TlllO ONTARIO ARMM. ONTARIO. OREO ON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1920 ass Defective wiring often results in a disastrous fire. BUT NOT if we do the wir ing. We avoid defects and you avoid fires. HAVE THAT ELECTRICAL JOB DONE RIGHT Let us do it Northwestern Electric Co. Phone 188-J Ontario, Oregon IDAHO WANTS OltKGON TJIAIIj STOPPED AT OLDS KKHIIY (Continued From Page 1) Commission would aurfneo It. In fuct ou every good road movement tho Dead Ox Flat mon havo been united lu tholr efforts wlillo at tho name time, by Indirect method) the Woiser and Pnyetto schemers have been endeavoring to undo tho work of tho rnnchors. That It not nil. When It was first rumored that tho Welsor and Pay- Ictto men were up to bucIi tactics a 'committee from Dead Ox Flat called upon them and put tho matter square ly beforo them and secured n pro' imloo from officials of tho Commercial organizations that they would not Intorfor. Thcso men may havo kept their promises but sorao of tholr as sociates havo not. Just what will ho done to prevent tho designs of tho Idalioaus has not bcon determined but a meeting will bo held tonight to conbtflcr tho pro per steps to take. Tho tduho mm nro lncscd that tho Oregon Commission has laid pav ing to tho brldgo hero and that Is what has aroused thorn to action,, 8o far as Ontario and Malheur coun ty good roads onthuslaats aro coni cornod the Idaho Commissioners may build tholr roads In tholr own stato whoro thoy -will but quite naturally any attempt on tho part of our neigh bors, at least some of thom, to dic tate tho location of Orogon roads. Is not taken ns very clubby. ON TELEPHONE RATES Public Utilities CommL-wlou's Ktn-rt Check Hooks and Inventory of Malheur Home Telephone Qiuipnny nicqucst Amended bond pnorosAia iioni OAIUIY IY TWO TO ONK With only 73 voters recording their opinions tho bond proposals for tho payment of paving warrants, and for tho purchaso of flro oqulpmont woro approved at a special election yestorday The vote In favor of tho Issuance of bonds to take up tho additional (Warrants for paving was 44 to 28; wiiiio mo voio on mo prupusui lur flro oqulpmont was moro popular nnd carried by a voto or 69 to 14, or moro than four to ono. Within tho courso of n fow weeks a hearing will bo held on tho ques tion of telophono rates for Malheur county. Vice-president, J. A. I.ak ncss on whoso Initiative tho original roquest tor a rlso was Instituted tins mutinied his potltlon n? follows' Thnt thi commission grant such rntca sufficient to provide, for nec essary operating expense; for an tutequnto depreciation reserve; nnd for n fair icturn on tho company's Investment. In tho original petition tho com pany set forth in detail a schedule of ratoa It desired to enforce Tho now petition places tho tusk of nam ing tho rates directly, up to tho com ic IsMon. During tho past two wook Ouy K. 1 1 ii rr Is, telephonb onglnuer for tho 'commission linn checked tho In ventory and tho books of the com rnny and Is now busily engaged In Bftlom bringing tno data to uato rorvivmi !. presentation to tho commissioners. two sons. Just when tho hearing will bo held . is not Known nut u is onucipnieu that it will bo within a fow weeks. oinuopiiAOTon opknh officio AT HOORH IIOTKfi ONTAIHO l)r. W 11. ltoynolds, a chiropractor of moro than 16 years oxporlenco has opened un office at rooms 203 and 204 in the Mooro Hotel whoro tin Is receiving pntlonts Booking relief from Ills without tho uso of drugs. Dr, ltoynolds has been lu tho West for a number of years but formorly was a practlonor in Minnesota. FOKMHH ONTAltlO PASTOIt 18 VICTIM OF HKAKT.FAll.imK Itov. Thomas Johns, pastor of tho Mothodlst Episcopal church At Good ing, Idaho was found dead In his bod Monday morning a victim of heart failure. Itov. Johns who had long bcon a member of tho Idnho confer- onco was for a tlmo pastor of tho Mothodlst church horo. He Is aur- hls wlfo, a daughter and The Public Service Commission of Oregon Has Absolute Legal Author ity to Regulate Our Rates. We have filed an application with the commission asking that our rates be increased sufficiently to produce income which will provide. 1st. Necessary Operating Expenses. We must have enough money to pay our opera tors, repairmen, materials, rent, power, taxes and many other items of expense. 2nd An Adequate Depreciation Reserve. From income, money must be set aside to repro duce the plant when it is worn out. This reserve is the publics guarantee that service will be con tinued. Without it we will eventually be unable to give service. Just the same as you will be un able to ride when your car is worn out unless you have money to buy a new one. 3rd A Fair Return on Money Invested. Just a fair rate of interest on the money invested. Just high enough to secure the necessary capital for development and extensions. We ask no more and should have no more. Without having sufficient income to meet these three items no business can thrive and render adequate service to the community. Could we be any more fair than this? We have absolute confidence in the fairness of the commission to establish just rates and in the fair ness of the public to readily see that our rates must be increased to meet increased cost of labor, materials and all other items of expense. Malheur Home Telephone Company J. A. LAKNES&, Vice President & General Manajror. Ontario, Oregon FARM BUREAU TOUR Tiro Hundred People Knjoy Trip And Ikmrflt From Demonstrations nnd M.iuy In. terestlng FMdi Tho first annual farm bureau tour In Malheur County occurod on Fri day, July 30. Tho