The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 29, 1920, Image 8

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. it jig-!i; i jjil! i r
wjwRiiiijjffij ffiBBHagggB
Sunday and Monday, August 1 and 2
PRISCILLA DEAN in the .$500,000 production
le Virgin of Stamboiil
Thousands of players in the cast. Six months in the
making. A 10 reel production. Love, thrills
action, suspense, go to make this the
greatest photoplay of year.
Special Musical
score was arranged for this mammoth production.
Music to fit each scene.
Also a Comedy
Matinee .Sunday 2 lo 4 Night 7 to 11 undMonday Nltc
Tues.- Wed., Aug. iJ and 1
Francilia Billing ton
The Day
She Paid
Tliis new brilliant
star makes her first
appearance in a
humanly drama that
will appeal to all lovers
of good drama.
Also a
Thurs. Aug. 5, One Night Onlyl
This play on the
legitimate stage has
been a tremendous
success, the book"
widely read,
Larry Semon Comedy
The Grocery Clerk
Friday, One Night Only, Aug. G
0 .
"n Country Cousin"
A Romance of Cily and Country
from the popular Btagc
success by Booth Tarking
ton. '
Also U
Sat. Matinee nnd Night Aug. 7
Marked Men
7 Reel Western
Note, Harry Carey is
tho most popular Btar
now playing in western
pictures, to see him one
time is to like kirn
Also a
(Continued From Pngo 1)
milk ilwilorw nsHoclntlon mid similar
bodies lio formod nt onco no that
lio qtiOAtlou of marketing bo solved
In u Inrgor way. Ho pointed out that
tlio mewl mill would bo n unit In
Hiioh mi orgnnlintloii nnd would not
miorroro with tho Inrgor project.
Thin mitttor will ho conHldorod moro
fully nt nnothor mooting.
DNeuin Hour Mill.
Whllo tho mnttor of n moiil mill
was up for roiiMldorntlon sovornl of
thn rnuoliorn broached tho mattor
ot tho flour mill nt Ontnrlo mid do-
olnrod (lint to thorn It lind boon rop.
rowntoil Uixt the nninrin nnminnr
clnl Club wos officially ImekliiK tho
. iv. anion wno wiih prosont nt
tho mootliiK explained thnt thin wns
not tho cimo u far iih tho inombor
nhlp of iho Club wiih concornod, that
whllo till woro anxious lo hnvo tho
mill n BiirooHi that officially the
Olub linil nothing whntovnr to do
with llu promotion, unit furthoi
thnt iiiomborH of tho dlrcctornto had
spoolflonlly slntod that tho Cltib'a
niiino wan not to bo used In that way.
Sovoral of tho ranchors doclarcd
that thoy had wlgnod tho notes on
tho understanding thnt tho Ontnrlo
IiiicIiiam iiumi wuro backing tho prop
oHltlnii. Othor rnnchorH said thnt
lhty had nuked business mon con
cerning It and on being told that
tho biiHliKMM men woro not connoct
d with It had rofusod to sign tho
TIiIh dlsciiMdon lod to a genoral
dliJ0UNlon of tho nocd of clOBor co-
oporntlon botwoon tho buslnoss mon
nnd tho runoherH to tho end that tho
prosperity of tho untlro community
might bo enhanced.
To Hold Cm unify Valr.
Tho members of tho Imroau went
on record In favor of holding n coin
munlty fair, and President a. W.
'van Hi'j'iMiuuci u ocmmitteo con
sisting of I Inns Oft, O. T. Luckoy, M.
.Mollnar, John Koogun, nnd V. V.
Hlokox to itrrungo for tho dato and
prepare tho progrnm. Thin commlttoo
will nlso havo chnrgo of tho selec
tion of material to bo exhibited at
tho County fair.
Mm. P. J. Oallachor entertained
Wodnosduy ovonlug nt nn Informal
party at her homo In Villa Park. Tho
guest of honor wiih Mrs. Gallagher's
mother, Mrs. Bmlly Hall who Is
loavlng Satnrday for a two-month's
visit In Midland, Houth Dakota.
