w. Jt. llJKOVlAlMn '.'i OS ONTAKIO, OUKIION Tin AUGl'ST 5, 1920 a Classified Advertisements roil BALE WMMAMA FOR SALE C000 Applo box shooks nt 2Cc Iiuiulro of C. C. Hunt, Nyssa, Oregon. Professional arui JbhlilU f.LWb hurts FOR SALE Coinploto sot (CO vol umna) of Harvard Classics. Now. Novor been opened. Will soil chenp If taken nt once. Apply nt Argun office TEN ACHE HANOI! for salo, 3 rallcB S. W. of Ontario. All lnprovod, Blocked and oqulppcd. E. L. Griffith, phono 208-W-2 607 33-30. FOR SALE Dy ownor; Klvo ncro tract ono mllo Southwest. Ontario, southeast fllopo, South and oaHt front noo, part in nlfalfn, Bandy soil, plenty wator Tortus. Address Uux 282, On tario, Oregon. 630 33-tf. FOR BALE 1 motor aonorntor, capacity 0 battorles, 400 wata. A numbor of fractional II. V. motors. Northwostcrn Electric Co. 621 32-tf. FOR SALE Klvo room brick house and good barn. Innulro of Eu- gono McCoy, lladcr'a store. 22-U FOR SALE Thrco building Iota In Ontario resldono district. Cement pavement around thorn. Sea YV. II. Ilrooko. A bargain. 323-lP-tf FOR SALE 16 shares Owyhee Ditch Stock. H5 per sharo. 11. W. Sawglor. 29-tf. Llccnsod to Pracllco In Oregon and Idaho O. A. Kit AT, .Municipal Unlnccr Mombor of Amorlcan Association of Engineers Sower systems, wator works, pavo racnts, concroto design, assess ments, offlco systems 408 Tllford Uldjr., Portland, Oregon City Hall, Ontario, Orogon HOUSE FOR SALE, Shade troes, 3 blocks south of Catholic Church Sse J. D. Athorton at Iladors. 372-22-tf. FOll BALE, at a bargain, Good House and five lots, plenty of shade, eloso In. Iloasouabla torma. Boo L. J. Aker, Postofflco Illdg. B7-28-tf. MI8CKLLANK0UH Write tho Co-op Btoro Caldwnll, for prlco list Standard binding Twlao, quality, Length and Strongth gimrnn toed, Halo f 10.00, ball $1.00. 6 Oat. ready mixed paint, $16.00, 1'ur'i Lin scod oil, bulk 2.10, white boami 7'XiC soap, 100 bars, 16.00, pitchforks, 11.36. FOH HKNT. run RENT NScs rrsat room nnd bath In prlvato Family, Phono C3-W. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Yukon dog team mado out of gold nuggots. Flndor notify, Mrs. A. H. Ilrown, Crane, Orog. and re celvo roward. 618 32-36 Hours, 10-12: 1:306 Houso calls Evouings by appolntmont Mado Phono 168 DR. R. A. MOON CHIHOl'HACTIO PHYSICIAN NKRVK SPECIALIST Acuto or Chronic Diseases Rooms over Post Offlco ONTARIO ORL'GON STELLA MASON OOX Grnduflto of Violin nnd Plniio Iown ColIcj;o ..Pupil of Victor Oarwood and of.. ..Herbert Uutlor, ..American.. Conservatory of Muolo Chicago Phono 40 J. DR. O. W. TYI.Klt DENTIST Offlco In Wilson Dtdg. Offlco Hours 0 a. m. to 4 p. in. Phono 117 for Appolntmonts. DRS. WEESE & FORTNER OFFICE HOURS: to 12 and 2 to 6. Offlco over First National Dank roltphono No. S3 J. Ontario, Ora W. B. MA.XON Transfer Attontluu kUoii Co long distance Hauling cavo orders nt Wuyt Iuiplotuout Store Phouo JiU... Rcnldenro Phouo -11-W Ontario, Orogon, LICHL1U J. A KICK ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW lucoiuo Tax Advisor Postofflco Hulldltiit, Ontario, Orcuuii DR. A. R.ROBERTS Dontist Iletwoeu Oiiturln Plmt I ! Phono 52 A (lain Murray returned from out- I nine points on Monday. Fred Kingsbury returned from outsldo points on Monday. Mr nnd Mrs. Cnrl Kuhiie nnd Ron wcru Sunday guests at the Oallaglior homo. Mrs. Anglo Murphy made n trip to Ontario on Friday roturnlng homo on Saturday. David Graham mado a buslnesn trip to tho Jones ranch at Joncsboro on Thursday. Fred KnuphUBman left Friday ov onlng for tho Murphy ranch near Uculah, roturnlng Saturday morning. Mrs. Alva D. Hlghsmlth roturncd