THE ONTARIO AKOUiS, ONTARIO, OREGON. TlllJUSDA V. JULY 29, 1920. LEGAL NOTICES Ht'MMONH In Tho Clirull Court nf llu Hhito (if Oregon, I'm- flic County ill Malheur 15VA i)AV, l'lnlntlff, VH. ltAi.i'ii i day. noruiidnnt. TO ItAU'ii F. HAY, tlm nliovu mimed ilefi'iidnnt: IN THU NA.MH (V THE STATU OK OIIKUON. )ou uro horcliy ioiiilr oil Id np(Mi' and answer tlii! com liltilnt filr-d iikuIiihI ou in the niiovn mitltltid caiiHti mi or Iicfoi'u Ilia Iltil mi ii Hepti'inhnr, 1 1 2 0 , tlm sumo liulni: thu mot iluy or tliu limn pio 'Hflrllit"(l hy order of litis Court dlr ootliiK that service of Htiiiimnus in said Hiilt liu mado upon Jim h publi cation, and If fin till! so to unmccr, for want thoroor, tlm pluliillir wilt apply to thu Court for thu tr-ilnf ti limlided In sultl complaint, to-wit. Ior n decree of said Court dissolving thu homls of niutriniony now exist ing liotwciMi you nuil the huIiI plum tiff, mil grunting to the Hnlil pniiii tlff mi aiiKiiltilo dlvcreo, and also grunting to Hald plaintiff the euro mid custody of the minor child, Ititlph 1. Pay. ton are further notified that this Suitiiuuti Is served upon ) oil hy puli dor of tho common council of the city of Ontario, Oregon, 1 hnvu hereunto sot my liaml nntl affixed tho official .i i. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of tho Statu of Jilly, A. I). 1020 (!IiAV At. STKAItNH, (SBAI.) City ltccorilpr. No. ll-r,402 omi:it I'on skuvici: nv I'Ulllilt'ATION In tho District Court of tho United HtntcH fin tho DUtrlct of Oregon In tho Mailer of I.ESTEll HEYAIAN, llnnlmipt. WHRilEAS, a potltlon was on the 3d day of June. 1020. filed In till court for an adjudication of bank ruptcy ocaliiBt Lester Iloyiuan, and It nppoars to tho court from the nf fldovlt of Wolls W. Wood, ail at torney for tho petitioner, filed In sup port of this order, that tho said Les ter Ueyman Is not mi Inhabitant of nor within tho District of Oregon, and that personal survlco of subpoena lorotn cannot ho mndo on him thoro n, mid Hint ho can bo served by puh Icutlon enly: NOW, THEltEKOUE. on motion of said attornoy, It Is hcrohy OIIDEHED, aiijutigait, ami censidered: That tho sold Lester Hcymati bo soul of snld city, this 17th day of gon for tho County nf Malheur A. N. Andrews, l'lnlntlff, L vs. uena v. uururiugo, aiaynaru w. uur- bridge, an Infant, and II. E. Moedy: Defendants. To II, B. Moody, one. of the above named defendants; IN THE NAME OP THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to appear and answer tho complaint filed a gainst you In tho above entitled suit on or before tho explratlatlon of six weeks from tho dato of (ho first pub lication of this summons, the same being tho last day of the tlmo pro scribed by order of tho court direct ing servlco of summons lu said suit to bo mado upon you by publication and If you fall so to answor, for want thereof, tho plaintiff will apply to tht court for tho rollof demanded in the said complalat, to-wlt: For a decroe of said court qulot fug plaintiff's tltlo to Lots 35 and 3C In Block 8 of Itlversldo Addition U tho City of Ontario In Malheur Coun ty, Oregon, together with tho wntoi right thorofor, and adjudging that you hava no cstato or Interest In naif lands and water right, and that plain tiff's tltlo to tho samo Is good und valid, and for nil other relief de manded In said complaint. You aro further notified that thlr summons Is served upon you by pub lication In purnuanco of an order o. Hon. Dalton illggs, Judge or said court, which said order was made ant entered In sold en it bo on Juno 28, 1020, nnd directed that this sutnmont ho nubllshod once each wook for six ouccesslvo wcoks In tho Ontario Ar gus, Tho dato of tho first publico- and ho Is hereby ordered und rcnulrad llcrttlon. under anil by vlrtim of an Ho nunoar In this court at Portland. o. tier or the Honorable Daltiii Hikkb, Orci;oii, on or