XriR ONTAHIO AKdUS. ONTA1UO. OJREGON. THURSDAY. AUGUST 6, 1920 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OV HALE OP REAL PROI'ERTV Hy Administrator Not'co In hereby bIvcii that tho undorslgncd, tho duly nppolntod act ing and qualified administrator of tho ostato of W. J. Mink deceased, Under and by vlrtuo of n Llcenno du ly obtnlncd therofor from tho Conn f Court of tho State of Oregon, for Mainour County, dated tho 20, day of July, 1D20, will beginning on tho 4th dm' of Boptombcr, 1020 at tho hour of 0 o'clock A M and until the hour of 4 o'clock, P. M. of Bald day nml continuing fhorciiftor from day to day "until Bold offer for sale at prlvnto nolo' tho following described real proporty to-wlt: belonging to tho oKtnto of ald W. J. Mink decean rvl. I -ota Numbered, 10 and 17 In niork No. 200 In tho City of Ontario, Oregon, Lots Numborod, 14 and IB tn niork No. 2.1G In tho City of On tario, Oregon, Fractional BEVi of N RH Sec. 3, Twp 18 8. It. 47, E V M. (of Lot G) at prlvatu Halo, for cnBh In hand, and miujart to confirmation of tho Bald County Court of the State of Oregon, for Malheur County. TIiIb Notlco of Balo Is publiBhed, In tho Ontario. Argus," n weekly News paper publlBhod In Ontario, Oregon, and of general circulation In Mal heur Count. Oregon, for four con sccuttvo week. Unto of first publication, Aug, nth, 1020, dnto of laHt publication, Sept, 2nd, 1020. n. n. pimoKMi, AdmlnlBtrntor of tho HBtnto of W. J. Mink DcconBCd. HUMMONH Judgo of this court, which said order wan mado and entered In sit Id cnuso on tho 13th day of July, 1020, and directed that thin SummonB ba pub lished onco each weak for six con Bocutlvo wcokn In tho Ontario Argus, commencing with tho lssuo of July 23 and ondlng with tho lssuo of Septem ber 3rd, 1020, of Bald nowspapor. Tho first publication of this Sum mons Is July 23, 1020, tho last pub lication Is Scptombcr 3rd, 1020. j. w. Mcculloch, Residing at Ontario, Oregon, Attorney for plaintiff No. U-C402 ,. oiti)i:ii von service nv I'UIJLICATIO.V III tho District Court of tho United Htntri for tho District of Orc'Roii In tho Mattor of LESTER IIEYMAN, Unnkrupt. WHEREAS, a petition was on tho 3d day of Juno, 1020, filed In this court for nn adjudication of bank ruptcy against Lester Hoyman, und It appoara to tho court from tho af fidavit of WoIIb W. Wood, an at torney for tho potltlonor, filed In sup port of this order, that tho said Les ter Hoyman In not an Inhabitant of nor within tho District of Oregon, and that porsonnl sorvlco of subpoona loroln cannot bo mado on him thoro n, and that ho can bo served by pub Icntlon enly: NOW, THEREFORE, on motion of said attornoy, It Is horoby ORDERED, adjudged, and considered; That tho said Lester Hoyman bo and ho Is hcroby ordored and required to nppoar In this court at Portland, Orogon, on or boforo Tucsdny, tho 10th day ot August, 1020, at tho hour ot two o'clock P. M. of said day, and pload, answor, or demur to said SUMMONS In tho Circuit Court of ttio fltnto ot OrcKon for tho County of Mnlliour A. N, Andrown, Plaintiff. vs. dolla F. Durbrldgo, Maynard W. Dur- brldgo, an Infant, and H. E. Moody; Dofondants. To II. E. Moody, ono ot tho above named defendants: IN Tlin NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: . You aro hcroby required to nppoar and answer tho complaint filed a gainst you In tho abovo entitled suit on or betoro tho oxplrntlation of six weeks from tho dato of tho first pub lication ot this summons, tho same being tho last day ot tho tlmo pro scribed by order ot tho court direct ing sorvlco of summons in said suit to bo mado upon you by publication, and if you fall so to answor, for want thereof, tho plaintiff will apply to the court for tho rcllot demanded in tho said complaint, to-wlt: For a docroo ot said court qulot kin plaintiffs tttlo to Lota 35 and 30 In Mock 8 of Rlvorsldo Addition to tho City ot Ontario In Malheur Coun ty, Oregon, togother with tho wator right therotor, and adjudging that you liavo no ostato or interest In said lands and water-right, and that plain tiff's tltlo to tho samo is good and valid, and for all othor rollot de manded In said complaint. You aro further notified that this summons is served upon ou by pub lication tn pursuanco of an order of Hon. Dalton DlggB, Juugo oi snio court, which said order was mado and ontorod In said cnuso on Juno 28, 1020, and directed that tills summons bo published onco oach wook for six succosslvo wooks In tho Ontario Ar gus. Tho dato of mo. first puuncn In Tho (lrn.lt Cmirl of tho 1 Hlnli--of poUlion, nnd fl10W cause, If any there ton' 0f this summons la July 1. 