Friday from outside points, nnd pass od through town on tho way to tho ranch near Drewsey. Roy Ucedo of Drewsey pushed thru town on Friday lmvlnir sDoni n fnw days In Vnlo, whoro It Ih understood, no mod on noma land. Miss Conroy nnd MIhm Oro.illnh mado a trip to Cottonwood with Jack nnd Petn Joyce on Tuesday Mrs. Jack Jnyco wni on tho disk list Inst week with an attnek of ton. sllllls but Im recovering rapidly. Jnck Weber was In charge of the ool Unit over Sunday ilurln t the nbsoneo of the proprietor, Fred Kouphusnian. Mr. nnd Mrs. ('. A Wettemirnm loft on Thursday for a few ilayi va cation and Khopplng In llolse, return ing home Wednesday (Jus Fries finished haying at tho Junturn ranch during tho week nnd loft nt onco with his crow for tho Robhlns ranch nbovo Drewsey. Ooorgo Ilaker and son, Dee. nnd James E. Smith left Saturday for nn outing at Illuo Mountain Springs. Thoy returned to town Monday morn ing. Mrs, Michael Conroy eutortnlnod .i number of friends last week for the MIhhcn Harbarn Dreallsh nnd Annn Conroy who arc visiting hero from tho East, Mrs. L. P. DoImoIo left Saturday for a weokcnd visit with her uUtnr nnd motlior nt Payctto. which was also to Includo n shopping expedi tion to llolse. William Jones roturncd to Jun turn after an outing at Pnrotto Lakes on Thursday. After arranging a numbor of business mattorfl ho loft for his homo In Ontario on Saturday. Jarvls Smith was a Juutun visit or on Moudny bringing In tho mnll trucK rrom Im .ng lncstoJ In now rugs, c tains, and linens. Tho,- also couto. Plato giving tho church n now cir of paint. To ovory reader of tho Argun this announcement brings n messago of BUpromo Interest, a messago fraught with tidings both great and Joyous, for on August 10, Christy Uros greator united wild animal exhibi tion will glvo two performances, at 2 nnd 8 p. m In Ontario. Over a scoro of years Christy Uros. Shows havo stood for nil that has boon biggest, best nnd supromoly novel In tho world of amusements. Tro Christy Pros, wero tho pioneers In a policy which Insisted upon tho public bolng treated with tho utmost con sideration. This years program of- rcrs many now fonturcs and displays, presenting scores of Amorlca's most famous nrtlsts.) a colossal exposition of wild animal wonders from ovory cllmoj Clowns, a gay giddy and glad somo throng of earth's most ludi crous comedians, creating nn end less chain of Bpontnnlous sldo-splt-tlng laughter with tholr nowost stunta and sketches. Christy Hros. presentation. "Tho Prince of tho Judge," a pageant of colorful magni ficence a wealth of color, pomp nnd glorious music, with scores of char acters, lavishly costumed, makos this a truly wonderful display. Twice dally. Immediately proceeding tho opening of tho dour, a monster FREE net will bo given when Upside Down Zcnaldo will make his thrill ing slide on a slondor thread of stool from a height of fifty feet, balanc ing on his bond, atop a roller skate, Zcnaldo prosonts the most thrilling attraction ever offered to the public as a free attraction. LOCAL AND PERSONAL John Kakabeoko wno ranchos near Nyasa wan an Ontario visitor twice during tho past wook. There Is no rancher of tho valley more enthus latlc over tho possibilities of tho country than Mr. Kakabeoko, but ho Is also of tho opinion that a radical change will havo to bo mado If tho lovol of prosperity Is to bo main tained Ho bollovos In crop rotation, nnd wator rotation as woll. "Wo can rnlso as fluo crops as any part of tho wost, but wo cannot ralso ono crop all tho tlmo and oxpoct tho land to bring big roturnn ovcry yoar. tho soonor wo got to mversi- Drewsey In tho ubsencul fled farming tho better oft wo will If It's irlntlng. w can do It. (if lils 'Jnvr, f.'ior rnwlfleld. nil bo," said Mr. Kaknbeobo at Tho (ieorgo Smith loturned from bolow! Argus. on Modnny wlnro ho had gone n fow (lays boforo with tnmo cattle ho had Donald Mrl.eo.