heforo Tuesday, tho jmirtM i,i this court, which said order 10th day of August, 1020, at tho v,im tuiiiio und onisruii In s.ild cutisu 'hour of two o'clock 1. AI. of snld day, on tho 13th day or July, 102V, mid land plead, answor, or demur to said directed that this Summons ho pub- petition, and show catiso, If any thcro Hshed unco each week for six con-'ho, why tho prnyor of said potltlon Hcuutlvu weoks In tho Ontario Argus, should not ho granted: commencing with tho Inhiio of July 23 And It Is further OltDEHED nnd und ending with tho Issue of Hoptcm- directed that If tho said Lostor 1 1 cy ber 3rd, 102U, of nald newspaper, 'man can ho found without snld ills Tlio first publication f this Hum- trlot that u copy of this order, tu itions Is July 23, 1020, tho Inst pub- gothor with n certified copy of said Mention Is September 3rd, 1020. potltlon, shall ho scrvod on tho wild J. W. AlcCULLOl'.fl, I.estor Hoyninn In person at least tonitlon of this summons Is July i. IDiO lieslilInK at Ontario, Oregon, dnys prior to said 10th day of Aug- and tho last publication Is on August Attorney for plaintiff (ust. 1020, by tho United States Mnr-'i2, 1020. filial (n (no nisirici wnoro mo sam y, y, WOOD, bankrupt many bo found residing; Attorney for tho plaintiff, or If Iho snld Lester Hoy man ho not Aly resldenco nnd post office ad found Without said district, thon It dross Is nt Ontnrlo. Oreeon. - ... v..... .,-- .,.. l ' ' is uuiJKiu-jM aim utrcctcti mai sor vlco nf thl: order nlinll bn mndn nn 'him by publishing tl.o samo in th'i NOTH'l-2 OK HIMCCIAI, IIONI) laKCTION STATE OK OIIKUON ) COUNTY OP MALHEUIl) km CITY OP ONTAIUO ) UMIIMM'AH ll,i, ,.,im,.wm rnllnrll nt "Ontnrlo ArgllS," a WCOkly HOWSP'IU tho city of Ontario, Malhoiir County, if, P ,Ub '?U nt Ontario, Orogon, Ir Oregon, did on lho-20th day of June, sald district, oncon wook for two con A. I). 1020, duly eiiutt mi Ordlnonca '"" Ivo weoks. tho last of Hntd imtx nuiubored 342 of tho Ordinances Mf,on to bo mndo on July 20. 1020. tho city nf Ontario, mid entitled: ""' ""' ,'nlc',1 nl Portland. Ore- "An ordlnnnco submitting to thi.'rr"- l,,l 12,I r of "! A- legal voters of Ontnrlo, Mnlliuur '-' . . , County, Oregon, for their dotornilna-l " s- '"'AN, Judge, tlon tho iitiostlun nf coiitriictiug ti PHnd, July 12, 1J20. bonded Inilebtcdnuss In tho sum of I (I. II. Alnrsh, Clerk, twentyflvo thousand dollars (2r- VN(TB) STATES OP AMERICA. 000). nntl nuthorlzlng t ho cominoi. Mtrlct of Oregon. hs. council of tho said city of Ontnrlo to , ,,.,?., , , ... ,, ,, Issue the nuKolliihlo coupon IioiiiIh of ,' ? " R'Ai5?,l,,,,,,(JCJ.k f.1 ' U'.. " snld city for tho aggregate .-.mount of V''"""'. lu7nUt f?r l " iwenly-flvo tlioustuid (lollars (2r.,- DIBTIllCT OK OHEOON, do hereby 000). for tho purposo of Improving cr -' ,t,mt "'0 hri'Holnic copy of tho strcotH in said eiir. ....d the quw ,P1r','' fj"" '?l hy publication n Hon of contracting u bonded Indebt-i11'0 nor of "or lfuu, "anJ. wlness in tho stun of Mvo Tlioiisuml 'rVi, Cause No. 1I-C4C2, has boon by Dollars (JG.000) and authorizing tho compared with tho original ther conimon council of said city to Issue, "' ml ll " n correct transcript tho iiegotlablfl coupon bonds nf snld therefrom, and of the wholo of such city for thu nggregnto amount or original, as tho mi mo appoars of rc flve thotisund dollars (JB.000), for cord and on file at my olflco nod In tho purposo or equipping mid main- iny rustony. tnlnlng u flro depnrtment In und fori In testimony whereof I have hero- mid city; and to provide u tax to pay I u HUt my band nnd uf fixed the tno interesi it nn principal or Hani ,mal of snld court at Portland, In (.aid Dlstrlrt, this 13th day of July. 1020. (1. II. MAItHIl, Clork. liy L. S. Honors, Deputy Clerk. bonds, anil containing an emergency clniiHO." which snld ordlnnnco wns passed by tho coiiiiunn council at a special session thereof, on tho 20th day t , oiirr m. .Iiipb. A. I). 