1020. Onwin. I' r tin County of Malheur ,)0i wJf lho prayor of BaItl potmon nnd tno ,Mt publication Is on August EVA DAY, Plaintiff, should not bo grnnted: 12. 1020. 4... i i, . ..M,i.. niinLtil'! hm.i ' ... ... Ak VS. RAIiPII F. DAY. Defendant. TO RALPH F DAY, tho named defendant: nd It Is furthor ORDERED nnd iiirocicii innL ii uiu sniii j.uniur iiuj- abovo, man can bo found without said dis trict tint a copy of this order, to- IN THE NAME OK THE STATE gothor with a certified copy of said nv niiKnnN. von nro hereby ronulr- petition, shall bo served on tho said cd to oppoar and answer tho com- Lostor Hoyiuan In person at loast ton W. W. WOOD, Attornoy for tho ptalutlff. My resldcnco and post nfflco ad dress Is at Ontario, Orogon. HUMMONH plaint filed against you In tho above days prior to said 10 th day of Aug- , c, t y,,,, f , 8,n,0 , entitled cnuso on or before tho 3rd ust, 1020, by tho United Stalos Mar- day of Soptombor, 1020, lho siuuu anal or tho tiisirici wnoro tno saiu ; wrcgoit, ir uio mumy in bolng tho lust day of tho tlmo pro- bankrupt many bo found residing; Mnlliour. ss. ..7. ,... !.. .1.1. A.....I .11. . If Ilia nl.l I nnlnr llnvmin l,n null ' K.M1, , sermon U) uruur ui mm v.uuii nn- " u. ........... ..- ... ectliu; that service of Summons In found without said district, than It until mill lm ninilo minn vou bv nubll- In ORDERED and directed that sor- cntlon, nnd if you fall so to anHwor, vlco of this order shall bo mado on for want thereof, tho plaintiff will him by publishing t' o samo. In tho apply to tho Court for tho relief do- "Ontario Argus." a wookly nownpnp manded In said complaint, to-wlt: or published nt Ontario, Oregon, In For n decroo of said Court dissolving said district, onco n wook for two con tho bonds of matrimony now exist- Isecutlvo wooks, tho last of said pub Ing between you nnd tho said plain- .llcntlon to bo mado on July 20, 1020. tiff, nnd granting to tho said plain- Don j und dntod nt Portland, Ore tiff nn nbsoluto divorce, and also Ron. thlB 12th day of July, A. D. granting to said plaintiff tho enro and l20. custody ot tno minor ciiiltl, iinipu i Di7. You nro further notlflod that this Summons Is served upon you by pub lication, under and by vlrtuo of nn order of tho Honorablo Dalton Illgga, ! JIOSTON CUE Now opan for buslncMs WELL COOKED FOOD OOOD SERVICE FAMILY PATRONAOE 80LIC1TED. Open 0:36 a.m. to 12 p.m. Ontario. Oregon fc f4.4- R. S, DEAN, Judge. Filed, July 12, 120. U. H. M.i i nil, ClcrU. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, DlHtrlct of Oregon, ss. I, O. H. MARSH, Clerk of tho Unit ed Stntos DISTRICT Court for tlit DISTRICT OF OREGON, tto horoby cortlfy that tho foregoing copy ot Order for sorvlco by publication in tho mattor of I-cktor Iloymnu, Unnk rupt, CauKO No. 11-C4C2, has boon by mo compared with, tho original there of and It Is n correct transcript therofrnm, and of tho wholo of such original an tho samo appears of re cord nud on fllo at my office and In 8nbarlbo for tho Argus. irav custody. i In testimony whereof I hnvo here unto net my hand and afflxod the seal of said court at Portland, In said .District, this 13th day ot July, 1020. a. II, MARSH, Clork. Dy L. S. Rogers, Doputy Clerk, MllMliiiWftaV'.rjQwMiiM The name applied to the instrument of supreme musical quality for nearly 300 years. It is fitting that the most exquisite and eloquent mu sical instrument of all be called a Cremona. The