-t or Harrnr Is In (.old to II. (,'. Nlclii'rson. Ontario thin week. Mr. M Lood Is Mrs. (lus rro and her slstor, n of tll lo'1 known shc.jp inon of Miss Mnrv Hoffman left Saturday "' county and h .'. fed his ' for n week-end visit nt the Thor nson tliU territory for eatu J .. Just Received We have just received a nice line of the populur Seller Kitchen Cabinets Call and sec them! Our prices arc right a. l. Mcdowell FURNITURE HARDWARE UNDERTAKING ;s Nothing Like It says the Good Judge 55 A little of this real to bacco gives a man more cat isf net ion than he ever ftot from the old kind. The full, rich, real to bacco taste lasts so long, you don't need a fresh chew nearly as often. That's why it costs you less. Any man who uses tho Real Tobacco Chow will tell you that. Put up in two styles RIGHT CUT is n short-cut tobacco W-B CUT Is n long fino-cut tobacco ti cEkfl vjytf iks J ONTARIO OPEUA HOUSE UAIIIL Saturday, Aug. 7th Shubert's Original Jazz Direct from Chicago Singing Novelties Melody Jazz DANCING O P M. TO 13 I. M. Are Your Coal Bins FULL? IK) YOU ltKMKMRKK TDK COAL HII0RTAGK OK L.VST WINTKU? Ni:.VT WINTKR WILL PROIIARLV III: JC8T AH COLD; AND KROM ALL INDICATIONS, COAL WILL UK KVKN 1IARDKR TO QKV WAX IT WAR KIKT YK,U. XOW IS TDK TLMK TO IX.SL'RK NK.VT WIXTKR'H C O M K () It T. DON'T WAIT UNTIL HXOW KI.IRS TO THINK AUOUT KILI.IXO VOUR COAL HIXH. Order Jesse Knight's Spring Canyon Coal TODAY CH at our yuril, or telephoiio nud ordvr your Mlnter'n supply of JMSSK ItNIOlirH HPRIXO CANYON COAL to-dny. Tlien jou will bo buro of Rotting that fcniiio high boat produo lug coaL for tho quality of Spring Cmi)on Cul novor chanson. DON'T PUT IT OFF. ORDER YOUit COAL NOW WHILE YOU CAN OLT IT. BOISE PAYETTE LUMBER COMPAN AL CH.VNCH, Halivt Mnnnucr, Ontario Ynrtl rnncit nour uoumii. Ralph ChnmhorH of Drownoy wn In town Monday morning with hln mother who was lonvlng for hor homo nt North Ynklmn, WunhliiRton nftor ft vlnlt with her boii nnd family. Mr nnd Mrs. William Flsor of Crnno enmo down on Bnturdny for a vlnlt with John McQotrlck nnd fam ily, nnd tho wliolo party loft that day for n wook-oml visit nt Illuo Moun tain SprliiRH. On Rundny nftomoon Daniel Oal laxhor mado a trip to Cottonwood In lila car with John Jorco. Mlchnel Neodhnm nnd I'oto Joyco, whuro tho lnttor wero to moot eomo surveyors to look over tholr claims, L. I. Dolsolo nnd Knthor O'Hniinn mado a trip to Doulah after mub hero on Sunday. Later In tho day Mr DoIhoIo nnd tho MUhob Margaret ana Mao Murphy spent a few bourn fishing on the North Fork. R, C. Nlckorson of Portland shin. pod out thrco carloads of cattle un Friday, which ho had gathorcd up In this neighborhood Among those sell Ing wero Don Joiioh, Robert Reed. George McLnrou, Donald MrKenilo and Oco. Smith, Among tho young poople who spont tho wook-eud at Dluu Moun tain Springs wero Fred Kaupliunmun. Ralph and Donald Mastoron, KliiHey Stownrt, Androw McDonald, Thoo doro Ilruck. Jr., Harry Churchill and Lester Cawlfleld. A party of surveyors sent out by tho T. 8. Geological Survey pattbed through town last week. They have boon ougagod In platting some land which lle bolow Castle Rock near Doulah, which had never been sur veyed. Thomas Woodward and family re turned from Portland and the beach