Thoso prcsont woro Mosdiiinoa Emily
Hall, W. W. Wood, W. II, Ilrooko.
II. W. Bwnglor, Clarouco Wood, W. J.
Wooho, II. II. Whltnoy, Win. Jones,
J. T. McNulty, B. M. Orolg, P. I
Hnii, Goo. Itclhsan, 1). i Cou"y,
WllllniiiH, P. P. Akcr, Frank Holder,
Win. Allon und P. J. Qnllaghor.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hohor gavo n
party Wodnosdny evening nt tholt
homo In honor of Mr. nnd Mrs. Hn
Halstoad nnd Miss Elva Colllun of
Bait Lnko City. Tho evening was
spoilt In playing gnmoH und other
nmiisonionts nftor which rofrosh
inoutH woro served. TIioho Invltod
were Mossra nnd MesdumoH Orrln
Hull, Bchuylor Hull, L. Hlckox, Ooo.
Dufflold and fumlly, II. C. Socoy and
family, c. K. Socoy and family, 8. H.
Hohor und fumlly, C. B. Hlngham
und family, Mrs. K'oefo, MrH. Coch
ran, Hurloy Jenne and MIshoh Hvo
dluo and Hopn Cochran,
"rim .michoiik"
Ih a story of lovo, paHslou nnd In
trlguo which shows popular Viola
Dana In u now light of cleverness.
Tho joung slur plays tho part of a
waif of tho Kust side who Is rescued
by Do Witt Sponcer, a noted nuthor
und taken to his homo. This girl,
known iih Mlcrobo, grows pusslonnto
ly fond of her bonefnetor but finds
that Ills friends particularly his
women friends uru ugulust her.
Ovorhonrlng hor say that bIio will bo
ill:! rnlnntlon sho lonvoe nnd spends
her time trying to mnko ouougli mon
ey to ropay Do Witt tor his kindness
to her. How sho is tho moans of re
kindling his lost nmbltloii und bring
ing him to tho topmost heights of
fnmo nnd happiness Is what makes
tho play a inastorplcco of tho screons
best art.
Dreamland, Thursday, July 20th.
brings tho nudlonco hack from laugh
ter to tears and buck again with hoi
I wondorful tules to tho tragic termi
nation of hor romance.
IN Hill HI'
Tho W. c. T. U. hold tholr rogulur
mooting Thursdny nftornoon nt tlm
homo of Mrs. A. L. McDowolI. Miss
Ada Crousupto talk on Curo of Chil
dren In hot weathor was vory Inter- of glodnowi
ostlug und instructive. At tho closo Plokford In "Suuds" toadies tho ad
"Suds," Mary Plokford's forthcom
lug production for United Artists
which wilt be seen nt tho Majestic
Theatre soon might woll bo termed
i'TIio Tnlo of a Bhlrt," for tho scouos
nro nil laid In n little laundry In tho
slums of London, nud Miss Pickford,
us Amanda Affllck, weaves such a
ranmuco about tho shirt which has
beon left by a cusuul customer that
even her gill cIiuuih bolluvu It ul
moHi us much ns herself.
Having prouchod tho philosophy
lu "Pollynnna,'' Mary
Barl is a beautiful beggar girl In
tho stroots of Btumboul, Captalk
Pomborton, a dashing young Amorl
with her. At the snmo tlino.mentsl
run soldlor of fortune, In command
of tho famous Uluck Horse Troop,
falls In lovo with hor. At the sumo
time, Achmet Humid, n powerful
Sheik of tho desert, plans to kill n
young Amorlcnn In lovo with his fa
vorite wlfo. Following him to tho
Mosu.uo, ho stabs him lu tho buck.