Cremona phonograph adds to the luster of that great name and every kind of musical instrument re produced places a new jewel in the crown which graces the heads of Plaintiff, EKfS!J MStsHslilliiiiH CZjllliiifciltS If you want the best don't buy a phonograph until you hear the Cremona. It plays all records- better. It is an old music idea applied in a new way The music producing parts follow the same principle and are built of the same spruce wood that made the Cremona violins famous. Cremona can be secured In ten beautiful styles from $;0.00 to $300.00 on easy terms. ONTARIO PHARMACY Tho Ontario National Hank n corporation, vs. Emma Johnson and John A. Johnson, Dafcndants To Emma Johnson of tho abovo nam ed Dofondants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREC-ON: You aro horoby requir ed to appear and nniwor tho com- plaint filed against you In tho nbove ontltlod Suit within six wooha fiuiu tho dato ot the first publication of this Summons, or for want thoreof, plaintiff will apply to tho Court for tho rollot domandod in tho Com plaint, to wit:: for a docroo. forovor baring all right In, claim in orSipon tho following doscrlbod promlseB to wlti Tho NWtt of SEU B. 20 Twp 18 B. H. 47 E. W. M. and NN of SEVi ot OEV4 See. 20 Twp 18 8. R. 47 E, W. M, and to oach and ovory part thereof which you may havo or, claim to havo, elthor at law or In oqulty. Tho Summons, Is served upon you by publication thereof In tho Ontario Arsus, a weekly nowspapor. put'Uh od In and ot goneral circulation In Malheur County, Orogon, for six con socutlvo wooks, undor and by virtue of an order pf tho Hon. Dalton Dlggs, Circuit Judge, made, Juno 17th, 1020. Date of first publication, Juno, 24th, 1020, date of last publication, August 6th, 1020. C. McOONAQILL, Attorney for Plaintiff. residence, Ontario, Orogon. NOTICK TO CREDITORS Notlco Is hereby given that the undersigned has beeu duly appointed administrator of tho ostato of Robert B. Thompson, deceased, by ordor or tVo County Court of the Htato or Oregon for Malheur County. All persons having claims against tho said ostato are hereby notified to present tho samo, duty vermeil oy law required, to the undersigned ad ministrator at Uio law omce or w. W. Wood in Ontario, Oregon, or to the said administrator In person at his homo near said city, within six months from the date of the first Dubllcatlon of this notlco. 1 Done and dated and first published I this 16th day of Julys 1020. CHARLES L. THOMPSON, 'administrator ot tho estate ot Robert D. Thompson, deceased. Publish July lBth to Aug. 12, 1020, Inclusive. 5 r tftw NOTICE OF FINAL HKTTLKMKNT Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Flor ence O. Kraus, deceased, has tiled In the County Court ot the Stato of Oregon for Malheur County his final account ot his administration upon eald estate, and that Saturday, the 7th day,pf August, 1020, at tho hour of elevon o'clock A. M. of said day, at the court house In Vale, Oregon, haS beenduly fixed by order of said court as the time and place for bear ing said final account, and settling said estate. All persons interested In said estate are hereby notified to appear at said time and place and file their objections In writing, It any there are, to said final account and contest the same. Done and dated and first published this 8th day ot July, 1020. 8. F. Taylor, administrator with the will annexed ot tho estate of Florence Q. Kraus, deceased. W. W. Wood, attorney for the estate. First Publication, July 8, 1020. Last Publication, August 6, 192. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In Uic County Court of the Htnlc of Oregon, For Malheur County, In Uio Matter of the Estate of Hldnej Jfiilght, Deceased. Notlco is hereby given by W. 11. Ilrooko, na, administrator with tho will annexed, of tho Estato of Sid ney Knight, doccaacd, to tho creditors of and nil persons having claims against Bald estate, to present such claims with tho necessary vouch ors, according to law, within six months after tho first publication of this notlco to W. II. Ilrooko nt tho law offices of W. II. Ilrooko and P. J. Gallaghor, In Ontario, Malheur County, Oregon. Tho first notlco hereto Is publish ed this 20th day of July 1020. W. H. I1ROOKE, Administrator of tho Es tato ot Sidney McKnlght, dcrcasod. NOTICE OF THE HALE OF REAL PROPERTY. In The Circuit Court of tho Htnto of Oregon, For tho County ot Mai. Iieiir. In tho Matter of the JCitnte of Nancy Klmc, DectMiMHl. To Katlo Klnio, Erma Kimo, Orvll Klmo, nnd to Martha L. Ilrodcrlck, guardian ud litem of tho abovo nam ed minor hairs; tho known heirs and devlseca, and to all othor heirs un known, It any, of Nancy Klmo, do censed, nnd to all persons unknown or concerned, GREETINGS: Notlco Is horoby given that by vlrtuo of a certain order of tho Coun ty Court of tho Stato of Oregon, for Mnlhcur County, mado nnd entered on the 17th day of July, 1020, that tho undersigned, as executor ot the estate of Nancy Klmo, deceased, I will on nnd after tho 01 h day of leptemhcr, 1020. sell nt prlvnto salo for tho best prlco obtainable and for cash, nil of tho following des cribed real cstati lo-wlt- The East Half of tho Northwest quarter; tho Southwest quarter, and tho Southwest qunrter ot tho Houth oast quarter of soctlon twenty-six; nnd tho East halt of tho Southeast quarter of section twonty-sovon, township eighteen, South of Rnngo forty-ono, E, W. M. In Malheur Coun ty, Oregon. JOHN ZIMMERMAN. Administrator of tho Es tato of Nancy Klmo, De ceased. Ily Ilrooko and Gallnglior his Attornoy. First Plmllentlon July 20, 1020. Ust Publication August 20, 1020. Ilrooko A aallaghor, Ontario, Oregon, Attornoys for Executor. NOTICE City wator users are roquosted not to use city water for gardens or uprinkllng on Sundaya. In as much ns tho city has irnu'o a special rulo for tiuch purposoi und ono d.i mint ba w'.th-drawn o rvpiitr or whalcMr n.u havo to bo dons on pumpltu; tu llon or system. Dy Ordor Common Council ot City of Ontario. V. W. Chambers, Wator Bupt. Anything Electrical Northwest" ern Ele:trlo Co. Your subscription will bo appre ciated nt this tlmo. INSIST on an abstract of title when jrou purchase or lend money on real ontato. MALHEUR TITLE AND ABSTRACT CO., Vnlo Oregon. After ou cat alwuys tako PATONIC Ml (T5k YOUR A&D-STOMArfl) Instantly relieves Heartburn, Bloat edGany Feeling. Stops food souring, repeating;, and all stomach miseries. AU.dltloo mmJ ppllt. Krp ttMnacb wtctuuitlrong, liwrcua VluUt nj lp. EATONIC lath U.t nmtir, Tm of tbou atnU wouUrfully bntfltJ. OolyooaUactiit eriwo dv to wall. rltitlyTiiiranUc4 to pUu or w will rtf uo4 mooey. 0 a Ut tMtoday, YouwttlMe. Ontario Pharmacy ii MMERM4 BOND letterheads Snvelopes Will Heads GbreJJsYout Omeis lor Hinting; U 95 X WJJk TBCSn.T3&JM 'X?.T. GOOD ADVICE TO BOYS Boys you surely can save if you will so why not deter mine to accumulate a fund that will give you a good start? Begin today start an account with the Ontario National Bank. ' Interest Paid on Saving Accounts I JNTAKJ Oa3!KK vMmam .BankL' JJL.JJ.S'l' iiAiMV IN GRANT, IIAIINEYAN" MALHEUR COUNTIES 9jmA The Old Reliable Commercial Creamery Company Ontario, Oregon YOUR BEST FRIEND Wt an All Your Cream And Produce Top Price Spot Cash Correct Weights MISS ALICE FOX, Agt. Accurate Tests Phone 182 McDowell Undertaking Parlors A. L. McDowell, Prop. J. O. IMiillubaum, Licensed Embnlmcr and Funeral Director Funerals directed from the parlor-chapel, the home, or from tho church of your choice. Parlors situated in a quiet district First-class services rendered to all Experienced Lady Assistant Day Phono 10GW Night Phone 89M THE ARGUS PRINTS BUTTERWRAPS ANNOUNCEMENT Ilaving removed my hottling works from Payette to tho Mooj-e building, north of the Ontario Furni ture Company, Ontario, I am better prepared to ac commodate the public with refreshing drinks and respectfully solicit a share of your patronage. Respectfully, ONTARIO BOTTLING WORKS W. R. Higinbotham & Son, Props, Formerly City Bottling Works of Payette i 4 4 & , l-MMM I-cr