1020, mid wus approved ! "' .,'' V i hy tho mayor nntl nttiHtted by tho city recorder on snld 20th day nf Juno, A. I),, 1020, und In which It was pro vided that u Hpcclal election nf the (I ti ii 1 1 fed electors within tho city nf Onturlo ho held, for tho purpose of submitting to-sald electors for their determination, tho questions ns In raid ordinance set forth nntl contain ed, tlitsrnforo, " NOTICE 18 HEHEUY GIVEN that on tho 4th day or August, A. I).. 1020, a special election will bo held at the ttty hull In the city of Ontario, Mal heur County, Orogon, for tho purpose of submitting to the qunliXJed elec tors of said city of Ontario, the fol lowing intentions for 'heir determin determin ateon: First Questien: "Shalt the common council of tht city of Ontario, stato of Oregon, lie authorized and enpowcrod to creato a ponded Indebtedness In tho sum of Twenty-flvo Thousand Dollars 2&, NAI, HETTLKMHNT Notice Is horoby given thut the undorslgucd administrator with tho will annexed of the ostuto of Flor ence O. Kraua, doconsed; litis filed In thu County Court of tho State of Oregon for Malheur County his final account of his administration upon said estate, mid that Saturday, tho 7th day of August, 1020, at tho hour of oleven o'clock A. AI. or sutd day, at the court-house In Vale, Oregon, has been duly fixed hy order of Hald court as tho tlmo and place for hear ing said final account, and settling said ostate. All persons Interested In said, cstato uro hereby notified to appear at said tlmo und pluce and file tholr objoctlous In writing, If any there are, to said final account and contest tho same. Doiio and dated and first published this 8th day or July, 102Q. 8. K Taylor. administrator with tho wlJI annexed of tho ostuto of Plorenco O. Krnus, 000) mid to Issue tho negotiable l(ecoaBei bonds of said city In tho aggregate-, Wi w wood, utlornoy for the ostate. amount of Twenty-flvo Thousand Dollars ($25,000), to hear date of August 1, 1020. and to bear Interest at the rain of six (0) per centum per annum, mid to become absolutely due 12,500 in each nf tho years 1030 to 1030, Inclusive, for tho purposo of creating u fund with which to Im prove the streots In suld city?" Bocond Question i "Shall tho common council of tlm city of Onturlo, stato of Oregon, ho authorized and empowered to create a bonded Indebtedness lu the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($6,000) und to Issue tho negotiable bonds of said city in the aggregate amount nt Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000), to bear date-of August 1. 1920, und to heur Interest at tlio rate of six (G) per contum per annum, nnd to become absolutely duo $500.00 In each of the years 1030 to 1930, Inclusive, ror the purp'ose or creating a fund with which to equip and maintain u flro department in and for snld city?" Tlmt tho polls for said election shall be opened at tho hour of 8 o'clock A. M- on said 4th day of August, A. D. 1920, ami remain open until the hour of 12 o'clock noon, and bo closed until the hour of 1 o'clock P. AI. when the same-shall bo re-opon od and remain open until the hour of 7 o'clock P. AI., when they shall Close, all on the same day. That the appointed officers to con duct said election are Clerks, Pauline Piatt, Corn E. AIcNulty; and 8. F. Taylor, T. P Arnold, and Lulu Ruth erford, Judges. That all persons over the ugo of twonty-one years, who are not ullens md who aro residents or tho state of Oregon, and who have resided wlthlntho corporate limits of the city of Ontario for at least six months next preceding tho date of said elec tion shall be entitled to voto at such stieclal election, und not otherwise. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, by .or-' First Publication, July S," 1920. Lust Publication, August S, 1020. HU.MMO.NH In tho Circuit Court or tho Stale of Oregon, For tlm Count)- of .Malheur, s. Tho Ontario National Ilatik n corporation, Plaintiff, vs. (Emma Johnson mid John A. Johnson, Dofeudants. To Euunn Johnson of tho ubovo nam- od Defendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OHEOON: You aro horeby requlr od to appoar and nnswer tho com plulnt filed cjiinit you in the abovo entitled Suit within six wooks from tho dato of t.''0 first publication of this Summons, or for want thoreof, plaintiff will apply to tho Court for tho roller demanded In the Com plaint, to wit: i ror a decree forever baring all rlghl in, claim to or upon the following described premium to wit: Tho NWU of SEU B. 20 Twp 18 S. ft. 47 K. W. M. nnd NK or SEU of 8B.U Soc. 20 Twp 18 H. R. 47 E. W. AI. and to each and every part thereof which you may have or claim to havo, olther at law or In equity, Tho Summons, is served upou ou by publication thereof in the Ontario Argus, a wookly uowipnper, publish ed In and of general circulation lu Alalhour County, Oregon, for six ton socutlvo woeks, under and hy virtue of an order of the Hon. Dalton Dlggs, Circuit Judgo, mado, June 17th, 1920. Dato of first publication, June, 24th, 1020, date of last publication, August 5th, 1920. C. AIcOONAOILL, Attorney for Plaintiff. resldouce, Ontario, Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notlco Is horeby given that the undersigned has been duly appolntod administrator of the estate of Robert I), Thompson, deceased, by order of tho County Court of .tho State or Oregon ror Alalheur County. All persons having claims against tho eld estate aro hereby notified to present the same, duly verlflod by jaw required, to the undersigned ad ministrator at the law office of W. W. Wood In Onturlo, Oregon, or to the said administrator in person at .NOTICE Ol' THE HALE OF REAL PROPERTY. In Tho Circuit Court of tlm Ktnto nf Oivroh, For the County of Mill, heur,. In Iho Mutter of the Estate of .Vancj Kiino, Deeeused, To Kntlo Kline, Ermn Klme, Orvil Klmc, and to .Martha L, llroderlck. guardian ad litem of tho abovo nam ed minor heirs; tho known heirs and dovlsces, and to all other heirs un known, ir any, or Nancy Kline, de ceased, nnd to all persons unknown or concerned, UKEETINQS; Notlco Is hereby given that by vlrtuo or a certain ordor of tho Coun ty Court of the Stato of Oregon, ror Alalhour County, made and entered 'in tho 17th day of July, 1920, that tho undersigned, as executor of tho estate or Nancy Klmc, .deceased, I 111 on and after tho 6th day of September, 1920, sell nt private, sate for tho best price obtainable, nnd tor cash, alt of tho .following des cribed real cstato, to-wlt: Tho East Halt of the Northwest "juurtor; the Southwest qunrter, ami tho Southwest quarter of the south "ast quarter of section twenty-six; and the East half of tho Southeast luartcr nf section twenty-seven, township eighteen, South or Rnngn rorty-onc, E. W. AI. In Alalheur Conn ty, Oregon. JOHN ZIMMERMAN, Administrator or tho Es Into or Nancy Klmo, Do censed, Uy Ilrooke mid Oaltaghcr his Attorneys,. -'Irst Pbullrntlon. July 29, 1920. Last Publication August 2C, 1020. Ilrooke Gallagher, Ontario, Oregon, Attorneys for Executor. NOTICE City water users are roquosted not to uso city water for gardens or sprinkling on Sundays. In ns much ns tho city has mui'u u spovlal rule for such purposoi und one da muM bi wlth-drawn to repair or whatever u.ut luivo to bo dona on pumplni; sta tion or systom. lly Ordur Common Council of City of Ontario. V. W. Chambara, Wntor Supt. Read Tho Ontario Argus for Hie nows. INSIST on an abstract of title wlmi, rou purchase or Ions' money on rent estato. MALHEUR TITLE AND A1I8THACT CO.. Vale Omgon NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notlco Is hereby given that sealed bids for the construction of an addi tion to tho Cairo