hut Is soeu by Burl. Iloallzlug this
fuct, tho Hholk plans to marry hoi
to protect himself, Pomborton learns
of tho inarrlago plot and is ublo to
marry Barl hlmsolt by proxy under
tho Turkish law. Discovering the
trick, tho Bholk kidnaps thorn both'
und Immures them in his dosori'
homo. Sari escapes nud brings the
Versailles. A threat to drive the
Turks from Kuropo "onoo and for all"
was contained In the nlllud reply to
iho Turkish objections to the peace
treaty delivered to the Turkish pence
delegation. Such fiction might follow
Turkey's refusal to sign tho trsnty or
her failure to glva It effect, the reply
Tho time limit for Turkey to make
known her doclslon expires at mid-
ulgh't July 27.
The reply suld the Turkish govern- ; Mornl ,nrlff commission,
for a conference with President Wit
son. The census figures for the Hawaiian
Islands give the population of Hawaii
as 26M12, coniparod with 101.009 In
1010, an Increase of 64,003. or 33.4
per cont.
Miss Helen Toft, daughter of ex
President William Howard Taft, was
niarrlod here to Frederick Johnson
MsnnliiK, professor In American his
tory at Yalo university, Now Haven,
Former Oovernor Samuel W. McCall
of Massachusetts called at the White
House nnd Informed President Wilson
that he Is unnbln to accept a recoss
appointment lo membership on the
iiieut appears to think Its rcsponslbll
Ity lu the war was less than thnt of
Ms allies and that Turkey therefore
in entitled to lenient treatment, but
that tho allies could not accept that
The :::te mali't"!" "Turkev entered
tin- war without a shadow of excuse or I
provocation" and hy closing the straits I
in the face of the allies Turkey ccr-
taluly prolonged tho war by not loss
him two yours and caused loss to the
allies of lhi.uii.inls of lives nnd thou
sands of millions of pounds.
A new parly, orgunlted ut Chicago,
the Farmerl.nbor parly, entered tho
politics! field with Parley P. Christen,
son, Bull Lake City attorney, and Max
S. Hayes, editor of a Cleveland labor
newspaper, as Its nominees for presl.
! nnd vice president, respectively,
1 lnuLil'it irraat nrlnvii f AAtt aua
lllnok Horso Troop to tho rcscuo In , transportation, tho Kovernment
tlmo to seo Pomborton victor ovor rroud, will ho completed by Decent,
tho Bholk In n tromoudous struggle i.ur , 1321
At Majestic Sunday
August 1 nnd 2.
and Monday,
of tho
mooting rofroshmouts woro
f 1
APT MgBggggB
I W vl
vfe ' .
Hunduy morning Immediately fol
lowing tho sorvlces nt tho Haptlst
Church, occurred tho wedding of
Mr. Joseph Alifrunder of Cuscndo
Locks, Orogon nud Miss Elslo Ilees
of Ontnrlo. Tho ceremony was per
formed in the church by Itov. C. If.
Worn lu tho prosonco of a fow rela
tives. Tho party thou wont to tho
homo of Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Rocs,
parents of tho brldo whoro a woddlng
dinner was served. Mrs. Aloxauder
taught school ut Cnscudo Locks dur.
Jug tho past wiutor. Tho young cou
plo loft Wednosday ovoulug for
Uiscndo Locks where thoy
uiako their homo.
vuiitages and consolation of a vivid
Imagination, nud when Lavoudar tho
delivery horso, Is about to bo sold
for glue, sho roscuos him, takes him
up two flights of stairs to hor room
und tells hi in such wondorful tnloa
that ovou this poor old animal bo
(loves it.
Hut with nil Amanda Affllck is u
little figure truo to llfo nnd with
Miss PIckford'H doft touches she
liATin.Nd hi:ai:tii:s hhouk
Tho staid residents of Olon Cove.
