In t w ! ' lino of 3)tt Ave ii V Iiurtll Illin nf tlMi Ann M w I 3rd Stroot N. W. from tlin nnrtli M. It. ll.KMINO ()iloiM(aM, of itolsp, iiinlio will lin.nt tlin Mnnrn llnlnl M,...,1.. AuRiist 9th. Optometry means Kyo mtb. Ul ot nrA Avo. N. V. to tho Service. .north lino of Oth Ave N. W. Wo fit BhihBOH mid do It rlcht. ev 1 V". slrcet N w- from t,u' ""rtli nctly rlRht. . curl lino of 3rd Ave. N. W. to tho 00 pur cent of hpftdiichoB nro mils- ""C!1' I1"0 f "'"' Avo- N od hy some chnrnctor of HYlj'.. Sil' 'j "rd Av. N W fi in STIIAIN. Uio wo-l Hit- of Mnlii 8t to tin) weit Ono pair of ovch In fill you will ,lni' ,of r,tl1 st N- W. evor havo, HE FA I II WITH THHM. I ""' srcJl N. W. from tho north 'i-1. iino or iru avp n. ,. tin not th linn "'Ii Avo N. W L 4th Avo N. W. froth ll.o .eitt Hi or 'vny lino vi tio O. S ". t ! t: THE ONTARIO AIUJUS, ONTARIO, QHEUOV. TIHJKsDaN . AUGUST 5, 1020 .1 A... . lir . .. ... I . . ... . . I (Mill) II KTIIAXKH Wrt final ir nviiKia. . .... . flon o .In . ,:.",', ?,.'"'. ""'I ,T": line of Gil, St. N. W. ub by friends mul nntiM.i,,,... I.. !. .r,,h V." V frmi tin woit 111 hour Of our snrrnu, ..,.! I.J ... .r wn I"10 " Vn O. 3. L. lly. to doatli of our beloved, husband and iij inn ii,., nnt,i ii,.n nf r.iti ni m w father. Mrfl. fJordn Olson. Mr. nnil'Mrn. Wonloy Snyitor, AitHtln Olson. Cth Ave. N. W. from tho wohI ih. of wny lino of tho O. 8. U. Jty. to the onHt lino of 3rd St. N. W. 7 th Avo. N. W. from tho west lit. of wny lino of tho O. 8. U. Hy. to tho oaBt lino of Int. St. N. W. Oth Avo N. W. from tho cnat lino of bloclm fi nnd 7 Itlvoraldo Addition to tho cast lino of 2nd St. N. W. hy urndltiK tho nnld HtrcotH to tho established Rrndu, constructing con crcto Bldownlkn nnd curbs with OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST Principal Evonts of tho Week Briefly Sketched for Infor mation of Our Roaders. tfrJ4H$M MKt4yjKHH4 r .r-n '&& and Gentlemen! Xt-TU.K OF 'IIIK INTK.VriO.V IF Tin: common cocsvn, of tin; tlTV OF CNTA1UO, OltKOM.V TO IMIMIOVi: CI'HT.U.V STHIJiri'-i AND AVIIM'I.N tjh:im:i Notice Ih horohy Kvon that tho '!rosw'". RravolltiB sand holes, arid 0:iiluon Council or tho City of 0n.,coMHlructliiB proper drnlnnRO struc- Unto. Qrogon, did, at It rosulur m i- J"--,V'C ' ml J00" ,lcrol)' rc(lulr? Con held on AuruhI -M A I) I0J0. Jfr0I,L lho. Vlly. l:nHinocr plaiiH and ud.iiit lho following rentlutlon. iipeclflcntloiiti for nn npproprlnto lin- t,,',u i!-pi,-i- provoment of mild RtrcotB nnd cntlm- , iiwuuiiiuN nt0fl of l)l0 work nl(, (0 ,)roml)0 itiiuii'iin, iiurnc iiucu'ii nun pin)- total cost tlieroof, all to no fllod In ' " vi rrquira; in.ii cnrt.nn tho offlco of tho City Herordor. niiuuin hi iiiu ..iiy oi uninrio, wrO' Bon, ho Improved :nnd MliuruitH, tliv Htetl)T to Im linp.-nv- I I'tii' llttlo If any concroin nlilo wnllii and tho fow wxnl Hlilivvellik am In had coiiilltlen: and VhircaHj lho rnnilwi) nro pmnlv tluiined, nnd liecomo 'willy nil tip mid nearly ImpaMinhle .it ttnn duo ti (mine Bund, etc.; and Wlinrcnti, It Ih vory to have frcij. niitll dollvt nnryire In Oulurin nnd lioforn th Oovprnmout vjll. OfltahlfBh Korvlrn i,f Unit And nf cunning tho cost nnd ox Poiibo of hucIi ImprofriucntH to he nBaoBBod iiRfiliiKt tho prnporty heno. fltvd thorohy and llnhlo therefor, and deHlKnntlng Monday the ICth day of AiiBUKt, A. I)., 1020, ut tho hour of 8 o'clock P. M. to ho tho appointed day and hour, nnd tho City Mall In Mild City of Ontario ho tho placo for tho ImarltiR of nlilcctlotm mid rcmon- tancc8, If any there ho, aRalnst nucli Improvement! ami nnBominicntH. Tho City Hocordor In hereby direct will, mttrililfiili unrvlna ,.r Ihul l:hnl ..nil nltlnwnlka mwl pm.iiILi nil. Oil (0 KlVO HOtlCO of till) ItltOntlon Of I.11WJD ho coiiHtructel the hu'lt Uio Common Council, nH horohy cx tip rrrldonco illntrlctB, and