last week. Mr. Woodward has beon absout for tome tlmo for tho sake of his health. Upon hlB arrival at tho ranch ho went out Into tho hilts to gathor up somo cattle Johu IOggan of tho 'Rums Oar ago was In town last week and when ho returned to Rurus ho was hccoiii I panted by J. J. Douegan who, v Ith 1 Ooorgo Stubblofield, had boen class ifying tho land ownod hore by tho Juntura Investment Co, Harold Hop kins has been assisting with the work this wook. Mrs, Curtis Wharton left early in li.e week for Ba't Lake o bo with rtr husband fo. n few days bofore sho accompanies him home from the I hospital there. Mr Wnrtou recelvod a painful wound a number of wrokf ago from a circular saw. und It wa with difficulty that his nnnl nnd arm wero saved Jaine K S"'tl has been In ehargo of a "-"Iro-pumping plant hre iMir'nif to a? senro of Mr Wx'-t i ofli.)- 'Tli- jj r . n Saurd from Pn'T'n i - i ' 'ia rsrlV - -' V: - " I "''e, for a numi e- if ' ! 1 Fast WhlV there Vf I ' . r Phllnde'pira and v 5. . i sister who Is a nun at Bauta ) e Fnthor O'Hagan reports evidences of much prosperity In tho East, nnd tra velling very uncomfortablo owing to tho crowded conditions duo to tho largo numbers travelling. Tho Cath olic ladles havo spont a busy weok cleamlug and renovating tho church and putting It In ordor for his return,' ha Is nondcr'nt; on hnv nrl in-Iron anil other nrobloms o" !., vtnrkmen. His fiilth In t.m u!t'n,.e roturu of tho gamo to it ivoild mi-it Is pot shaken, tho It could Impr n mi.terlally right now nnd not hurl his focllngB. Miss Dorothy Tumor spent tho wook end visiting with Miss Cecil Logan nt Drogan. Mrs. Fred Curray nnd daughtor Hazel wero down from Juntura tho first of tho wook. Miss Catharlno Conway, Miss Joyco Tumor and Miss Mary Mossco nro leaving Saturday morning for a two weoks vacation at Soasldo, Orogon. IIAVK YOUU OAR MADE JUBT LIKE NEW The powor of your auto en glno comes from tho cylinders and this la tho Only Shop In Malheur county that has a CYLINDER IIOHIXa MACHINE This permits us to do this ac curate machlno work to hair, and do It quickly. Now Is the time to have your englno overhauled. MARDKN'S MACHINE SHOP uncario, Oregon II We Loan Money This bunk loans money. That's tlio way wo make oni living. 13ut we don't loan money foolishly nor lei' imprudent purposes. It is our ambition to sec this community prosper and it is decidedly to our advantage to sco that it doca prosper, because if tho community prospers our deposits will bo increased and wo will have more money to loan. It can readily bo scon, therefore, that we cannot consistently loan money for any pur pose not conducive to tho best interests of the com munity in general and tho borrower in particular On this basis this bank loans money gladly. mi rmi'iii Save Time and Money BUY A- gger i Hoover Potato Di SHOVEL iB mado of tho beat quality hiflh-carbon crucible steel, formed on apodal dies to ju9t tho right shape to scour properly and gather tho potatoes with tho lea9t possible loss. The corners are turned to permit the shovel to clear without catching or clogging. MAIN FRAME! consists of tho axle, main sides, shovel, beams and seat arch, which bolts solidly together, making a very rigid frame. The axle is inch and half dUmster, cold-rollod stesl, with oil groove3 for proper ly oiling the driving wheels. 1 ' '''' tr urbif nlid 3 Miunv itcel, rolled vith a rib to giv i ,' ; 'it mount ti strength. The 3'jjvpI and axlo are bolted to'-' ' iV :utn ft losuMly r jw ! to'V) steel sides. TUrribe1' pn: ofn'- GEO. W. 'he Implement Man WAYT ONTARIO, Oregon I y 1