School House In DUtrlct No. 40 of Alalheur County, his home near said city, within six Oregon, will bo iccelvcd hy tho'nionths from the date of the first lug 10:00 n. in. on tho 31st day of (hIs mh day of Ju,y 192o. July. A. I)., 1920. Tho said construe-1 CHARLES L. THOAIPSON, (Ion shall bo made In accordance administrator of tho estate of Robert After you o,.,-luwuya taU. EATOMC rfgiTYovrrntr3T(5a -;p instantly relieve I letrtburn, DUl dCttiyf atling. Stops food souring wpf itlnff, nnd oil stomach miseries. AUiI4Uw4 ppl!U. Kerr lumt!i t WMtud ttiunib ln.re4Vltlil7ndi-i't. EATON IC, U tbo t(t rmJr , T.n ( tkou. Mndi woodf rf ully kiwllltii, OolyeoUci t rlwoa dtfUiuali, HltWtlrcureol4 t cImm or g will rfuuj moo;, Utt a Us Ontario Pharmacy MWt-V4--M-4-ttt-ti II REDUCTION IN I "AUTO TIRES t with tho pluns and specifications uow on file nt the home of J. AI. Tjutlor. The successful bidder shall bo re quired to furnish u bond in some ap proved surety company to the effect that ho will fulthtully perform the conditions of tho contract, and shall be required to enter Into a contract with the DUtrlct within threo days after his bid has been accepted. The P-oard reserves tho right to reject any and all bids. Dated this 26th day of July, 1920. y order of School District No. 40 Alalheur County, Oregon. Airs. Herbert Stewart, Clork of tho Hoard. HOSTON CAFE 4 Now open for business WELL COOKED FOOD aOOD SERVICE FAMILY PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Open 6:30 u. m. to 12 pro. Ontario, Oregon I). Thompson, deceased. Publish July 15th to Aug. 12, 1920, inclusive. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In tlio County Court of the Stato nf Ort-gon, For Mulheur County, In the AlattiT of the Ktte of Sidney McKnlglit, I)ecMHl. Notice Is hereby given by W. II. Ilrooke, as administrator with the will annexed, of the Estate of Sid ney AIcKulght, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against said estate, to present such claims with the necessary vouch ers. according to law, within six months after the first publication of this notice to W. H. Ilrooke at the law offlcos of W. II. Ilrooke and P. J. Gallagher, In Ontario, Alalheur County, Oregon. The first notice hereto Is publish ed this 29th day of July 1920, W. II. BROOKE, Administrator of the Es. tate of Sidney AIcKnight, deceased. We havo seven left on .v'tlclt we will give a liberal discount to close out. Wo have tlm fol lowing sizes; 1 32x3 Vj 232x4 233x4 234x4 Call and get prices and sen what you can save. McNulty & Co. 44tl4$' vs?rk? Why Anchor To Extravagance? The man who gratifies his taste for luxuries is soon weighted down with debt and anchors to extrav agance'. Saving now brings comfort and plenty for the future. Start an account with the Ontario National Bank. 4b Interest Paid on Savings Accounts QNTAMO'felOML Bm& "-i uiiJEJKtrr jjAmt i?i GRANT, 2IAKX12V&. MALIIEUI2 COUNTIES m" - ' ' - -:-i i-irpr imi ii The Old Reliable Commercial Creamery Company Ontario, Oregon YOUR BEST FRIEND We Want All Your Cream And Produce Top 1'rice Spot Cash Correct WcightH MISS ALICE FOX, Agl. Accurate Tests I'hone 182 Ft For two weeks we will give FHEE a new grey tube with each HOUSE SHOE fabiic ensing tv Id, ai d a 1 eay KeCord Tube with every Cord casing sold. Parker's Tire Phone 177 Ontario. Oregon THTP Itfc-ulsrdtlivtrlvssvrryothrrday Phone 1 I3-R2 Man at Ire Ilous from 3:30 to 5:34 every day except Sunday WIG WHITE J-4--4-4W-tM-4"V-44"t'-W When Ynn Want TCxnert I JEWELRY WORK r- - 1 i-j ii 1 i-w-i-i -i -i.r rnram nrmin -i.nrui 1 - - - - - . See HENRY MILLER He is the man who can do it. And What is Mere at Reasonable Prices. That Odd Job That Has been bothering you can Be Fixed Now Bring it in We will l any piece of Jewelry or gold and silverware, HENRY MILLER At McDowell's Furniture Store Onturio, Oregon 444&&,4WWWi4-M4 KX h si i.