prowiod, hy ponllnB iiotlccn thereof Whorenn, innny proi'rt ownnm In fnr tho porlod required hy Inw In nt ll. district ilotlrn to plant ikhm noil leant throe public and consplctioun lnm In the pnrklnu Hud ulierwlMi places within tho corporate limit of l.cnutlfy tho lown; now .therefore bo tho mild City of Ontario, prior to It - '3J tho dato net for fcnld henrlnn, nnd 'ltiolvC(l;Miy tln,ComHN-,ofMii'lo publltrti thin notlco in tho Ontario . City of Ontario. Orecon, that tho fol- Ari-UM, u nowpnpor of Bonernl clr hwli'iu named itroetti hi Improved nn oulntlon, within tho City of Ontario, u lllbtrlct Improvomtjiii for at loaat two publlcntloiiH theroof Main Street from th tmrtli'ltii prior to snld dnto ict ifor-.nald henr of 8ul Avo. N. W in tin north lino Int. ' nf MeckM 4 ai. f. Ulv.iiil'lt At'lltlon I)ino nt tho City Ilnll In the. City Ift Street N W. frnr.. thx uoHli of Ontario, OrcKon. thin 4th day of emb llnu of 3rl Ave N W tu ll.t AUBUBt, A. I).. 1020. ii" h lino ot '!h Avi N W .1 CLAY M 3TKAHN8, L'nJ Strcot N W Him1 Hie north (SEAL) city uocoruer 'O GOMNG SOON f M&kjjflH5Ky!& . Ltr TL 4 l Xj r4S-M rft.iBiiiF 'M k 4 wJ: . j. m m HVkliBaHBr !m t "mB.. . ?j . "' '-wJil Wjfk 'i- , . r ". MAJESTIC THEATRE -, TlirethliiK of the 1920 uralu crop ol Mini county lias H'Riiii. Mrs. Minnie Cecil Anderson was drowned In the Columbia river nt An torln. Jackson county cattle men urn plan iiIiib to mnrliot their cattle tliruimli auction Bales. Tho Qrnulte road oxtendliiK from Granite to the linker county linn lull been completed. The maimfactiiro of tllo will be n now Iniliiktry In Albany to ho otab llelied by tho Albany Ilrlck & Tile company. Innu county hits n population of 33, 100 In 1920, a compared with 11 popu latlon of 33,783 In 1910, according to a report Ismiml by tho ccnsini bureau. Sovonty-ono ncrcB of land lying niljn cent to the city of Coqulllo wa Bold by Hb owner, .Mr. KUtncr, to K. Smith, for n consideration of $35,0J9 With a per cnplta wealth of $S22.G Albany Is Kettlnic forth the claim that fow elllcB In tho country can oitial the nlzu of Its hank dcpoBltB pro lutn (q population. Tho Klamath County WoulBrowerv aiBOclntlon has dacldpd to levy a lux of 2 cent n head on all tdieop owned by member to protldo a fund for cur rant uxponacB. - The WimliliinliMi e County Aut- iiij the anHoclatloii whk orKimlxiU at a inuetliiK In lllllnboro Monduy night, ntlvndcd by 28 diMlrr from all paw of tho cotiniy. tho outlro plant of the Alco Woud I'roducta company nt Albany vwm do troyrd by flro, caiiulni; a Iihih of be tween 455,000 and 00,000. Thu In lurunco wn (25,000. UcorKO Carllld was fined $100 nnd cost In juatlvu court at CoIUko Drove lieu ha pluadod guilty to a chumo of dynumliliiK trout In tho Count Fork river on tho morulnif of Juno ti, Victor IJcniircBanl, owner of a ranch canned time hy the Colum inn rir iiigliHn, .l .,; :ioo,l lllvcr, will remove tho pigpens width liuvc caused complaint from tnurUu. William C. Cunnlnghnm, a private In 1st company, coast artillery eorpi. stationed nt Fori Stovon, wns found (fend ut tho post and thu mllltnr) an thorltlos bellovo ho committed suicide Holies of early days In I.nno county and Orofion will bo a fcuturo or tho exhibits ut tho county fair at Kuaunn I In Ktptcmber. according to announce ment of W. (!. Vran, secretary of tho fair association. The Kursiio city council has decided to K ahud with the purchase of u munlelpul aviation fluid, iiotwlthstuiid liiK thu fact that there nre no bidders for tho dlf.OUO bonds rsoontly oted f.r that purpose. Mho county court of Jucksou county, In loujunetlon nlth the statu hU-.tiwny comm.sslon, Is Jilunnlnij to put 1X3.000 wo th of eravol on tho Uniuimprlui; mountain road, t;tadln of w,ch Is now well umlur way. A. V Walker of Oakland, CM , was killed In tin automobllo accident 11 oar