L. I., rubbed their oyos onco und
rubbed tholr eyes a second tlmo
and thou a third tlmo. Following
this tho braver ventured closor. No,
It was not nn illuslou or apparition
Thoy woro llvo girls actual living
bathing girls In tho most stunning
and daring costumes imaginablo.
bathing costumes, abbrovlutcd 'tis
truo, to tho point of tho ultra-artlstlc
On investigation it was shown
tlmt Klnlno Hammorstcin, tho Sols-
nick star, supported by a group of
bathing beauties, had socurcd the
use of H. P. Davison's gorgoous coun
try homo, neighboring Olon Cava,
for soma scones In 'Tho Country
Majestic, Friday, August 6th.
Tho Ilanner Fork Coal corporation
a Harlan county, Ky., was purchased
hy tho Ford Motor oompany of De
troit for 11,500,000.
Tho national capital gave a cordial
welcome to Oovomnr Cox, domocratlo
prosldontln! nominee upon his nrrlval
Bolie Man Heads Interstate Body.
Spokniu, Wash. Tho Interstate
realty ussoclutlon of tho northwest nt
the final session of Its fourth annual
convention here, elected Ira K. High
of Ilolse, Idaho, to serve as pri-sldent
of tho association for 1021. Paul A.
Cowglll of Portland was reelected to
serve his fourth term as secretary of
the association,
Tncoma was chonen for the acene of
the convention next )enr.
Army to Teach Aliens.
Biin Francisco. Announcement that
u school for Illiterates nnd uon-Kngllsh
speaking cltliens and aliens lu tho
urmy will bo opened at Cump Lewis,
Wash., was made by the army recruit
log news service here.
Qoorge Livingston, who Is chief of
the bureau of markets, United States
department of floriculture.
Huiiiluy Services
10 a. in, Sunday School
11 a, m. Preaching "Rest."
7:15 p. m. Epworth League.
8:00 p. m. Preaching. "Tho Pow-
or ef Choice."
Preaching In Ortno,
Sunday aftoruoon at 3 o'clock,
IlUV, W. J. LUSCOmbe Will rnnHnxl I
sorvlcos in tho grove by tho Clarouco
ueose rnncn.
Funornl sorvlces were hold for tho
infant son of Mr. nnd Mrs. II. Min
or at tho family resldonco last Sat
urday afternoon, Tho Intormont was
at the Ontario burial ground.
Mr. und Mrs. K. J. Potors of Coeur-
d'Aleno, Idaho, nrrJvod in Ontario
Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. H. L.
Jmrjtgp' -,. Jvf.'I
Mr. and Mrs. C, II. lllom and sou
Howard, rotumod homo Friday eve
ning from u vacation spent in CI)N
cugo, Milwaukee and other Wiscon
sin cities, visitlnu rolatlvos and frl
onds, Whllo at Chicago thoy attend
ed the National Jowish Convention
and Tho World's Conference on
Christian Fundamentals.
Eat With
A Relish
Labor Leaders to Take Stump.
Washington. President (Jompers
and Secretary Morrison of the Ameri
can Federation of Labor probably will
take tho stump during tho coming po
litical campaign In opposition to can
didates for congress regarded as un
friendly to organized labor, Mr. Mor
rison unnounced hero.
You enjoy your meals more
when you eat with a relish
and to do this you must know
that the food has
Quality and
Well Cooked
Gen. John A. Le Jeune, who was re
cently named commander of the Unit
ed States marine corps.
The Qutarlo Argus for the
The Pacific Coast and Rocky
Mountuln states havo been favored
in me nppolntment of E. L. West
over of Oregon Agricultural college
as field director for tho district for
the American Guernsey Cattle club.
Mr. Wostover will travel through all
theso states and will help the dairy
men solvo many problems as ho is a
breeder and dairy expert. Ho recent
ly escorted the 50 Quornseye import
ed from tho Island of Guernsey, on
.tholr Journey from New York to the
1'aclflo International Livestock show
at Portland.
Our meals are all prepared
from the best goods obtainable
and are cooked by people exper
ienced In the culinary art.
i&luebird Kak
fffftMt.ttft-........ . JJ