procession form ed at tho Cairo grange hall at 0:30 and moved In n southerly dlroctlon os far as nig Ilond grovo whero lunch was taken, thence easterly to Iho Itoswoll section and thon North through Parma and Nyssa. Tho purpose of tho trip was to sea wht U being dono along farming lines In tho different parts of the Bnako Hirer Valley. Particularly tho possibilities for Improving the cropping mothods and tiio handling of tho soil by drainage and better ro tations, for maintaining fortuity re celvod attention. Tho first demonstrations exnmtnod woro Holds affectod with alkali. The first field was ono which produced exceptionally heavy rops of alfalfa hay a fow years ago but has bcon go ing downhill by reason of tho accum ulation of alkAll until it now producer but half a crop and will soon become useless until drained. Tho second field was ono which had once been highly productive, then had become totally unproductive becauso of al kali accumulation, but now, after having been drained for several years Ih gradually coming back Into pro . durtlon again. Tho caravan stopped at many de monstrations of crops which are be ing grown on tho farms of tho coun ty, crops which are proven substi tuted for much of tho alfalfa now be ing grown when tho tlmo comes to plow up tho alfalfa. A nllmpse of what the country will look like when diversified farming takes Its place was had from tho bank of tho Owy hoo canal southwest from tho K8D ranch. Hero tho production of corn, craln and notatoes Ims reached an extent whero It Is evident that fully fifty por cent of tho alfalfa field havo glvon way to thcso cropB. I At tho Tens"en-lly corner a short time was devoted to the examination of three possibilities to take the place of some of tho alfalfa. These were ensilage corn,. Irrigated pasture and red clover. At the Olbson-Oront ranches enallago corn came In for further attention and a discussion took place in the exceptional!" fine field of Mr. 0 root's place, Then fur ther substitutes were examined on tho Gibson farm In the shape of po tatoes and onions and production methods discussed. Along tho road tho many fields of barlev and wheat and corn for grain and seed were to be seen, suggesting still further opportunity for diversified farming. The best of the expedition took place at tho wonderfully fine grove owned by tho Dig Bend community, whero tho party stopped for lunch and to rest In tho shade ot tho trees Here a fine field of tted clover was examined and a meeting held at which tho possibilities of red clover was discussed under tho able leader ship of Messrs. Fry nd Drumbark Great interest was manifested In the crop for It offers the best founda tion for a profitable and short rota tion for diversified farming that can be had. Mr. Fry told of his long exnerlence In growing tho crop and discussed its value from tno stann- point ot Increased fertility ot the soil and Its place In the rotation. He told of production mothods from seeding the harvest. Mr. Drumback gave figures on yields of hay and seed which proved that the crop has been far more profitable than alfalfa to those who have grown it Intelli gently. Sevoral Important announcements wore made by members of tho party, after which the sulphur on alfalfa demonstration on tho John Doswell farm was Inspected, a wonderful field of yellow dent corn being-grown for seed by R. H. Drumback was ex amined, and the effect ot clover on a crop pt wheat following was shown by examination ot a field near Rob well. Tho party then proceeded to ward home, everyone pronouncing if the first Crop and Soil Improvement tour a fraud success, FRUITLAND BENCH NEWS I Mrs. E. A. Llnck and daughter, Miss Fern, accompanied by Miss Dor othy Hall, granddaughtor of Mrs. Itnck, roturned Sundny evening from Lowlaton whoro Miss Fern had boon ,10 attend Lowlaton Normal and Mrs. iLluok to visit with hor daughter, Mrs. jWlllard Hall. Miss Florence Anderson of Pnrma visited ovor Sunday with Miss Fern Llnck. Sho was also tho guost last week of her brother. Dr. Allan An derson; at Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. II. D. Dosson and son aud daughtor visltod Sunday in Par ma with rolatlvos. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Dosson, and daughtor, ot Payette, accompanied thom. Thursday, Aug. 0th I'AUliINK F1UCDKIUCK in "Lovcw of Lctty" "Uneasy I'Yct" Comedy Art. Something All together Now. Friday, Atttgu-it 01 h McLEAN nnd MAY In "Mnry's Ankle" I'atho New Saturday, August 7Ui TOM MLX In "Tho Wilderness Trail" JACK DEMl'SKY III Second ltylsodo of tho Million Dollar Serial "Daredevil Jack" Hun. & Mon., Aug.- 8 & 0 DOIIOT1IY OIHII In "Mary Mien Comes to Town" "Monkey Stuff" A two reel animal comedy Tuesday, August 10 CO.VHTANCK IlINNKY In "Krslwhllo Susan" International News 7 days old Paramount Magazine Wednesday, August 11 SKSSUH HAYAKAWA In "Ilrand of Lopm" Patho News The Griffith Eleutric Co. 177 Prompt Service Best Materials Expert Workmanship Right Prices No Job too Small; No Job too Large. Ontario, Oregon F1IONES AGENTS FOR "DURO" Guaranteed Rosidonco Water Systems LALLY ELECTRO LIGHTING PLANTS Power and Light for the Farm. Eat With A Relish t- more You enjoy your meals when you eat with a relish and to do this you must know that the food has Quality and Well Cooked ii - f- Our meals are all prepared from the best poods obtainable and are cooked by people exper ienced in the culinary art. GIVE US A TRIAL AND DE CONVINCED The fBluebirdafe 1 tttutummtiiAA4...... I I n 8 i .A ' ' 8 n II n ..... j. ,,J.....: ::::TTryr-" mnntrr ......,.,,,,w,.TTTTT.tTTitttttittmnmmnu