Wilbur, when nn automobllo occupied bv O II. Johnson and his wife and 1 Mr Walker left tho road nnd plunged over tho bunk 76 foct. , In order to fluunce tho purchaso cf tho site for the proposed navul bum hlto ut Astoria to Im presented, to th government, the Clatsop county nuvul baso company, with n capital stock of $100,000, has boon organized. At least S00 tons of evergreen Muck berries will be liandled ut the Alba.ny cannery this season. Tho taunory will begin on the evergreens as soon as the loganberry crop, with which It Is now crowded, Is out of the way. Mrs. J. 0. Uoiinls, aged about 45, wife of u merchant at Crawfordsvlllu, lost her life in a fire which destroyed her home In thqt(tuwu. Tho flro alio burned the building In which the Crawfordsvllle postoffice was situated. John I). McGtlvary, a granite expert or San Francisco, was In Ashland ro ceutly and mado un Inspection of the g'nnite quarries or this region He hecamo so much Interested that he will return and make a more extended inspection. Ileprc8entatlvcs of the Rogue Hlver Valley Fish and Game association will start for the mouth or the Hoguo river August 5 to make n thorough Investi gation ot all matters growing out ot the Rogue river fish controversy of that locality. There wore four fatalities In Ore son due to Industrial accidents during the week ending Jjy 29, according to a report prepared by tla Industrial accident commission. The victims wore Ole Uragsvold, sweeper, Hend. William Oreashudber, laborer. Oregon '!ty; Newton. W. Lewij, laborer, Sa tern, and A. C. Duncan, logger, I'ow ere A total of 4G9 accidents weru r ported. ' U It's .irlnt'JngT We can do It. lev An ! 7 X ? i A t 10 ! They're Here! f sl Arrived -"- - " rr-"Tfl"Wi ii iTi jsrn-iaj V X K if I! s j 1 1 II They are going to do il! They're gonna do it! They will prove it to you in double time. That the New Fail lino of rV g- ecmer is Ihe finest and most complete of any showing this season, and thoy are here now for your inspection. Don't delay. Suil Lengths Eitpeciallu for Lmlivs' Tailoring D ?fl '&ttmzzsz$&3 ooeris rressary j M44t444-l4-M-K-t4-tH44-t'H44-H4t4444i4-) -M-W-t-W4-M-J isEi2ES3j i MOUFIt TAIU-S I ldi:it TIF , Ihh right hand, just behind tho first samo gamo nnd his slstor was tho rinylng "threnhlnB miuhlnt" with J0'"1- T''0 I''0 c"l wnH rushed to victim. 8ho too lost tho point of u lawn mower proved to bo reat " '' w"ro surglcol nld was ho- finger, sprt Utt Ttiurailay for Homer mid ourod. Tho Injured member Is ro- Hcuart on. son of Mr. and Mr, covering but tho nitnio of llirwhlnK M'ss Iloslim Clomont, nccompanlod Hun Oft who live MMithwtwt of On- maehliiB Is taboo at ne Ofl homo by hor mother, Mrs. II. W. Clomont, lulls, until ISRort Hl0 w "fl- now will loavo this ovonlng ror Seaside., tug the nmcliln. ' let hi Imntl get I A similar aecldnnl ix-ouruil In the 0" u '0'on '"I1- In too rr and the whlrlinir hlmlM Oft home yeur ago, when Mr. ort j cut off the tip of tlin Index flnnr nf whs small boy he vaH playing tho Rubscrlbo lor tho Argus re7?iyr?re?.T?ft i A August 7lh and Monday, August 9Lh C Fancy High Patent Flour, every sack guaranteed, while our present stock 1 ists, per sack .... Pearl While Soap, per bar ncv (5 bars to a customer) liL Sea foam Washing Powder yc 35c size & Sea foam Washing Powder 15c size 05c Bulk Macaroni per pound, f)C Tomatoes, large . size can, I jC Oranges, per dozen, JUC Fancy Large Sunhist Lemons iCp npr ilfwn J JL 55c per dozen Steel Cut Oatmeal, 10 lbs. GOOD GRADE BULK COFFEE, PER LB. 35c MLcAT SPECIALS Shoulder Steak, per pound 20c Hamburger " 20c Beef Roast " " 20c I'ot Koast Beef 15c to 18c Veal Pot Roast, per lb. 22c to 25c Veal Stew, " 15c to 18c Lamb Stew, " 12ic to 15c Picnic I lame, " 2Gc Independent Market Phone 6 ONTARIO, OREGON V i vA i -Js.ruu'iiUMjitti-rf;-.. r f .. A . I-A i.J.'AAK