIIiikchcIo To lie Mot In Kffoit To Itcncli Outside Mm kits Mills On Wny "Thn work which the County Farm llurenu Is doing at tho present time in the effort to assist tho farmo.'s of Malheur Count) to market this 'atir'h liny crop bids fair to produra hoimc vary tangible results, "Is the tnniiuor In which Roorutnry H. II. Cluy of Ihi Ontnrlo Commercial Club e prossed himself this i'ok. Conllnu. lug hu mild: "Committees among the 'farmers have boon Investigating the insHlhlllthN of marketing tho huy rrop ns alfalfa in on I. This lnotl Kullon shows thnt seomlngly rolluble markets for thin product nro to he found In 8outbenstorn Toxn, thru- .Hit Ihn BlttlAM nf llin tmlitHli. vmt ront' O"1 ,ow ,,fty" inco tlrm in .i nearuy town was asxcu to quoto luces on ld.uoo tons or nirairn me.ti dcllvorod In San Francisco, "Tho best advices show tlu present mnrkot prlco for thli duct In San Francisco Is 111 ItiH tulillA nnnl rtiiiatn rtln tlut the pro- 2 per ton whtlo present mnrkot prtiM for maa In Knusas City la about 131 per ton. , "Whllo tho Initial Investment for machinery nnd equlpmont to mnkv the nfval roaches n comparatlvoly ,hjgh figure thoro Is a considerable number of farmers who bollave that thls Is tho host solution of tin; hay prohlom. 1 "There aro several mills which will bo built lu this vicinity this fall. Ono milt of thirty tons dully capacity la already on tho roml from the factory and two othoni of sixty tons capacity aro to bo ordered In thu Immediate future. mootlnga. "It la ostlmated there "It la ost mated there aro omu S0.000 tons of alfalfa )n this county this year which can reasonably he classed as surplus stock. j "The Ontario Commercial Club la actively co-operating with the farm- ;er, said Mr. Clay. "In aoctirlng rrcigiu rates tor mis community ami othor necessary Information wi ti (onnorH In completing Investigation. On tho fact of pr wanted their present data, ll would appear that tho turn- lug of the surplus atock of hay oft In tho form of moal preaenla the nt loulcal aolutlo of tho problem. FARM WOMEN WANT TO HOVE TO TOWN Hui'VPy of 1000 llnmrsj nhnwa Wast- KO of Wnmnn Power Mure OlrUtlian lto)s Ijitlni Ilurttl DUtrlctn for Cities Wai tho census taker right when b wro'e " no occupation" after the name of the woman who told him she wfl . ,l0mPmvrT nWH M,,s Ma,t that thu furm woman wnrka 13.12 hours lu summer with 1 64 hours leisure und 10. SG hours lu winter with 2.42 hours rest (wonder ho munv women use these rest periods for tho family mending?) "During tho working day which begins for about C09', of the women at 5 o'clock, 01 muHt carrv water for all household ubo an average dla tanco of 39.37 feet; 92'r do all or part of tho family sowing; 06, do washing while only 26 have gaa or electric irona with which to ac complish thla task and Ironing. "Tho womon reported on tho labor aavlng devices in tho homea; t6 have' acroeued doors and windows, 32 running water In tho house, 20 havo hath tubs; 60 have sinks with drain; 64 havo linoleum ou the floor; 69 havo kitchen cablnou; (Continued ou Last Page.) li Z. 3Siu a